
Sub Captain Dressed

Sub Captain Dressed

4-up on 5-12-13 at 2.43 PM #2

There is the special review. Most of the time I was taught in school everything is real stable except it could all be different in the blink of an eye. So now were are all taught to have the army, armed forces take care of things. If we even think of using our private weapons for anything other than killing the neighbors it is pointed out that the government has much better equipment and will kill you.

There are rules for all of this. The government has a monopoly on violence. When you get to using organized violence you are the government, if only in your own mind.
There is the long appreciated family compound, or the compound. A single guy gets a lot of junk and it is spread out on 30 to 500 acres and is his compound. Some of these compounds get to being influential as secret training grounds. Do you want one?
I suggest you get a few more names and hire some people to be you and go into arms and drugs and “training”. It is a grown up industry having been around for awhile.

It is interesting what is going on in the Ukraine. I want to see what economic weapons are applied. Economic Warfare worked before and I expect it to work again, though there is always the chance it will get out of hand and we get open warfare. There has been too much killing in Ukraine. Is the UN useless again? Is the UN useless.

One thing you do need to make these big strong countries understand is that they pay in the meantime. Eventually they get a bill for a war if it is an illegal war. The US got such a bill for the Mexican War. It is interesting and a fact.

Okay I say we have a serious situation and some good people are going to be stressed. Send me comments and a list because am far away. For those who pick up and make a Transcendian Passport using the Transcendia.wikidot.com, to get out of there for now, that something I can offer pilots and poets along with some spies who I want to be on my side. I am only so much of a joker. I’ll send passports I’ll make here at the house at 301 Pleasant DR. IGX 27510 919-960-8446 and you can use them to get here, but it won’t be easy at all. On the wiki it is easier to discuss. Let me know if you are trying to figure how to fight the civil war and win, or as seen as lost, what sort of asset recovery is at issue. Then we will see what standard procedures can be applied.
Aim to get to airports with them as possible end destinations for transplanting your asset and businesses.

Get battle towns set to clock normal for the women.

If trapped get these for shelter.

There is this to show

Ukrainian Captain Coat

Coat of Captain with cap

Transcendian Flag Transcendian Flag [/caption)

Passport news, and then news of getting flagged clothes, like the hat.

You can make them, you can buy them from the site, the other site. For your uniforms and bags get them with the flag. Wear the black hats. Young and ready to change the world you know hardly anything and need to travel with pilots and go far and fast and will be humble and get the pilots food. Get the pilots passports from the Transcendia.wididot.com site. We will be looking there and will want to see you somehow. Russell Scott Day. Scott Day. Write. Be serious, I know more than you think. You want me to know you.

So make the passports and tell me who you are and where you are going. Be weak. You will be weak. Transcendia will never be strong than say Disney. I don’t know. I’ll live to see good. Transformational work will be done. It will happen real fast now. If you are loose in the Ukraine go to the subpart and get the Ukrainian sub back. The people of the town did a good humble thing with a gift fixing it with their money and trying it out honorably. Meanness and ugliness between the Russian and Ukrainian sailors is no better than that of the Cosmonauts. They already have shared the Space Ship, Skylab. Mir, the old one. Together they suffered it with love. The Submariners of Ukraine and Russia have shared space ships and then can share a submarine, and must. It is for the good of the world as the spiritual leader of St. Peter.


See me then in a uniform. It was just given to me by a follower and friend. I do not want to dishonor it but wear it to show I want to be with you for good. Stop hurting each other.

Transformational Times

There is credit on this

Russell Scott Day Poster

Look there a calm strong poster presence that many people have voted for an will vote for every chance that they get. His international policy is always keep the peace. It it is summer go for the next traditional good times, but make them your own as much as we can do. Get food and bandages with the very nicest doctors and give those people a great deal of active protection and aid. In these cases there are some few who have Transcendian Passports with my number US 919-960-8446, and I can at least talk english about Transformational changes. I depend on international law for the airports. Standard agreements were working. What is wrong?

