Report/Working Class Corner

What I’ve Been Doing, or How I got a Hobby

     For some reason I got interested in making batteries and have discovered that some guy has made what he calls a nuclear battery.   It is just like a Duracell to his mind.   Comes in a stainless steel drum the size of a car, and when it’s used up, you just throw it in the landfill, or maybe better yet leave it with the other batteries at the landfill.

     I’ve gone so far with my hobby to dip into the toilet for some electrolyte when I ran out of acedic acid, or vinegar.   I’ve been cutting up strips of copper and tin from roofing materials left on the jobsites and putting wires on them and putting them in glass containers and seeing what my meter tells me they are putting out.

      My meter says I’ve got at least a volt, and near two on many of the bottles, vases, or jars, but I’ve not gotten any light bulb to burn from the alligator clips off the wires to those lamps yet.   -I’m depressed about it.

     Otherwise I haven’t been able to put pictures on Gamma Rays and send them through Wormholes either.

      I prayed about something the other day, but so far the prayer hasn’t been answered.  



      Russell Scott Day


         It is discovered in the dictionary I have that a Bureaucrat is typically regarded as negative.   They are officials in a Bureaucracy is the most neutral part of their definition.

        A Bureaucracy is government by central organization.

        It is a shame that Bureaucrats have not worked to improve their image and that they are so negatively defined in the Oxford Dictionary.

       When I started out this website I wrote that I knew that I needed good bureaucrats working for Transcendia, ampoule if it was to succeed.

        It was encouraging for me to read that Ban Ki-Moon was asking for the resignations of 30 top UN Bureaucrats after my go arounds with them over UNTV and my Weapons of Mass Destruction Art Event Proposal.

       My friend told me I was a barometer and I found it ironic that I had bought the domain name Bureacratica, which is the way it sounds to me and I am debating with myself about whether or not to put the site up with the name I own.

       My go arounds with the Bureaucrats of the UN had caused me to come up with Bureacratica and I got excited about it and bought the name and then thought about what sort of site it ought to be under that name.

        For Travelers a site that reported on the nature of national Bureaucracies would be of value.   It would also be of interest to spies and the intelligence community in general.

        You could argue in relationship to the War in Iraq, and the lack of power in the hands of Congress to control the Executive Branch that the US has become an inflexible Bureaucracy more than its intended Republic as a Democracy.

       Bush for all his Texas swagger may wake up one day and recognize himself as no more than a Bureaucrat in all of the most negative of its definitions.

       It ought to be that a cadre of Bureaucrats help their fellows do things in order so that the nation benefits from the efficiency of their efforts in a spirit of comradarie.

       This is the sort of Bureaucrat I would want to work for Transcendia, and I hope it is the sort of Bureaucrat Ban Ki-Moon has in mind for the UN.



Working Class Corner/Changes


      There are things to change, ambulance and things not to change.

      My class does not profit from war, generic | though there are classes that profit from war.

      I am very tired and sore from work and keep thinking that a war against weapons of mass destruction is something the working classes ought to pay for regardless of what the nations or UN do, for the UN and the nations are failing to protect the working classes from war.

      I am extremely beat down feeling this evening.

      I am aware that if I turn on the TV I will be further beat down into submission if I tune to the wrong channel.

      My next systems invention will take the profit out of war.


The Good Shepard Book Report


The Good Shepard

     There is a lot of reality to the movie The Good Shepard.   Maybe I ought to have seen a comedy on my birthday since I became withdrawn and depressed after watching the movie.

      Today I thought of a comedy about Iranians who get an atom bomb and blow up New York City for the fun of it, so as to shake off my depression.

      Homosexuals are inherently trained to be spies since they start out with a secret.

      My study of spies and espionage prompted me to tell my daughter that she has a right to her secrets.

      We are all spies in our private lives even with our secret thoughts that we never have need or time to tell anyone.

       Edward Wilson is James Angleton, or the same character of Harlots Ghost by Norman Mailer, which I consider his best book since The Naked and the Dead.

      Similarities between the movie and Mr. Mailer’s book are great even so far as the tone and rythum of the movie.

      There is truth to both works that comes from the reality of the story of these people and the conflicts of our times.

      The bottom line is that it is all personal.

      President Bush doesn’t seem to get that when we consider his handling of the letter by President Ahmadinejad.

      -but that is an aside.

      Current realities of relentless war have intruded into my thoughts and I think in counterpoint that the attack on Saddam was maybe too personal.

       Money and Ideology, Compromise and Ego are what make spies do what they do.

      Spontanious affection also makes people do what they do.

      None of us is invulnerable.

      We are vulnerable and Americans are very vulnerable because we want to tell people our secrets.

