TV News



                                         TV NEWS


The whores made beans with bacon

In the motel.

We kept moving

      And watched the TV.

As long as it was free.

     Your soul calls you to walk.

Your soul calls you to fight in heaven.

      For your soul

      Look to your reflection in the dying eyes

      of your lover.

      Take up the passion and die in a spent heap

of hedonism and hopelessness.

       I will my body to science.

       I expect TV News to keep up with its dismemberment.



Wages/Working Class Corner

Working Class Corner/Ruminations on wages, and infrastructure

       Continuance of Platform constructs.

In Disasters and evacuations, it would  be possible to calculate the number of people who need to evacuate, and determine who ought to be put on a plane, train, bus boat or in a private car.

       Every citizen of Transcendia would view their airplane or airplanes in general as their evacuation vehicle because Transcendia is constructed as a confederation of islands really.

       An airport is equivalent to an island in the traditional sense of really having only one way in, and one way out of any real security.

       The only way in and out of an island is by boat same as for Transcendia in its stricktess sense.

       The isolated airport citystates with riciprocal citizen rights that are round at their defensive positions and on a grid up to the last round perimeter road and fence line must be prepared independently to fly to another airport.

       Defense and offense are continual in the world as it has been, is, and will be.

       The great nation is the nation that is owned mind body and soul by its citizens.

        The best definition of love I have heard is that it is a concern for others physical and spiritual well being.

        Having fun, and being happy are part and parcel though different.

        For some people shooting deer in the woods is fun and makes them happy.   For some drinking beer and smoking pot and playing frisbee is fun and helps them to be happy.

       Some people like to smoke pot, drink beer, and shoot deer, which is irresponsible if they shoot at anything more than a few feet away at some point.

       Now I have been a janitor and quartermaster enough to know the value of working and my objection to wage disparity and my understanding finally that no state, or federal US minimum wage is of any longterm benefit if an international minimum wage was determined and all workers were paid for their job enough that they could have a place to live and healthcare and happiness pursuits of their choice or destiny, whichever you want to call that sort of thing.

        It may well be that all the Cities in the World should publish the income needed for people to live in that city without an incentive to steal or otherwise unethically get the money to live safely.

      It is really too bad that I don’t speak Dutch since I do suspect that they have figured out some of these things since their whole nation is below sea level which makes them relevant.

      Hendrick says that it is unsustainable.

      I remember that my hero James Boy, said "We are not here to figure out how not to do it!"

       Now it is true that taxes are an effective means of getting money.

       It is also true that taxation without representation is unethical and the reason that democracy has more firm foundation than other governmental theories.

      Real democracy these days is hard to find because of the similarity between Corporations that sell TV, and those that sell Oil.

     Corporations have lost most all national allegance, corrupted and divided the United Nations, and are eating up the competitive labor forces of idiot boundaries and breeding diseases and disasters that will leave them the win of being the last to watch their children die.

      For the working people it is a hurricane and tsunami of laws and no laws,  poverty and murder.

       In many parts of the world of Africa the truth is is that the Oil Companies are the Government.

       Say it was that I had control as the Founder, Mayor, or Town Fool, I would put Solar Power first, in all its forms, get the dump to run dump trucks on the Methane from the Dump, put bike lanes further out and design street and bike clothes that were not so weird that you could not go to work in them in a picture, and make sure that the schools taught children to read with Phonics and all had libraries connected by computer to the best libraries in the World and get all class rooms magazine subscriptions for their subjects to augment the out of date as published textbooks, and institute second language instruction in Elementary Schools and institute a Sister City alliance network that was based on Mayorial understandings.

       Huntergather life is over until the atom bombs go off, or a big asteroid like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs hits, or something like that.

       Space Elevators are a great idea, and if it is that carbon nanotube technology will cause them to be possible, humanity has a chance overall if it puts them up and builds a Planet Defense system from that bridge.

        What mankind would learn from needing to develop perfect recycling systems would be great!

        I am donating my body to science.

        I’ve only known one necrophiliac and I figure I really wouldn’t care and if it was enjoyable for me it would be a miracle.

        The necrophiliac I knew said he paid a guy at a mortuary to have some private times with some of the bodies.

        My ex-girlfriend did have some very sophisticated friends.

        I decided that I had not been prepared for such a girl by my small town life in Elon College and have come to appreciate Tolstoy.

        Of course I know that because I can read I understand that I know that I am essentially a peasant.

                                                   Best- Russell





Free Speech/Etc.

