I Don’t Believe/Working Class Corner

I Believe

      I believe in not believing.   I know that belief is a choice.   I believe in Ethics more than Morality since our history is filled with reports of Morality driven unethical actions and laws.

      I’d rather have the best of mankind, than the worst of God.

      Of course I pray, and sometimes even I myself think God is talking to me.

      Prayer is a way of thinking with a name for what it feels like whether you chose to pray to Zeus or Yahweh, or the Village statue.

       I have believed in concepts that were proved to me to be wrong.

       So I am careful not to believe in some concepts too much.

       In the case of my overall work of Transcendia, I have tested my ideas with the question of what harm they might do.

       In the world of unintended consequences there may be some harm to some from my vision of a nation of airports with a standard set of minimum laws.

       Maybe I just want to see if I can found a nation like my heroes did?

       Still I had two questions that were come from my youth of UFOs and Atomic Bombs.

        How can I prevent Nuclear War? was one question.

       The other was;  How can I see people from outerspace?

       Due to an alternating period of boredom and bliss I had a vision I named Transcend O Ray, that I have used like a touchstone in my head, and is equavalent to the third eye experience from the art I have seen, and what I think Borges was telling his story of in The Aleph.

      When thinking on the two main questions of my life, which amount to destiny, since we have not yet seen people from outerspace, I am not proved wrong about how we will yet.

       I think we’ll see them on holograms encoded on photons decoded from huge solar panels in space.

       This was what my vision first answered for me.

       – in 1973.

       – in 1979 or so I decided that an international confederation of airports operating as free trade zones through lease agreements in every nation regardless of that nations laws and culture would facilitate economic advancements for common people by being culturally neutral and safe for business due to the cultural neutrality of airports in general.

       I thought and believed that if people had business interests in common that they would be less inclined to go to war, and that by facilitating trading posts I could moderate the threat of war.

       I know that I chose to believe that this is possible and better, but that the evidence shows that you are more likely to go to war with people you do business with, than people you don’t.

       My divorce proved to me that in micro and macro, people with common interests will go to war, and children are like civilians in whom the conflict harms.

       A real nation has an army.

       After my study of nation building I determined that if Transcendia was to become a real nation, it did have to have an army.

        Since I am a Godwin Anarchist I have determined that for a small nation of confederated airports all of my citizens and countrymen ought to be part of the army, and carry the weapons of their choice since I ought not have in my country citizens who would use weapons for the wrong reasons.

       The rules for the use of force start with the right of self defense.

       It is one you may give up as some do, like the Quakers, but it is generally recognized as one right you have inherently, ethically, and codified in international law on a personal and public or national scale.

       What I used to call Nuclear War, I now call Apocalyptic Riot, and I see it coming with the North Korean confirmation of another atomic bomb being exploded.

       Prior to and in an attempt to forstall the current Iraq War, so different from the Afganistan War, I tried hard to get the UN to put out a regular and ubiquitious Television Channel.

       I failed.

       Now as the Apocalyptic Riot approaches I am failing again with the Weapons of Mass Destruction Art Show at the UN.

      UN Day I got an email from the Department of Disarmament Affairs saying that after consultation with the Permanent Mission to the UN of the United States the Department of Disarmament Affairs would not ask for UN support for the show in their benefit because they were concerned about the quality of the art and were confused as to why I wanted to launch little model message rockets during the event when the 4′ by 8′ piece of steel was being painted and scratched and etched on by the attendees and artists.

      I wrote back again explaining that life and art are discovery and that the point of the little rockets was that it wasn’t what you had, but what you did with it.

      I am trying and have tried to do the best I could with my life, and I hope my brother and sisters will remember me well.



Working Class Cigar?RSd

United Nations Day

     Yesterday Michael Cassandra said he and Ms. Kuffler had decided it was good not to support the Transcendian Art Show Event at the UN in support of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, Hans Blix and the Department of Disarmament Affairs.

      Michael Korvig at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN is the Big Man now, and I am very small though it is all my idea that Art is a better Bomb than an Atomic Bomb.

      Things aren’t going well from my point of view.

      I’m getting too old to do more work than three Mexicans.

      My newest painting is of Truman.