So many people killed in the Ukraine that it is natural to expect more people to be killed. Immediately we must make known the enormity of the death and the Spacemen Gentlemen Astronauts and Cosmonauts must say they are sorry, and what their connection to the people is. They were all trying to transform our world. The Space Program we share must get back to work sharing the good peace of work to get to the Moon, then Mars and Venus. There is noting for the time that it is other than this is the time it is and this is the time of Transformational change. We are to change this way a little together because I am a little and I am a peace leader here.

I can say who I am with and who knows of me, but it is enough to say I am a peace leader and there will be ways to get all over the world for people to do the necessary work that faces us all now. The work that needs to be done isn’t possible to be kept secret. We know there is cleaning to be done and that must be set on to do and all of it set on to do is more than the games but the games can make new parts of it.

There have been games always made for war from the soars and now the games made with be different and faster and different and real. By the end of the games there will be no more danger Fukushima. That will be the first part of the Games. The Games will open there as the cleaning game starts and starts and swords are awarded to the winners of the fighting the radiation games. The Cleaning the Radiation Games will be the game at the Olympic that will never stop in the ocean or at Fakushima. From Fukushima cleaning the water will go on now for a cleaning always for ever in the gyre of the sea. All Games for ever will see the Gyre winding with plastic chased and scooped up into the ships that put it inside them. They will get great flags and a sword like the sword of their comrades on the land.

Okay. That is the games. That is Fukushima. Then there is Russia and the Ukraine and the Ukrainian diesel electric submarine that was a Russian gift to the Ukraine. This gifts showed that Russian loved Ukraine. That is good. That is OK. For things between everybody there the Ukraine, ought to have it’s honored, difficult, loved, Submarine back. Nothing else will ever give good peace to the nations. The law when it is looked at will say to Russia to give the submarine back. Be graceful. Find the grace. Everybody find the grace and give the people their submarine back.

I am tired. I don’t know how much I can say.

Get Me Traction.

The Revolutionary Square Cover for

The Revolutionary audiobook cover. Square

“Nothing I do, don’t seem to work.” Rolling Stones out of a song like Satisfaction, maybe that’s it. long time ago now.

Last night I sort of went to sleep reading about how James Angleton and Richard Helms, Helms, Richard? had John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy murdered. The idea behind this is that these guys were committed to the Vietnam War and John F. Kennedy wasn’t.

Personally for a long time I was of the opinion that Kruscchev, Nikita had President Kennedy killed because he had been humiliated for not having us all fried. Now this theory works better. My earlier theory didn’t have all the evidence, if any evidence at all. I was going by regular detective trails of motive and opportunity.

I mean that is the place from which you start: Motive.

Why does Elon Musk make fast electric cars? Why does Richard Branson make tourist spaceships?
Elon Musk has 5 sons, so leaving an empire to his sons could be a motive for him. Mr. Musk did a fine job creating fear money. He has a perfect corporate leadership way in the public world. Lots to people have bought to hold his stock as it is stock in his visions.

He is on his way to Mars, or at least one of the sons is going to have to get a seat in one of the rocket ships. I mean to keep the stock price up. You’d think.

Space to us as young boys used to represent freedom. Now it is represented as a mission to save the seed of our loins. Mars is a good place for robots. Big genetically engineered Tardigardes, and cockroach heads are now my program. I want to make things fun for my people. I want them to cavort naked on the Martian surface having Wonderific sex.

They will get to tell their children what a great guy I was. Me, personally, I won’t get my seed spread around on Mars. This is too bad. I am sorry about it. Now just like in the case of the murder of the President and his brother, who were kingly, I have more evidence and a better idea.

Not that we can be sure it is all really “better”.

When I was young and had an adolescent boyfriend, we talked about superior ideals and philosophies. I would have never really told him all that much about myself. I never told him for instance that my father was “gay”. I dismissed his racism as just so ingrained that there wasn’t much I could do about it. The final straw was when I had friends an we were all real high on what was supposed to be LSD, and was maybe then MDA, and he wanted to make one of the vulnerable of the group more mentally ill with what at the time were called “Mind games”. He was mean. He wasn’t necessarily mean and stupid, but just mean.
There are a good fair number of mean and ignorant people around. Then there is the great secret hoard of psychotics, or psychopaths. They are supposed to be the reason for the way things are.