Free Speech & Responsiblity

       I believe in completely unfettered free speech as a goal but know that it is dangerous and that it is like books that children are ready to read, and not all like pictures they can find or are pushed on them that is inappropriate for their passages through innocence to what amounts to adulthood.

      One of the reasons I have not moved to or stayed in Canada is that they do not really believe in the sort of raucous Free Speech that is generally practiced in the United States, and is actually a great source of income as an export.

       When you make the world safe for children you have to make it safe and fair for adults, for otherwise children are orphaned by enforcers.

      There really does need to be a divide between the innocent and the passionate.

       The experience of passion is an experience that wipes out innocence.

       It has stages that are marked by interests that parents ought to notice.

       The child becomes a unique person, then they have and interest reflected in the toys and tools they attempt to look at or collect, and then they become interested in people who do things with the things they are interested in and then they declare their interests and then they pursue them as things and people and act a bit like cats and a bit like dogs.

       I do not like much of the idiocy of the Catholic Church in its attempts to turn people into machines and not recognize the actual life of humans which is a physical life, but I do appreciate the order of how to read the bible that they came up with from reading it a lot.

       The attempts to conform on the part of Catholic Priests have obviously failed and it makes it sad that the Anglican Church, C of E, or Episcopal Church was healed by a King’s murder.

      A Catholic Mass and an Episcopal High Church Mass are very very similar and can take you to the same sort of state of mind about the whole thing, and are very successful services, or rituals, if that is what you want to call the experience.

       Is it sensible to expect adults to not experience, or want to experience passion?

       The adult and parent experiences passion and is a hero when they handle the experience gracefully.   These sorts of people are the common heroes and are what civilization depends on for sustenance, character leadership.

       It is a comfort to children that they know that adults and their parents were once innocent children.

       My experience was that I went to bookstores with the money I made from my paper route to buy books.   The books I bought were the ones in front of my face and then I got taller.   Replication of this on the internet is sensible as far as overall society and the preservation of innocence within us all as a community is desirable.

       The answer to the problems of the internet as far as access goes is a children’s internet, and an adult internet.

       All pure knowledge ought to available to all, but sites that are not innocent, and reflect passions that are of an adult nature ought not be available to children, who may well be competent to access them.

       It is the experience of passion, that does separate the innocent from the adult.

     It would be a good thing if parents did tell children that they would experience passion and that what they did when in its throes would be the mark and measure of their character, which they would owe to themselves and their parents or ancestors.

       The world is in terrible trouble.   It is overrun and is not defended as well as it is known it ought to be.   Impractical nutcases are in charge spending the inheritance of innocents on dreams.

        I’d like my 12 year old self in charge of the world and push space elevators at this time over missions to the Moon or Mars since I am no longer innocent of much of anything and know that an Asteroid Strike would be like Fire.

                                                                         Love. Russell




Animals Give Us Status

Heading:   Animals Give Us Status Enough

      I tried hard for a few years to make it as a stand-up comic.   My best night really was at The Comic Strip in Fort Lauderdale and it was because I had everyone in the room laughing.

       Stand-up is hard because you do feel like a failure if you don’t get the whole room laughing, every single one.

       To do that I believe you do have to be truthful and it is why great comedians have not been Presidents.   The actors you see as Governors, or Presidents, or Congressmen are not comedians, and part of their job is to pretend they are somebody else.

        Whenever I read the Bible or the I Ching or books that attempt to be as perfect as they are, or may be if I knew how to use them better, I look for the humor in them for I believe a good joke is a gift from God as much as a sunset over the ocean, or mists on the mountain, or a kiss from a woman you love, or any of those sorts of things.

       Whenever I think of my father I cannot help but remember the words he said that stung me most.   He said,   "I’ve always hated your sense of humor, it always means something."

       I said,   "Well that’s alright, you don’t have one."

      Strength Wisdom Beauty and Humor are what to me are the foundation of great stories.   War and Peace has to be as long as it is because otherwise there would be something unbearable about it.   The ugly girl has to become beautiful and Pierre has to be lucky.

      Faulkner’s humor was incredible and odd in places that balanced his stories out.   "I would have been alright if they hadn’t found that arm."   or "He was too young to know that the facts are not necessarily the truth."  or "There he is, dead as beef."   -Or the story of the man who was in love with a cow and was not happy about eating her, and was not satisfied with a carved wooden cow.

        In The Wild Palms one doctor accidentally kills the love of his life giving her an abortion, and a convict saves a woman and takes care of her throughout the events and disruptions of the 1927 flood so well while his sentence expires and his only reward is to be imprisoned for escaping.