      He is signing papers on a desk in the photo I drew with brushes on a piece of rusted steel.

      It is a Halloween picture of a Ghost.



Working Class Corner/Fight Against Poverty

My Little Ideas about the International Fight against Poverty.

      There is hardly a place on the worlds surface out of the reach of corporations, and an International Minimum Wage is called for.

      It is ridiculous for the US, or a state like North Carolina to simply raise the minimum wage when the competition between workers for jobs is between North Carolina and China.

      If nations actually do want to wipe out international poverty, they will have to protect the wages of their Working Classes by agreeing to an International Minimum Wage, determined as equavalent, by currency rates of value, by an International Institution such as the World Bank. 

      Some of this reality is reflected in the valuation in comparison with US Dollars and the Yuan, or whatever it is the Chinese call their money.

      Basically we now live in a world where everyone needs money to live which means that for workers who support all who don’t work, their wages for common jobs starting with the necessary infrastructure for the world we now have need to all pay the same.

      In the past I have made the comparison of a human being to a light bulb that needs the Watts it needs to work, and if it doesn’t get them, it blows the circuit.

      In this world, there are essential infrastructure jobs.

      I suggest that nations and states agree to pay first all of their infrastructure workers a living wage, minimum wage as a basis, for the International Minimum Wage.

      This would give economists the true value of the currency being used in each nation.

       One of the better things about the United States is that in daily life Bribery is not typical.

       Corruption on the part of Institutionally Empowered Officials, named Kleptocracy at its zenith, insures poverty until an Institution like the UN has Courts and Laws and Force that are able to protect workers from the corrupt and powerful, who are simply robbing them.

       To follow along wth the comparison of a human being to a light bulb that needs the electricity it needs to work or it blows the circuit, the corruptions of the systems are equavalent to resistance in the wires, and things heat up in advance of the breakdown.

       Certainly there are corrupt policemen who only extort through bribery enough to get them and their family along, but it is the greedy who insure poverty.

       Knowing the acceptable level of graft within the police force of a nation that is corrupt would help determine what the infrastructure worker minimum wage would be.

       Fair Pay for Honest Work, concrete internationally, as an International Minimum wage started with Infrastructure Workers across international boundaries, would do more to raise all boats, than the Trickle Down Economy that really amounts to getting pissed on by the venal rich for the Working Classes

       It is a Corruption on a different level, but is the cause of many of the rest of the shit.

       Forgive me.   The word just fit…

       At any rate and International Minimum Wage based on what the Infrastructure Workers needed to live would be the first thing I would do to help cause an end to poverty.

       Second I would work to end corruption on the Macro, and Micro level, recognizing it as impossible without an International Minimum Wage.

       Off Book Accounting would be ended.

       Theft and Corruption are examples of Off Book accounting.

       The Earth is actually commonly owned by all of humanity, and air and water are rightly maintained to a standard for all.

       There is enough work cleaning the world up, maintainance, at this point, to insure 100 percent employment for all workers.

       It is the nations and the corporations and all of the rest of government and institutions that think they can get something for nothing, or that they can defer maintainance for later, or that God will take care of it, or a scientist will provide a silver bullet, or their soldiers can kill better than all of the other soldiers and warriors, that are simply wrong.

       If all of the people who provide clean water to New York City and Moscow Bejing, Paris, Rome, and Caracus demanded that an International Minimum Wage was set for all Water Workers, or they would cut the water off, I expect it would happen.

       In conjunction with the determination of an International Minimum Wage, workers need papers that allow them to move themselves and their families to where the work that fits their current skills.

       In the perfect world all of us would have the ablity to do anything and live anywhere, but we will not ever have a time when all of us can do everything.

       Still all of us can do something, and honest work ought never be illegal.

       It is the abuse of workers that is the underpinning of poverty, and poverty will not be ended unless a worker can work for fair pay anywhere they go, or stay.

       All other plans are bullshit.







Working Class Corner/Bars

Working Class Corner/What I Know About Bars, Nightclubs, and Strip Joints.

    (which is more than I can write at one sitting.)

                                                                                              Russell Scott Day

           I got fed up with the way I was being treated or spoken to by the bartenders of my favorite after work bar, and have quit going there after work, as was my normal habit.