My mission is to see people from outer space, and save the world from atomic war. I am supposed to do this pretty much by myself. My friends needed for the mission were killed, or distorted and ripped from my orbit by prison.

This looks to me like a file that has mission failure written on it.
I simply haven’t gotten to see the space people on a holographic television set up set up to grab signals out of the ass of the universe. The ejecta of the black holes is another universe with a fast or slow speed of light and the universe with the fastest speed of light as a constant will have the shortest lived life forms like us before another big bang.

Nothing will stay in good balance long. This is why the good balloon cosmology is weak. My twisted hotdog balloon cosmological imagery is superior. Hence I get a crown? I get a big hat at least! Damnit! In out lifetimes it is possible to see the TV of the aliens. SETI boys you just keep at this project.

They may have already had success but want to hid the space pictures from us. Of maybe they are part of the stock photos used in the Sci Fi channel output?

It’s okay. I am a realist. I am as a philosopher now achieved of the eclectic success I and my teenage friend talked about. i did get changed as I was ready to be changed by a year at school on the South Side of Chicago. As Second City it has a history for those in desperate escape.
The high school I got to go to as a bad school in the North was a superior school to the South.

There were people who had some ideas about what I was supposed to end up doing. There was some Sensitivity Training.

This book The Revolutionary was intended to be about escape and Chicago is to where Blacks from the South ran as a welcoming place, a place where they could get a job. The book turned out to be about how in that time of war you had some philosophies at work along with historical racist controls and labor fights so the book turned out to be about anarchy leading to isolation as the revolution became all through the society and culture so that women had more power sexually than ever imagined.

I put it in a cannon of youth and discovery akin to The Red Bad of Courage.

Photo on 5-12-13 at 1.06 PM

The photo is of me wearing the gift of the Ukrainian Submarine Captain’s Coat, and his regular service cap. It is no small thing that I received this uniform gift before Ukraine was attacked and the submarine stolen back by the Russians. The way the Russians got the submarine back is the real story. As short: Russians, Russians give the Ukrainians a broken down Soviet Diesel Electric Submarine. The Ukrainians fixed it by buying it new batteries and took it out for a spin. The Russians surrounded it at sea and got it back. That is what I see as a great prologue. One of my advisors knew I needed a good uniform. It is a little small. We will do some more work on it. However, However I did wear it for my little new money speech. In that speech I talk of how from petrodollars to insurance bills the new money that is required has been invented by me. You ought to see this clearly and help me make a Transendian Insurance Company for the bills of bonds.

Port Thinking

There is credit on this

Russell Scott Day Poster

The night was one perfect at the airport and who we called Aunt Keaton had died. Chet Gant and Keaton were in a Burlington NC family that was civilized and wonderful and I am sorry I broke their lawn mower trying to mow their lawn.

One day I did gain patience to mow lawns, but delivering newspapers was what I was better suited for. I like to go around in circles. You know great and powerful people go around in circles all the time doing whatever it is they do.
Golf is one of those circle things. The solar system is circular. Molecules and atoms have that sort of shape of circles.

Then is when I thought up how having a nation of airports would be a great thing. Atlantic Aero is still far as I know a good place to hang out. No real big surprise that Hondajet did from there their test flights and I am impressed about that for the state of NC.

We used to see the Nike` missiles pointed up at the sky in Burlington off the highway. I was young. They are impressive looking rockets. Those things ought to be just fired off more so that we can learn to do something more with them. Taking pictures with drones is wonderful as a growth for no good reason industry. Radio shack toy drones would be good string haulers for cat play during the day.
Occupy could use them to watch the police with.

I heard that years ago people where using ultralights to get to work in the flatlands of the dusty west. They supposedly flew into parking lots of big box stores. I never saw it happen. It sounded possible.

RC controlled airplanes and now the small go pro type cameras on gyroscopically stabilized drones mean that the real dream of going to the driveway and taking off isn’t that far away. The way things are going it will take another war for us to get left overs.

Maybe not.

The Curtiss Jenny sold by the government surplus didn’t do Boeing much good, nor did it apparently kill it. The early planes weren’t that fast and used lots of anywhere. Dumping poisons became profitable.

Lots of time young men do things old men don’t approve of. We’d mostly all go broke if that wasn’t the case.

