Parallell Cat World

They were sad bad dreams I had and forgot.
I got up finally.
My wife was scared of a new tool we gave her.
I understand.
I have my own things I think of and must say.
Preparing for tomorrow means I want a knife.
I have some.
I want one like the obsidian hand axe z a ze.
Like how many years was that all a man had?
My brother-in-law gets it about the knives and James Jones always had a them.
A pistol and a knife.
A knife.
So what the dream was was about a TV commercial
Made by a shyster
with a poison pool of metal water and speed rail
all building this Buckminster Fuller assemblage over it
and around it
and I was broke without a dime.
I didn’t have any money at all and I was depending on this guy to finish his pitch and take me to the wedding.
It got later and later in the afternoon.
Everything was touched by poisonous water as everybody got in the pool of it.
There was an antidote but you had to buy it whereas the scene of the play where everybody was interested in it all was poisonous.

I discovered that I had been trying to make the Kindle Fire work more. Flip or Flap and something about the New York Times is in my mail. I remember now how I was trying to get more out of the Kindle Fire experience. Screen options like I am used to on my computer just don’t show.
Lots of time goes by trying to make the mechanisms give you more. It could be a car, or a ditch, or a knife and wood to make a spear.
I have a modern life now that was primitive when it started.
That isn’t true because all of the mechanisms essentially as things that could be done with a wireless like had been from the time of the US Civil war when Lincoln could stay by the telegraph office and the troops could be moved tot he battlefield by train and there were 6 shooters.
Every FAA tower controller thrown out of work by the Republican shills taking all the money are encouraged to help me get Transcedia able to pay them. They are encouraged to print out and assemble the passport.

Robespierre was like a Fundamentalist, Tea Bagger of now

I of course want to be the best leader possible and am curious about other leaders and what makes them good or bad. I do admire those who submit themselves to the elective process. It looks like hell. I’d demand money and food and good schools for my kids and an nice fast airplane and an office at the airport if I had to suffer all the insults that go along with being an elected official.
In particular all around I want anyway my office at some airport.
The local little IGX would be good enough.
They hate me over there for being a trouble maker.
I don’t mean to be a troublemaker. I must have been born with a troublemaker gene and a traveling person gene like you would expect in a sailor.
I am an old retired truck captain. I was a truck captain, yeah driving that film truck around NYC and over into all the nearby states. Not a film I worked on was worth s shit seems like for that time. I worked on better commercials.
I shot a TV pilot called Aberdeen that I influenced a great deal that was better than some of the crap films I worked on.
I had to get paid to pay for my apartments in the city. I lived right for NYC for the first three years because I wasn’t frapped there.
I had to go out of town for commercials and industrials and some lousy features we had fun making, which was good for my mental health.
But now I stay home and read and write and am fractured in my head time like everybody else because of the computers and TV screens and now the Fire I got and read a short book titled HISTORY’S WORST RULERS AND HOW THEIR PEOPLE SUFFERED FOR IT. by Frederick Parker.
Robespierre stood out because he was so like our current Republican Right Wing extremists leaders, and leadership as a whole coming from feelings that it does confirm the need to see some people killed like how France was happier and better once Robespierre was put on the guillotine.

Dust American Voodoo Art Heapers

They were all the intellectuals who inherited art and then made some and it dripped to money. For one thing there was space for everything. They had mansions. The gave mansions away. Nobody could be as good as them, or better. They had names just enough different.
I ended up there one night. I wasn’t afraid of them. Some of the paintings were fascinating. You can’t help but feel bad about how they are treated, all piled up touching. the dust was bad, but I’ve been in dustier places.
Why it is that on nights like this I am the oldest left standing is beyond me. Sometimes I have danced with young women and really felt lucky. Young women can be so beautiful.
The place was not manageable to make a show if you didn’t know what was there, and hadn’t played around with it before, but I tried.
Everybody was stoned and taking turns trying to make a show.
There was a movie projector.
I didn’t want to hurt any of the art, so I really gave up. I forgot the name of the big guy who was dressing in the new nihilist way of tight small sweaters and pants.
They all dressed like children.
They knew better than to say they knew better, so they gave up.
I had to give up, plus I had been threatened.
So I took off the camouflage. The camouflage was some kind of gauzy material that I had wrapped around me.
I didn’t like the exhibition I had made, or how I had tried to blend in, and was sorry I was there.
For 16 dollars in town, the town, downtown, taken over by the same sorts of assemblage artists, or trash healers, I got a broken tin toy police car.
I was going to give it to them.
That was a stupid thought. Now I know better. Now I just know how perfect and better it is to hurt and destroy those who look down on me.
Kill the enemy,

Bad Cat as North Korea

We have had bad cats. Nero was really bad and it was nicer in the world for us and our other cats when he got run over. Bernard finally died a few months back and I was glad enough about it, Bernard destroyed art work of mine. He would piss on it. In the end he was like Alzheimers cat. Eventually he forgot to eat and had a dramatic seizure and died. the house is more our home since he died since we don’t have to place everything mindfully aware of what he might get it into his head to destroy.
North Korea, or the leaders of North Korea are like bad cats. We might not be able to wait for them to die since one of the in charge just died.
What a bunch of shit!
Chinese New Years and the US State of the Union, and the North Koreans blow up a nuclear bomb. Everybody knows North Korea is just bad.

Tie Your Money Into Knots.

