US & China as Corporations & Wage Slaves

Twelve O'Clock High/Maximum Effort

Maximum Effort frame from watercolor story.

In my show at This and That there is no sex, and I, like the rest of you have heard that sex sells.
In the guest room is Dream of my Wife, which was created from a dream of sex to happen with my beatnik wife.
She does wear black a lot and that is the original beatnik, serious beatnik dress code.

I got the uniform for Transcendia on, which is blue jeans and suspenders and a white shirt.

The Radio keeps the show alive. I called out to the thing that we all had to become nationalists now. Not any choice so the complicated thing of love of country, when it has betrayed you comes up.

Well like the Kinks said, “It’s a complicated life.”

More and more you had better have dual citizenship. Buy a Transcendian Passport. Buy my books, they are how I intend to make money to do my work.

I am behind the curve on the preventing of the Apocalyptic Riot. I can tweet to John Kerry to resolve the Econ War with Russia. Apologize for all the Wall Street Looters that rushed in screaming “Give us that steel cheap! You’re in a jam and we get to take advantage of that because we are all Capitalists now see! Buddies.”

Capitalism that steals and loots and rips good companies apart and these hedge fund sons of bitches, Shadow Banking, it is a failure for the people either locked in dead end jobs with no hope of an extra dollar to pay for their garage ideas, fails us all.

Insurodollar makes sense but no authority in a big hat will tell you so so you can’t make up your mind. I am telling you. Think about it for yourself for Gods Sake! Human Capital made sense to slave traders, how’s that? We can take possession of ourselves and our values and fight the Petrodollar imperative. It is a complication of the Nationalism that is for the good of your heart, and not to sell you war.

At least we got Free Speech in the US as its wage slaves trying to get a better deal than wage slaves of China. What of India. Yeah, them too.

I want to win that job of US Senator from Not Conscious, so I need a truck, a flatbed, and I need to show up on it talking real loud in front of the TV Stations. There is the battlefield.

As Compromise Support Cut for Targets

Photo on 3-5-13 at 4.08 PM 2

From what I understand of the NC Budget as regards Renewables and Energy Capture, the target of 10 percent is left in place, but the tax credits are withdrawn.
What this means is that Duke Power that has had years and generations to write the legislation that favors it, gains more power over the small entrepreneurs who leapt into Renewable Energy systems and their installations.

I had worked at making sure that the Legislature would have no chance of pleading ignorance of the importance of Renewables and Energy Capture. My roads lead to NCSU where the engineers are. The system for hog farms to get good natural gas from hog wastes with the side benefit of cleaning the air for the burnt nose corridor requires inexpensive solar.

Withdrawal of the tax credits will likely put small businessmen in need of the subsidy out of business, or make it much more difficult to get established. They have positioned themselves to become experienced installers of Tesla Powerwalls, for residential use and businesses. Now it is likely they will be eaten by Duke Power.

Duke is powerful and like many powerful corporations knows exactly how to crush nascent competitors. They are also old friends of the Governor McCrory.

We are in an era where the Corporatism is an ideology. One name for it is the Market State. Its adherents of the Corporations and Financial Engineers of Wall Street and London are out to cripple the Nation State, and Nation States.

My generation abandoned the United States because of Vietnam and then afterwards when Carter was pushed out by Reagan forces of criminality and in your face stupidity when Reagan and his people sold piss on you trickle down economics as if this was some real economic plan that did any working man any good.

I in fact started work on Transcendia in 1978. After 36 years of study with a significant fact check change in 1994 I was able to issue a final form for the international public Transcendia and Transcendian Passport. The final chink in the puzzle, now a cornerstone of the edifice was the invention and reinvention of the Insurodollar I first wrote of in 2003, or was it 2002? Unless we value ourselves over oil, we are literally doomed. It is happening faster than the old hippies turned cynical nihilistic isolationist thought it would.

You saw them on the picket lines in front of the White House protesting the stupid Keystone Pipeline. These, my people of my generation have gotten off their asses and wrestling with the demand that they become Nationalists again, is wrenching. We just wanted to stay around for the prelude to the closing act, not be in it ourselves. We told youth after Carter to forget it, politics was rigged. We could do nothing about the removal of the solar panels from the roof of the White House.

I have a good ideal of what they teach in our business schools. Don’t pay labor, crush Unions. Destroy competition, and if the competition is a nation, destroy its leaders who oppose your rule. The Oil and Electric Power Corporations take all competition into account.