It is now 100 years since WWI. Who was the last pilot to die.

There is the old wonderful saying every old man needs to at least say to every young man, or woman now. “There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old bold pilots.”

Lately I’ve been concerning myself with wondering what sort of government will men be ruled by on Mars. Now I really don’t want to go.
I am old now so I’d be less trouble. There really is conflict associated with chasing women. Getting loose and cutting the women out of the herd is looked down on. When and how to get high, have sex?

What was the most fun submarine to live and work on? Dave Marquet knows. I don’t mind advertising his textbook on leadership Turn the Ship Around. It sounds as if he created a good powerful and useful environment on the boat. That “boat” looks essentially what colonies on Mars must be like. There won’t be but so many choices for how to do things. So thinking about how to govern ourselves over and over again has to be done because we forget.

Look at the facts. There are now no living WWI pilots.

The drone quadrocopter made possible by the electric gyroscope means that we won’t need as many airports again.

Obviously it is not that big a joke to Amazon that wants to deliver books and christmas toys with drones. The Oblivion movie has that flying machine in it. Wow. That’s a looker. Can I have one?

I was at peace out there by myself at night at Atlantic Aero in a city of about 170 thousand at the time.
The night is amazing.
A port at night is quiet and it is when I thought and did some writing. I remember what the moment of my important and simple thought was like when the weather was perfect and the cockroach heads had just left.

Cockroach heads were big in a Learjet sort of looking space ship real pleased and laughing with themselves for getting to the similar place not needed. They were the black hole surfers.
Only young cockroach heads were strong enough to be cockroach heads.

Truth is the Target

My Arsenal, Marker on panel fixed about 24′ by 32′. or Truth is the Target


RESUME`don't hear nothingAttack on the Hill 2

FACE altered


When the Tardigarde was first being bred for life on Mars we segregated all the bigger ones we could find. It was easier for us partially because our tools weren’t very good. I had a terribly weak microscope for instance. That meant I could only see the biggest Tardigardes in the first place.
“Hey baby, want to see a gigantic Water bear?”
My wife was most sweet even calling me a Waterbear. I felt really cute when called a “Waterbear”.
The six hands and then that face and the arms the body the facts of cuticle being. My god! they are fantastic.
I made them bigger and bigger

There is credit on this

Russell Scott Day Poster


At Ackland Museum

Painting at Ackland

So then it is at Asheville (AVL) airport that they have a small art gallery. The whole story isn’t fully clear. Art is submitted and then put in the gallery and sold from the airport gallery. 20 percent commission is given to the gallery.

In Greensboro (GSO) they show art that has a card credit nearby. If someone wants to buy something they can contact the artist and make an arrangement. They do not take a commission. Just now they are creating an Art Master Plan.

I looked for information about this sort of thing because of the local community airport I live near where I was told the University wouldn’t want to show my art, or the art of anyone at the little FBO shack because that would mean someone would make a profit. The first time I visited Horace Williams, I found it oddly unpleasant. Even thinking about it is unpleasant anymore. I thought about it when I thought I personally ought not think about it because it was hard to think about. Then I did a painting about thinking and throwing up your hands. There is that expression about throwing up your hands.

“I throw up my hands.” The idea is that you give up.

When I thought about it there was an ethical component involved. Ethically is is bad to give up, when the cause is right. The determination of right and wrong is at what benefit does it do for others. it would do other artists besides myself good if people with money to spend on art were to see it. Some of my reasoning about the art at the airport of any size is that people with money to spend on art come through. Art is a sign of civilization, like good plumbing.

There is some good use of the old doublewide that was where AHEC or Med Air had offices. Some people are teaching people who are autistic? I don’t have details. It is a better use than the original plan to use the place to store lawn mowers. That plan I’d heard of caused me to lose my temper.

A couple of few times I have tried to get through to the Freelancers Union. To replace Tareel Temps with a Freelancers Union Hall for Chapel Hill represents futuristic movement. During my working life I was most successful, happiest and respected when operating the lighting and grip truck. That was freelance really. I got a union card and worked freelance for about the next 15 years. The NYC procures lockout of the early 90s, and the migration of film and television out of NC caused me to drift into what I did when I was young, strong and very inexperienced, carpentry.

