Insurodollar for Greece

Order from Karl

Karl Konig Poster of Russell Founder of Transcendia
Order from Karl

The Insurodollar would work for Greece as a currency. Human capital is what they have. Primarily it appears they serve tourists. The ATMs must function dispensing money to tourist travelers.

In fact if even the banks stay closed the ATMs could still dispense money to tourists.

In past studies I was told that it wasn’t the banks that had the money, but the Insurance Companies. US Citizens became the reinsurers of AIG, an indication of how much the looting as practiced by un regulated banks, if you want to call them that anymore had gone.

Either way the financial system is dependent on insurance of their products to make their financial products appear to be legitimate. Meyer Lansky is the Financial Engineer who founded the current practices. Criminal financial practices were made legal in the US. Some of the system is dependent on UK protected banking systems of the Caymans and Cook Islands. In general London bankers and the Canadian banks both operate obliquely.

There was a fair amount of evidence to support the theory that Rochdale College the hippie haven and dodger hide out had been part of the mobster enterprises, part of Lansky enterprises.

In my reply to the story on Naked Capitalism about the ATM system, tourism, and Greece, I replied that I felt that it ought to be clear to an insurance company that they could capture all of the Greek insurance business by saving Greece. Even without helping to create the Insurodollar they are integrated enough into the financial system to provide funds predicated on the insurance worthy assets and the human capital of Greece.

A move by Russia to grasp Greece at their lowest is in the background, though Russian economic stability is dependent on war now as the petrodollar is dependent on war in regards to US financial instruments. The Petrodollar deal engineered by Kissinger and Nixon is losing sway because of peace plans by the US in regards to Iran. Saudis have run off to experiment with their own weapons systems in Yemen while Russians perfect Hybrid War in the Ukraine.

Lionel Douglas VP and President of Rochdale College hired me as a poet who had been ripped off by the Tuedaily for a Security job at Rochdale. He told me I was a barometer, and I am. Even my ideas are turned out as ways out at the right time.

I do offer ways out as a leader. The Insurodollar is the most valuable of my offers to this world. There is no way that environmentalists will beat the Petrodollar Imperative as there was no way the American Indians could beat the Gold Imperative.

Even the skew of the Insurodollar would offer powerful disincentives for peace in the Middle East if Palestinians were forced to insure Israelis and Israelis were forced to insure Palestinians. It would be fine and good of course if they volunteered to do so, but I do not realistically expect them to do such a thing as they seem wedded to force, and the threat of the nuclear weapons they have.

Noam Chomsky is right that Israel intends to the be Hegemon in the region. The US seems intent on being the Government of Governments in the world. Certainly whatever it does, the US, is designed to satisfy the plans of the Corporations who have been taught in business schools to crush labor at every opportunity. This is because they value little human capital which ought be given greater value by the insurance companies who would then benefit. These people who are often my enemies are no smarter than I, but their motives make them do what they do. I have different goals.

My goal is to prevent the Apocalyptic Riot, so I am forced to create systems that work to do that. The Insurodollar putting human capital first behind fossil fuels shifts the paradigm causing the actions of the corporations to have a different set of motives. Things done that diminish health and wellbeing of human capital, like the destruction of the environment, of a sudden are no longer profitable if human capital instead of the Petro Power System are put in place.

I am terribly weak as a nation. I am looking for a breakout success. I am sorry I did not sooner focus on the problems of Greece. Of course it is not as if they would have any prospect of paying attention to my financial system offered until in such desperate straits as they are.

This is an explanation, of a bit, written because I tweeted to Greece, a guy I read about in the NYTs, I tweeted him. It appears now that it is only Twitter messaging that has any hope of getting through to anyone.

You, if you are a supporter of my theories could add some tweets around. I have been gaining twitter followers and am near the tribe threshold number of 500 with 400. Certainly I have eschewed just buying them for $29.99. I want people who actually follow me because they understand my goals and the systems I have developed over a lifetime of wondering how I might prevent Nuclear War, I call now the apocalyptic riot.

Again: The Insurodollar is whole life policies awarded to citizens at birth or buy in. A percentage of the equity of these policies is shared with the nation to form the Treasury and National Insurance Company that together use that shared equity to issue the currency. The policies themselves function as normal Whole Life Policies do, but with more than a death benefit. There is a point at which the individual begins paying into the system for their policy. At that point, somewhere between 18 and 21, maybe even up until 24, that they are given money to pay for education or the starting of a business. Then when they die their family is provided the inheritance of a death benefit.

Obviously this overcomes the horror of communism which becomes corrupted by the elites ending up with all of the assets of individuals and families to either squander, or steal.

I was encouraged that the Future Tax Credit Currency was discussed as an alternative internal currency for the Greeks. It is near to the concepts of the Insurodollar, but inferior because the Insurodollar gives to the citizens reasons to feel a loyalty to their nation. The Insurodollar in that way helps keep money in the national banks. The Insurodollar provides reasons for the citizen to stay with the nation.

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