Excecution Corner

Working Class Corner/Execution Methods

by- Russell Day

Doctors who refuse to help kill people have condemmed some prisoners to botched excecutions.

After thinking about it I am in opposition to the death penalty on the basis of mistakes more than any other reason.

Putting an innocent to death obviously has happened.

It is not the sort of thing I want to be responsible for.

Still I have thought about what sort of death would be most painless and wonder if it is best to shoot the condemmed up with Heroin and then drop a large heavy weight on their head.

It may well be that a good way to kill people is to shoot them up with Heroin and then shoot them in the back of the head.

Apparently Stalin had his killers walk his victums into rubber matted rooms, drugs and as the door was opened they were shot in the back of the head, and then fell on the more easily cleaned rubber mat.


Working Class Corner/Platform

Working Class Corner/Platform

by Russell Scott Day


The US needs help and needs to ask for it and that is what I want my President to ask for.   It might as well be the one we have or the one we get.

Sooner would be better than later.

The United Nations is carping about what the US owes in dues.

The attitude in the UN and Europe apparently is that the war in Iraq is the United States problem.

Regardless of the stupidity of the United States, store which was not always stupid, the War in Iraq is an international problem, especially for the brotherhood of the working classes.

I call on the Unions such as the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and IATSE, and the Teamsters, and the AFL-CIO and all other Guilds like SAG or secret societies like the Masons to ask for proper protection from their governments and the United Nations.

The nations and corporations have united to manipulate the working classes and this is a fight.

Judgements of governmental theory by one nation or all as to whether or not they are approved ought only rest on the general adherence to the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

A good King is a Good thing Tried and True and Nothing New, for instance.

Human Rights must be advanced for working class people who are often enough women.

Every working person ought to have the same right to travel to wherever they have a job as any corporation.

The International Wage is the pivot for the sucess of the Working Classes who support both the rich and the poor with their industry.

If the Catholic Church through its invention of the Vatican can have a Mission to the UN that has the Status of a Nation, the Workers deserve as much an office and voice!

The UN is Bureaucratic and flawed by corruption in tandem.

The Nations are stupid and the Unions need to have an office there representing their honor.

Working Class Corner/Debates and All

Working Class Corner/April Ending

by Russell Scott Day

      The Transcendian national holiday was politely celebrated at the beginning of this month.

       April has always been a scary month for me as if being a poet TS Eliot was somehow too right, cursed all poets into experiencing April as "the cruelist month".

       Maybe it is because April is so confusing.    At least around here, it is with cold rains, or wind, and then warm and beautiful in unpredictable combinations.

       It really ought not be that bad a month, but somehow it is more difficult than it looks.

       I  myself had political setbacks and felt insecure about work and friends and fired my agent.

       I withdrew from my normal haunts and mostly just went to work and came home.   I didn’t sleep well and had some real nightmares.

       The news was bad.

       I watched much of the debates this week and was a bit more frightened.

       By the end of that show I wanted to hear a united Democratic Platform that was focused from these candidates.

       Watching a bit of the punditry on the tv today I heard Obama disparaged for answering that the first thing to make sure of in the case of a multitude of attacks would be to insure that the event was handled well, as opposed to the way it was handled in the case of Katrina.

       He was disparaged as sounding more like a Mayor than a President, though his main opponent on the Republican side is put up as our protector and savior because he was the Mayor of New York on the day of 9/11.

       Ms. Clinton comes out as Presidential by saying she would have more enemies killed.

       The man at the end of the line said what I felt, "These People Frighten Me."

Well at least he was there, and talking, and yes all politics are personal.

       I got down to the superficial, and my man Bill Richarson looked like the man that the international community would see as looking right and looking like the United States was not completely worthy of all its troubles.

       Since it is an impressionistic world where there is so much information and things are called by names that they are either the opposite of in reality, and advertising and reality are consistently different in our daily lives so much that we accept them in the entire sweep of our concerns, and are worn down into a numbed state of incredulity and denial.

       Is this all really happening?

