
Welcome NC2Media. Buy up to sell or advertise for a cut the Xmass Tree Project, “cling” poster of a Christmas Tree for sale in the store. Please
Otherwise I have other things that I need help with.
You could even hire me to write and direct.
In particular the UNTV channel schedule of shows that is on the old org., would be a fine television channel.
Don’t know why I’ve not been able to make it happen yet.
Yet, Yet, Yet.
OK, Airplane!

That exclamation is for the struggle over IGX, the little unique airport conflict in Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Unique for sure.

Russell Scott Day

Passports are 35 Dollars

TRANSCENDIA, TRANSCENDIAN PASSPORTS ARE 35 DOLLARS. It doesn’t matter if you somehow get it to come out of
the, or find the address to send me 35 dollars and a photograph, or use the donate to
the paypal account, it’s 35 US dollars.
Further I want you to write me an autobiography about yourself.
I’d like it if you were a pilot, or work ground services, or as a passenger would like to know the pilots.

Last Free Passports

You can go today to the and find therein a copy of the originally written
Transcendia passport. If you want you can print it out and put it together and try and use it
to get around. You can use it as a second to give away first in a hostage situation.
If you call my number there and ask for some kind of help for something or another, it is unlikely
that I will do much for you.
I’m poor and old and lately broken.
You will be better off with Triple A, which is a terrific organization for the money. If you are
flying some particular airline they have an interest in helping you out. Pan Am was apparently like
a little country. They had made arrangements all over the world to have port bases for the sea planes.
You have to admit that there was some how something unique about the seaplane, and it was
a wonderful era.
Tickets were comparable in price to Space X tickets I feel. More people traveled that way
so I guess the prices were lower?
There was Disney, and Pan Am that were inspirations for Transcendia.
I actually have remembered sitting out there on the ramp of Atlantic Aero crying about
Aunt Keaton who had bad died of bone cancer and then thinking about my vision and then
thinking that it was a nation of airports that would stabilize the economy of the world
enough so there wouldn’t be an Atomic War.
But I’m now poor and can’t buy any clubhouse at any airport and my ebook doesn’t sell
because they won’t interview me on the NPR radio like Jim Shepard who I recommend.
You can get a passport for free through today, but after that pay.
The more of you that pay, the better the nation will be and operate to get a nice safe
network of rooms and radios and computers and planes to live in and out of.
Enjoy camaraderie with others in this world.

Memoirs/6/War Jitters and the Clown Corp

I always thought I would have been a great soldier. Then of course I was suspicious that I’d
get hit early in the game and die of little use. The game of Dodge Ball made me think you would
get put out, hit sooner or later. How it was that Hitler lasted all the way through the First World
War is some sort of impenetrable mystery. Germany is a democracy. They say it was one then. Freedoms
were voted away. Hate ruled the day.
Wars used to be smaller. The exciting professional wars for Romans and Greeks
against Persians were pretty big, but it wasn’t till we got to Napoleon times
with sailboats, sailing ships that went around anywhere in the world of the
sea that so many jobs opened up for the educated professional warriors and
soldiers of fortune.
Those ships where real achievements that could lead a man to big dreams.
Then on and bam we got to World War I.
There were the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War, and then bam, we had
World War I.
There are supposedly alive today some who fought in WWI. They say it was horrible. Nobody
is still alive who fought in the American Civil War.
I grew up with war all around me on my mind because of my father and the
fathers of my friends. Lewis Wilburn who owned the gas station would show us
the scar from the hole in his leg. The nice copper jacketed bullitt had passed right
through. He smiled awfully proud whenever he showed the scar of his war wound.
My father would talk a little about his experiences of the war if we were watching COMBAT, on
TV. I think it was going around that the brave and good didn’t talk too much about it.
They were maybe all supposed to go to a Veterans Club bar and tell each other only.
The Boy Scouts saved my life. The Boy Scouts was about learning how to camp and stay out in the
forest and shoot guns. The Boy Scouts was good preparation for going into the army from
everything I could and can tell to this day.
Now I notice in the advertisements for war and army service that is now all volunteer for the
US, they have appropriated the word “Warrior”.
I was fighting a good deal as a youth because it was known by some in the small town
that dad was gay, and all that. So I was fighting to keep them off of us.
They ran over the dog and kicked me in the head and threatened my sisters and brother all the time
to the point I told my younger brother it was okay to deny being related.
By the time I was 13 when mom divorced dad and the family was broken up and the house
was sold and we moved to Greensboro after dad was in the mental hospital and got out
and got to work at the Black University A&T, I didn’t have any friends there
that missed me or I missed, apparently.
Well I missed Arron and I saw him at the corner store across from where his dad’s
gas station had been.
He was drunk at about 1 in the afternoon. Some things had gone wrong for Arron
I had heard because I had asked after him somehow sometimes over the years.
Once from Rochester when the divorce was on which was a good big war for me I had
called the guy who was the most popular handsome guy from 8th grade.
Joel Brown?
The laws had changed and Joel had been able to build a bar in Elon so he was
likely rich from that being a small college town. There was a law that kept alcoholic
bars still 5 miles from town when we were children. There was a classic type
soda fountain place as a substitute where you could go dressed up and get a Cherry Smash,
kind of really like the TV show set of HAPPY DAYS.
Back in NC working on a house I was told by a sheet rocker that lived over there
that Aaron hung himself in jail. There was something about maybe he set fire to someone’s
An attorney over there that way said that it wasn’t unusual for white guys to hang themselves
in jails over there because they typically got raped by the black gangs who
colluded with the guards who were also mostly black, so if a white guy got put in jail there
he got raped and it was pretty rough and humiliating and it was common for them to
react by hanging themselves.
So far that’s the last I heard. I mean I had heard Aaron and his family lost, sold, Lewis died, the gas
station got sold to the college and Aaron went to work for the Motor Pool.
Aaron had some red headed girl twins and had a drinking problem.
Joel said he was old and bald when I got him on the phone. Joel would have only been
in his early 30s when he said that.
Then I was going through my divorce and reaching out wondering what to do.
Back then I had been about trying to make Transcendia as a force for peace and
I had not long before made the Clown Corp Tee shirts which were a silk screen picture
of clowns throwing flowers out of a Balloon basket to the Iranians.
By the time the divorce was done, and I had been crushed, I decided using a balloon
and clowns to demonstrate for peace would be counter productive and that dropping
candy and flowers on a nation like bombs as a Pro Active Civil Demonstration would have
to be done with a plane like an SR-71, meaning something fast enough either way so as not
to create a counter productive war situation.
Clowns in a balloon would be shot down.