       I feel that The Wild Palms has to be read as one novel in recognition of Faulkners success as a poet for he said that it went together in his mind because he wrote one part till he was so depressed he had to write the other part.

       Now that I am older and wiser and wonder what I really want to say even before I say it sometimes, and know that I do not simply have time to leave a cannon such as Faulkner or McMurtry and have contemplated what sort of jokes or funny stories I might tell Standing Up, I have determined that I ought to do an act composed of animal stories, since animals do some funny things.

       – And, I can get away with thinking that I am better than a good number of animals that do naturally things that I am restrained by sensiblity or law from doing.

       The hatreds that mankind uses to rationalize mass murder of each other under the name of War, happen because one group, set of individuals, feels they are better than another for one reason or another.

       Humans are animals, and do require status same as animals, but they ought to be generally satisfied with being humans instead of animals, as status enough.

       For example, say I decide to make a law for the cats, and tell the cats that they will be excecuted for killing rabbits, or mice, or birds.

       Imagine that I get all the cats to sit in the room and I tell them, "If you kill birds, or rabbits, or mice, you will face execution, so stop it!"

       They are cats, they cannot be anything other than cats, and whatever I say their nature will not be changed and do not understand me that well to even know that I have made a law about the murder of rabbits and some other animals that they typically kill.

       In respect to humans it is possible that they would understand me when I tell them that I have decided that they will be subject to execution or prison if they kill my friends or family.

       In fact humans are smart enough to actually realize without notice that whatever they do to another human being may well come round to haunt them, and be done to them.

       Therefore I say unto you, if you need to make fun of other animals, and you are a human, make fun, and gain your status, as smarter, from the zoo.

                                                                 Love, Russell  



Airlines and Oil Companies/Working Class Corner

Heading:   Airlines and Oil Companies

Russell Scott Day/ by line

     The fact is that the only secure business in aviation is selling fuel.   The BTUs required to run airplanes is significant and so far it can only be gotten from gas and kerosene engines fueled engines.

      Fuel cell powered electric motors in ducted fan flying VTOL bodies, viagra buy such as Moller Skycar is working on are exciting from a transformational sort of view.

      However it is going to be a good while before all of the aircraft engines will operate on another fuel.

       Aviation growth will be in the small plane sector.

       Now if I was President of the United States I would encourage Oil Companies to Buy the Airlines as a Defensive move.    It is not sensible to cripple your airlines if you want to be able to defend yourself pro-actively.

        Now it is stupid to put soldiers on an airline and send them to war for purely psychogical reasons.   However it is good if a nations citizens can show their faces anywhere in the world as an accepted matter of course.   Regardless of what you might think about the failures of the British Empire, therapy they got around and they had a powerful empire that did do some good though I am not happy at all with them because they failed the Untouchables in India.

     The pivot of Human Rights revolves around Womens Rights and nations that do not give equal rights to women are not acceptable as governors of Transcendian fortunes.

      So to increase the Civilization of mankind US Oil Companies need to buy the airlines and give them a discount on fuel determined by how much fuel the airlines need to keep the US strong.

       Transcendia is cautioned to buy land in Ecquador for every reason from oil to the proximity of a good place to build space elevators.

      And Blacks and Women ought to become more common as pilots.

      Jesus, how am I making sense here with the madness?

      Well, when I got done reading the paper I remembered that I had said before that combining the oil companies of the US and the Airlines into one set of companies was called for.   This is a very radical idea because the oil companies are cynical and multinational and know that they make money regardless of what you call the airlines since the airplanes will go on flying.

        They have in the US and the West little loyalty.

        I suppose that if I was President of the United States I would determine how much oil the airlines needed to work, and then determine how much could be gotten from the United States for the airlines, and then allocate what was left over for home heat and cars, and make it work out so that car fuel was last on the list of known controllable resources of the nation within its boundaries.

        The powers that be, the rich people, have the airlines by the balls as long as they are separated, which benefits Saudi Arabia and from there leads the subjication of the poor and working classes and leads to the destruction of the middle classes in a cascade.

       Once I pay off my ex-wife and the rest of my bills and can travel again I really ought to visit Ecuador.    They have oil to run one airline at least, plus they are situated near the best place to put up space elevators.

       I would entertain mercenary army volunteers for this sort of combined policies for they would be required.

        The mercenaries that work for the airlines and the oil companies need a good leader overall for it is not a good thing to be a warrior for bad ideas.

        If you are a woman and a mercenary, and a pilot, and working for oil companies and airlines, I would like to know you.