       Al Franken went off the air a couple of months ago, and I remember him actually doing a segment called Liars, now dimly.

       I’ve heard liars on NPR, on TV and some of the AM radio I listen to.   Rush Limbaugh has a particular talent for lying that astounds me for I would be ashamed if my only excuse for lying was ignorance.

       Which brings me around to remembering Gonzales and hours of lies.

       He didn’t flat out take the Fifth Amendent, but just said "I don’t remember."

       In the meantime the working classes all over the world are being worked to death, if not outright murdered and starved.

       The UN seems paralized in relation to all of the problems that face working people as far as Darfur is concerned.   At some point a despot is not proper for the international community to make agreements with.

       Of course not everything and everyone is failing.   There are places we and even myself don’t know enough about as far as the successes are concerned.

       There are places in the world where the UN is the government and a great number are better off for it.   We lament that there is not more of a good thing going on, not that there are no good things done.

       I didn’t see Bill Moyer’s Show about the failures of the Media on PBS this past week.   I did read a report forwarded by my mother.

       Far as I am concerned it is a sort of feel good excercise to go on that reporters and news organizations, editors and the like didn’t keep the US out of war.

      Far as I remember they were doing their jobs and they did tell us who, what, when and where.

      They are still doing it.

      They are getting killed doing it.

      My sense of things is that it was possible, and is possible to grasp that just because someone is on TV or on the radio too many people do not have the education or a grounded point of view to parse out the truth from the lies.

       When I read the papers and saw a surfeit of acronyms like the CIA or NSA and then all caps that I had no idea what the organization was, I knew it was a planted story.

       You ought to know that the tendrils of disinformation and information are spread throughout the same stream and be well educated enough from spybooks and movies to tell when you are being manipulated, by yourself.




Working Class Corner/Just Saturday

Working Class Corner/Everybody has to be a Spy Now

by, Russell Scott Day

Everybody has to be a spy now, and it bothers me that it is so.   I preferred espionage as entertainment, or as part of my abstract study of political science and military history.

     Now everytime I turn on the computer or use my debit card or just about anything I am reminded that I haven’t been changing my passwords enough, and it drifts through my mind I need to fix whatever makes my day@transcendia.org address unusable for us.

     According to the spies most information is available from newspapers and television and sources such as that.   Typically all Russian Journalists were KGB during the Soviet Era, and it is no surprise they have been getting killed.

      I always say "If your writing doesn’t get you in trouble, its probably not very good."

      Of course there is the chance you might just be stupid, but if that is the case you will likely do well on Radio.

      My most important local conflict is the same as my most important international conflict in theoretical terms.

      I actually have some local enemies apparently.   It is possible that I might write something that would turn them into "real" enemies. – as opposed to "luxury" enemies.

      So far these enemies have not caused me much loss of income, but enough to note it.

      I’ve tried to get along with them, since I don’t really care so much about them as to see any reason to not try to get along with them.

      Frankly as far as this local political problem one theory of mine coming from my study of political science is that at some time I might give my ambassador who is effectively a double agent some money to buy food for my enemies from a resturant.

       I would be foolish to accept any food from them directly myself, and would fear they might poison me.

       It is not for sure that I ought to do anything at all to cause any friendship between us since being friends with them could be a bad reflection on me.

       However should I decide to cause some end to the disruption of my freedom that they have caused, along with some loss of income, my experiment would involve food.

      So as a government might do, I might do, and give money to someone else to buy food for my enemy, in my name.

      Food, Drugs & Tools are soft power weapons.

                                                                 Best, Russell Day




Working Class Corner/Revisiting My Plans for Iraq

Working Class Corner/Revisiting Transcendian Platforms

                                 Concerning Iraq, and the world that revolves around it.

by Russell Scott Day

        One more time:   Peace means Police.

        I am stuck trying to explain this and get on the table the obvious need in Iraq for a change of uniforms.

        Everybody keeps saying there is no good resolution and goes on dreaming they can set deadlines, or go on doing more of the same.

        I’ve said in the past more than once, that the only good thing I can imagine coming out of the War in Iraq would be the formation of an International Constabulary, whose mission was to keep the peace.

