Working Class Corner, Follow Me

Working Class Corner/Follow Me!

     You are not going to change the world sitting on your ass watching the TV, or even writing on a blog.   This is a problem if you want to be a saint since saints get to be saints because they don’t really do anything.   If you don’t do anything, you don’t make any mistakes.

     Firemen and Policemen and Janitors sometimes make mistakes.

     Sometimes a mechanic will make a mistake.

     Anyone who knows me well knows that I think an awful lot of William Faulkner.   Truly I find it somewhat amazing that  right now there are people all over the world reading a book that William Faulkner wrote.   Faulkner was a serious guy who forced you to relearn even how to read.

     In The Fable you’ve got Jesus walking around on the battlefields of WWI.   In The Wild Palms the doctor kills his girlfriend by accident, because he is not a good doctor, and the dumb convict helps anyone he is in company with.

      Absolam Absolam is the greatest poem I have ever read, for two reasons:   One it is the grandiose achievement of a fully realized poet who did see the poem and the novel as the same thing, and it is simply the longest poem I ever read.   Two the point is that no matter how much stuff, money or fame you might ever get, if the ideals that drove you are simply wrong, your life is a wasted breath of tragedy.

     Oh, yeah, I was intending to encourage you to follow me!

      I’ve got some policies!


View from Del the Cat

Hi, I’ve just appeared here…. I was having a cat nap and ‘pop’ here I am…maybe it’s all a pigment of my imagination? (Yeah that was deliberate)

Dunno why but I always seem to be saying ‘just’ not so much as an indication of lack of substance, more as an indicator of immediacy. Just a few words… or just do it, I just gotta say something but what?

What should a cat say? Too much negative stuff in my head so I just gotta kick myself up the backside and do something…Doing stuff is what I do….when in doubt … make something…mend something…refurbish something.

Ha yes, I’ll re-furb my old 275lb draw weight ‘light sporting’ medieval crossbow….

Hmmm the binding which holds the D ring onto the front is a tad perished, never mind I’ll re-do it, but first I’ll cock it using the ‘bending lever’…..BANG, PING, CLATTER. Oh bugger the binding has ripped appart and the Dring and lever have flown across the garage…. Now I’l got to tidy the garage to find the damn thing.

I always work in a total mess…

A place for everything, and everything in a mess, that’s what I say.

Still it will give me something to do to stop me thinking….

Anyhow maybe I shoulda been called Justin instead of Del….

Just for you guys in the US ‘Del’ is short for Derek…. it’s a Cockney thing (not that I’m a Cockney….)

When it’s all re-furbed I’ll post a pic… or maybe you guys could pop over and halp me look for that damn D ring.

