It was a mistake for me to put the Xtree project Store here. I am not sure what to do with and or about it.
The fine photographer I did a handshake Golden Rule deal with to accomplish the idea, had indicated he didn’t like paying the freight on the Amazon sales venue.
So I made the store, and put it here.
I would have been better I judge now, to have made it entirely a stand alone store.
Well it is a live and learn thing you know.
The business of Xmas trees real and artificial is a 2 billion a year international business, with no real competition in-between real trees and artificial trees, which come in big boxes nobody hardly I knew in NYC had room to store. Carrying a real tree or a huge box up stairs in the Cities is a real pain in the ass.
The 3 by 4.5 poster of a tree then seems to find no wall space that big in the urban home either, so I had smaller versions made.
Want to buy the store?
I started work on it in 2008, and sure do know lots more now than I did then.
I’m not going to lie to you, it hasn’t made any money.
The season for buying these posters is on me at the end of October.