        It is not too late to create the organization to deal with the problem in Iraq.

        In fact the best resolution to the War in Iraq for all concerned would be to recognize and form a Constabulary capable of keeping the peace in Iraq from now on, and capable of moving into similar situations in the future.

        Certainly the seeds of a Constabulary do exist in UN operations in Africa and Europe, though the institution now called for is not fully developed.

         The reason Iraq has gone all to hell, is that the Army did its job, and since then has been asked to do the job of Police, which they are not trained to do, nor uniformed to do.

         The reports I have are that the Police in Iraq are corrupt and unprofessional and have not been able even as the best of them upholding the professional mission of police, to keep the peace.

         I as a leader would ask of those professional police officers that across many borders work successfully day in and day out, what they would do to keep the peace in a place like Iraq.

         I’ll bet you they have some better ideas than Army Generals, excepting some of the Professional US Coast Guard.   (The United States Coast Guard was one of the few Federal Organizations that comported themselves well at the time of Katrina.)

        But really from what I know of Professional Police, and the organizations they belong to and work for,   I see Interpol as most likely able to take up the formation and leadership of an International Constabulary, that has the mission of keeping the peace when there is a vacum, or armies have concluded their conflict.

       The ones who suffer the most from wars are the working classes and those less well off than them.

       Most rightfully it ought to be the Labor Unions that call for protection for their class.   It may be a sign that the Labor Unions are more crushed than ever that they haven’t petitioned International bodies, like the UN for protection from armies that ought not be disrupting their work.

        I am such the anarchist that if my nation is abusing me I want the aid of my class.

        Now of course I recognize that there are more poor and working class than rich people, and that rich people want the same protections from their class, as I want from my class, but that the rich need fewer personal friends than my class needs to get along, and hopefully get some comfort and beauty, on a regular basis, in honor of our honest work making things or fixing things or cleaning up.

       I am again the anarchist when I say, "You cannot just make laws for everything.  The spirit of the law, is more important than the law."

      It is in the enlightened best interests of the rich to want peace in the streets, partly since they can afford to go most anywhere.

      The United States Armed Forces are not designed to keep the peace, especially in a Civil War situation, and they must be replaced by a different force, if the War in Iraq is not to spin out of control and end with the mushroom cloud scenario, it was claimed to be undertaken to prevent.

      I hope that I do not have to read this infront of a camera to get it across, but suppose I’ll have to whether I like it or not.

                                                                 Best, Russell


Bill Richardson/Working Class Corner

Working Class Corner/2 Parts: General Comments; & Presidential Candidates, Why now I am for Bill Richardson

by-Russell Scott Day

      Prior to tax day I was thinking about money and taxes and it popped into my head that my money was being drafted even if my body wasn’t.

    I had a bout of real clinical depression as a result since I became paralized and couldn’t fill out the tax forms.

     It depresses me to pay people to persecute me.

     Because I am simply working class and have some working class vices and can’t afford to lose my job by becoming famous or infamous, it is safer for me to be ignored.

     I am aware that I am supposed to buy it that my lack of competitive wealth is all my fault.

     I am also aware that as a working class person I have consistently had the cards more and more stacked against me by national and international interests that have successfully divided and conquered my class, the working class.

      People like me really don’t need to be famous, and really don’t want to be famous unless it pays more than it costs.

      The great historian Paul Fussel points out that writers are working class.   I’ve been fired and blackballed for things I have written.

      When Imus was fired for saying something I took it like I took it when I got fired or shut out for some of the things I wrote that were published or offended someone in the Corporation.

       I remembered the time at Brownies, the bar I hung out in in Manhattan in the early 90’s when I used the phrase,"Nigger Rich", in a conversation with him about money and the state of my career.

      He was a stockbroker or attorney and I had had many conversations on various subjects with him and regarded him as a friend.

      What the situation was was that I had more money and opportunity than I had ever from work that was in areas that I loved, "And I hoped I did not become nigger rich."

