Video of Speech Announcement

The Video of this years April Fools Day Speech has been posted by CreatoDestructo to YouTube.  You can find it as Transcendia Speech.

Caption about "No Army", allergy was cut after initial Vimeo posting, treat affecting reason for discussion of Transcendian Defense, and Security Force in this post I am now amending.

It is stop still action with my voiceover.

I am shocked at how idealistic I am sometimes.  I mean there I am, that's me alright.  Good thing I look so old these days.  I'm growing a beard now so I'll really look old and serious.  I think it shall go good with the cane I have to use all the time these days.

Content wise there is one little unrealistic thing, for actually a real nation does need an army.  In other writings I have discussed how actually all Transcendians ought to carry either lethal or non lethal weapons.  "We" are a small nation, and need to be our own army, or Security Force.

I am very aware that it is an awful lot of work to carry weapons, not to mention the work involved in using them.

I do make a distinction between the warrior and the soldier.

The soldier may well be forced to fight out of fear of what might happen to them if they don't.  The warrior fights out of love.

Far as the big thing holding Transcendia back, it is the fact Transcendia has no money.

From this site I highly recommend you buy a Transcendian hat, or some of the stuff to wear that has the current flag on it.  The refrigerator magnets work fine, the black hat is worth the money,  and I like the sweatshirt, but the tees are a little cotton thin.  So far I've never yet gotten a check from the Cafepress people, though test orders have come quickly.  Never seen a check off the donation button either, nor from Adsence.  Sometimes I dream that all of a sudden money will show up, or be found so I can pay what its going to cost to be able to issue a passport that is properly supported for those who pay for it.

The text of that passport can only be found on the Transcendiawiki, and really it is no good if I haven't signed it at this time.  It definitely is not well supported yet.

I am extremely pleased to have accomplished this video production, and am grateful to Jerry Stifelman, and his crew for doing the work.  Best Regards, Russell Scott Day


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