My Transcendian International Party

I have a platform.  I have an agenda.  The prevention of the apocalyptic riot is a serious goal you ought be already joined up to help me achieve.  “You make as many enemies doing the right thing, as you do doing the wrong thing, so why not do the right thing?”  Machiavelli

The plan, the eventual goal, is a nation of airports all under my flag, of course aimed at becoming a nation of spaceports, but first a nation, government, not of governments, but in all governments.

My plan to fund this grand end of the model nation Transcendia, a Grand work of conceptual art was never based on begging.  I loved making movies.  Now I could make a 3D Virtual Reality Scratch and Sniff War Movie, followed up by a game, that would make enough money to buy the airport leases I need.

I wanted to start with book sales.  I wrote some books.  I put them on Amazon.  I wrote the Passport, and put it on Amazon.  If Social Media is so great at bringing together people, and motivating them, I sure haven’t seen it.  Moving forward, well I now offer the CD Beatniks & Spiders.  Profits from these things, well I’d use them wisely.  I need to travel.  I need to meet some people.  I need to spend some time in NYC and LA.  I need to spend some time in Washington DC, and Paris.

It was the addition to the Passport of the Insurodollar that completed them.  Human capital, I’m putting the the human in capitalism there.  I’ve got simple plans.  Insurance company treasury is one.  I am a creative economist.  I have talked about it on Transcendian, my youtube channel.  It seems complicated to a lot of people.  I don’t know what their problem is.

I build on strengths.