Site Report/Poetry Section and Wiki

I have notice that Garth Hoyman has created a Transcendia Wiki.  There we intend to pragmatically work out a finalized Transcendian Government Book.

I may well ditch adsense due to lack of control over the ads on this site, price pills or any other we may create.

In private messages I have laid out a plan.  Basically I am looking at taking over Disneyland, or at least their port feed operations.

Yah know a government is a service industry.

It has been an honor to serve you.

The poetry section is now for some reason real short of work posted there.  It is not all gone, but mostly not accessible.  The AV section ain't worked well in over a year.

I have a sneaky suspicion that costs for anything like are going up as part of a net neutrality sneak up on the way things were.

I am tired and have a lot to think about.  

Site Post about Ads/RSD

I disavow any connection to the ads that adsense is running on my website.

I may be forced to withdraw from their program.

No check from them anyway.  SAG does take care of actors.  I don't know who does the accounting for Google Adsence, cialis professional but I am incensed about the Anti Obama placement of the ad on my site.  I didn't mind the program for selling tools and whatnot, drugs but personally I think Obama has a tough row to hoe.

To bad so far he's not really taken the bull by the horns, but I still have a little hope since I am aware of what life in Chicago can be like.

Last time I was in Chicago I did need my pistol.

Working Class Corner/Bowling Alley Killer

Some people actually do bring round things to sell at Sid's.  One guy has brought in a good number of bowling balls.  I started to wonder where he gets all these fucking bowling balls.  They are heavy and they get in the way.  I ought to paint one so it becomes yard art or throw and roll bowling balls at people on bicycles I don't like.

As a made up movie, ampoule I can see a movie about someone who kills bowlers, and pawns their bowling balls.

I'm having trouble with figuring out how they kill their victims so as not to get blood on the bowling balls.  Ideally the bowling ball murderer would use bowling balls to kill people they don't like.  They are crazy to kill bowlers because when they were young bowlers tried to kill them with bowling balls, and they therefore lump all bowlers in with their tormentors.

Anyway I want bowling balls out of my environment, though I also want mosquitoes and flies to leave me alone.

If you go to Sids Surplus be sure to advance my coupon career by asking to look at the entire bowling ball collection.

Some guy came by and said he was going to make a documentary about Shag Dancing and it had something to do with Juke Boxes, which are a crime ridden historical business early controlled by the mob in Chicago.  Any cash business is dangerous for one reason or another.  The point of legal tender is to allow for private transactions.  

WorkCLass Corner/Sids

Working Class Corner/Selling at Sids


   I've been working for a minimum wage paycheck at Sids Surplus for coming up on a year now.  For the year and 4 months that I had no paying job, clinic I looked for work, symptoms and tried to sell things.  In my past I got work from hanging out where I wanted work, or with people I wanted to work with.  Mostly on line I have been hanging out with the engineers of CR4.  No paying work has come out of that hang out, but I have some friends and followers from my writings there.

   If there was some income coming into through the "donate" button, I'd be spending it on getting the website here really rocking.  There are things in particular that I would like to sell, like batteries, and shipping container shelters, and exoskeletons, and communications devices, like radios.

   I'd like to have a Transcendian Bank, and a Transcendian Insurance company, and in the real world, control of an airport.

   General ideas for Transcendian Government have been written up in the passport.  Still there are some nuts and bolts tweeks that are really called for.  I have an angry on line friend from CR4 that may well be filing here soon on this subject we discussed to the point I was for a technocratic anarchistic, republic sort of thing.  As Founder I have appointment powers.  Once I am dead these powers are not easy to use.

    Still the way things are I shall be making some appointments.  So far I have appointed Garth Hoyman to some position, though I haven't well named the office.  The story of the rise and fall of his bio fuel business is one we need to know of.  Often he has helped me at some of my technical failures.

   Hopefully we will solve a filing problem.

   At Sids in Carrboro, NC there is an incredible amount of history for sale.  This ain't Wal Mart.  Many a visitor treats the place like it was a Museum enough so they ought to be charged to enter the store proper, and they know it.  There might be a Prop Shop in LA that could be as much a museum, as a Prop Shop.