        Other bars seem out of my zone, or schedule, so I have been coming home earlier and possibly saving some money, plus I have been writing my column more frequently.

       About religion and your spiritual life I say that once your religion inhibits you more than it inspires you, it is useless.

       Where you go ought not be useless.

       The best bars are places where you can give a job, or get a job, and have a fine amount of fun that extends out of the bar.

       Don’t do drugs with people you don’t like, or take food from people you don’t like, or you know don’t like you.

       Drinking alone is not the point and part of the reason that bars exist.   They can be similar enough to Churches that I feel no guilt for going or not going to them.

      But at anyrate what I know of significance about bars is they have a life of their own.   They have a cycle.

       In awhile the bar that was in my time and travel zone for bar life may change back into, or forward to, a place and mental landscape appropriate to my reasons for going to a bar, or church.

      Last time I was in my favorite bar, the owner who was bartending spoke to me in answer to my question about the heating and cooling system in a way so offensive I left before drinking a third of my first beer.

      My God, I remember talking to a bartender at the Banana Boat by the airport in Fort Lauderdale about her snapper pussy, or the time I punched a guyy out and the owner told me if it had been anyone but me, I would have been barred.

       In 35 years of drinking I’ve only been thrown out of two bars, and once cause I cussed them out for not having any coffee for me when they cut me off, and the other time for noting that the bartender was stealing money from the till.

      Twice I have been severely beaten up.

      The first time was in the nightclub where I did lightshows, and the other was in my local bar in the East Village of New York, Brownies.

       My only direct paid work for bars has been lightshows and general and stage lighting for them.

       The beatings taught me quite a lot.

       My main lessons from the beatings is that for Security Personnel they need balls and brains in the same body, and need to be focused on their job more than using their power to let girls in they think will fuck them or their friends.

       Three guys on coke that show up with no girl are particularly dangerous, and you might as well call the cops as soon as that set walk in the door.

       If one is a red head, just do that.

       The layout, interior design of a bar, and the bar itself have great influence over whether or not the bar is a good place to consume "spirits" with others.

       They don’t call them "Spirits" for nothing.

       If you drink enough you come to know there are good spirits and bad spirits for you.

       If you are going to indulge in adult vices with others, the time spent really must responsibly have better influence on you and your community than harm your community or yourself.

       I myself wonder if maybe the Cannanite Priestest Church, Temple, as a combination of bar and strip club might be a better religious and cultural institution than the conflict between Islam and Catholisim that assaults my peace.

       But it is good and safer if the bar bathroom doors are in easy sight for the bartender and security, or in otherwords bars with bathroom doors in hallways are less safe than bars where the bartender can see who is going in and out of a place they cannot see into.

       I know this because I was punched in the face as I came out of a bathroom door that faced a parrell to the bar short hall, and understand this would be much more unlikely if the door was seeable from the bar.

       Music is very important to a bar atmosphere.

       The owner of the bar that was my favorite bar in my bar driving and walking zone likes ponderous depressing music and I am some hated for playing the juke box.

       It is a difficult juke box even to play with a multiplicity of obscure or the worst of artists music.

       The better bar will have good music either live or on the box, or played by the bartender/DJ.

       The most civilized bar I regularly frequented had a marble countertop.

       Copper countertops to bars are second for me really.

       Still I am certain that there is less violence in bars with white marble countertops.    

        I am certain that if I made an integrated bar of all the classics, the photo area of decopage would be where all the fights broke out.

        Terrible of me to think of an environment as a sociological experiment.

        Still we must admit that the prospect of making a bar of all the classic bar surfaces has not been done and documented for its effects on the actions of inebriates, and its conduction would add some scientific understanding of the psycology and sociology of us.

       The full understanding of environment and spirits, and what they in combination produced is the experiment that a bar and a church share in potential for Sociology.

       I will codify this later.


Working Class Corner/I Stopped

I Stopped The Car!

      Really!/Working Class Corner

Local Info.     by Russell Scott Day

       A couple of months ago I got a ticket for running a stop sign, though really I got a ticket for a bad stop, because when I saw the cop car I hit the brakes harder and he pulled me and said I had not stopped within the prescribed distance from the stop line.