Memoirs 4/School

When I was in History class one nice summer day the tanned war horse of a teacher was going on
about how there had never been a war like Viet Nam before in US History. I raised my hand and said that
yes there had been. Specifically I said that the US had conducted a Colonial war of Occupation against
the Philippines in 1899. Waterboarding had been invented then, along with the .45 semi automatic pistol.
(I’ll look the pistol up. Seems they needed a caliber round with a great deal of knock down power. Knock down
power was a big deal with the US military for a long time. Then it was about being able to carry a lot of
bullets, so lighter bullets and a lighter gun became a big deal.)
The teacher had been in the FBI before she became a history teacher at Page High School. At least she told us that.
I remember her telling us that.
She was a big girl woman with a thick tan and her hair all swooped back in a 60s style that was good for selling
hairspray, or looking the same if she rode around in a convertible. At least that would seem to have been the hope.
She immediately had me put out of the classroom, taken to the Principals office, and kicked out of school for 3 days.
I didn’t really care, and went downtown and found a couple of guys loading Persian rugs into an empty store who hired me to help
them. Obviously being in school wasn’t getting me better educated than my History teacher, for in fact the US did fight
a war like Viet Nam, the war in Viet Nam, the VietNam, Viet Nam War, before the Viet Nam War.
When I was in High School in Greensboro, North Carolina in the late ’60s and early ’70s, it was understood that
schools in the South were worse than schools in the North.
I had talked about dropping out and was sent to live with my cousins and go to High School in Chicago.

Memoirs 4

I don’t know if I had really resisted being married so much first time or even second time because
of my broken heart, hearts,. I just did, and then of course there was the proof it wasn’t all up to me.
There was good times. I’ll leave it phrased like that.
“You’re the prettiest baggage handler I’ve ever seen.” Is the first thing I said to Linda. Then we got
She had a nice house of the suburban sort and I had an Econoline van by then.
The Econoline was a very rusted hulk of a rattling van dream car of any American hippie
who didn’t have a volkswagen bus. So I had one.
Later I had a Super Beetle in my life which people can define by their car collection if they want.
Rich people have rich people cars and poor people have poor people cars.
Rich people can have poor people cars and rich people cars.

We went out on a date, Linda and I and I wasn’t much thinking we were for each other but we kissed.
We kissed and that worked out well and so then thee was good sex and I kept drinking some sort of whiskey I’ll
remember the name of any second now.

The we were married and I was hiding behind flowers in the living room while my mother-in-law was
talking about something. It was frightening. Horrible scary. Something about insurance.