       The look that came over his face when I used that phrase, that I believe he knew what it meant, and also knew the spirit that I was using it in, was painful on two levels.

       One level of the pain was that I discovered then and there by the look on his face that I was not allowed to say the word nigger simply because I am white.

       He knew what I meant, which is that some people when they get a windfall, squander it.   I really meant nothing more than that, but of course I never used the phrase again since even now writing about learning not to I feel like I’m digging myself some sort of hole.

       It is true as Mensia said in a stand-up I saw on TV the other day, that white people can’t say much.

       The divisions between Working Class people that revolve around race and language serve to divide them so much that they play in different playgrounds on different channels.

      Certainly I wouldn’t have had a meltdown if he had said to me that he hoped he didn’t act like White Trash when he married a rich and famous white girl.

      I myself was once called a bi-sexual Aryan nigger by a girl when she threw a solid glass of whiskey at me.

      I don’t know what her problem was…

Part 2:

      -But at anyrate I do need to get back to what I was thinking about when I started this post, and that was why I supported Bill Richardson.

      I think he is the real thing.

      I think from what I have heard and read that he has written and spoken aloud, that he knows what is going on and will admit it.

      His competitors are rightly to be called Demagoges.

      He has worked on the borders both nationally and internationally.

      Obviously from his statements and laws pushed he us for an end to stupid wars and stupid policies and is not afraid of talking to friends and enemies alike.

       If I was managing his campaign I would call in historians and political scientists to critique his approaches and personality, and use phrases like "Real Class", "Real Experience", "Real Integrity", "Real Concern, and Real Common Sense."

      Democracy is a delicate form of government.

      Certainly American United States Democracy is subject to some powerful distortions.

       I think Governor Richardson has the courage and integrity to deal with the wreck the current administration has driven the US into.

       He is most likely in my judgement to function internationally and domestically in a practical manner as described as needed for the US by the Philosopher William James.

       From my reading and what I have heard about him, it will be a real tragedy if he is not elected.

       Sure Obama and Clinton and Edwards all sound good, but I am impressed that Governor Richardson has negotiated with North Koreans and gotten results that helped people.

       Governor Richardsons experiences in New Mexico give his resolutions to the issues of border security and illegial immigration real weight, are ethical and practical at the same time, and he does not shy away from calling others Demagoges for the way the issue has been handled so far.

        He already has a relationship that could help us in the future with the Mexican Government, and I like the idea that he would bring this with him into the highest Executive Office.

        As far as Iraq is concerned, no candidates or people with real power in the government has yet really come up with a resolution or plan fully realized.

        The war in Iraq is not just our problem, and we cannot resolve it by ourselves.   Reform or ReInvention of the UN is more important an issue to the US, than is commonly understood.

       In the area of politics where the breakdown in the world is active general war, we simply do not have in place institutions to more perfectly deal with it.

       In an ideal world what would have happened when mission accomplished, and victory over the Iraq Army, would have been that the Army left.

       The institutional vacum is that there is no International, UN, Constabulary of size and training, in at the very least different uniforms to send in to "keep the peace".

       Now of course all is not failure, and what I am talking about here builds on what I know of successes, even misconceptions about how the UN really works, and what it really is, that really amount to it ought to be like what I thought it was when I was a child.

       When I first heard of the UN as a child, I thought the Blue Helmets, the UN Peace Keeping Forces, were a standing organization like what really it turns out the UN army ought to be.

       "Look out kid.  They keep it all hid.", is what our great poet Bob Dylan meant to me when he sang that.

       The organizations and institutions have names and then their rules and culture and are corrupted to make keeping a job, having job security regardless of performance possible for the bureaucrats of that institution.

       The fit between the institution and its bureaucrats, and its mission in an overall organization, requires that the organization has institutions, or departments for all jobs that must be done.

       It is not as if the UN has not worked.

       But it worked in the form it is in now for the Cold War, which was a time of BiPolar Power Balance.

       The time we are in now is a Multi Polar Power Balance.   To maintain the Bi Polar Power Balance I would have welcomed Statehood For Russia a the perfect win win for both the US and Russia.

