Retreat is the Hardest Thing

Ways out as Write Downs

1930s moment. Fascism. War Clouds Economic slow dance of crashing.

Now that Bernie Sanders is effectively crushed a Retreat to base camp is called for.  Retreat is the hardest thing for a General to accomplish.  The aim is to save the army from complete destruction.

Absorption into a mythical good DNC is not possible.

Meantime at the same time we are told that there is no excuse for any violent reaction to continued murders of the working poor, we are told to prepare for more war, internationally at least.  2 Percent is what all ought be spending on Defense.  The Defense industry of the US is happy as hell.  Favored nations will get the most modern up to date missiles and all.

However underlying all the rhetoric and bullshit is this:  The State is to have a Monopoly on Violence.

Now the BLM movement and organization is identified as Marxist.  It is also identified as contributing to the murders of innocent police in Dallas.  Too bad it happened in Dallas since it ought have happened in other cities like St. Louis closer to the worst murder of an innocent Black man who was acting too White.

Since the Police always have the drop on a civilian in a car, with a girlfriend and a baby and live in mortal terror of a Black man with a gun, that cop murdered an innocent man and so a Black man with a rifle retaliated.  What exactly did the power structure expect?  What about the other 500 or so murdered by cops by now in the year, half and more through the year?

Cops do not necessarily carry within a live and let live keep the peace attitude after 5 decades of enforcing J. Edgar Hoover policies of oppression.  The For Profit Prison Industry gets fed via continuous arrests of Blacks & youths for minor pot violations over all throughout the Nation.  Sentences are long enough and egregious enough to ruin a lot of job prospects for the targets, but short enough that outright Revolt is forestalled.

The Clintons are for continuing this, along with both US political parties.  If one is cynical they suspect the Drug War is insisted on to run the criminal systems funding mechanisms. For Profit Prisons are simply unethical.  Many of the poor working people are also hit with fines they have no legal means, like work, to pay.  Wages are subsistence wages.  Any little extra disaster becomes a crisis.  Decriminalization is a joke in most states since it keeps the whole thing running fine, just as it was, without the claim, OH we Decriminalized it.

Workers are wage slaves and any revolt is a losing proposition on their part since they will be out manned and out gunned and are just supposed to eat it.  Race & Gender politics are promoted by all the Mass Media to keep Labor, which is Black & White from uniting together.

The Generation Gap continues even as one may be an older person, hated as an older person, unless Hollywood famous and rich.   You are not a rock star.

Any way, it is a lie that violence does not work.  The truth is it does work.  Now the gay guys who fought the police at Stonewall, an otherwise insignificant bar in the West Village are heroic.  It was a kinder day, and just a brawl.  OK that is good.  Civilization then includes fist fights?

The only police in fact I respected were the NYC Island cops.  They did seem willing to attempt to keep the peace.  I was treated with respect when I cursed them out for coming into Brownies after hours when we were continuing to get drunk.  “Sure you don’t want to calm down?”   I myself have a good list of cops and me stories.  Most cops outside of the East Village I have had problems with were in it for the power.

Pot is used by them to get someone otherwise not possible to arrest.  Pot has become a folkway.  You cannot legislate folkways away, but making any of the Woodstock Nation’s hedonistic philosophical ways illegal & making being Black illegal have kept the Drug War going till now addictive heroin is around not for its typical 10 year cycle, but all the time.

Regardless of this insidious bunch of bullshit following crack profits Sanders today endorsed Hillary or really the Clintons the power unit who are an established part of the whole Finance world that is debt dealing and grabbing and manipulating the working people into early graves and so I have called for Service Banking.

What we have to have is Industrial Service Banking which is what Goldman Sachs has pretended to be to get money they used to buy all the deeds as is the case with elites in Haiti.  So goes Haiti, so goes the West.

Meantime since the entire US economy is militarized, hollowed out for and by the military what you got from working for a company you only get now from working for the Government in bureaucracies or for the Military, which covers the globe as an Empire sucking the life out of all and planning on war to fix economic ruin they helped to cause.

Nations have forgotten they can sell land to their friends and enemies to eliminate sources of contest.  I suspect the planned war in China to explode anytime, but most likely once the F-35 actually works. And I myself don’t even like the Chinese.  They appear to have blocked me early in online web world publishing for my status as a Confucian Scholar showing how to use the Bible & I Ching together as a spiritual practice.

As a writer, I do not think much of censorship and prefer that artists understand the responsibilities they have to promote and certify strength, wisdom, beauty & humor.

Really the plan looks like kill off a lot of the population of the world with war, and use the nukes in tandem to cool things down.  This is why I say Montevideo, far from tanks, which are flash points in Europe, while ships and boats and airplanes will do it in China seas.

Low down there in the Atlantic with Mountains close, Uruguay looks pretty good.  Less radioactivity at least.  Less already as seen circulating from Fukushima.

You as youth could just evacuate to there and protect the place from us, our military.  Wow they are going to be needing help for rejecting the TPP.

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About Russell Scott Day

I come from sailors and priests. My aim is to prevent apocalyptic riot, better known as nuclear war, when I was growing up. Creating a nation of airports will create the peace enough environment to prevent apocalyptic riot. I had a vision due to a period of boredom and bliss like the Aleph of Borges. That is the story I learned and was made up and happens.

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