       I may even have hit the brakes twice in this instance, once for a shift stop of not much, and the other after seeing the lurking police cruiser.

      Even the best of us end up playing a game of cat and mouse now and then.   The cat is more likely to win of course, but there are more mice.

      Our cat Alister catches and eats a good number of rabbits.   Seems like he and the rest of the cats decided they wanted a pet rabbit, and let one live in the house for 2 months.

      Some of the famous mobsters of New York tabloids are equavalent pet criminals of our society like the criminal rabbit, pet of my cats, who forced me to rearrange the house so much that I haven’t yet put it back into order.

     Damn Rabbit!

     So anyway I have a Cat and Mouse event, and decided to see if I could win, or at least come out even since I did stop, and I was pretty close to the line, which is not actually drawn on the road.

      The fine and court costs comes to 160.00 dollars, and I had 200.00 in my account.

      Pulling into the parking lot for the courthouse the engine made noises that I knew from experience were belts coming off of the engine.   Last time I heard this sort of sound I ended up driving for about a month with no power steering.

      This strengthed my upper body and my wife commented favorably, but I did miss power steering on the car, and eventually had it repaired.

      The line for traffic court was very long already at 8:40 there in historic Hillsbourgh North Carolina, but it moved all right and I figure I would have gotten to work by 10:30 if I hadn’t had to have the car towed.

      Having the car towed cost me 127.00 since my Triple A membership had expired in August and I had to reup and get a penalty, which was Plus would not be in effect for 3 or four days and instead of 100 free membership tow miles, I had three and it was three dollars a mile after that.

      For some reason I had hit my trip meter a couple of block from the house on the way to the courthouse and therefore knew that it as 13 miles I had driven from then and that my mechanic as at most 3 miles from my house.

      It was 14 miles and I ended up giving him all my cash, which was 29 dollars.

      If I had just paid the fine, I would have not had the money to get the car to the mechanic, so it is a good thing that I decided to gamble on going to court and pleaded not guilty and got a court date and also have the option of doing a driving course on the internet, that will reduce the charge on its face.

       That costs 60 dollars.   Still I figure that is a managable chunk and the course takes about a half an hour, and a little brush up might not hurt.

       It used to be fun to drive when I was a teenager and it was mom or dads car, and even later on into my thirties, but since then I really don’t like it much and look at it as real work, and most of the time I drive I get paid to do it anymore.

      Between cops and criminals crazy drivers and weather, driving has little charm for me anymore.

       I remember when I drove like a bat out of hell scaring people either in the car I was driving, or on the road we shared.

      Now that was fun!

      I learned to drive from Nascar licensed drivers who were my Scoutmasters in the Elon College Troop 52.

      In the Boy Scouts I learned to drive and shoot, and tie knots and enjoy being cold and wet.

      It’s actually good training for being homeless, but I have wondered if my life would not have been more financially secure if I had not accepted that there were miseries to be endured and enjoyed same as pleasures.

      It has something to do with being honorable by habit that I like to think of as ingrained that I wonder about as being lost when organizations like the Boy Scouts are not Cool enough for a resume`.

      So anyway I learned a few things today.

      The most commonly towed car is a Jeep Cherokee, and next is Saturns, and Volkswagons are only towed when they are wrecked.

       I knew all along that when towns need money, they send the police out to get it.

      The guy I talked to in line said that he was amazed at how many of the citations involved were for very minor infractions, some of which seemed random or made up.

      Professional Police of high positions have told me that really they only arrest people for pot when they can’t get them on something else.

     Clinton sure talks a good line, but on the issue of pot it sure seems the same old hypocritical sell out of the common man, regular working stiffs in a culture of limited pleasures.

      Everytime Clinton broke a promise or sold us out he blamed it on his wife from my point of view.

      Gephardt did at least make that speech in favor of an international minimum wage.   I saw him say that he respected the Working Class that he had come from.

       I finally did make it to work today, though I had to get guys from work to come and get me at the garage.

       The grind goes on, and if you have an extra dollar in your pocket that you don’t have to sweat over spending, enjoy it.

        Well, unless you stole it or extorted it…                    


Working Class Corner/no pressure

No Pressure

      From where I sit at 53 without any degree from Harvard or Yale or MIT,  the future looks bleak.