                                               Best- Russell


Why the Coast Guard Works

Heading: Why the Coast Guard Works

        by-line Russell Scott Day

      Edward Hallet Carr wrote an excellent essay in Classic Readings in International Relations titled "A Critique of Realism" that I would suggest all politicians or law makers read.

       It explains why no one in the world is complaining about the US Coast Guard in relation to the events of Katrina.

       The US Coast Guard has a clear mission, and is trained and equipped for that mission.

       The mission of the US Coast Guard is to protect the borders, and rescue those in distress within their territory.

       I myself would be honored to be accepted into the US Coast Guard because they have an understandable mission at the very least, and it is in harmony with my political understanding of what are upright things to put your life into.

       Certainly I wish that borders were not so important, but I recognize that they are because of ideas that are in conflict and the fact that real enemies try very hard to kill me, my friends, or my children.

       Cannibalism as a codified and acceptable way of getting food for humans is a skew that makes humanity human that does not eat the bodies on the battlefield as if it was some sort of sport.

       Our cat Alastair is a rabbit killer who only lives with us because he likes to be petteted for bringing us rabbits he has just killed.   If we don’t eat them he eats them and I really ought to get a cleaver and get used to a minor amount of butchering.

       Typically so far I have thanked Alastair for bringing us his kills, but really he must kill about a rabbit a day.   I wonder where all these rabbits come from.   Nancy Alex tells me that originally when Alastair was a kitten he killed and ate so many slugs that the Vet had to tell her he had slug juice on his lips and wasn’t sick or rabid.

       It is a compliment I suppose to know that Alastair doesn’t really need us.

       He is one of the most beautiful cats I have ever known.

       I believe that he thinks about killing rabbits a good deal though.   Since Alastair is a pet and has a good supply of pet food I believe that he kills rabbits for sport on one degree and on the other degree I recognize that I like a good steak myself.

       On my next birthday if I get there I want a Buffalo Steak and I hope all my friends will have a Buffalo Steak Cookout with me on my next birthday, which it will be a miracle if I get to that ought to be celebrated.  -at least by me.

       It would be good for Transcendia if April Fools was more generally recognized as a holiday.

       The mission of a Cat for a farmer is to kill mice in the barn since mice shit an inordinate amount for their size and carry fleas that can give you the Plague or Heunta Virus, which are both endemic in New Mexico because of bats and mice and I have misspelled the name of the endemic virus and the Coast Guard ought to be in charge of Fema in my opinion.

       The Canadian Mounties and The Coast Guard are good organizations with clear missions and they are such a great group of nice people doing nice things that I would really like it if they liked my made up nation of Transcendia.

      Alastair is named after Alastair is named after some guy that wrote a book about Civilization.   Nancy Alex named all the cats, except for William James who ran away.   Oliver ran away too but she named Oliver.

        Oliver was named after Oliver Twist.

        Oliver had a long memory.

        Whereas Alastair is a rabbit killer I think Oliver kills mice.    Oliver left about 5 days after we moved here.

         I believe that there are some people that work in the Coast Guard that are like cats I know.

         A killer has to have a clear mission, and that mission is a tribal thing best, and it is harder to rescue people than kill them.

        The examples of the Coast Guard and the Mounties, their stories, may very well be examples that people all over the world can understand and support.   From what I know of this latest crisis in New Orleans the lesson that the United States ought to take from it is that the Coast Guard did what it was supposed to do and that was because it had a clear mission and it would behoove the US to vest more and more power with the Coast Guard, and hire the Canadian Royal Mounties as partner consultants.

       It is frankly insane that the Mexican Army has caravaned to cook for hungry American Refugees while everyday a refugee from Mexico dies in the desert fleeing from Mexico in hopes of better pay for shit jobs.

       Canada and the US and Mexico better get together and institute an economic set of trade laws that advance the interests of working people or the fat US corporate shills and corrupt pricks that pick the flesh off of the working classes will be left to big cats like Alastair that is a born killer.

         Well, there is Asteroid Katrina out there.

         Anyway, enough of what my pets do.

         If I had my way I would merge the US Coast Guard with The Royal Canadian Monties and unlease them on the world.

         They do a good job.



About the Novel I’m Writing in the Poetry Section

My writing schedule now is opinion during the week, and the novel Force of Nature over the weekend.   I’ve been putting Force of Nature in the Poetry section.

     I’ve been trying to get the facts straight.   Apparently it is Eastern that was predominant at RDU early on, instead of American.

      The first Taylorcraft had 40 horsepower engines and Taylorcraft started production in 1935.    Apparently there were about 2 thousands of a military version called a L2 Liason.   It would be the 1938 Model BC-65 that I think my character Carl would have bought in November of 1946.