Memoirs 3

My wife told me it looks like my daughter, ex-wife, and daughter’s boyfriend are at Disney World in Orlando. This struck me
since Disney World was where I went with the mother of my child for our honeymoon.
I got my ex-wife pregnant on the honeymoon.
Some things, events are ironic and lived strike at you and make you wonder at what sort of humor God has if God exists.
We went to Clearwater first on our way to Disney World for our honeymoon.
On the wedding night she wore a horrible thrift story hellish preview nightgown.
I smashed my head in-between the car door and the car roof.
I have tape recordings.
There was a moment when sitting down in the airplane I looked over my shoulder and saw my mother-in-law, and father-in-law
sitting behind us and knew my life was headed for hell.
These people weren’t letting go. They had an agenda for me that had nothing to do with who I was.
Nice house, nice car, good little business with the family gas station good enough for the brother the son who was quiet.
Nobody even wanted to learn to cook.
She was blonde and knew how to look good.
Over years I discovered a selective memory and she wore me down with hatred. It is hard to talk to someone who is always
viciously voiced angry.
But I did it till my daughter was 17 thinking my daughter was old enough to talk to and deal with.
That didn’t work out and the spiral of low class live was maintained.
So I changed again into a fearful stoic living out of spite and afraid of jail and more court cases.
I wonder if she even knows how odd it is at that age to go to Disney World, where I made her pregnant on our honeymoon with her
daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend.
We went there when I was 31 and she was 30.
She must be 59 now.
My daughter is 27 and will be 28.
I was going to pool our home with the homes of my friends and we were going to form an equity company and buy an airport.
It was going to be somewhere in-between Cozumel and Cancon. Ideally it wasn’t much more to think about than put the
airport of Transcendia on a train track by a major road, on a sea port.
Morehead City in North Carolina is appealing to me, though it isn’t perfect.
I could stand to take over Wilmington, but that was done showing the rest of the racists what to do to US Grant.
That coup was something for the heroes to crow about with their names spread all over the state on government buildings.
The racist landowning class beat back again the blacks and their same position white wage slaves, what it was, what it is.
I got here because I was reminded of my first marriage.

The Revolutionary

My dream was obvious inspired by the mention of old friends. I’d been sick, sicker than usual and I every day am sick which determines these habits so I don’t feel it all so hopelessly and dispositive, diseased.
At a Veterinarians who is rubbing with a fluffy dog on my wife in a surprisingly sexual way. and the the entire focus turns to Christmas boxes of styrophone and plastic and pictures of elves. All this stuff coming out of a storage room like our storage room with my big paintings and the vacuum machine and one bed.
Somebody could sleep there. Really.
But I was getting crushed and couldn’t breath and outside I yelled at Josh and Mike to do right by my brother while the vet and his assistant were getting christmas stuff for the up coming Christmas season.
I told Josh and Mike to do right and they laughed at me and Meg was getting th decorations.
I otherwise have made 3 passports and am going to do the mindless assembly needed to make these most important documents.
There was a bloody death that gives the passport a need to power for safety in freight hauling work which appeals to my kink of pilots. Not too many passengers . Important cargo. big heavy planes are lord by me and I hav favorites like the Falcon 50 EL. I love that one and have loved it for as from when I ever even saw one.
A Transcendian really does need a brotherhood between pilots Captains my God! Captains! and passengers who get to know and go with each other with the cool things. Women and food made a pace desirable to go to.
Fighting against the Apocalypse.
Pakistan and India could have and atom war, and our job is to stop that.
We have to convince pilots in Transcendia prtecting mankind due to their transcendent power to not use nuclear booms.
Sing the happy song: BAN THE BOM, BAN THE BOM, BAN THE BOM, nod dance and snuggle rub on the woman and get some good piazza.
Launching small harmless Message Rockets is in fact Transcndian and revolutionary run though I am certain more will die. If enough message rockets go up some one will get out of hand with it and if net a jerk will just shoot somebody for doig message rock launch.I want launch crews to put on a really good show and sell passports at launch control. That is what I want my fellows, followers, me to do. ;A good king is a good thing, Tried and True and nothing new. By right of having the vision I have the right by Vision to be the kind, as long as you understand. What is it now? Sue, Garth Ken, Patsy, Charlie, KZ, my wife was all in early and the inheritance is to go to buying at the airport.
Maybe I ought to just get the bio rule for the places an had that niche product, along with all the other thongs I do.
Coffee, and donuts and a good attitude round me will make us a fortune with which to get plane in and out of the UN off the river. It will be good because you need to see some people an get there faster if only to keep yoour spirits up.
Transcendian airport offices all over where pilots and passengers help each other out is part of the passport. I’ bet you Charlie Warner made the best looking one
You are all competing to make a good looking one.
A TV show about it all will eventually be done if the flag gets up n the line, so that is a big deal I ave.