We recognize now that carpentry, or building, was a growth industry in NC if not lots of the nation until 2008. This represented a full circle for me. I had been a willing worker. Alan Greenspan indicated that people like myself, the American worker, needed to be retrained. It is my ambition to become an economist now. Now that Henry Petroski puts Finances into the discipline of Engineering, I am made happy. I was looking for another word for happy besides happy, but happy seems best now.

The essence of financial engineering seems to be that banking and insurance and stocks and bonds need to have proper fencing. They really are not the same, and just because you have some control of some money, don’t try to do everything with it. The proper role of the government now, or in case of disaster as now is to invest in shared infrastructure and the people. Government is not a business.

War and corruption keep the people poor. There are the people and people. Too much fracturing of the economy is just as bad as too much central control as they evolve towards themselves. Someone needs to be paying attention and have a goal that guides them.

Einstein says you can’t really go wrong if you have the right goal.

The point I got out of William Faulkner’s Abasolam, Absolam!, was that you wasted your life if you served the ideals of the Confederacy. Then by the time it was done it was ok if you ended up stabbed to death in front of everybody. That means to me it is a tragedy to serve overly self-serving elitist unreasonable ideals. If your ideals serve no one but yourself, then good enough, fine if you get strung up like Mussolini.

Too bad about Tony Soprano. He went just a little too far kicking that guys teeth out. I think that is what got him killed, not robbing everybody in town. It for that fictional mobster was kicking a guys teeth out after he had made his point.

I lust to knock over Silent Sam.

Silent Sam was put up as propaganda for the cause of the South. The cause of the South as to maintain the wealth of plantation owners through the ownership of slaves who on their books were wealth. These landowners were re-empowered, after the American Civil War by politicians who were of the same sort as the landowners in relation to their view of the working classes who were made into wage slaves.

The lineman at Horace Williams Airport gets Nine dollars and thirty 5 cents an hour. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Preventing Atomic War

The  Lady Pilot

I believe that tis is from a wedding at the Station in Carrboro where I used to drink.

The Caravan was a plane often used for sight seeing and for some reason got crashed a fair number of times.

There was the vision that helped me and confused me. I got only one. That was fine. Transcend-O-Ray. Secret. My own. 1972 then later out at GSO I thought of a nation, and then Craig Heafner helped and we called the nation Transcendia. There was Bureaucratica. I misspelled Bureauratica as a dot name I made up and bought one year. It was about people sending in reports of important Bureaucrat demands. What were the normal bribery rates for getting through checkpoints, or being discovered with a bottle of liquor in a dry state, or whore prices, or black market prices for money. When was a steak really dog meat. These sorts of questions would be answered by writers for Buraucratica.com. I never pulled that all together. I own Transcendia.org, and biz, and info, and haven’t done much with biz or info, as I never did anything with Bureaucratica. Sometimes I look at the CIA Factbook. I figure deep in there for the special working spies they must have some list of Bureacrtica things as I envisioned.
I am not capable of doing everything. My goal was to save the world from nuclear war, and see people from outer space.
Since we haven’t had a war, then I at least didn’t start one.
To have Transcendia be real it would of normal nationhood start a war. I studied up and decided a 3D movie war of a Elvis worshiper would be good enough for me. The hippies fight the mobsters and mexicans for control of the cocaine airfields and their tunnels to make Transcendia. Now I think it would be fantastic to take the 64 pages of the King of Dreams screenplay I wrote, and found recently, and then start up the war from 2D to 3D. Some fantastic war things are uniforms and swords. Swords will comeback. See there the guy with his sword and his google glass!
Stab that guy that rips your google glass off your face in the subway is what I say. Don’t be a victim. Protect your things and your brain. Your face needs what you want to wear. What so if your glasses help you remember things? There is the old story of the guy who smashes the robber with his Nikon, because a Nikon is also a lump of metal.
Fight back.
Really I meant it awhile back when I wrote that Japan no longer deserves independence because of the way they have handled the Fukushima disaster. There is a serious flaw in their group thinking process. We as people need to stand our ground in relation to their passive aggressive failure of our planet. Plastic in the oceans is bad enough.
Minimization of the dangers of Cesium 137 is meaningless when we account the fish and what 15 years of circulating poison for them means. It is worse than Chernobyl. Chernobyl makes the Russians look better than the Japanese because of the reactions. The radiation is ruining the Pacific Ocean ahead of destructo time.
All the destructions are ahead of schedule.
But anyway I did my part because I didn’t start a war.
That is how I have to figure it.
At 61 getting around to doing all these great things isn’t a new possibility in a way.