North Carolina is so grandly equipped with an ocean frontage, good arable land and minerals and gold and mountains that it is by design that 25 percent of its people are living in poverty. The small tobacco farms inherited by the younger generation are prevented from making money growing pot, which hasn’t killed ever anyone in 5 thousand years.

Blacks and Whites live apart and represent a victory to the Businesses who love the racial division of labor. Wage slavery, always the degree past chattel slavery is advancing by design of these corporations in the Corporation of China, as the US pretends it is a nation still.

The timing and reality of even having a legislature to protect us from the likes of a Holden Thorp and the Board of Governors is a great thing. I at least have the opportunity to tell Verla Insko to fight for the reinstatement of renewables tax credits if even only in a reduced percentage from 35 to 25 percent.

Let Duke Power and GE have the Gulf Stream to drop turbines in. I never learned to scuba dive anyway.

Russell. Vice Chair of the Town Hall Precinct of Carrboro Democrats
Writing as a blogger on, Producing Daily the Intendor Radio Show, on youtube as Transcendian, the Show so named because He Intended, still maybe intends to run for the US Senate, which would take support from a lot of people actually buying his books on Amazon.

Working Class Corner

Mondale & Red Wife

(c) Russell Scott Day first time published here.

Finished Tuchman’s book about the Revolution. I am all over the port theory which you have to get when you read of war. The wireless, the ship to London out of the Mediterranean radios of the Royal Navy are some WWI things I’d like to see. I sent a note to the local Ham radio club asking if they would, or could work stations in the Ukraine for some real truthful news and views.

One stupid dream is 14, channel 14 in town and a radio net for the abandoned CBs. I’ve heard a few words over the GRS type fm little “Family” radios that are fun like binoculars at the beach. I had a hell of a time in Southport with some great guys from the Union, IATSE years. You think you will make the right connections somehow or don’t ever think of it from staying one place.

This whole car thing for me and Nancy is more grounding for me in Working Class issues. If I was more poor and working in mechanics or somehow connected we might at least know somebody would put it up for auction. I don’t know who could use the parts of the thing. I am made to think of my idea for gearing the parts of a trolling motor for an electric scooter. They can get a lot out of people being hard on them with all the regulations that can just be made unrelenting with all down the line having an excuse laid to the cops, “they”.

The garage inspection stations all like slick shown got it good for saying what you have to do to get legal. “They” been real strict. These things are so transparent to us on the edge with cash flow and undercapitalization issues.

AIG did pay the Feds back, but what did the working people get out of it all? If I am the reinsurer of AIG I want something for it. Remember the Spanish American War and how from talk the US didn’t even really get Cuba. Then Puerto Rico wasn’t enough. Nor the Philippines whose people were cruelly treated and the idealism of the American nation was shown hypocritical to the nationalists who expected better of America.

It was all about Ships. Ships, the big things that can blockade food and weapons. Won’t be long and Wing in Ground Effect Ferries will be big in conflicts with China. To have a competitor so fast between London and NY heavier lift than a plane in between ships will change things if we get a future. It would be good for Ferries to replace some bridges with sea level rise. Here in NC they are going to rebuild. Rebuild the Bonner?

Boeing makes a Pelican I think is what they call it. I suppose anything big flying off the water might do wing in ground effect. Likely they will hit an oil tanker I guess. Imagine that rush if they just fly just off the water?

It was the Mahan book that kicked it all off on into the Kaiser and big battleships. Barbara Tuchman was for the US to adopt the Parliamentary Government System because Cabinet members ought not be subject to so being fired, as they were by Nixon.

It is all on us the legacies of all these lifetime presidents and senators and congressmen and there are so many people who simply have no idea of what is going on. Then they are lied to and diverted by hairy Putin chests and she’s a grandmother and they have a car and a baby.

I’d have been dead and I take a lot of pills. 35 to 55 is the true reality of a working man’s best years. I can testify. It was like I was like what they were pushing as modern man’s capacity for long years of hard work till I wasn’t. I’d have to have the arm operation to get in some more years of a few hours without the need for more pills. I moved some things on the deck and my back because of no cartilage in the right arm is killing me.

I worked on the novel. It has a couple of reviews as it is, but this revised last time because I had to make it a paperback anyway will be a deserved rewrite.

My Political Book, the necessary Book from a politician is done as Poor Buzz & Stories from Warnings for my Daughter. I found the missing essay “We’re All in this Alone”. Barbara Tuchman was having some trouble with maintaining a Grand love for the USA. I can see why her favorite was A Proud Tower, though A Distant Mirror is really something. She sure knew what familiar century to pick, that one with the plagues and Pope wars.

I’ll show you my sward sometime. It is too heavy for me.