    Right now I'm trying to sell the cubby lockers, and a Lekolite I put back together, and my art of course.  There is the Diving Helmet of brass for 600.00 bucks too, I'd like to sell along with the suit of armor for 25 hundred.  But mostly we sell stuff that is real inexpensive in the 20 to 40 dollar ranges as high dollar.

    Got a complete Kodak Brownie set from way back for 250.

    We got two slide projectors that I am recommending we do not sell cheap.  No more are being made.  I consider them good rental machines.  Lamp blowouts are a problem.  For amateurs the rental is one thing, for if the lamp blows they just have to stop their show and that's that, but for professionals doing a show with the machine it better work, and if the lamp blows they need at the least a spare so as to continue.  Means I need to charge enough to cover the blowouts, which cost a minimum of 25 bucks.

     Christmas comes but once a year, but everyday is Trick or Treat!

     Halloween is coming up, and we rent out many uniforms or costumes, besides selling clothes, masks, and other stuff for parties during Halloween. 

Working Class Corner/Fuck It I can’t figure it out

Working Class Corner.

     I can't figure out why things are so horrible.  Just doesn't seem like it has to be.  I mean women have jobs where they don't do much that is all that hard.

Now that I can't lift steel beam over my head and stuff like that, anesthetist I sell things, buy or make lighter things than houses or buildings.

     The other day I was thinking about how when I was a teenager I did participate in the idea and live with this feeling that my life was a movie.

     Now I know my life is not a fucking movie.  I now longer attempt to live it as if it was some movie, abortion since I want no soundtrack.  Hate listening to the radio stations that play music, and turn the NPR off if someone shows up as a customer.

     Now I wish I had taken the bad paintings my father did.  This is because I have recently done some painting drawings that have the heavy black lines I saw in some of the paintings.  My painting cartoon of my trip to Wal Mart as prescribed by the doctor is a story.  To tell the story in a brush drawing it ended up hard black 3/16th lines and a yellow wash.  It is not out the house for display and sale yet, as I am thinking about it.  The idea that the artist ought to wait a year before evaluating what they did is a good one.

    I don't really understand this era of change for it appears to me, no change is really coming, and it is all rhetoric.  I was afraid Obama's tenure would be much as was Carter's.  Sure is looking like my fears are being realized for if there is a change in the status quo, it is not in any way that really makes any change.

    Piss test me and you might find a bit of Pot residue.  Fucking Drug War eliminates a big part of the work force.  In Transcendia pilots of airplanes will have joint to joystick time edicts.  Yah know for a long time pilots on long international flights of Italy were given a glass of wine.  -Pretty sure that was okay for a long time.

    In a piece I wrote of how since I had smoked a good deal of fine hashish, I could see doing that again, and arguing theology with Osama Bin Ladin, or any of those that get into that mind drone set of that particular fine high.  There is some danger to that mind state come from fine hashish that makes me understand the history of it as an aid to assassination or mass murder.  Back when we knew how to do LSD, we had guides.

    Once out toward the end of those mental experiments, after I had hijacked a car and driver, I discontinued use of LSD.   Was out by myself in the Police State where police and homosexuals were after me to be them.  It was a bad trip conspiracy that to speak about was not a good idea.  Because I stayed silent about all the things past, present, and future, the hallucinations increased to a great problem for seeing where I was going.  I was left only with a little 2 inch central vision window of reality.

    If you want your children to be successful be sure and give them three sill able names.  One sill able names are good too.  Two sill able names are fated for hell in history.  Failure is insured for the two cil able name.

    Where was I?    


Site Post Tests from Founder

My life as an artist has its cycles.  Lately I've done less fiction or poetry writing than ever.

The Work of the art piece Transcendia, medic as a conceptual work, nurse with theories, is a bit more refined than ever before.

Lack of money is a major problem far as any realization of Transcendia with a flag flying port.

So far this site is really the only hope, but so far it aint made any money.

I thought sure that the Tattoo transfer to tee shirt program would make some money.

Aint seen a check from the Adsence people, and wonder who really buys things from internet ads.

What I have done artistically during this last cycle has mostly been photographic, and I have made a few more drawings and a couple of paintings.  I shall attempt to include now somehow a photograph out the files.