In the 1990s I stayed out in the shed and fixed up what is now The Revolutionary, Warnings for my Daughter, Psychiatrists Love Insanity, and I re-wrote, and re-wrote JET Beach and Learjet. I did the writer things I was supposed to do when living with mom.
Sometimes I went to church with mom. Once I got inspired and said my important spiritual poem, The Essence of Love:

I imagine spirits bereft of identity
thirsting for this granted life of curses and bafflement.

We suffer and are made souls.

The experience demanding we give to God,
Exactly what we ask for: Forgiveness, Forgiveness,
The essence of love.

One time I visited with the priest and asked for support for my book of poems Psychiatrist Love Insanity. Farther Partarick said the book wasn’t religious enough really.
I don’t know what I was thinking.
I think I thought I had covered a range of experience.
Charlotte his wife bloomed like Tolstoy’s woman who got better looking, instead of worse looking.
I saw her at Mom’s funeral. Judge Exum was looking better too. Jim Turner was dead.
I don’t know where Tim Patterson was. He had married us.
Mom had some sort of reputation.
i knew my grandmother and father, so know more than most about something seminal to do with my family.
Wild drinkers who have some fun and die with little fantastic expectation might sum up my Grandmother. Everybody gets two sided about these people. You had better be happy with yourself. I want to leave something for my friends a little better than Grandmother did the drunken retarded companion she had.
She couldn’t do but so much.

Yeh, now St. Francis of Assisi is the again big guy. I studied him once. Seems he was very Saintly as perfectly not doing much.
There you go.
I did that not starting the war.
I have the flag, and some money drawings, and The Passport.
If you have a passport feel special.

This to follow is the cartoon captions for the book I need to color and have done.

Squirlt (a crushed together cat and squirrel) It is just one drawing.

Round Wife of Politician (maybe I will cut this.)
One Dollar,
10 Dollar,
50 Dollar,
Atom Bomb drawings.
Self scribble, and a drawing of sexual congress.

The Story of My Life.
I was born after a fall.

The first thing I did as a person was kill a fly.

I pulled off its wings.

The second thing I did was shoot a lizard.

The third thing I did was piss on an electric fence.

Then I learned to shoot and drive a car.

After that: I went to work seriously.
I studied Hitler, Ghandi, Grant, Lincoln, Churchill, Jesus, and William James.

I was in love with a Dancer.
She liked to fuck.
It made her powerful.

All wars are over women.
Pure love isn’t thrilling.

“For the love you fool!”

Wise is stupid, stupid is wise.
Dance you fool. Dance you fool.

Dance by yourself, without either mirror or lover.
Dance and sing, With all your body.



Barometer Skin

Body Form for working

There is a Seamstress Shop at Carrmill Mall in Carrboro and this was in the window.

All Rights Reserved Transcendia.org, Russell Scott Day
Essays stories and photographs may be purchased for syndication at a column inch rate. Photos are $200.00. Write to negotiate. 919-960-8446 is the phone number.

Barometer Skin

Lionel Douglas told me that I was like a barometer.
I had no idea that there had been a stabbing by some angry high school student at a high school. It is out there somewhere. He stabbed lots of young people badly. Some may die. These kids have been really hurt.
A few times I have fit the profile of someone who did insane things. For years, a decade about, I fit the profile of a Shed Man. The Unabomber, Kozoninski is some mangling of the spelling of the guys name.
At the end of the piece I wrote yesterday I said that if you are a bit dull, not strong, and not that good looking, you needed to join up with a group. Joining a rock and roll band works for lots of guys. It works for some girls who get real fat, but can sing well.
But what my god! What exactly prevented me over the years from living out the horrific impulses? For awhile I ascribed it to religious beliefs. I don’t think that is enough. Lots of times my religious beliefs are not very sting, and all the time they are my own.
Like I say, Try it. Try reading the reading for the day, and throwing the I Ching. Don’t stab innocents at school? Even guilty people: don’t stab them either. You won’t get anything out of it.
When you undertake some of these attacks, the idea is to win. A win Win is the best, but losing is losing and so accept losing if there is “nothing for it”.
You, whoever you are, need to accept that no matter how flawed you are, there is something you are good at, and you need to learn how to do that, and do that better and properly.
Get this, the Forrest Gump movie was about a big stupid guy. He was at least a heroic, big stupid guy. Einstein says it doesn’t matter, nothing matters, once you have the right goals.

