Intendor News

Maximum Effort

crayola crayon on panel, wood really.

Well I guess I’ll write here.

My news.  I called the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee earlier today.

I was in the car.  I heard on the radio the NC Democratic Party was looking for a Senatorial challenger.  I’d been telling people I was going to run.  I intend to run.

I told the guy head of the County Chapter.  He had a reason he didn’t tell anyone.  Maybe he laughs at me.  The Insurodollar, he doesn’t get it.

We won’t see real moves towards renewables till we change the currency, the basis of the currency.   Human capital is big.

Doing the youtube radio show everyday is hard.  I did one today and looked bad.  It’s black and white.  I look so bad sometimes I call it good radio.  Sometimes I don’t like the face I’m using.

I put the announcement on awhile back.  It’s not so great.  All the content is right though.   Energy ought be coming from the ocean.  The water moving has all this power.  We need to get it.  Oil burning is going to kill us.

“Stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in the region.”  Israel gets to keep theirs.  I’m still better with it.  Getting rid of all nuclear weapons has to be the aim.  We can’t really imagine everybody getting nukes and they never get used. That is not a sane thing to think.  Some things aren’t fair.

John McCain is full of it.  He showed it.  He hired Sarah Palin.  I mean what a judge of character.  What sort of operation pulled that off?  And really, now the Republicans have the straight talker Trump.  He doesn’t think things all the way through.  He must think Mexicans are insane.  People don’t leave their country for no good reason.  War makes people flee most.

War and corruption keep people poor.  On the big scale here the Iranians were suffering from economic war.  They don’t want to kill all the Israelis.  They don’t want to be poor.  Israel wants other people to be poor.  Look at Gaza.


I got to give up tonight.  Nobody is asking for my advice you know.  I will run.  I think it is my destiny.  I’m a librarian of work.  I want to support the engineers.  I want to get rid of J. Edgar Hoover.  I want to end the War to Make Hate.

They don’t like for working class people to get involved.  They really think they are better.

Intendor News/RSD

My beautiful picture

My beautiful picture

You will gain information about how to run for office from me as I intend to run. All the FEC cares about is when the committee has 5 Grand. I called them today. They were nice to me on the phone and will send me the guidance for running information packet. They gave me the number to call in Raleigh, and I called and got a machine for Carlos.

I left a message.

If we, for it will be a we by the time I get to the filing fee get that up, afterwards I’ll be looking to be flown or fly to all the State airports where I’ll give my speeches.

Then I’ll win and serve, seeking to get the US changed over to renewable energy out of the ocean’s tides and solar in amounts of electrical power that surpass what we can hope to get from fossil fuel sources.

I will be supporting engineers and engineering.

The other issues socially to be changed much revolve from the War on Drugs, or Make Hate War. I will denounce, or simply do denounce J. Edgar Hoover laws and policies which are racists, and basically evil.

I will work to free the political prisoners in our jails for the dealing or growing of marijuana. This has to be accomplished at the Federal level. I have developed over the years a jaundiced view of States Rights. In the South they have done more to hurt Black Labor, and Labor in general, than helped our society become more just and equal.

Anyway, Otherwise, I have little in the way of resources. The fact that I can compete in TV Land on youtube is a wonderful thing and I want to take full advantage of that. As I keep saying TV Land is the sane battlefield for the old revolutionary. I will try to do the Intendor Radio Show on youtube everyday. I did it yesterday, but I did it with the good camera. I couldn’t get the show to publish till this morning.

The show is a simple show that will consistently give you a very good idea of my way of thinking of things. I read from the feed I get from either Facebook or Linked In, or I’ll try to say what I can in the short time I have to deal with things about what is published on nakedcapitalism.

Yesterday I wrote a letter post on Linked In titled “I am Perfect”.





I have rushed over here to post early this morning. I continue to write on every wall allowed. Everything is graffiti. Youtube is the battlefield on the flanks of the main theater of battle to dominate the mental landscape. My work of destiny, medicine to prevent the apocalyptic riot is near failure as time ticks and all nations are advised to grasp for weapons of mass destruction because there is no Government of Governments.

I rushed over here again to say I have intentions. I am “The Intendor”. I will attempt to be able to file to run for a seat in the US Senate. I will attempt to love my first country.

It all for me hinges on the tradition of Free Speech, tadalafil long held dear when all else was wreckage and lies.

I seek the support of state, rx national, and international engineers. They do not want to and fear to speak. This is the moment of extreme crisis. The Petrodollar Imperative is destroying our options. It is as if there is not enough gold in the ground or in Fort Knox to support the currency. The idea that Natural Gas is the transitional fuel may have been true, but it has worked to continue the dominance of the Petro Industry Energy bet. Getting all of the oil and all of the gas out of the bowels of the earth ensures our destruction.

For the powers that are manipulating all basis of our civilization it is fine with them that they and their buddies on Wall Street use Financial Engineering not to build anything at all, but loot and destroy the trust in the dollar itself. They are feeding off of all honest working people at every turn. Already those at the top must talk and talk grasping for reasons to maintain the US Petrodollar as the “reserve currency of the world”.

The power of the nation is squandered on pandering to the intolerant and myopic who work to keep hold of a world that went away over a decade ago. A decade now may as well be a century.

We are in a moment.

Yes I would be perfect. Yes my poverty is a true thing that even makes my struggle and my perfection as a candidate real, if only I can keep it up.

I beg for the support of the engineers. I promise to speak in their favor and give them all the support they require to make fast powerful sources put into wires from the movements of the tides, the sun, and all the wastes we create.

Energy is first.

I learned from Ms. Osborne that my history was made of lies, but energy was first. My past is your future. Unfortunately you must fight to have one at all.

Between a universal tax on the Financial Sector, and the adoption of the Insurodollar we can start to pull out of the nosedive and save ourselves from annihilation. There will otherwise be a landing we will not walk away from.

Human error cannot be wished away, but must come to be mitigated by systems that prevent it from being the chaos that traps us. Jefferson wrote the rules of Parliamentary Procedure and it was the engineer Henry Roberts that wrote it again for all our little meetings in the book Roberts Rules of Order. Chaos was avoided.

I rushed over here and wrote this because of what I wrote on NC Politics. I wrote that I was perfect if the Democrats were really serious about working for the benefit of working people.


Insurodollar Summary

My Resolution Gift