      My first operation put me further in the hole, and it is kind of the surgeon to have saved my life on credit.

       The nation I was born into spends my taxes on roads and war.

       The roads are of some use, but the wars press me and my kind down.

        I’m about ready to say it is fine with me if the war comes home to where I live since it would be cheaper to fight from where I am.

       Why not go ahead and bring the troops home?

        I swear I believe Iraq will sell oil if US troops aren’t there.

        Apparently they do need a Police Force or Constabulary that keeps the peace for the workers who know better than to believe in anything too much.

        I ought to have pursued my job as a Security Guard after my time in Rochdale College in Toronto.

        I did alright as a man at the door.    I never lost a fight and when I was fighting I fought to keep crazies out.

       One time is a toss up I have to admit.

       The Bomb Threat time was odd…

       We went to the 11th floor where the bomb was supposed to be.   We sort of knew there was no real bomb there and we wandered around not even really asking if anyone there had seen someone with a bomb.

      The world would be a better place without bombs.

       What we need is a pro-active bomb disposal unit.

       Really is it not clear that bombs are accidents that nuts figured out a way to put to use?



Working Class Corner/Everything

Everything & Nothing

     I told a guy one day, "If you can’t even imagine Utopia, then you ought not call yourself a human being."

      Still the people of Star Trek even had wars with aliens they ran into.

      Not even Rodenberry could make a show that would keep peoples interest with out conflicts.

      By the time of Greece there was at least an ideal exemplified by the Olympic Games.

      Good to hear of the conflicts over Cricket with Pakistan.   The role of the Umpire, or Referee, or whatever it is they call the officiating official who calls the Game Penalties or enforces it rules in the conflict is a corrillary to the role we expect from the UN, but do not get.

      The problem with the Irag War from the get go was that it was not supported by allies.   It was not a group effort.

      This is not a World War II world that the British and the Americans can rescue.

      Of course without Russia as an ally at the time, this would be a very different world.

      Now the Russian Oligarchs, and the American Oligarchs and the rest of the Oligarchs and Kelptocracies laugh at the nationalists that die for their profit living with all sorts of superstitious beliefs.

      At anyrate the recent little war in Lebanon makes clear again that the world needs a tougher referee that its got for its wars.

      If Islamist, and Christians and Buddist and Mormons, and Hindus and Confusians and Transcendians can accept easily and readily that there are rules to the game, and the Umpire has the last word on the sports fields, in the games they so much care for, why can’t we expect that there be a day when it is the same for our wars?

      Hell, they throw bad balls and bad bats and drug users and gamblers out of the games.

      Why not throw Atom Bombs and Chemical Weapons out of the game?

      I admit it would be about impossible to throw nations out of the game of war, but if us working classes can get together and throw weapons that destroy more jobs than they make, or allow for, it will be a good thing for even the guys at the top, for even their fortunes will not save them from what is sure to come if the rules of the game are not, both changed to be more fair, and then pro-actively enforced.

      The wonderful thing is that there have been periods and times and on battlefields that are more horrible than sport ought to be, when there was sportsmanlike behavior.

      I am impressed that the Japanese eliminated fire arms for 200 years.

      The only reason I have one is that so many people around me do.   I never got one till I was in my 40s since around that time I recognized that I could neither fist fight as well as I was able when I was younger, or run away as fast.

      The bad thing about Nuclear Weapons is that you can’t get out of your own way with them.

      Iran throwing a Nuclear Bomb at Israel is like a man throwing one at the guy across the street, especially if they get some thrown at them afterwards.

      Far as I can tell, the majority of people in the world, whatever their wierd beliefs simply want to go to work and get paid and come home and go to work, and come home and get a few days off to recover from The Grind.

      Being a soldier is a grind, but it’s still a job.   As a carpenter I do love my nail gun, and I would like a better nail gun.   In fact I would like to have the best nail gun ever made or possible to make.

      If I was a soldier I would want the very best gun.

      But I think even great soldiers, and honorable warriors in majority don’t want weapons that they wouldn’t want used on them fairly.

      Of course any soldier knows that he is likely to use any weapon he’s got if it will buy him another second on Earth in the heat of the fight.

