The Revolutionary

My dream was obvious inspired by the mention of old friends. I’d been sick, sicker than usual and I every day am sick which determines these habits so I don’t feel it all so hopelessly and dispositive, diseased.
At a Veterinarians who is rubbing with a fluffy dog on my wife in a surprisingly sexual way. and the the entire focus turns to Christmas boxes of styrophone and plastic and pictures of elves. All this stuff coming out of a storage room like our storage room with my big paintings and the vacuum machine and one bed.
Somebody could sleep there. Really.
But I was getting crushed and couldn’t breath and outside I yelled at Josh and Mike to do right by my brother while the vet and his assistant were getting christmas stuff for the up coming Christmas season.
I told Josh and Mike to do right and they laughed at me and Meg was getting th decorations.
I otherwise have made 3 passports and am going to do the mindless assembly needed to make these most important documents.
There was a bloody death that gives the passport a need to power for safety in freight hauling work which appeals to my kink of pilots. Not too many passengers . Important cargo. big heavy planes are lord by me and I hav favorites like the Falcon 50 EL. I love that one and have loved it for as from when I ever even saw one.
A Transcendian really does need a brotherhood between pilots Captains my God! Captains! and passengers who get to know and go with each other with the cool things. Women and food made a pace desirable to go to.
Fighting against the Apocalypse.
Pakistan and India could have and atom war, and our job is to stop that.
We have to convince pilots in Transcendia prtecting mankind due to their transcendent power to not use nuclear booms.
Sing the happy song: BAN THE BOM, BAN THE BOM, BAN THE BOM, nod dance and snuggle rub on the woman and get some good piazza.
Launching small harmless Message Rockets is in fact Transcndian and revolutionary run though I am certain more will die. If enough message rockets go up some one will get out of hand with it and if net a jerk will just shoot somebody for doig message rock launch.I want launch crews to put on a really good show and sell passports at launch control. That is what I want my fellows, followers, me to do. ;A good king is a good thing, Tried and True and nothing new. By right of having the vision I have the right by Vision to be the kind, as long as you understand. What is it now? Sue, Garth Ken, Patsy, Charlie, KZ, my wife was all in early and the inheritance is to go to buying at the airport.
Maybe I ought to just get the bio rule for the places an had that niche product, along with all the other thongs I do.
Coffee, and donuts and a good attitude round me will make us a fortune with which to get plane in and out of the UN off the river. It will be good because you need to see some people an get there faster if only to keep yoour spirits up.
Transcendian airport offices all over where pilots and passengers help each other out is part of the passport. I’ bet you Charlie Warner made the best looking one
You are all competing to make a good looking one.
A TV show about it all will eventually be done if the flag gets up n the line, so that is a big deal I ave.