There is the original homepage for the data driven website which is found if you go back a few years on Internet Archives. That is significant for the UNTV 24/7 schedule I wrote for Lynne Constantini who was at that time VP for Development of Time Warner.
I did find a voice on that website under the name Working Class Corner. I had no idea I would eventually claim to be working class. Oh yeah, intelligentsia sounded smart. Artist, poet, I was that.
“My past is your future.” was the answer I gave when asked what I saw when I saw people working at cleaning the coliseum seats & their alleys. I am not sure of the truth of what I said when applied to that set of people. They may be so far down the scale of labor that it will be generations before their parents are college educated.
They may be trapped. That wall that the Trump people represent as useful to keep people out of the US, looks more like a wall to keep people of the US trapped to me.
I got old sooner than most of you might. I started degrading physically in 2008. I was 57.
Throughout my life I had ambitions to change my financial position in the world. I have been about as versatile as someone with no great inherited wealth might be. My careers were in Aviation Ground Services & Motion picture and television production. I was affected by the things I saw & learned in these jobs.
Starting in 1978 I began working on creating another nation of airports. Up until 1994 I functioned under a misconception. That was that nations that did business together would have an interest in the well being of each others nations and that this would mean greater peace between them.
Historically nations that do business together are more likely to go to war with each other. Because I still want to create a nation of airports, I am forced to admit I just want to. I can get around the facts by pointing to the substitution of a fictional 2D, to 3D to Virtual Reality War Movie for the necessary real war.
I can say that in the realm of politics, human systems, aimed at unity of a peoples, Belief in the Ideals of this nation make all the difference. Nothing works if you don’t believe in it.
It would simply be great if there was a nation of airports that ran according to the greatest ideals of humankind. It would overcome what the economist John Commons called “Cultural Lag”.
“The future is here, but not everywhere.” is what someone said. There are places where everything the science fiction writers have imagined as great & revolutionary is the case. Mostly I find these places spread around the world as airports. Now there is just a little corner of these airports. I am talking about civilization.
One of the characteristics of civilization is the respect for the property of others when they are not even around. I was personally amazed when a pilot left his jacket in the pilot’s lounge closet for months. It was there where he left it when he came back.
What sort of world did I live in that before this little event I had no expectation that anything left in a publicly used, passed through, used lounge & closet, a jacket left behind would be there when the owner returned?
I was impressed.
What I want to do is to spread around the world behaviors such as allowed this little event to be commonplace.
I do not have to reinvent the wheel. While Dystopia is envisioned over and over these days on The TV, it does not have to be.
When I was 12 I read about the UN & a vision of World Government. This was even before the 1976 UN Covenant on Civil & Political Rights, was given force of law, International Law.
When working up my model of a nation of airports the first things I studied were military history, strategies for defending an airport. Napoleon’s siege strategy of one circle looking in and one looking out was adopted. The arming of all citizens working as line crew, station agents & in general was adopted. While we can find some sort of ideology to support that, it is simply most pragmatic. It is simply practical for those whose nation is essentially a collection of island ports as an airport can be, to be defended in such a way.
My nation must be the safest possible place to be. I am offended personally whenever an airport is attacked and people who were going about their private business killed. It will be impossible to prevent all successful attacks, but it will be possible to limit as much as possible such successes of greater impact if killers are going to be stopped from finding a defenseless population.
I am sorry that on Earth there are Civilizations in conflict. I believe ideas matter and we know that there are great numbers of people who believe in a retro theocratic ideology.
20 years goes by in the blink of an eye. “Terrorists” suicide bombers are created in elementary schools. I want it to be a standard thing taught in all elementary schools of the world what civilized behavior, expectations of all people in the world simply are.
The Declaration of Human Rights & its Legal reincarnation need to be put up on the schoolroom walls of all elementary schools in the world. We are aware that those who flew airplanes into the Twin Towers were raised early in life in schools that taught them that doing such thing was acceptable behavior.
I am a product of the ideals of Western Civilization. The Romans wanted to live like the Greeks. What Western Civilization has going for it is Ethics. The Greeks had plenty of gods that were prayed to and loved. Maybe because of their multitude of gods they ended up creating Ethical standards instead of Theocracy.
I’m tired of writing this letter right now.
For the government of Transcendia, I adopted a parliamentary democracy that the Airport Authority answers to. I have studied the UN and support the Points for Reinvention as authored by French Ambassador Andre` Lewin. It could well be it is time to create another UN with it’s own army triggered by war crimes with a primary mission of eliminating the threat of nuclear weapons.
Primary of the UN successes has been the Organizations of the UN that exists. Let that be what it as it has been runs while the new UN takes up the mission of enforcing International War Law, which sees wars of aggression as illegal.
Obviously far as my nation of airports, it is sort of surprising that the UN doesn’t have more of what I envision going under its aegis.
Of things I imagine doing is flying the new Secretary General Guterres around the world in a Falcon 50 to international airports and opening UN offices for Sustainable Development & my own offices for Transcendia.
I personally do not have the wealth necessary of my own to just go around doing such things. Still writers have it not that unusual to go from the status of bum to big guy. They have to keep working, and then there is an element of luck inherent in many instances of success. I’m lucky to be alive.
One of the things put into the Points for Reinvention, formally titled “Improve the UN or Build Another Institution” by Andre` Lewin was the “Exile Island” where Napoleon died. (Andre` came to have intimate knowledge of the UN from also besides being a French Ambassador to nations like India, I think it was India, but also being UN Spokesperson for Boutros Boutros Ghali.)
Despots & Dictators run to the airport with chunks of gold when it is time to get out anyway. While I personally do not like dictators and don’t necessarily what to spend personal time with them, it is something the nation of Transcendia would be well situated to facilitate.
“All Politics end in Failure.” – I don’t know who said that, but someone did.
Back in the days of one bad king after another in merry old England Kings who sold off the treasury and went on Crusades for the Pope returned to the Convents that they had financed. That is of course those kings that survived. (I read about this sort of thing in a really long book of English history by David Hume. He is refreshing for me to read for he is the first historian I have read who uses the word “stupid” to describe what some of these bad kings did.)
There have been a lot of books that I have read aimed at educating myself about Government & Great, Grand, principles & stories of leaders & leadership. “Best Practices”, I look for precedents & “Best Practices”.
I can tell you one thing, and that is that Great leaders pay attention to what their engineers tell them. The great leaders turn to their engineers to solve their most pressing problems. Now in the US we do not have a working healthcare system. It isn’t because we don’t understand what it looks like. It is the Medicare System that works. The reasons for why that system isn’t just put in place for everyone of the nation have to do with a bunch of ideologues intent on privatizing everything, which will not work.
I have imagined myself as a systems engineer as I have worked at my model. In this letter I started out trying to define myself.
If you happen to actually read this, you may want to watch me on my TV channel Transcendian. Look through the playlists and pick the one titled in a way or segment of studies or entertainments that appeals to you. In this letter I haven’t gone into the invention that finished the Transcendia Passport Manifesto. That is the currency the Transcendia Insurodollar.

This is July 19th, and my CD is supposed to become live today. not this one iPhone lifestyle but Trump Jam Historic