Hmmm hope you don’t mind my ramblings…

Peace and chill

Uncle Del

Working Class Corner

Working Class Corner/April Fools Speech
March 30th Draft
Russell S. Day

When I first decided that April Fools would be the Transcendian Holiday, it was because I had suffered a broken heart on this day. It’s been 33 years now, and I’m over it.
Most of us at one time or another, have somehow made fools of ourselves, or been made fools of.
Typically it is not a fun feeling.
We may even cry about it.
Cast about, run away, get angry, and even make more fools of ourselves.
Sometimes we get counseling, or hire an attorney.
As for myself, I did say the Lords Prayer so much that it was a mantra running in the back of my mind all the time.
My poetry was changed and became more simple.
I worked on improving my humor by learning to make others laugh.
Over the past year, an awful lot of people have been made fools of.
I have to admit it is hard to find the humor in it.
A broken heart may make you feel foolish for investing hopes and love and all that into a relationship, but losing your job, and all your money puts things in perspective.
Our governments are not supposed to play practical jokes on us, make fools of us.
The corporations and companies that we work for are not supposed to trick us.
The people we invest our money with are not supposed to make fools of us.
Mr. Madoff, AGI, Bush and Wars, gas prices, Mortgage loans, Bankers, Car Companies, everyday headlines and reports on the radio and Tv tell of how somebody somewhere has either been foolish, or made fools of us.
It has gotten awfully extreme.
Even rich people who are only supposed to make fools of us, have been made fools of!
It has gotten out of hand.
We shall have to do more together than pray.
The first thing to do is look around you, and see strength, and wisdom, and beauty, and humor in your friends, and encourage that in them, and in yourself.
Don’t miss a chance to compliment, those next to you working to live well, with integrity for the little things that bring us delight.
Sometimes I simply wish all we needed was a common understanding and constant use of simple good manners. Apparently we need laws and my wishes don’t fully get it.
But truly it is the little things you do everyday, that matter more than the big things you do now and then, for otherwise you don’t have a foundation from which to do a good big thing now and then.
I myself want to do a Big Thing.
-A grandiose big thing. I want Transcendia to become a real country.
Who the hell am I to want to do such a thing, make a country of airports welcome in every country!
I’m a nobody. I’m just another fool.
I think Mickey Mouse is important, that Disneyland ought to have the same standing as the Vatican at the UN, for instance.
I think there ought to be an International Minimum Wage, and that every citizen ought to have Whole Life Insurance policies awarded at birth, so Capital and Labor achieve parity.
I think working to create a heaven on Earth, is a legitimate and worthy goal, even if I rise being called a fool for imagining how that might be done.
I think there is plenty of work for everybody just cleaning the place up, making it run cleaner, and that if we need to fight for something, it is clear we need to fight for our right to Big Time Species Status in a Universe that is pretty much not an easy place to live in.
Mostly we live in jeopardy of complete destruction.
It is nearly insured, though some physics may mean eventually we could make Warp Drive Spaceship that would get some of us into another universe, but this will take some work.
In the meantime, I’m going to declare war on asteroids.
You know to create a nation you actually do need to start a real war, and I’ve decided that Transcendia’s most legitimate war to start, is with Asteroids.
I’ll need some money to advance this war with Asteroids.
First I’ll be giving money from whatever Transcendian accounts are created by your donations, or purchases of Transcendian flags, tee shirts, or passports, to the organizations that have been successful in identifying and locating Asteroids that threaten us.
Next I will work with the scientists and engineers to come up with the most practical Planet Defense System.
I am told that 100 Billion is a pretty typical ballpark figure for a new space program, but good and impressive work has already been done on the locating and getting at Asteroids that we can build on.
So your purchases or donations from or too Transcendia will be done in order, and with accounting, on this particular war with the environment, is my promise, though since I got fired, and my unemployment will not last forever, I hope you don’t mind if I take a little to live on.
So in conclusion of this speech, let us see if we can get a rocket off the ground now.
Let us do a little foolish thing together and launch another little Transcendian Message Rocket for the fun of it.
You know from my perspective if you have to pick a war, pick a fun war, and shooting asteroids and space junk, and even threatening comets is about the most fun war I can come up with.

Working Class Corner/Remembering College

Working Class Corner/Remembering College

     byline/Russell Scott Day

For me graduation was staying alive and free, as an important part of my College Experience.   I graduated from High School and went directly to Toronto.   Lionel Douglas, the President of Rochdale College, who hired me at 19 in Canada, accused me of "forethought".

Life happens fast when you are young, and I miss my youth since it is over and I don’t really want adventures anymore.

I was alway up for travel in my youth, and actually up intil about 1999.

How I ended up in Rochdale comes from other trips.

I think I groused about  High School  in Greensboro, NC, threated to drop out and got to go to school in Chicago with my cousins.

1969 and 70′ were politically charged times in Chicago then, and Hyde Park in particular was roiling.   There were a lot of speeches at the Shopping Center, and we went to Demonstrations for the Chicago Seven, and Fred Hampton, the great Black Panther was murdered in his bed.

War and Poverty, Civil Rights and sex and love, and hopes and dreams…

That War made a big difference to me.

The War determined what choices I made, and I left my country.

Now if my number had not come up 346, and I could return, there is some doubt in my mind as to whether or not I’d still be around.

I’m hesitant now to give you all the details, but I was on Security for Rochdale College, and well, there was some corruption occurring, and I objected, told some secrets, and was threatened with a flight with out wings from a high place.

It is one thing to learn in College that girls like to have fun, and it is another to learn that you can quick make enemies who go further than saying bad things about you.

Real enemies will kill you.

You’ve got what I call "Luxury Enemies", and "Real Enemies".   – This is what I learned in college.

Working Class Corner/Planet Defense

Working Class Corner/Planet Defense

    Machhiavelli said,  "Chance is like a woman, and sometimes must be taken by force."   – At least that is what I remember him saying.   I understood it.   Sometimes you just got to grab her and kiss her.

    Overall what he was talking about  was how it is a good idea to work at overcoming chance.

    I think he went on to say that since Chance may turn out either for the good, or the bad, it is a good idea to work to influence it .

     Machhiavelli also went on to say that a conflict with nature is not enough to create a nation.

