We are working at alliances, links, new content, and more writers for Transcendia.org.
I’m collecting information about planet defense systems.
I’m aiming to have a forward plan, based on repairs to the website, along with my speech.
Currently about all I know about a good Planet Defense System is that it would cost 100 billion as a ballpark figure.
The technology is suspect.
In this case I do want to be able to stand up and say what system I would put the money for.
I am myself inclined towards a multiple set of robot rockets parked in orbit creating a redundant system, coupled with a Radar and Strobe Light detection system.
I want to use the rockets for the Cue Ball Deflection Protocol, as opposed to the Bomb, Burn, or Magnapulse Protocols to mitigate the threatening Asteroids.
I am not married to this system, but so far feel it is most practical, and what I will ask for money for starting on April Fools, by which time this website is to be set up really to receive money, for this initiative.
We are also working on allowing for discussion on this site.
The Theoretical Discussions, partly for fun, and partly for scholarship, will be Poly Science.
I am in agreement that Poly Science and History are the same thing.
Author Archives: admin
Working Class Corner/Planet Defense System
Working Class Corner/Planet Defense System
So far I’ve asked for help in determining what Star Wars sort of system would work to protect us from asteroid strikes. Actually I’ve asked my friends on CR4 for help in preparing for the April Fools Day Speech.
Working Class Corner/Stuff
Desperation is good. I have an idea. Love, pills Russell
Goddess of Light
Working Class Corner
Working Class Corner/Feature
I have invited a designer/inventor I met on CR4 to contribute designs for an airport to be featured here.
Working Class Corner
Working Class Corner/Blips
Ironic failure of Communism and Capitalism./
How to combine what was, and could be successful from the ashes of both?/
My suggestions are Whole Life Insurance awarded at birth, or at time of citizenship./
What this is intended to do is to give parity to labor, in conflict with capital./
It is also intended to confirm for the citizen that their lives are valued, and thus make volunteer citizenship desirable./
My other suggestion is World Bank Study and report on what the International Minimum Wage ought to be, and how to implement it across borders./
This work does call for coordination between the UN, IMF, and World Bank./
A place to start and experiment with the International Minimum Wage, is between the US, and EU, though I am really wanting to get Chinese Technocratic support for the experiment./
As said my work is to figure out what to take from Communism, and Capitalism, and combine for best possible world./
Obama Administration revival of work to eliminate Weapons of Mass Destruction, actually surprised me./
This was a goal of the Carter Administration. It was part of the Carter Inaugural Address./
What’s next Peace in the Middle East?/
As far as the Middle East is concerned, the ongoing forever conflict between Israel and all its neighbors, I suggest use of the Transcendian Proactive Civil Demonstration, and my Message Rocket Program./
(In that practice powerful nations launch harmless paper rockets at each other with notes and poems in or on them.) In the past I had great success littering Manhattan and Brooklyn with such rockets./
In the past I wrote to Estes Rocket Company asking for their support, but they didn’t answer./
Though you may think this is simply a funny thing to do, it is a serious suggestion from me and Transcendia, for a little whimsy can go a long way./
Certainly as a test for the Program, you have to answer what harm could come from such activities?/
Yielding to interests shared by young men in projectiles, and things that explode, and channeling that into harmless competitive fun, has been successful for Transcendia, in the past./
Typically I have found, even police like to participate in launching model rockets./
Truly I am a very serious melancholic man, and therefore work at improving my own humor, so as to share the most positive left in my depressed heart./
In the past I had success with the Message Rocket Program, and hope to have more success in the future./
Hope someone will Donate through the Donate Button, as an experiment.
The honorable Webmaster Heath told me that the thing works./
Improvements to the website would occur if there was some cash flow for the place./
Transcendia would hire some rocket scientists., and otherwise push for control of at least one airport, where experiments in Poly Science, would be normal, and Women’s Rights would be a baseline.
According to the McClures Magazine of 1903, sale "The day is not distant when all homes will be equipped with electric elevators."
Apparently the writer believed that all homes would be 3 or more stories tall.
The Otis Elevator company is the Elevator Company that is preimer in the US, herbal if not the world.
I do not think from my study that Otis is much concerned with home elevator installations.
Still if you want a perfect elevator, ambulance it would appear that Otis is the company to buy one from.
It has been long in Manhattan that any building over 5 stories tall was required to have an elevator.
Hence it is that many many buildings in Manhattan are 5, instead of 6 stories tall.
The ideal elevator in a home of 4 to 5 stories would be rated for a weight load of at least 15 hundred pounds, in my opinion.