I was there with my friend in a wonderland of the home and children and food and formica and the wife and food and smiles and friendship all around about everything as it would have been if everything was like it was dreamed in a pooled dream we must have had. Not the individual dream, but what would have been if his and hers and the kids all had power dreams were caused. One of our set was even the powerhouse coming back from Europe on his company jet calling on his phone to see if he could come by.
I was asked if it was okay for him to come by and I gave permission. Sometime he and I hadn’t gotten along. But he came and then we were all in the good private heaven that lucky life can be for maybe 2 percent like they estimate. Less than that of course if you get it to be out of sharing arts and sciences for money ad praise and prizes ethically.
My friends wife was looking good and made me a little nervous flirting but I could handle that. It was still just a pleasant dream.
THERE are TWO more Chapters:
“Do you know the Knot system?” “No. nobody uses the knot system.”
Then there was somehow knots were tired to signifi cate Signif i Kate financial systems. It was crazy how you tied all these knots around a concrete and pliiglas box and this explained the interest rates offered around the world.
Four knots was really good.
The Knot system is a system of identifying power and neutral and ground phases for balancing a circuit in the dark. It is a problem unless you really know what you are doing and can tie the knots when looking at both ends before running them out. Most everybody uses colored tape they and the rental houses leave on the cables.
How I got electric feeder and finances mixed up in my head along with plastic vessels virgin women could put in their pussys to hid their money so they could give it to the Catholic church even through the bank Atms and Atm and Bank emergencies was something.
I ended up stranded somewhere outside of The City trying to dig dollar coins out of clear glue pavement.
The final chapter had to do with a land yacht with a useless carved up pretty mast for a sail. Really it was more like a totem pole for the Airstream with a motor. It was a better band bus type thing for a grand poona of the desert.
There was lots of fabric involved and I knotted it all singing a song inspired by the knots and money.

Bad Dreams

Finally there was some kind of funny thing not so much like the hellish dreams starting with no comfort sleep like dozing filled with fear at every creak and some sort of electric hum that filled my mind and body with horror and expectation of more horror to come.
Then there were the dreams of two nights that ended in a movie of a man crippled talked into driving to a franchise construction for some sort of store like a Mini Mart.
Stupid girls and a fat man that sat in a gamblers ticket scratch and buy formica chair obsessed with the attentions of the freckled blondes with their company pick-ups railing on about opportunity and needs.
A convoy he me is talked into and into the next dark lot and short shelves with not even gas and out to where two young black boys are already in the truck.
It gets worse like the island end of a man finding that the world of Kafka is in the village by the ocean too.
Ending with pain as midget young and misshapen creatures like thick skinned sports numbered evil eyed from the first without pretend dragged the weak pain racked body into the untrafficed street reaching into my pockets and up to my eyes and with fingers intent on blinding first and then choking and piling around pulling down to kill for fun like a pack of feral dogs who don’t even know how to kill like a smarter wolf..

Opposites of Hitler

Support Jews & Trade Unions and women’s rights Declaration of International, International Declaration of Human Rights, ( original version, not the one that takes rights from women because it is Islamist and uses Shria Law.) Be sure you are reversing what Hitler did
More Different.
Photograph inside of Kitchen Drawers.
Print books instead of burning them.
Buy airports, and lease offices on all international airports to support the Transcendian passport.
Remember kids that it is hard to get a Transcendian Passport. The Application is embedded in The passport itself is in the rare Transcendia.wikidot.
Then there is this.

Some Women of Parties

They were all red heads mothers and daughters and sisters and they were partying all the time. They had a remarkable book of pictures of themselves at and having parties. The pictures were thin and flexible and black and white. Still you could always see that they were all red heads. There were always in the pictures cut glasses and bottles of whiskey or wine. All over the place there was alcohol on the tables or in their hands as they drank and drank through all the years all the time.
They were always in their own pictures in their own world drinking and drinking and smiling and smiling and never looking but so drunk, just very happy.
Wherever the men were in their world is unknown. There were no men in their world apparently.
He was of at least enough age to be allowed to look at their book of photographs of them having a party at one of their parities.
He wandered around with them for awhile not sure whom to be interested in and only ending up always talking to the wrong one.
It didn’t really matter because nothing was going to ever happen or really be done. They lived to party and partied to live and they were all red heads.

The Movie Submarine

There was the dream in the Ozarks when I was 4 and had a submarine in the bathtub during a visit to relatives who I have never seen again though there is a picture pf me with them wearing the cap gun cowboy belt and they have on TV cowboy type shirts with down from the shoulders another color that has a point there before the chest really starts.
When in the bathtub I had played alone with a submarine.
Then there was a radio show that I heard through the walls as I was finally going to sleep, prescription but there was no sleep. Neither the submarine and the radio show happened when I was asleep and dreaming.
Now I am going to make a successful movie and all movies mad with a submarine as the set have made mony.
So really what I want is of course money. I want the money to be free you know. It is disgusting. Still we must share the money we will make from the submarine movie.
The Beatles made The Yellow Submarine.
The it is a destined work come from and clearly in my heart from my earliest days disregarding the act of founding a nation of airports.
Submarines do not fly.


So then it is so sad Mr. McCain, health whatever his jaws are called has turned into such a disingenuous player. He knows that intelligence services are paid to lie and hide facts from every body except their direct bosses. The CIA is supposed to keep things close to the vest. You are supposed to know that quotes from the CIA are always suspect. The CIA in particular is a private covert force and it answers tot he US President only.
There are a good number now of secret intelligence services not so much in the news or movies.
Okay enough of that.