Working Class Corner/Issues

The bulb for the Lava lamp blew out.

I got a toothache, and the car won’t start.

It’s cold, it didn’t snow, so I didn’t get to work today.

Misfortunes are sometimes reversed.

No time to explain it all.

Otherwise I issued an appeal for funding.

Last years declaration of war has been ignored.

The Russians have taken up the fight.

My predictions come true.

My predictions come true in the little place,

and the large place.

Predicting failures is not terribly hard to do.

Capturing the details, well, some skills are involved.

Otherwise, Otherwise, I am okay for today…

The pain isn’t so bad yet.

Otherwise, Otherwise, for brothers and sisters crying,

I wish I could beat people with a baseball bat, and get away with it.

What Thingy

What thingy will thawrt theives from thongy attacks?

Attacks on thongs are tremendous.

Stopping thong attacks with thingys is imperative for the watchers who are non theocratic

Remember the girl under the beach shower in the swimsuit of minimum.

So then attached to the iris eye of the like the Canon auto focus, buy cialis a peaceful

thingy is required.

Thingy this, and Thingy that, and well,

Thingy this and Thingy That, and well.

Well then Thingy this!

Well then Thingy That!

I hate your hat!

I step on your hat!

Take that you thingy thing you!

Wear that thong on your face you rat!

Take that you thingy fool!

Every thing is working well for this 5 minutes.

All is okay.

Where is the holster for my gun?

Where is my Super Soaker?

My American Classic is on the desk.

The Colt is in the night table.

That Phaser Thingy is on Star Trek.

Happy Days!

I remember a girl I never knew!

I Crusade for her.

We march for her.

Oh the beach is wonderful to remember for not a tree, but thee.

You girl of dreams and shopping and purchasing power.

I was the voyeur soldier.

My poems were of love.

Well, not always.

Happy Day!

I shoot all with the beauty gun of temporary death, and awake the fools in heavan.

Here you are pal.

Working Class Corner/Airplane

Working Class Corner/First Times in Airplanes

Nobody really cares where they are going the first time they fly.   Simply getting off the ground and seeing the world from above creates a memory that may be well in the heart and mind to the end of days.

Even the most jaded professional pilots will jump in planes and fly them around for no reason at all.

Just being up there and looking down and around is enough.

There are things to give your children, like a bicycle, or a BB gun, a dollhouse, or a dress, but there is nothing to compare to giving them the experience of getting off the ground.

That’s what we do, in the Aircraft Sight Seeing Ride business.

It’s a fun ride we believe in.

We do it because its one of those Love things.

P.S. I wrote this copy, to sell.

Current Transcendian Issues

Transcendia is Copyrighted and all things on this site are owned by Russell Scott Day.

A Band and two companies on the web are using the Transcendia name, medicine and I am not authorizing them to do so.

I have had difficulty getting through to the band to discuss the use of the Transcendia name, and the two companies have been adversarial.

This is a public notice of my displeasure at the use of my name by others.

Please object for me if you get through to the Band on You Tube, and the other companies.

Transcendian Policies  are being Formulated

I have been studying WWI in an attempt to more fully understand our current political era.   It is ironic to me that  the H1N1 flu of the tail end time of WWI has reappeared, and is lethal.   Those diseases like EBola that are cross species transmitable are most difficult to eradicate.

I have been recommending the vaccination.

From  a responsible  Governmental  point,  the  need  for  international  co-operation  concerning  disease  has  brought  me  to  Polio and the  success  with  Smallpox  as  a  precedent.

-Computer problem  suspends completion of this post.

Working Class Corner/Back At It

Working Class Corner/Back At It
The past year has been interesting. I knew things were going to hell, and had had some thing break, like the computer and the cars. Then I got a real bad case of arthritis in my wrists that made being a carpenter problematic. Somewhere along the line I got some new computers, but they were different, so I just kept going to CR4 and hanging out.[p]
I still had a job. I was officially fully fired a week ago.[p]
Now I’m an Economist. I’ve gotten an Unemployment Check.[p]
I see in the papers and hear on the radio, and hear from the TV, that many people are out of work.[p]
I understand that investors are still buying Treasury Bonds because they still believe in the stability of the US Government. That is insured.[p]
The US is stable. No revolution on the horizon.[]p
About time the US and Russia merged. I said it at the supposed end of the Cold War, and I’ll say it again. The Perfect resolution of the Cold War was Statehood for Russia. We could be Allies with France.[p]
Anyway I guess I’ll pretend I’m on Strike.[p]
I hear General Motors is asking for more money from the Government of the US. How about this. The US Government sells GM to Russia? Russia has a good deal of oil. They don’t make very good cars in Russia. Even mediocre GM cars would be desirable in Russia.[p]
If it was up to me I’d sell GM and all its assets to Russia cheap.[p]
The Russian deserve a gotcha, since when they gave up about the Cold War, all the Capitalists went in and raped them. When they were honest and hurt and changing, they basically got kicked around and down.[p]
Now we’ve got Afghanistan to be stupid in too.[p]
Legalize Hashish and Afghanistan will stop being as much as a problem, but that is too much truth for the day. Not even the Netherlands will actually legalize pot you know.[p]
Your nation will get kicked out of the UN for doing something like that.[p]
You can be a nation in good standing in the UN even if you don’t let girls go to school, drive a car, or mutilate their sex organs, but legalize pot, and you can’t be part of the International Community.[p]
Such a situation means the UN is half assed and a beg off sham.[p]
Maybe the solution is to require that to print money in all nations, you have to be female.[p]
Paper money is to be used only to buy Food, Drugs or Tools, and all weapons have to be purchase with Gold. How’s that? What do you think?[p]