      Certainly I would want my Transcendian Warriors to have the very best weapons for offense and defense.

      Would they love me, and fight for me if I took away Nuclear Weapons?

      The only thing that would really get North Korea, and Iran and Pakistan and Israel to give up Nuclear Weapons would be if the UN, got every other Nation like the US Russia and China and France and England to give them up.

      Fair is Fair, there is no other resolution.

      The Working Classes do need to find voice and lead the whole world in unity across national boundraries and at least get Weapons of Mass Destruction out of their hair.

       Chernoble and Three Mile Island sorts of events will be enough trouble.

       Not to mention Alien Steered Asteroids like the one the Wrathful God of Big Rocks is sending our way.

                                                                    Love, Russell

P.S   I have never been able to find the spell check for this program.   It will be edited for that after my wife gets home.






Democratic Party Platform

We’re Members of The World/Working Class Corner

      Dick Gephardt made a speech about the need for an International Minimum Wage, and it is not surprising that it got little coverage and I never knew of it till after I had come to the same conclusion.

      The failure of the entire government of the US of late rests on the failure of both the Democrats and the Repulicans to fully grasp realities of power in the hands of others in the world.

      For the working classes the corporations might as well be terrorists as far as the grind.

      Still, you can’t blame employers who have to compete internationally for doing what they have to do to survive.

      Linclon felt that a nation ought to be completely self sustaining and not need commerce with any other nation.   I agree with him that this is the strongest position from which to work, but there is a delight in successful trading with others unlike yourself.

      Far as I can tell those who are considered most sucessful in the US are getting rich from selling out their employees.   Any job that can be sold to China or India is being sold to China or India, or any other nation.

      It really is no small thing that China and Russia trample on intellectual property rights.

      The creative class are as much gamblers as gamblers, but they are destroyed by thieves.   My own fortunes have suffered because of intellectual property thieft in Russia.

      The need of an international minimum wage is simply one point in a number that need to be addressed by the US, through a UN that has teeth, and most frighteningly will need to be regarded by all, in the same way States of the US regard its Federal Government.

      I was born into submission to the United States, and others are born into submission to their homeland, the place they were born and were then automatically a citizen of.

       Maybe all workers would be right to have the right to dual citizenship.   I work with Mexicans all the time.   For me it is really about competing with the young.   My body is wearing out, and on top of it at the same time my nation is selling me out.

       Ever since Viet Nam the story of the United States for people like me, the working class, has been one of failed morality and wasted courage.

       It is immoral to do unethical things more than it is ethical to do all that is called moral.

       – This is why I am not for the Theocracies with which I am familar, and want the Democratic Party, to come up with a real plan as concerns foreign policy, since it really is getting awfully local as far as the effects on me and people like me.

       That policy can only be practical if it is based on working class realities shared by the people in all nations that are competing for the same jobs.

       The right to your religion or what someone else will regard as superstition is best enjoyed for its culture, if you get a fair paycheck to take home to your wife or wives or otherwise temporary or permanent partner.

      Money Ideology Compromise and Ego are the things that really motivate us.   This is the modern world so there is money involved.   As messed up as the world is, there is work enough for everyone cleaning it up, and it ought to pay fairly.

       We are smart enough to combine the Natural Resource Mining and the Service Economies internationally so as to make it clear to all who the mad dogs are.

       But even smart people need to hire people with guns and the stomach to use them, and us so called liberals need to face that fact, and then put in place laws that are bald and on the face of them clearly fair as far as the interests of making work, valued, and safe.

       This is why if I have a limited armed force in Iraq, or any other area of conflict I would have that force protect the infrastructure workers first.   When an International Peace Keeping force works without mandate, as may be the case called for in Darfur, they would be wise to kill those who would kill the plumbers and electricians in my opinion.

       And that is all I have time to say today.                

Working Class Corner/Iraq Reaction Plan

Iraq Reaction Plan

      Prior to the war in Iraq when I was writing for Popwars.com I remember saying that even a broken clock is right twice a day, and that maybe Saddam Hussain did have some Weapons of Mass Destruction, but that in the end, going to war without international support would turn out badly.

      So far as far as the United States is concerned, that prediction would seem to hold up as well as any made.