     In my work of attempting to seriously influence world events without conducting a war, I have had to recognize it is not recognized by the great political scientist  as likely.

     Every now and then I declare a war as a nod to political reality.

     A few years ago I declared war on something, somebody, about something, but nobody noticed, and I have forgotten what war I declared.

     This last April Fools I declared war on Asteroids, Comets, and have moved towards including in the conflict, Space Junk.

      The successes in locating tracking and even landing something on an Asteroid by NASA, and Seti, and the Catalina Sky Survey have been nothing less than awesome.

      I’d like to follow some of the Obama strategy for getting money from  a website to support my war on threatening rocks.

      My plan is  to discover how much is spent by Seti and the Catalina Sky Survey, and get money for that as a foundational technology vital to the war on big rocks that threaten us.

      Then my plan is to in coordination with the tracking and locating system, develop a system for defence of the Planet from these threats.

      So far it appears that there is nothing much on the shelf  that will work as a practical defense for the planet.   My friends and advisors who know more than I about some of the hard science say ball park it would take about 100 billion to make a custom system.

      That seems like an awful lot of money to me, though I think the US DOD budget is something like 400 billion a year.   (These are off the top of my head figures.)   Corrections are appreciated.

      The systems most often endorsed so far according to my friends and advisors utilize robots and Ion Rockets.

       I have over the years come to value my life on Earth, and really not be all that much interested in living in outerspace.   I used to want to live in outerspace, but I don’t want to anymore.   I hardly like driving to the store anymore.

       Defending the planet is a good job for robots.

       So then,  I hope my readers and supporters willl work on Robotic Planet Defense Systems either as scientists and designers, or as contributors to the cause.

        All Righty then!    I’ve declared war, and asked for support.

        That was my job for today.                    Russell

Founder Fools Coming Up Founder Focus

Working Class Corner/April Fools is Coming Up Fast

The speech is not written. I am tense about it. I’ve been studying Asteroids. I’ve asked for help in determining a budget for a workable Planet Defense system. Ball park is reported to be 100 Billion.
My plan calls for parking appropriate missiles in orbit that can be repositioned and fired first as experiments to see what they can do to deflect whatever Asteroids found.
I recommend parking missiles in orbit so as to create a flexible Asteroid Protection Force.
I want Transcendians to help fund Asteroid Detection Systems that currently exist.
The Catalina Sky Survey at the University of Arizona detected and predicted where a small Asteroid would hit the Planet successfully last week.
As soon as I can I will find out what it costs for them to keep working at that sort of thing.
I approve of it.
Wednesday at 6:30 PM at the Southern Rail in Carrboro North Carolina, I am committed to giving my Annual April Fools Day Speech.
Last years went all right. We had a successful message rocket launch, at the end of my speech.
I do not like to give long speeches.
This year I do intend to ask for money.
I do intend to have some passports for sale, and also hope my speech this year will be filmed and put up on You Tube, or somewhere else.
Should you happen to be in Carrboro North Carolina on April Fools 2009, I hope you will come to the Beer Garden of Southern Rail, and watch my speech.
Last year we did have a successful rocket launch at the end of the speech, which was fun.

Working Class Corner/more stuff

Working Class Corner/I’m OK, today.

I do not want to be famous. I want to be like Daniel Schorr.
Nothing went terribly wrong today.
Everybody that hit me, apologized.

Went by where I used to work and got a little check.
Got some tools I never want to use again.

Looked at property.
Made some suggestions about how to make it secure.

It is reported the crack dealers are pleasant.

Working Class Corner/Founder Focus

We are working at alliances, links, new content, and more writers for
I’m collecting information about planet defense systems.
I’m aiming to have a forward plan, based on repairs to the website, along with my speech.
Currently about all I know about a good Planet Defense System is that it would cost 100 billion as a ballpark figure.
The technology is suspect.
In this case I do want to be able to stand up and say what system I would put the money for.
I am myself inclined towards a multiple set of robot rockets parked in orbit creating a redundant system, coupled with a Radar and Strobe Light detection system.
I want to use the rockets for the Cue Ball Deflection Protocol, as opposed to the Bomb, Burn, or Magnapulse Protocols to mitigate the threatening Asteroids.
I am not married to this system, but so far feel it is most practical, and what I will ask for money for starting on April Fools, by which time this website is to be set up really to receive money, for this initiative.
We are also working on allowing for discussion on this site.
The Theoretical Discussions, partly for fun, and partly for scholarship, will be Poly Science.
I am in agreement that Poly Science and History are the same thing.