Working Class Corner/Stupid thing I Did

Working Class Corner/Stupid Thing I Did

    I signed up for an 8 day trial of the Google Fortune Kit.   The trial was to cost .99 cents.   I paid that with my Visa debit card.  I called after a few days since I had not found any email in junk or my regular box.   They said "We’ll send it."  I did not find it.   I called to cancel since I didn’t have money in my account to cover the charges anticipated.[p]

     "Canceled."   -"Here is the cancellation code."  -"Okay, problem solved, no worry."

     Money taken from my bank account anyway.   Bank account overdrawn.  80 dollars in bank overdraft charges.   70 dollars in charge for Google Fortune Kit.

      I go to bank.   "You have to get the money back from them."

      I call.   "We’ll refund you."   – 3 to 5 business days.

      3 days and I call to check,   "What’s up?   Where is this money?"

      5 days, "What’s up?   Where is this money?"

      6 days, "What’s up?   Where is this money?"

      Oh stupid stupid me.

      Of stupid things I have done, this is one.

      Banker says, "Well actually they can take up to 6 months to give you back the money."

This Site Is For Sale

As Founder of Transcendia, physician which goes way back to the early eighties, ed and is now most developed here, I have determined that it and my overall vision would be advanced if myself and my supporters can find the proper buyer.

We will continue to improve this site as best we are able, however capital is needed, and I have determined that should we sell the site, we could do better.

                                                                                                 Russell S. Day

Working Class Corner/Sense of Things

Working Class Corner/How things Feel


There is a new administration in the US.   It feels weird to me, both good and bad.

I myself am shocked that as far as the Hot Wars of Irag and Afganistan a guy as smart and supposedly well educated as President Obama, has not recommissioned the US Constabulary Service, or highlighted and supported the DOD Armed Forces Division that is a shadow of the US Constabulary Service.

The face to face with Russian Leaders on Mr. Obama’s part of recent news was a good move.

I want Russia as a State of the US.

Statehood for Russia is the perfect win win resolution to the Cold War for every practical reason nationally and internationally.

It would be the sort of sensible, and bold historical event that  would ensure a much longer human history than we necessarily deserve.

Cooperation between nations in space does give precedents for optomism within the hearts of Humankind.

It is sad that Space Nation is not fully realised, but encouraging that it is doing as well as it is.

I do hope that before I die there is a permanent  orbit and Solar System population of at least 200 souls.

A thousand robots and 200 souls with some gravity could get us though the bottleneck.

The way the war is going we must accept that unless all nuclear weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction are fully outlawed, vast poisoned landscapes are assured.

I do believe that it is an undo threat to my class, the Working Class, for such weapons to be in anyones public or private arsenals.   If Transcendia had any money it would be spending money towards elimanating the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Some of  that expenditure would be towards open and visible political actions.

Still, I may have to face it that some of that sort of work needs to be covert and secret.

When the spies fail, general war erupts.

The truth is that war is a constant, but the trick is simply to keep it at an acceptable level that does not interfer with business.

Working Class Corner/More,More Jobs

Working Class Corner, More, More Jobs

    During my Junior year of High School in Chicago, I did have that bag boy job for three weeks, but then I broke my ankle, and there was this play, and then the Writing Program, and I guess school was my job, though it didn’t  pay very much at all, and I would have starved if  family hadn’t feed, clothed, and sheltered me.

    Sometimes I look at it as a cruel joke that I got all my rewards and status from things I wrote, pictures I took, or performances on stage.

     Of course the War was going on, and when I graduated from High School I went directly to Toronto, for even if I went directly to college in 1971, I would still be up for the Draft.

     Foolishly my Canadian teachers at my scholarship summerschool in Bloomfield Hills had told me that they would put me up.  They worked for the CBC, and had a summer job at Adventures in Creativity.   Ron and Diane Chudley were their names.

     Well I took them at their word, and hitchiked to Toronto with 150 bucks in my pocket to flee the war in Viet Nam if I had too.

      Three weeks is a long visit.

       In otherwords I showed up at Ron and Diana’s place in Toronto, and stayed in their apartment for three weeks doing things like buying Frank Zappa records and borrowing the record player.

      They finally took me to Rochdale College and left me there.

      Somehow I paid for a month of a place to live in the building, and went out selling poems I had written on the streets of Yorkville.

       I remember getting extremely hungry and eating an entire box of donuts in a stairwell once.

       The Rochdale newspaper printed the poem I was selling on the streets without my permission and I had a meeting with the Vice President as a consequense.    He offered me a job either as a maintainece man, or as a Security Guard, and I took the Security position.

        I also started another newspaper.

        The Security Guard job involved a good number of fist fights, and other conflicts that ground many of my views as far as real enemies, and real threats, and I do not worry that much about people who simply say bad things about me.