      Prior to the War in Iraq I attempted to have formed an effective United Nations Television Channel actually in fact, as part of a strategy to prevent the looming war.

     Currently I am working towards Directing an Art Show Event to benefit the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, and Hans Blix, along with the Department of Disarmament Affairs of the UN, at the UN.

      Since the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction was the issue justifying Congressional approval of the War in Iraq, and even if the war had been avoided, how the threat of assaults on working people with Weapons of Mass Destruction is resolved determines whether or not we will experience the use of weapons like the Nuclear Bomb, or the Chemical and Biological sort.

     This is why I am currently working to support the work of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission.

      I recognize that now that the war, or near apocalyptic riot is on, Weapons of Mass Destruction need to be hunted down and destroyed or disarmed.

      For that to be accomplished the International Community must agree the creation of an armed force willing and able to brook no resistance to the elimination of these weapons, by anybody.

      The failure of Statesmen and Spies to work together results in "War".

      Spies and Mobsters know that really war is a constant thing.   Their jobs are deadly and it is mostly anonymous.

       The rest of us need to accept that war is a constant, and then accept that regardless of our hopes, a realistic responsible reaction to that understanding is to require enforcement of the rules.

      So many more people around the world love soccer more than they love baseball, that I am forced to use the analogy of soccer, and the international acceptance of the rules there, as an argument for hope of agreements about rules of war.

     I agree with Hans Blix that there has not been a time since the time of Eisenhour that there was any hope of getting rid of Nuclear Weapons, and in fact I also accept that during the time of the Cold War, they did their jobs.

     During the Cold War, nuclear weapons actually helped keep the peace.

     Now they have lost their utility.

     Times have changed.

     Every Labor Union or other organization or even government that claims to represent the interests of working people needs to support general worldwide removal of Weapons of Mass Destruction from the "game" of war.

     Soldiers are working people, and in fact it is an honorable profession.   One may fight on the wrong side, which is fighting for the wrong ideals, and still have honor in the way one has fought.

     There are nations in the world who have armies that do not have Weapons of Mass Destruction who love their nation just as much as soldiers of nations that have Nuclear Weapons and the like.

      I’d pay their best to search out and destroy Weapons of Mass Destruction with Transcendian funds, if I had any.

      I’d endorse funding from my US taxes to the UN if it had an armed force that was forever fighting to keep Weapons of Mass Destruction out of my life.

      I think even Quakers would find something to do in the fight to rid mankind of the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

      So there I am on the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction which requires an international reaction independent of the policies and changing administrations of the US, or any other nation or organization.

      Just as in the US we need a responsible and bi-partisan government, internationally we need a responsible entity, such as the UN might become.

      Now it may well be that the humanitarian UN is the only UN that needs to exist and it is NATO, and Interpol, that can only and do the work that needs to be done as far as the general issue of war.

      The lack of a standing army, and the lack of a constabulary force by the UN has produced the current apocalyptic riot situation.

      "Peace means Police." is what I say, and when armies meet and fight and an army is destroyed or surrenders, the job of armies is done.

       Soldiers are not policemen.

       (The only exception I know of is in Costa Rica, and this recommends their experienced professionals to those charged with dual duties.)

       We all think too much of personalities.   People who act on bad ideas may well be very likable.

       Unlikeable people may well be acting according to perfect ideals, so we are all charged with following by our own lights.

      I myself have had to work so much with difficult people with whom I have agreements that I am sometimes seduced by pleasant personalities who I know are wrong.

      I myself was pleasant and wrong about a detail of a job putting some wood on under a window on the roof, and now I have to fight to correct my mistake before it is executed.

      I once heard that Art can be Perfect, only because each work is finite and fits in a frame.

      By testing my ideas and beliefs as to whether or not they are good or bad beliefs or ideas anymore, I ask myself if the idea hurts or advances my "Class", and my "Class" is working class.

      This war between "Holy Rome" and Islam has been going on for a long time and I am certain that it harms the interests of my class regardless of whether the theologies are perfect or compatible.

      Far as I can tell I have more in common with working people, than I have with any other group, and that on this ground ideals and laws and fights are rightly set.

      I need your support if you are of my class, and believe that my ideas are framed to our shared interests transcendant of religion or nation.

