You need to be loyal and obedient to the loving overseer with the whip because from him all kindness flows. You need to defend your lands from the invaders intent on destroying slavery, which competes with paid labor, and you know to be paid and have money of your own means you might spend it unwisely, better to let the richer more educated take care of all that thinking.
You were born to aid in the defense of slavery.
Greensboro ought to be renamed Green City. They have a golf tournament. Golf is a good game to play with important people. People play golf and talk away from surveillance and look good doing it. Now they even put electric fans out there on the golf courses where you might stop to hit the ball. Everything is fine.
On the farm with the mechanical cows that are covered in glue and catch flies. They have mechanical robot farmers out there walking around talking to the cows. You can shoot the potato gun at the mechanical cows and knock them over. Drones will take pictures.
Everything is fine.
Whenever there is a gas leak from gas pipes, it is fun to go and watch. Something might happen. There could be an explosion. Nothing much happens in small towns, so you need to get close to any potential explosion, so you can say something about it.
Don’t worry, everything will be fine.

Somehow the wife of one of the guys in this picture was stabbed to death. He cried lots and lots till I suspected that he was the one that stabbed her to death.
It wasn’t much fine.
This was a room in a condo we lived in. I think it looks like some sort of hideout.

This is a sculpture that hangs in the air. It is about some sort of angst and confusion, like that of life when there is so much information and distraction meaning the suited regular office guy who does something falls in his dreams and through his life aimed at a landing he is semi ready to embrace.
That’s what it looks like anyway.
This is a photograph of the war that was fought because Hitler wanted to take over the world.
I call this “Summer” and consider it to be one of those sorts of photographs you might see in a restaurant to provide the ambience of memories of a good time.
By 1978 I had determined that it was not going to be possible to change the United States into the myth of itself. I began to work on government, and made from the rewriting of the AA 12 traditions an anarchy that was supposed to work. I thought anarchy was great. Later I decided anarchy to be successful, as it can be for about 30 percent of the people who join, is only perfect when it is perfect, and while the AA anarchy is self perpetuating and based around the disease of alcoholism, a government has more than one disease and threat to deal with.
Finally after study, I determined that the Westminster Parliamentary Democracy was preferred because of Democracies it was most robust, as a democracy.
Then after awhile I determined that most people don’t want to have to participate and work at government so much. There are airports that are associated and run well for the benefit of people living around them. They have Airport Authorities that are run by bureaucrats.
Since the airport is typically the most civilized place around I decided a Westminster Parliamentary System of Democracy with a day to day Authority doing what the mandate is of promoting trade and travel, ought to work.