In My Skin, Sinking

Accounting & the US

Just my last poster.


Uploaded a jazz performance of the other day.  Intendors Tm #s played 15 & 10.

So I want to leap into the conversations about systems.  Then I go The Disadvantaged must go where there are the Advantaged, which is physically at the airport.

Of jobs I have had where riches and the people having them was simply all in your face and you can’t make it without the cash tips, which are a way of insult to the professional.  Things are supposed to be simple and go through accounting.  But you have to take the tips.  Have they wiped out cash yet?

Here in town I have thought that I would have thrived working at or for the airport, but it is too small and anti me personally nearly about too much to think about.  The world small.  It is so now for me that I really do need the airplane to go just to Roanoke fast enough to be home after my best hours are gone.  Would be maybe an hour to 45 minutes and total time back and forth manageable for me alone.

I am pretty fucking sick.  Like a hangover every fucking morning.  Only thing I can be grateful for is no headache.  Most uncomfortable in my own body physically for no apparent reason but it, the body.

Like hey, now you are the dying tree.  “Don’t talk to my friends.” my brother said.

IGX is open, and some have based there.  Saw a guy going to Beaufort, the other day with a three bladed Mooney.  I think they will do 240 knots cruise.  Sharing gas for private flights is the limit of it as the private licensed.  Was part 135 for that other air taxi operation I forget the name of.

My wife’s life is centered here, so we would have to have big draw and travel possible to be too far away for her.  My circle is only as wide as the internet world or my 3 mile orbits gone without Triple A, I forget as part of the Insurodollar model sometimes.

Still haven’t gotten the lyric of the Economics Song perfect,t hough last take was good to go.  Good enough to go.

Want Mac DeMarco to pick out something.  Maybe yeah, You Failed me Completely.  Elizabeth Dupree.  They are on the channel which takes a good part of my working day.  Then there are the Intendors.  I may have to use the real pick up for this last one.

Meantime back at the ranch.  Economics for the Insurodollar have to be best practices of the currency could fail.  How much Bonds can go?  I was happier as a man before I ever went into debt.  I was advised to go into debt when living with my first live together girlfriend who I still can’t quite really figure out how come she lived with me as long as she did.  Was one of those kill yourself breakups.  I prayed a lot to get through it.  Forgive me I have been forced to use the Lords Prayer as a Mantra.  It did change my poetry quite a lot.

Where it not for the I Ching and the Bible Readings together I would have to be a stone cold atheist.

I tell the disadvantaged to go physically to work where there are the most advantaged.  So you would put your Freelancers Labor Offices at the FBO side of the airport.

The Renewables from Hog Waste processes and the yam tuber made genetically exactly for fuel generation with high enough btus to blast through the skies was going well in NC before the recent era.  What I call an actively stupid era, kicked off by HB 819.  That one legalized broker lying selling beachfront property on the coasts of NC.

I had suggested Wing In Ground Effect Fast Ferries as opposed to rebuilding the bridges.  Bonner Bridge.

Covering the culture of the US Military shows they are themselves A Front business.  The unaccountability and tricks to give money to their friends for about anything, still using the shown to fail McNamara attempts at one size fits all, hypocrisy to the max over nuclear weaponry means that after the JFK murder & Coup, you effectively got an army that did what it wanted and was an enemy armed to suppress the will of the people since then.

The Defense.  Of course if I were to engineer a viable political and civil revolution there would be times of instability and that would mean Command and Control of Nuclear Weapons would have to be made known, while all other critical Defense of the people and the bordered nation would be most critical to turn in the proper direction instead of inwards on us which we know is the plan.

For Occupy to really win it would mean Seats in Parliament.  The Parliament Buildings would have to be occupied by representatives paid by the people to be there.   If all Institutions of the Government were to be made Accountable to the People & the National Interest of the people it would there not be enough till also the Critical Command and Control of the Armed Forces was made with the people and not the Corporations who have put public funds in their pockets unaccountably so long that they are convinced it will go on till all is worn out and starvation grips the land.

See Yah, we are fine here in New Zealand, except for the threats of Asians and or is not China a big, now territorially ambitious nation?

So you have to see the unaccountable made to believe in the nation as of them and for them, and decide what Chain of Command has Goals proper to the warrior, who loves the nation, loves his people, Goal, & Mission as a professional national instead of a mercenary.

Soldiers fight out of fear and warriors fight out of love.  I noted the increasing use of the warrior description of the US Armed Army man, from knowing the difference.  What do you really have when you have an all volunteer Army but a mercenary force come to work at the bidding of the oil corporations?  Say it had turned out differently?  I am looking at the evidence.

Was my brain in Canada a brain drain on the US enough that they wanted to keep me?  What about the Carter pardons?  I was invited to his Inaugural and went and you can see the documentary movie on youtube.  I really don’t know how that movie got there exactly.  I though I had it.

Did Carter’s CIA sell Afghani Hashish in the US to finance the war with the Russians before Congress voted funds as the movie is about.  Finest view of Julia Roberts ever.  They don’t tell you everything in the movies.  Carter’s Library won’t answer me.  I was dropped after the election.

Wrote Bezos a few times.  I go on record predicting Musk and Branson and Bezos all build or have launch pads in equatorial regions since there is the dead not moving much air.  Go there for barge landings, about where the space elevators were to go of Ecuador.  Musk got the Falcon X down because the air wasn’t moving so much.  Wind is a thing.

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