       A real enemy throws you out a window and says you jumped.

       Some jobs are like that.   


Working Class Corner/More Jobs

More Jobs/Working Class Corner

     I remember taking a long walk in the woods  after successive failures to find a job.   It was a nice damp dull day easy on the eyes and really comfortable farmer jacket weather.

     You never knew what you might find on a woods walk around Greensboro NC.

     "How did this car get here?"

     If I’d had a rifle I’d have shot the rusted brown beauty just sitting there out in the woods of no road as if dropped there by a helicopter or part of a long ago bank robbery story impossible to do more than imagine.

     Seems I got a job selling cameras at the downtown camera store somewhere around then.

     Selling cameras is a lot like selling cars from what I can tell, since you deal with "trade ins.", plus there are professional camera men same as professional drivers.

      Last time I took a job selling cameras I got fired for taking a job for a few days at 3 times the day pay.   Didn’t work again for 3 weeks, so it worked out even.

      The Raleigh News and Observer wouldn’t buy Digital Nikons at 5 grand a piece at the time because the staff reporters got free film for their side projects.

      If I was to sell cars now I’d really only be interested in Fleet Sales.

      In the High School Days Camera Store Job there were cigar smoking salesmen with real personalities and all sorts of experience and guile.  There was junk in the dark all over the place and you could spend all day with a pencil eraser cleaning contacts for the batteries in Kodak Instamatics.

      There were boxes and boxes of photographs upstairs developed and printed and never to be picked up or seen long now in the landfills of America.

       Back then some of us bought it that cheap film, and Super 8 were worth the effort and money for us artists.   I tell my interns not to bother with anything but the best equipment, though I’ll use whatever I can get my hands on.   In that was I am an honest hypocrite and my interns know it.




Working Class Corner/Jobs

Working Class Corner/Jobs

Russell Scott Day


Work, the Spiritual Quest for the Material Necessities.

At age 11 in 1963 I started my paper route.   That business was run till I was 13 or 15?.   Summers of when I was a Boy Scout I was a Camp Counslor, and Assistant Commisary Director.

When away working at camp my younger brother and mother delivered the papers.

My brother embezzeled money from the business and I folded the business.

Later in my twenties I worked for awhile as a Circulation Manager, which is great grist for a Comedy Movie in consideration of what young paperboys in their first jobs, might do.

Certainly back in the day as is the case with most cash businesses there is an element of crime that arises out of the facts of cash.

Juke box businesses, and vending machine businesses, and cab businesses have colorful histories.

A job I had early in my working career came from my desire to build a Bomb Shelter.

In our Garden Lot I was observed digging a deep hole and an old man in the neighborhood offered me the job of painting a house for 30 bucks.

Whenever I was running out of paint he said, "Put more water in it."   30 feet in the air I got stung on my eyelid by a wasp.

The 4 foot deep and 4 foot square I had dug into the ground filled up with water and drowned rats, so one day I poured gasoline in it and threw in a match.

At the Boy Scout job, I and some others got fired for insubordination.

Oddly enough this was due to us who had fought out a terrific water battle with the Initiation crew of older Scouts, of our first year, still wanting to continue the tradition in later years.

What had been standard prior to our "administration" had been that the new crews were assembled in a room and taken out one by one to be tied to trees naked overnight covered in shaving cream and some like torture or humiliation.

We, came together and grabbing all the fire pumps fought back the superior force en masse.

It was a glorious battle.

Anyway the next year it was prohibited, and we felt cheated, and got fired.

Of course by that time I was a really good shot, and the guy that had trained me to shoot really hated the Camp Director, and they may have had some sort of fears I wasn’t aware of.

After that I think I moved and when in Chicago going to High School did about three weeks as a bag boy at a grocery store.

Got a scholarship to a Writing Program and they gave me some cab fair money I used as my allowance taking the El instead.

Did have to take a cab once due to extreme cold and had a terrific high speed curb hopping ride in a Checker Marathon.

I think I sold cameras in a camera store as my next job.

It is apparently similar to selling cars.


Working Class Corner/Buy a Car!

Working Class Corner/  Buy a Car!

Since I don’t have any money coming in from this website, or a real job, and our two old cars are clunkers that limit my range of operations, the Cash for Clunkers program is of interest.

I figure that the price of the car will go up in relation to the worthless nature of clunkers, and that the whole thing is intended to create more debt that is put on the books as assets to continue the charade as usual.

Overall I consider all the propaganda about improving economic situations, nothing but propaganda.

Working Class Corner

It is too bad UNTV didn’t take off.

It is too bad Learjet, the TV Show hasn’t sold yet.

It is too bad Jet Beach hasn’t sold.

Upcoming the Poetry Section will be better, since soon the Fiction, will be separated, and in order.

It is too bad the UN has become paralized.