      The Good Shepard was extremely well photographed and I was pleased to see in the credits the names of two people I worked with in New York, Jimmy Mah and Peter Betula.

      Jimmy was Best Boy Electric, and Peter may have been Key Grip.

      I’d have to find an old Call Sheet to find the confirmation for Peter’s last name spelling but it does please me that two of my old friends and co-workers worked in important positions on the movie.



Working Class Corner/ProActive Civil Demonstrations

ProActive Civil Demonstrations/Working Class Corner

                                                                    by Russell Scott Day

     When considering the conflict between the Palistinians and Israel I call for a Menu for Peace instead of a Road Map to Peace.

      This is not to me a subtle distinction for what you name a concept, is just as important as the concept.

       The concept of ProActive Civil Demonstrations comes out of concepts of Civil Disobedience which come out of weakness.   Civil Disobedience is reactionary in opposition to injustices.

       The powerful nations have so far failed to make demonstrations ProActively that in brevity have then the dramatic impact that peacefully advance civilization.

        I have experimented with ProActive Civil Demonstrations.

        I have discovered that one must account for the Law of Unintended Consequences when creating a ProActive Civil Demonstration.

        So far my most successful ProActive Civil Demonstration has been the Transcendian Message Rocket Launch Program.

        The point of it is now to illustrate how a thing can be good or bad entirely dependent on how it is used.

        It is a tragedy for mankind when a good thing, is used for a bad purpose.

        The little cardboard and balsa wood and plastic rockets we launched in Manhattan during the First Gulf War, cheered some people up.

       On the Fourth of July in the US fireworks are launched as spectacle and harmless and celebration of freedom.

       Christmas in my culture is an internationally shared holiday.

       As a ProActive Civil Demonstration it would be helpful if there was an International Workers Holiday detached from any religion.

       The Menu for Peace and Border Picnics for War Threatened Nations ProActive Civil Demonstration at border crossings between Palistine and Israel, would be vulnerable to the Suicide Bomber.

       This is the component of the ProActive Civil Demonstration that must be accounted for in constructing such an event as enemies eating together as an insidious movement towards Civil Peace.

       Therefore the construction of Food based ProActive Civil Demonstration must be progressive and intended to culminate in the event of a Border Picnic for Peace that is not the scene of sabatoge.

        Peace means Police.

        Therefore I would direct Police forces of the Palistinians and the Israelis to share meals together first.

         Then in conjunction I would direct that food be available and shared at border crossings between the Palistinians and Israelis.

        Progressively I would aim to make a large border picnic happen.

        The menu will have been tested.

        I’d like to see the children launch their rockets made of cardboard and balsa wood with their messages on and in them.

        Now the really brave would be Balloon Riders.

        During the Iran Hostage Crisis my ProActive Civil Demonstration concept was for Balloonists dressed like Clowns in low flying balloons to throw money and flowers down to those below.

       This was impractical I discovered during my divorce which was so horrible and adversarial that I recognized that in all liklihood the balloonist clowns would be shot down and that this would be counterproductive as far as my goal of achieving peace was concerned.

       However an SR 71 sort of aircraft might be able to successfully bomb their enemies with food and toys, and might eventually be tried.

       Now the legacy of John F. Kennedy is much really dependent on the Peace Corps.

       The Peace Core is an example of proactive thinking.   It is something that could be built on.

       Now somehow if humanity is to get through the bottleneck when it is obvious that civilization itself is threatened it is only the working class that can save humanity.

       I say that because if the working class demands international equality based on the value of their labor, with the entity of the corporations, that are allowed by unjust laws and the sellouts of corrupt despots enabled by entrenched beauracrats transcendent of religion, only then will the motives for mass murder and war be subdued.

       The working classes do need to unite and recognize the power of the corporations that is greater internationally than either their nation, or their religion and manipulates them through international laws so as to deny them forum and be the cause of wars that destroy their homes and workplaces.

       It is sad that income for something like the UN was not consistently generated from a tax on weapons, since that would elimanate dependence on donations.

       It is sad that the UN does not have as much respect for the Working Class as it does for the Vatican.

       It is sad that the resolution of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States did not result in Statehood for Russia.

        Why is May Day a distress call?

        It comes in the summer.

        Maybe it illustrates knowledge of the future when it is recognized by those being robbed that things are okay for a moment and they might as well try to forget about it for awhile.

         What if there was a Bureacracy of International Infrastructure Engineers and Labor with an army paid to protect them when they were working?

        This would be a ProActive Civil System as opposed to a ProActive Civil Demostration and in my progression, I end this train of thought.