(You can find a recording of Einstein saying so on Founder of Transcendia in the box of things on the mid low bottom right of the homepage of that FB site I made when the option was offered.)

Okay, I did a form and am waiting for the narration and have been doing study of the Tardigarde. It is an animal going back to the Cambrian age started 542 million years ago and also the Tardigarde is called a Water Bear, or Moss Piglet. It is when grown .5 millimeters big.
To make it bigger so it will be able to hold a talking head like a human has, so it will be good for space travel and do well as company for humans and cockroach heads and robots on Mars we will have to isolate big Tardigardes from small Tardigardes over an over so they are bred bigger and bigger.
Then we will isolate desirable DNA and inject that into the nucleus of the sperm and egg when they are united. I think that is how I can make a bigger and bigger and smarter Tardigarde.
Never before have I wanted to do this sort of work.

Rock on Bench

Rock on Bench

Dangerous Sticks

Decorative Bar Poster of Audie

Audie Murphy movie poster collaged in The Station.

I have a Benchmade knife that is supposedly being picked up as a replacement for the venerable KBar Fighting knife my father or any WWII soldier would have been familiar with.
For a great long time, all a man had to survive with was a sharp rock. The obsidian glass hand axe, or flint of stone age peoples was what they had to make killing tools with. They could make bows and arrows. They could make spears.
They could just hit slash or stab other living creatures. A sling thrown rock that strikes a bear in the forehead will supposedly kill it.
Sometimes I hold my knife, and think dangerous thoughts.
I will this knife to my wife when I die. It is a better knife than most people will ever have. It fits my hand with a little forefinger handle disc cut out and my thumb has a a saw ridge set to prevent slip up. There is no cross tang. The K Bar design has the Bowie sword stop and a longer blade typically.
I wanted this knife from the first time I put it in my hands at the store. I was on and in my mind and I schemed till I got it.
Sometimes now I want to stab somebody with it. Sometimes I want to slash at them.
However I have a sword for slashing at people. When riding the horse at a gallop towards those who have shot their wad and are confused afraid of the big horse I want my horse to have its hoof up so the bayonet is mitigated by the iron shoe as I lean over and sword slash at the throat of the man, as an ideal.
Ah nah, not really. My sword is ceremonial. There is a bit too much stainless steel in its blade. It is too heavy. Or I am just too weak. All considerations conspire to make my pistol better. It is unfortunate I don’t have my carry permit. I don’t want to show the gun on my hip all the time. A small gun for an old man is good.
Just shooting people is all that is going to work for me really as I am simply not in good enough shape to be fist fighting, or knife fighting.
Be warned not to fight with old men. They are really likely to just shoot you.

When you get beaten up, take the counseling. If you don’t take the counseling you will enter the victimhood psychologically dangerous mental psychosis?
You will become mentally ill. This is the fact of the matter for the loser. Losers become angry and despondent and wreckage will be strewn about them.
Losers to bad weather, random bombings, suicides, war, and more, wreck their family lives and businesses.
If this happens to you, take a break, get counseling.
If you are a loser you will hate yourself likely. That is where the spiral starts, so you have to stop that with winning.
To win you can just go to the practice field and beat some other guys on the team repeatedly till your confidence is restored, or talk to someone who tells you how to think like a winner.
Think of things you do well and win at., at the very least.
You will be in trouble if you aren’t smart, or good looking, or strong. If you have none of those individual attributes, then you must definitely join up with a band of winners.

Night in urban.

Fog near nighttime Carrboro East Main from Weaver Carrmill Mall lot looking West .