       They would have gotten a tradition of contract law, and the relationship between the US with Russia as a State, would have maintained the same sort of power balance in regards to China.

       Intellectual Property Rights are as much abused in Russia, as they are in China and this is really no small problem for people like me.

       As much as I am disappointed and hurt all around by the US, nation of my birth, the thing that would make me want to come here from somewhere else, and keeps me here, is its tradition of free speech.

       In the US it is only generally the mobsters that murder, or attempt to murder journalists.

       It is sad for me that Russia did not become a State of the United States since now I have to argue for increased power in the hands of the UN, which implies the invention of a World Government.

       That is such a large and difficult path that I have limited my goal to a nation of airports with a uniform set of laws based on international law and its standards.

       Now it is coming up that my US Passport is going to expire in 2008.

       Of course this is coming up when I am most likely since I bought it to be needed for travel out of the country.

       At the Post Office they told me that to renue my passport, I will have to send it in, and not have it for about 2 months.

       This means then that the only Passport I will have will be the Transcendian Passport, which I know to be institutionally deficit.

       Therefore I am interest in buying a UN World Citizen Passport that I expect to get from a bureaucrat.   It is amazing how many bureaus have control of the freedoms we need to make a living and do otherwise for our work and destiny.

       Though the World Health Organization has been a wonderful UN institution,  I tell you I am intriqued by the success of the US Post Office, and other national postal services.

       Sure seems like there is something wonderfully simple about delivering letters and packages that make all of the Postal Services co-operative with each other, and implies hope for mankind.

       I took a great lesson from the fact that the Confederate Postal Service was the only really consistently operating institution of the Civil War for the Confederates.

       Further I took great lesson that it was the head of the postal service of the Confederacy that begged Lee and the Jefferson Davis Cabinet to not go to Gettysburg, and please to defend Vicksburg.

       The concept of an international wage that is needed for the working classes to maintain dignity and get ahead, as supported by Dick Gephart could well be worked out for international postal services and would likely turn out as a good example for the rest of the required mission, if us working classes are to achieve some peace.

       The Post Office has a simple mission, same as the Army.

       My point about a UN Constabulary is that soldiers are not Postmen, nor are they Police.

        The surge will fail because it asks soldiers to be police of a civil war, and they are not policemen.

        I hope I can make this case to someone like Mr. Richardson, since I think it might be possible that he would adopt it, whereas I have great doubts about the people who sound "good". 





Working Class Corner/Why I Live Where I Live

Working Class Corner

-by Russell Scott Day               


"I’m in outerspace right behind my face.

You might think I’m right infront of you,

But really I’m some other place.

I’m in outerspace,

Right behind my face."


Why I Live Here


I’ve been around and in fights I won or lost.

For me the world is a boxing ring.

      The best thing ever said about me was that I was a poet who got things done.

      The worst thing said was I didn’t have Charisma.

       I ought to run for Vice President with Dennis Kucinich then.

       I hope Dick Gephardt comes to town and has a beer with me.

       John Edwards built a house on the street I built one with a woman who quit feeding me after the house was built.

       I’ve lived in small towns, suburbs, and cities.  

       During the Viet Nam War I lived in Canada.

       I have been around on the East Coast of the North American Continent and North Carolina is great Real Estate.

       My father bought land here.

       My mother said he never bought a bad car, or took her to a bad movie, and he lived in NY, Virginia, and North Carolina.

       Otherwise he knew Switzerland after fighting across Germany during the Second World War.

       I was born in White Plains New York.

       I have ended up here near where my father bought a home for us.

       My mother lives in Greensboro, and my brother lives in Carrboro, and one sister lives in Greensboro, and the other lives in Little Rock Arkansas.

       Dad is dead and buried in St. Petersburg Florida.

       It would take me awhile to find his grave.

       6 people came to his burial.

       To me the greatest thing about America is that flying machines were invented here.

       I am so proud that I have Kitty Hawk in my log book.

       I come from sailors and priests and am working class and am tired of moving around and want to make where I live work for me, but know it is a creative class backwater.