Working Class Corner/Holiday Letter

Working Class Corner Holiday Season Letter

     From: Russell Scott Day/Founder of Transcendia

Dear Readers,

       As we of our Western Culture come from a Christian Spiritual Season that co-opted a holiday season that came from a common need for a holiday simply due to the common influence of the weather on us.

      When I lived down in Florida I sort of thought people went a bit crazier there than other places where I had lived like Chicago, or Toronto, or North Carolina, and New York because the seasons were less demarked.

      It is not surprising that a year comprised of Summer and Hurricane Season would have general influence on the shared consciousness.

      To get through the winter you really need some days off and a bang of food to get through it.

      Whether or not God exists, since the boss might not on his own give you a few days off you might be encouraged to invent God so as to get some time off.

      At any rate it is the Holiday Season around where I am and what I want is Peace and Joy in the world.

      There are ongoing wars, and potential wars that threaten my work.

      I wouldn’t mind dying so much if I thought my work might survive.

      Every now and then I get out or come across and read my father’s short stories or his play, or his war journal.

      I love, respect, and understand my father more and more the longer I live.

      I try and take care of his work and have discovered it mixed in with my own work.

      He was a combat soldier during the Holiday Season in the Battle of the Bulge, and I am sad for all soldiers in this Season stationed in battle zones.

     Seems like the United States has exported its Drug War to me when I think of Police Work in LA, or NYC.

      I don’t feel as sad about the Police since they get to go home at night and I would have been a very good Policeman if pot was legal, since even when I imagine myself or have not liked to smoke pot, I would never arrest anyone for possessing it.

      Peace is impossible when the laws are unjust and strip others of equality.

      Peace pivots on very simple things.

      An abundance of food is number one.

      Number two is equality.

      My mother says, "No shame in honest work."

      It is terrible and a source of conflict that under international law drugs that are produced in Afganistan are illegial.

      Everything has gone to hell in Iraq over oil, and all to hell in Afganistan because of drugs.

      The prospect of international peace does depend on legalizing trade in drugs between Amsterdam and Afganistan more than what President Bush thinks God told him.

      Hell, President Bush is the classic dry drunk from what I know about drinking and reformed drunks who don’t go to AA.

      AA is a terriffic example of a successful anarchy in crisis management.

      As far as peace is concerned and the President Bush is concerned, I’d expect a good decision if he started drinking again, or went to AA meetings instead of Cabinet meetings.

       Of course my hero, flawed like a man, is Ulyesses Grant.

       I love to drink beer and smoke pot, and my favorite drug is hashish, and at least beer is legal.

       Last time in my life hashish was plentifully available in the US was when Carter’s CIA allowed it in prior to Congressional Approval of Military Aide to Afganistan.

      It is then that hashish ought to have been legalized.

      My addiction to nicotine is where all the founding wealth of the United States came from.

       If it wasn’t for morphine after my fall to the concrete through the open stairwell, and when my small intestines became blocked it is hard to believe I could have survived the agony.

      So really morphine that comes from poppy and can also be heroin which might be useful at the painful end and comes from Afganistan needs to be legalized along with equality for women regardless of what anyone thinks.

      And that is my Holiday Season letter so far today.

                                                                    Love, Russell

the pragmatist like William James, sort of. 


Ingredients for Peace/Working Class Corner

Ingredients of Peace

     They are food and isolation from dependence on others.

     Otherwise they are equality of stature for all under a just set of laws in the modern corporate world.

      The pivotal demarcation is illustrated by equal rights for women agreed to and enforced regardless of national boundaries.

      : this is an extreme condensation of a longer letter I wrote that disappeared into the ether.


Working Class Corner Failure

Working Class Corner/Failure

      The only reason I put up with failure is so I can own my successes as well.

        The justification of the War in Iraq was that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and would use them.

        Evidence was that he had used Chemical Weapons on the Kurds when he got them.

        Such evidence that he has been convicted of would sensibly imply that if he had a nuclear weapon he might well use that as well.

        Let us never mind where he got his chemicals for his chemical weapons, which are illegial.

        I can’t remember if it was Cheny or Ashcroft that sold President Hussein the chemicals for his weapons.

        I can’t remember all the details of the war between Iraq and Iran.

        Seems I do remember that Iraq used Chemical Weapons on Iranians.

        At any rate I am convinced that I cannot trust nuclear bombs and chemical weapons to not be used.

        The evidence is that nuclear weapons were used and that chemical weapons were used in the past.

        Therefore the sensible person would conclude that as long as these weapons exist, they will be used.

        Realistically you had better face that if these weapons exist the possiblity of their being used is 100 percent.

