Working Class Corner/I Phone Lifestyle/Reverbnation

Carrboro Music Festival

Scott Day at the Frank Cole Stage Sunday September 24th at 4 to 4:30

Just a picture from my semi recent past.

The thing to think of now is the means is the ends.  Otherwise you are simply a hypocrite.  Good to see Ryan go.  Really Really wonderful.  But there had better be wins.  Major counter revolutionary actions as parallel voting system of paper at rainy desks.

Finance is finite & economics is infinite.  Deficits don’t matter any of the big much Ryan said to get us a completely feudal oligarchic dystopia.

Having some trouble here with the site.

Oh the record I Phone Lifestyle is partially on Reverbnation.

It is taking me some work of a new thing to get it all right.

Started charting on Number One Music.

Buy the CD on Amazon.

Stay tuned & Patient.