I say so from working at renovating a 4 story home that had an elevator.
I am certain that this elevator was overloaded with busted up sheetrock and what not during the renovation.
It began to misstep by sometimes 2 inches on leveling to the floor stop.
Extremely few people are killed in elevator crashes due to speed brakes and wire rope strengths for counterbalanced elevator systems.
Most deaths from elevator incidents involve maintainence workers. They either fall to their deaths or get ground up and mangled in the machinery. Some are only greivously injured.
Passengers in elevators are typically spared injury or death, and are supposed to sit quietly in the elevator if it stops in between floors due to electrical outages. The passengers are to wait for rescue.
Starting in 1885 telephones were put in elevators so you could call somebody if it got stuck somewhere.
There are international standards for elevators.
Inclinator elevators may well be the company for an elevator for your house, though Otis is pretty much able to build it and maintain it forever, from what I can tell so far.
Of things made to get you around, elevators going back years and years have consistently been made to some of the highest standards of excellence ever achieved by engineers, and been fitted to structures of great antiquity, or enabled structures that without them, had no point.
EditorFounderNoteCR4Reading List
Working Class Corner/CR4 Reinvention of the World Reading List Notes.
I often neglect my site here getting wrapped up and prompted by above the neck stuff going on on CR4. I am very fond of the letter format..
One of my correspondents and friends posted a condensed version of a Reading List, brand viagra online that is primarily focused on concrete things to either know, prescription or know what book to look at to know.
I was glad, to find the post, and consider it important.
I may have to yank it.
We will see.
Working Class Corner
past two postings lost.
Points were Drug War unites Weapons and Drug Smugglers insuring bombing.
Whole Life Insurance Policies for Working Classes would create parity between Capital & Labor.
Off The Wall/Working Class Corner
Off The Wall
Working Class Corner
Russell Scott Day
Well I’ve been wondering what a good Science Fiction Screenplay might be made from arguments with engineers and physicists and poets might be.
What if life on Mars is very small, but if we brought it back to Earth it would kill all our diseases? Maybe the mechanical God of incompetence locked the dig arm on the robot down for a blessed reason.
Well, maybe…
I’m not always serious.
I’ve been ignoring the War. I’ve been thinking of Multi Verses and String Theory, and some Time Arrows, and Cosmic Rays as holographic platforms.
Last time I addressed what was to be done in Iraq I recommended re-activation of the United States Constabulary. There has been some deployment of a numbered unit that is similiar, but names do matter and this unit is not yet distinquished enough for the number to be in our heads.
Legal Hashish sales between Afganistan and Holland approved by the UN under international law, are called for, along with French Gendarmes and Pakistani Forces to replicate the Professional Constabulary, most best at a time as Interpol.
But I have been mainly focused on discovering the mechanisms that would facilitate Warp Drive.
I want to provide escape for my great grandchildren to another universe.
Possibly the Vatican will fund my projects.
Maybe not.
Anyway I’ve got a few other projects on my mind.
I wish there was a strip joint within three blocks of where I live right now.
There was a charming civility to the strip joints under 9 left in Fort Lauderdale. I prefer a strip joint to a whorehouse myself. For a married man seeing another naked woman is typically enough to inspire some pleasure for his wife who typically misses the point around here. -where I live.
I’ve not visited the Massage Parlor on Franklin by Internationlist Books.
There is a place at 87 and 85/40 in Hillsborough that advertises by the pleasure boat lot. "All Girl Massage".
Looks like a whorehouse to me.
I heard once that the whorehouses in Carbondale Illinois were the best because the girls were all University of Chicago coeds making the money to pay for their university tuition.
Heard that from a pilot.
He also recommended Korean girls and the women of Reklavik. Iceland.
Actually it was his brother that recommended the whorehouses of Carbondale.
His brother was on the business side of things more than as a pilot himself, though he did show off by getting a license to fly the Learjet.
I one time imagined laughing Cockroach Pilots pulling into the FBO in something that looked like a Learjet.
My Science Fiction Movie Treatment Idea is a Real Warp Drive Ship using String Theory and Quantium Mechanics for the basis of the story.
The movie would open as an argument in a bar between a physicist and a poet about whether or not there was more than one universe, and what its speed for the constant of light would be; faster, or slower.
They would go on to discuss Cosmic Ray Dreams, and Nuclear Bombs and the difference between Fusion and Fission, and why the sun is better than bombs.
Finally they would design an experiment or series of experiments that come to fuition would allow us to go to another universe.