        As an organized species with the ability to understand this fact as a group in total through either pictures or written word or tv or radio I do think it would be possible that people who have weapons of mass destruction could be made to understand that they are threatened for having them.

       What if Ban Ki Moon assended to the office of Secretary General and declared war on Humanity Destruction Devices and started having people killed who had Nuclear Bombs and their like?

       It is a good thing that the UN is so hobbled and bureacratica.   -at least for the powerful.

       We got French food out of the 50 year long War of Roses my wife says.   We are having an arguement about what weapon was invented for that war.

       I need to return to the war prevention or regulation system invention that I am working on.

       Actually I need to explain basically over and over the wisdom of Andre` Lewin’s points.

        One thing he did endorse was the individual speaker at the General Assembly of the UN.

        I would be willing to make a stab at it around 4 PM most any day.







Mean & Angry/Working Class Corner

Mean & Angry/Working Class Corner

     Bernard Shaw said there were two things in a mans life: Politics and Women.

     Is this too simplistic?

     Is it the Great Man that makes history? – or does history make the Great Man?

     What system of international political operations would overcome the conflict with those that want to change the world for the better or worse, better than the system we have now?

      No system invented shall have perfect success if the spirit of it is not more understood and accepted and drives the system more than the system drives the spirit of it.

      The interactions of systems in outerspace and the one we are in that we call the Solar System are naturally violent.

       Even beneath our feet on the most peaceful of days the insects are at war.

       I am inclined myself to accept that no system I or my brothers might invent can overcome the natural violence associated with this life, or anyother life.

       Still I can imagine a Utopia, a heavan on Earth.

       – this would be a place where war never went beyond fist fights or sporting events for many.

        We know people who live in this sort of world and some of us may look down on the people whose focus of violence in their world, that is natural, is sports.

       This snobbery comes about because obviously serious people do not see that anything is really won.

       Serious people know that if the Islamic Soccer Team, beat the Christian Soccer Team, that would not mean that automatically the Christians would have to become Muslems.

       Serious people have a lot to learn from sports fans and those that play sports since sports fans and players in general accept the rules of their games in a way that if warriors fought their wars would serve to make war more sporting.

      Winning a nice Trophy and some money according to the rules of war, would be a better thing than destruction of the game.

       Part of war has been and will be won or lost according to its allowance of new weapons to play the game with.

       This makes it a very difficult game to play, and ideally we as a group would change this difficulty that exposes the worst of us, which is inherently understood as something bad within us without any need of any God.

      It is the ethical athiest who loves sports and plays by the rules who could be argued to more prove the divinity of man, than the man that feels his prayers are answered by God in the form of new weapons with which to win a war.

      Since it is that war exists, and war has clear similarities to sports, and it is better to love sports and participate in sports more than it is to love war, and participate in war, our most realistic goal would be to make war more like sports.

      This calls for the outlawing of some of the things war could be played with.

      In all sports there are those that will break the rules.

      Obviously the motive for breaking the rules is to win.

      Losing a war has greater consequences than losing a game of baseball so much so that it calls for a very powerful and wise Umpire.

       The Umpire of War would be called on to actually kill those who do not accept the rules of war.

       I am imagining that Weapons of Mass Destruction were against the rules of war and that simply having them was reason enough for you to be killed.

      In the real world imagine a tax on weapons that supported the War Umpires who enforced the rules of war.

      Such warriors who killed other men to keep the game clean would be great lovers of mankind and their own class in my opinion.

       Certainly being a soldier is a working class job.

       It is a lucky soldier who fights for the right cause.

       He then joins with the warriors who always fight out of love, and never fight simply because they are afraid not to fight.

       It did not bother me much to get beaten up fighting for others.   I did not suffer much of the victimhood syndrome because I got hurt defending someone else.

      When I got beat up for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time I really trashed my life all on my own.

      I got mean and angry to those that I loved.

      So then in order to feel better about what I get beat up for I have learned to think of ways to start trouble as an antidote to victimhood, and therefore propose for my class the forming of an army that extorts money from weapons manufactures to fund a war on weapons that make their weapons obsolete.

      Gun manufactures really ought to pay me and my fellows to kill people who keep nuclear and biological weapons since I and my fellows would have to buy guns from them since we have no use for atom bombs and the like.

      I am becoming more like the great man the more I am convinced of the worthy warrior war ethical proactive killing spree in pursuit of a utopian war intended to make war more sportsman like, don’t you think?

      I feel less angry and mean for thinking of it all this way.


Description of Help/Working Class Corner

A Description of Help/Working Class Corner

     I wrote the President of the United States a postcard saying we needed help in Iraq, generic ed and suggesting he ask the Costa Ricans for it since they have a unique paramilatary police force.