                                                                         Russell Day





Truce Benefits the Working Class

Truce Benefits Working Class

      How do we measure the benefits of a truce in the Middle East?   My measure for whether or not a truce is good or bad rests with my brothers and sisters of the working class.   War interfers with honest work which for people like myself is the major source of our hopes and security.

       By focusing my measure of worth for the idea of a truce on who benefits immediately from a truce on those everywhere who I have the most in common with regardless of religion or national origin.

       If I was to make television commercials in an attempt to advance peace I would show to the world people like myself who are prevented from doing their job.   National governments that do not protect their workers from unnecessary war and its interference with their jobs.

      A truce would immediately benefit the working people so then it is not to be inhibited regardless of the potential for Hezzbolaah rearmament.

      That issue can be dealt with within the truce agreement.

      Now let us imagine what would be ideal in such cases by recognizing past present and future such cases.   In the past errant armies, cialis people like Attlia the Hun terrorized common citizens.   Prior to Attlia Roman Armies keep the barbarians at bay, which was a benefit to the workers.   I suppose the infrastructure workers like road builders and bridge builders most benefited from such protection.

       I know that if I were directing what I characterize as the Big Dog strategy for peace, and using the required "Force", I would direct such "Armed Forces" to protect from all warring parties the infrastructure workers, and their workplaces first.

      In the case of Lebanon the immediate repair of the airport in Beruit is demanded as a vital part of the Lebanon infrastructure.

      This would enable revival of the economy, which is apparently much tourist based, as well as facilitating rapid insertion of EU, or UN "Armed Forces".   Now I am calling what might be often called a "Peace Keeping Force" but in order to actually keep the peace this force must be capable and willing to protect its charges with force capable of subduing not one side or the other, but both sides engaged in hostilities harmful to the well being of the working classes.

      I recognize that such a strategy represents a great difficulty to the powers that be, exemplified by Institutions such as the United Nations.   Still it is consistent with the mission of the United Nations which is to prevent war on the one hand, and on the other to at least enforce wherever possible "the rules of war".

      The UN is not commonly understood.   Many people imagine it as somehow Federal, and think of Kofi Annan as having as much power as the President of the United States.

       The Secretary General has little actual power, though the time is coming when what is imagined as being commonly as a misconception, is called to be the actual case.

       The actual change in the nature of what is known as The Power Balance is what needs to drive the adaptation of the United Nations.

      In Fact the United Nations worked well enough during the Cold War Era, which was a period of a Bi Polar Power Balance.

      This is an Era of the Multi Polar Power Balance and requires alterations and especially where armed force is required.

      The United Nations clearly needs an army of its own.   It is slow, cumbersome and inefficient to over and over have to beg nations to assemble and contribute their Armed Forces in cases of clear crisis.

      It is not as if situations have not occurred in the past, and will not occur in the future.   The reality is better faced, accepted, and by rule made acceptable to all nations for the benefit of those who deserve the protection of an International Force.

     One may feel great sadness when contemplating allowing the use of force against an ally such as Irael is to the US, for what is an actual need is for Peace Keeping Forces that do not take sides and are willing to kill warring parties of either side based soley upon the interferance war is to honest working people.

      Now if warring parties actually limit their war to "battlefields" and are having their war according to International Rules of War, the United Nations Armed Forces may well be directed to do nothing.

      This would not be perfect of course, but may well be the most perfect possible reality.

      It must be recognized that it is not wholly dishonorable as a profession, to be a professional soldier or warrior.

     Still in the case of the United Nations and "Armed Forces", armed forces come in two distinct forms, domestic, and defensive and offensive.

      The Domestic armed forces are Police Forces in general.

      The two institutions needed to advance the security internationally of the Working Classes and needed by the United Nations for consistent and constant presence are an army of its own, and a Constabulary chargable with internal domestic peace replacing failing or corrupt police forces such as exist in Iraq now.

     During the Cold War, and the Era of the Bi Polar Power Balance there were spheres of influence that each side maintained that they were charged and allowed to control as far as what violence and wars were allowed.

      Until the time we are in is commonly understood as distinctly different from the preceeding era, institutional modifications to the UN, will not be possible to achieve.