       Rich people and the empowered get away with a lot of corruption because the land is so rich that their corruptions can be ignored by the working classes without the imperative of killings.

      One can be poor and famous without being murdered.

      I live here because I can get away with it.




Why Bad Writers Kill/RSD

Why Bad Writers Kill/RSD

                                               By – Russell Scott Day

    Do you want to be famous?

    One way to become famous for a long time is to write something that entertains or inspires or educates people for a long time.

     Another way to become famous is to kill a lot of people, or someone significant to a lot of people.

     The key to mental health is having a lot of friends.

      They do not necessarily have to be great close friends, and really one ought not be fully invested in only one other person.

      The German heros of the Second World War were the Germans who tried to assinate Hitler.   It is those men who give the German people the right to say "It was not all of us."

      Those men who tried to kill Hitler with a bomb in a meeting room died horrible agonizing deaths as horrific if not more than the death of Jesus on the cross.

      They tried to kill Hitler.

       I was once on a train out of Hoboken and looked across from me to see a 15 year old that I knew was not human like me.   If I had killed him then from what I saw in his eyes I know that others in the world would not have suffered beyond what is civilized.

       This is not what we can make laws about, it is about the unspoken and the private and the non verbal and the verbal and risk.

       The US has become a Bureaucratica.

        Of course I think that Munch’s "Scream" is not about noise from a train, but the madness of living in Bureaucratica.   Kafka in Amerika described the tenacles of it as it rips out the soul.

      Apparently in South Korea an ex-policeman killed 57 with a gun and some grenades.

      I wonder what that policeman’s collieques had to say about him.

      I never heard about it before the news from Virginia.

      Everybody wants to be famous in America.

      Of the Asians Koreans are the most extroverted and they eat dogs.

      Flannery O Conner wrote Wiseblood many years ago.

      She understood crazy people.

      The most important thing about people who experience life with great sensitivity who do not go as crazy as someone like Shu, or whatever his name was, is they don’t believe in anything too much.

       I myself do not believe in war, but do believe in killing some people some of the time.

       This does make me a bad Quaker, though it lets me off from WarMonger.

       The difference between me and other political leaders is that I do not war to get general and would much prefer that it was at a manageble level, as it is when spies kill spies and no one else.

       Well there have been some leaders that carried with them away the names and friendships of fighters that died keeping things peaceful enough.

        The current international situation calls for the elimanation of Weapons of Mass Destruction since if the guy at the College had had a Nuclear Weapon like some in the world want to get and use on the US or Great Britian, we could be bombed into another bit of Dark Ages if NYC and London and Tokyo were wiped out.

        Sociology and Psycology are much more the same than we want to recognize and when individuals do great harm and take over the mental landscape it is sensible to suspect that a group of them with the same set of flaws are likely to get to general harm.

        The worry about gun violence in the US is no match for the worry I have about atomic bombs.

        I myself have a 32 revolver and don’t really want to give it up, but I really object to nuclear, chemical or biological weapons in the arsenals of anyone.

        If the nations of the world get going on getting all big bombs out of the aresenals of mankind, I can tell you for a fact, it would set a good enough example that other weapons would become better regulated.

                                                                   Love, Russell

P.S. It doesn’t make you crazy to eat dogs by the way, and I admit that this piece leads me to some thoughts as much as presenting any position.   This is why it is better called a letter, than a column.

As far as what is unique about the American Culture, I believe it is a far advanced common desire to be famous.   It is actually okay to not be famous and just do your work.   A good parable about this is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.   In that story the woman is passed around like a prize, or I am sure Ayn was tracing what made each man attractive.   One man wanted to be famous, one rich, and the other wanted to do his work.   It is more legitimate to become famous, because your work is important, than to become famous simply because you want to be famous.

In the body of this letter I did not fully make clear why Hitler popped up but really it has basis in his attempts to be a successful artist that apparently failed.

Cho was apparently not a very good writer.

In such a case of any future similarity in Universities or schools my suggestion with the individual would indicate that such a personality might be moved towards more appropriate work for them.