Forgive me.   I am having trouble rolling with things these days.

There is some good stuff on this website in the archives.

I think I’m  full of too many important secrets right now.

I’m going to get over it all tomorrow.

I’ve discovered a switch in my head, and intend to flip it sometime tonight.

Tomorrow everything I think will be perfect.

Tomorrow I’ll report every solution to every problem known to man.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow.


Elvis, The King!

The King Is Coming!   The King Is Coming!

Mom  took me to the airport in Memphis to meet Dad who was returning from a job search trip.   I was 4, maybe 5.   It is an early memory.   The airport was a fascinating place for me.   So many people all moving around.   Out of the air loudspeakers announcing flights.   A bustle of freedoms now gone.

People just seemed to drop out of the sky, and then be on the ground.   You could see them  walk to planes on the tarmac, up steps to get in, or come out all like Presidents.

I was short then.   You are often looking up when you are a kid.   It’s hard to see what’s going on in crowds.

Back then everybody wore hats.   People dressed up as  for travel, or even visits to the airports in the same clothes they might wear to church.

Of a sudden I heard,   "The King is Coming!  The King is Coming!"

The crowd was moving, legs  pivoting towards one direction to which I turned.

My God, The King?   We shall see the King!

Not a King, but The King!

Somehow I found a clear view of the ramp.

Across the tarmac, came striding The King, Elvis in all his glory.

He was dressed in White, white shoes, white pants, white shirt with the tails out cut straight  as are the Christian Dior summer shirts.

Following him, and around him  it seemed there must have been 15 grey suited men, following him,  behind him  just enough so that you knew  they were with him, there to protect him, but following him.

Oh my God, its the King!   I’d seen the King!

Not a King, Not the President, but "The King".

The excitement, Love, and awe I felt was a powerful event.

I truly believe that it had a powerful subconscious influence on me, subility causing me to want to be a King myself.

Years go by and you wonder why you have done what you have done.

Well, I saw Elvis at the Memphis Airport, and the rest is History!

Working Class Corner/Policy Paper

Working Class Corner/ Policy Paper

    byline Russell S. Day

The Policies, allergist and suggestions for consideration are intended to advance peace and prosperity, malady nationally, pill and internationally.   There are wars and potential wars going on in our world.   The finances  and wealth of nations and individuals  have been undermined.   Important institutions have been corrupted, and we are in deep trouble.

It is simply War, and Corruption that make people poor.   Bad laws make for a bad society.   In the US the long running Drug War has  recreated, and maintained and spread generally thoughtout the entire landscape, the worst of what Prohibition Era Chicago became.

This internal war within the US, has become an international war that has really done as much or more to diminish security, as the wars in Iraq, or Afghanistan.

The slaughters  in the border states and cities of Mexico are sickening.

As a simple practical matter ending the drug war, would separate drug smugglers, from weapons smugglers and it is recognized that if you have too many Fronts, and are at War, in too many theaters, you will lose.

So one my main Policy suggestions is that an immediate end to the Drug War, be done.

Now the UN was created with the mission of ending all war, and this is a worthy goal.   However it is more practical for the UN to be powerful enough, respected and feared enough, to enforce "The Rules of  War".   I encourage the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction, and feel of deadly conflict, murder, and assassination, this is the only area where I would give my support to bloody conflict.

It is an undue assault on the security of my class, the working class of all nations for us to suffer this threat, and really about the only thing I consider worthy of killings.

Details of how an Institution Transnationally would be composed, and charged are too much for me right now to delineate.

Now regardless of my self created dual citizenship in Transcendia, and the US, whereby I really ought to work further on independence, or gaining stature enough to be conquered and absorbed into the UN, I have a few recommendations for the US Federal Government.

In relation to War and Peace, I am strongly in favor of the Recreation of the US Constabulary Force.   It is too much for the US to ask the Army, or Armed Forces to do more than they are equipped or trained, or actually institutionally intended to do.   Their real job is simply to defend the nation through the use of deadly force.

The United State Constabulary Force did in Europe what we need it to do in Irag, and Afghanistan.   Without the ReInstitution of the United States Constabulary Force, the US will continue to spin its wheels, and get further mired in Afganistan, in particular.

The drug war needs to be ended there too, for that is what they can grow, and make, and attempts to change that, are a source of stupid violent deaths.

Now we are aware that there is a Financial Crisis.   Ironically I have come to see that to increase the wealth and security of the US, Insurance is the key.   Specificly I have determined, that awarding "Whole Life Insurance" policies to citizens at birth, would create a situation of parity between Labor, and Capital.

Further it would be a win win for the insurance industry, and the nation.

Further explaintion on my part, and the part of insurance professionals, is called for, but I am running out of steam in this particular writing fit.

I am also for an International Mininum Wage, in this era of globalization, and urbanization…