Working Class Corner/Nervous Breakdown

Working Class Corner/Nervous Breakdown

The good news is that my nervous breakdown is likely to be temporary.   The bad news is that the causes for my current breakdown have not been removed.   It is therefore recommended that in order for me to function I need to live in a fantasy world, which may appear to be insane, but is actually a good idea, considering…

Lets see.

Anyway I was working on a few things, none of which worked out.

Sadly enough my breakdown is directly tied to money.

According to my study of nervous breakdowns lack of money is a legitimate trigger for the breakdown.

Prior to the invention of money I suppose a lack of beads and babbles would qualify as legitimate triggers for complete mental breakdowns.

After my lastest rejection letter, and after during watching on the Tv Some Came Running, I started crying.

Truly it is one of Frank Sinatra’s best performances.   Regardless of whatever you may think about Frank Sinatra, he really could act, and since I have read Some Came Running, and have attempted to write, plus had ambitions that have mostly come to be no more than dust, I started crying.

Normally I do not cry over rejection letters.

However the confluence of events, like running out of money, and being rejected for another job, and a couple of legal threats, and some health problems, and watching Some Came Running, wherein Frank and Shirley McClain, and Dean Martin give the performances of their lives, prompted me to weep.

My wife said it was probably good for me to have a good cry.

Most of my important machines have broken in tandem with my depression this has contributed to my overall sense of doom.

Some say that my future is bright, and that the situation is temporary, and that  prosperity is just around the corner.

I appreciate positive views, and count my blessings, and give all my love to all in similar states of mind.

Really what I ought to do is walk more in circles.

I am really regretful that I ever had any ambitions other than walking in circles on an airport.

Working Class Corner/Stupid thing I Did

Working Class Corner/Stupid Thing I Did

    I signed up for an 8 day trial of the Google Fortune Kit.   The trial was to cost .99 cents.   I paid that with my Visa debit card.  I called after a few days since I had not found any email in junk or my regular box.   They said "We’ll send it."  I did not find it.   I called to cancel since I didn’t have money in my account to cover the charges anticipated.[p]

     "Canceled."   -"Here is the cancellation code."  -"Okay, problem solved, no worry."

     Money taken from my bank account anyway.   Bank account overdrawn.  80 dollars in bank overdraft charges.   70 dollars in charge for Google Fortune Kit.

      I go to bank.   "You have to get the money back from them."

      I call.   "We’ll refund you."   – 3 to 5 business days.

      3 days and I call to check,   "What’s up?   Where is this money?"

      5 days, "What’s up?   Where is this money?"

      6 days, "What’s up?   Where is this money?"

      Oh stupid stupid me.

      Of stupid things I have done, this is one.

      Banker says, "Well actually they can take up to 6 months to give you back the money."

This Site Is For Sale

As Founder of Transcendia, physician which goes way back to the early eighties, ed and is now most developed here, I have determined that it and my overall vision would be advanced if myself and my supporters can find the proper buyer.

We will continue to improve this site as best we are able, however capital is needed, and I have determined that should we sell the site, we could do better.

                                                                                                 Russell S. Day

Working Class Corner/Sense of Things

Working Class Corner/How things Feel


There is a new administration in the US.   It feels weird to me, both good and bad.

I myself am shocked that as far as the Hot Wars of Irag and Afganistan a guy as smart and supposedly well educated as President Obama, has not recommissioned the US Constabulary Service, or highlighted and supported the DOD Armed Forces Division that is a shadow of the US Constabulary Service.

The face to face with Russian Leaders on Mr. Obama’s part of recent news was a good move.

I want Russia as a State of the US.

Statehood for Russia is the perfect win win resolution to the Cold War for every practical reason nationally and internationally.

It would be the sort of sensible, and bold historical event that  would ensure a much longer human history than we necessarily deserve.

Cooperation between nations in space does give precedents for optomism within the hearts of Humankind.

It is sad that Space Nation is not fully realised, but encouraging that it is doing as well as it is.

I do hope that before I die there is a permanent  orbit and Solar System population of at least 200 souls.

A thousand robots and 200 souls with some gravity could get us though the bottleneck.

The way the war is going we must accept that unless all nuclear weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction are fully outlawed, vast poisoned landscapes are assured.

I do believe that it is an undo threat to my class, the Working Class, for such weapons to be in anyones public or private arsenals.   If Transcendia had any money it would be spending money towards elimanating the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Some of  that expenditure would be towards open and visible political actions.

Still, I may have to face it that some of that sort of work needs to be covert and secret.

When the spies fail, general war erupts.

The truth is that war is a constant, but the trick is simply to keep it at an acceptable level that does not interfer with business.