Cho chose the gun, which has similarities to the camera.   A movie camera of the classic mature sort operates much like a machine gun an would have been a better way towards achieving fame, than the choice Cho made.

When dealing with crazy people it is frightening to accept their logic, but you must accept that they have a logic and give them a way out that accepts that logic.

What it is that a crazy person believes is their truth whether or not is an objective truth.

I have not watched much of the video of Cho since I wasn’t watching tv when they apparently played the stuff too much.

My question to answer is whether Cho felt trapped and lost.   This was not objectively the case since he was in University and there are oportunities for change that are inherent in that experience that are profound when we consider the many in the world who have no such opportunity.

Another unique aspect of the American Culture, that has influence on why terrific acts of violence occur is the feeling of desperation that Americans share.

For the common working people there is little security.   Promises are abrogated day in and day out and they are humiliated and divided and shamed and alone.

Everytime the workers get a raise the rent is raised.

So what we have in this country is a mental landscape that is desperate, armed, and where the greatest achievement is to become famous regardless of the integrity of work.

This mental landscape produces events such as the killings at Columbine, Jonesboro, and Virginia Tech.

I submit that if it were generally accepted that it is okay to not be famous, and the integrity of work was made more valued and honored evidenced by a national committment to universal healthcare for instance, an end to the drug war that criminalizes working people for their rightful vices, which is what they heard as freedom, when the rich know freedom as money, that the mental landscape in America will improve enough so that laws about guns or pregnancy will not much matter.





Working Class Corner/5 Things to Do

Working Class Corner/Things to Do

         1.  Get the Army out of Iraq.

           2.  Get into Iraq a Constabulary in different uniforms.

           3.  Get rid of Nuclear and Chemical Biological Weapons.

           4.  Make the UN enforce the rules of war.

           5.   Legalize work. 

Working Class Corner/What to Do About Iraq

Working Class Corner/

           Timetables and Iraq

       by- Russell Scott Day

       When the Stockbrokers succeed it is because they have invested in good products, produced by good people, at a good time.

       When the Warriors win, it is because they were fighting well, for a good idea, with good weapons.

        That is the ideal.

        Sometimes in the past Warriors have won when they were fighting well with good weapons for a bad ideal.

        It is good to fight for a good idea, and idealism forever and all the time.

        The good fight is work.

        Fighting is work.

        I got to live in Rochdale College because I was hired as a Security Guard.

        I got paid in Rochdale College in Toronto for protecting people.

        The way I got a job at Rochdale College was selling poems I had written on the streets of Yorkville.

         The Vice President of Rochdale College gave me a job in the Security Force of Rochdale to make up for the fact that the College Newspaper, the Tuesdaily had printed the poem I was selling on the streets, without my permission.

         I really liked Lionel Douglas.

         It has been a hobble for Transcendia that he ran into a brick wall on a motorcycle.

         He gave me the option of being on Security, or Maintainance.

         The last test session I took said I was suited to be CEO, or Janitor, and mostly these days for pay, I am a janitor.

        The established business that runs itself because it is integral like bags or bug spray has firemen as presidents.

         You don’t need to be a visionary when you know fires happen.

         Putting out fires is the phrase a lot of managers and supervisors use to describe what they do.

         They say, "I put out fires." with pride.

         A leader says, "I start fires."

         Young Men and Fire tells the story of a firefighter who started a backfire that saved his life, and would have saved the lives to his crew, if they had liked him.

        I have to admit as a scholar or espionage and war, that deadlines for withdrawal of soldiers, and warriors, is stupid.

         My study of political science and history has taught me that it takes what it takes and costs what it costs.

        For a sportsman the phrase would be:   "It’s not that you win or lose, but how you play the game."

        It would be a Utopia if War had rules and never lasted more than three weeks as long as there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction involved.

        hence it is that I declare again war on weapons of mass destruction.

Since mindless asteroids are on the way to the Homeland, I have a legitimate permanent war to get volunteers for.

                                                           Love, Russell