I didn’t really understand banking up and closing the flue and the house on the mountaintop got real cold.
Of course my wife has been the family made from the marriage that has worked. I have to revert to the original plan of making a movie that makes enough to buy an airport and lease airport offices for good best practices of traveling for business. Now I am very committed to UNC-CH. The hospital is what I am committed to. I work at being a great patient.
The US Memorial day was about war fighting for the US, a nation built out of some myths I prefer over the reality.
I encourage the American Indians to talk about the reality of their alliance with the French and British, as possibly a mistake. I am aware that I would have likely been a fighter against British and Indian forces in that time.
In this time I am aware that the line of the family of the Days is ended. The nation is all that there is as a fortune and a myth. My mother told me to get a regular job that provided SS accounting of work I did so I could get some retirement money.
I stopped trying to be independently employed.
My union card was useful for the work I did, though I worked for the wrong local and lost all the money paid into it. The money that I made in the other local wasn’t enough and stock management and fees made it disappear.
My works and words books and poems are helpful to young people the same as works by Faulkner and James Jones and Stephen Crane whose book The Red Badge of Courage gives a good sense of what the war of the States felt like for the regular soldier.
I read most of the great war and anti war books available to me when I was up from 11 on.
I was think that young people need to be given books that discuss in the book difficult subjects like sex, and war, partly because your parents can’t and don’t tell you things that they find difficult to talk about, or don’t know anything about.
It is a good thing to know little about war as a combat experience. The combat experience is so hard to reconcile with civilian living that some soldiers simply can’t do it.
What you get from work is security and happiness and pride. Work is great when a nation bands together the workers who get benefits and are cared for when they can’t do much.
Most of my life was about finding better paying more skilled work with more status, which I did a couple of few times.
The nation gives me a little due to that, and records of that.
The nation is what we got from war, celebrated and noticed on Memorial Day.
P.S. The Revolutionary is out now. Psychiatrists Love Insanity is next, what I am working on. I made a cover for the manuscript, and bought Office 365 for Word. The lying and nature of HP and Microsoft are very similar. I have read about how lying is the way of business operations today. Really going back to the walking around in moccasins made from an animal you stabbed with sticks has its drawbacks, but I wonder how much lying was part of the spear making. At night there was myth by the fire time. There is a time to lie, and a time to tell the truth. Damn.