       Since I have never been in or flown a Taylorcraft I am at a disadvantage in writing about it and have been doing some research.

      Nancy Alex complained that I had stayed up too late doing research.

      My mother in law asked me the plot of the book and I did not really give a good answer and am not sure that I really want to right now either.   Is men get machines a real plot?    Man sails to India.   I guess it is a plot.

       Really what I want to do is tell a story about a flying family which is  what Faulkner did in Pylon.    I do of identify with the journalist in Pylon. 

      I did write a very depressing book once, but it is more like a McCarthy sort of thing since it is so very depressing and as I have gotten older my humor has improved.





Carl Gets Caught

Carl Gets Caught

        Carl had been flying to little airports all over the State and up into Virginia either by himself or with Grover or Buddy or Paul.   The similarities between sea charts and airway maps had made it relatively easy enough for him to navagate, and he had read the manual closely and it had been done before that people had just gotten airplanes and learned how to fly them starting with the people who had built them.

        He had made a few mistakes and had some close calls and it had helped that he was a big man and some of the pilots mechanics or linemen that he had run into who sensed that he actually didn’t have a license had made some oblique suggestions at various places and times where he had shown up.

       Harvey the mechanic who had come over from Raleigh with a Stearman he had bought which was cheaper to park at the field half way between Oxford and Durham, that it was for him at RDU, where he worked for Eastern Airlines had done Carl a big favor by talking with him about carburetors so that when Carl had first been flying in early humid summer air and his engine had started rumbling oddly he remembered Harvey looking him in the eye with one eye arched up and a bead of focused critical eyeball asking Carl if he knew what would shut his engine down.

        That was after they had been talking for awhile early on the middle of that first 12.   Harvey was a small man of great intensity and absolute practical views.    He was 45 and his face was lined and brown and he was one of those people who actually appears and does have thick skin so much so that it carries over into their ablity to say anything they feel important to say for practical reasons and does not necessarily ever talk to anyone for fun.

       His job was to make sure that airplanes did not fall out of the sky because of anything he did, or had done, and he signed his name many times a day to forms and made or looked over log books at initials and signing his own and he was looked up to by the mechanics he worked with because he was a great mechanic and when he was mean about it it meant something because he had no problem saying,   "If I sign off and it falls out of the air, you’ll wish you were on it."

      During the War Harvey had been the Chief Mechanic on the Independence a Carrier that sent Mitchells B24s early on bombing Japan.   His pilots loved him because  the engines ran under his care till they were out of gas or you were shot up and that was about all the security they were going to get.

      Harvey had flown the Stearman in and parked it and tied it down and was looking around to see if his wife’s car was in the parking lot yet.

       It wasn’t.

       He watched a red Taylorcraft come straight in with no downleg and wobble over correcting for the crosswind that disappeared as soon as you came down past the treeline that took it away.   He noted that as hot as the pilot landed he needed every bit of the runway and then some.

       Harvey had watched many a take off and landing so he had a real good idea of what the pilot knew or did not know.

       Carl sat in the plane with his feet on the brakes for a minute and thought about doing a touch and go to see if he could do it better, but thought better of it.    It was the sort of thinking process that made him good at poker.

       Best to not push your luck.

       So he taxied to the tie down noting the short man in the tight leather jacket smoking a cigarette by the Fuel Shack where there was a picnic table and a preflight desk and the phone.

        When Carl walked toward the parking lot Harvey was still waiting for his wife to pick him up and take him home to Raleigh.   His plan was to turn the Stearman into a crop duster for tabacco farmers since if a plane wasn’t going to make him some money he had no real need for it and wouldn’t justify it.

       Carl nodded to Harvey as he walked towards the Ford he had driven out to the airport.   Buddy had bought it to sell and Carl had borrowed it from the station because the fuel pump on his Pontiac had gone out.   He didn’t like the Ford as well as he like the Pontiac but could see why some people did since it did have a strong engine.

        Harvey nodded back and dropped his cigarette and stepped on it and looked back up at Carl who was still walking and said,  "Crosswind was strong wasn’t it."

         Carl was not quick to stop since he was of two minds, one a little rattled from the struggle landing in the crosswind which had been more severe than the had prevously had to deal with and wondering what to do with himself for the night.

        Harvey saw his wife pull up in the Ford.   He looked over at her and Carl and said,   "I’m looking to do some crop dusting."

        Carl was standing between Harvey and the parking lot and the cars and the planes and on the grass and held out his hand and they shook hands.

         "I’m Carl Dunham."

         "Harvey Totel."

         Phyliss sat in the car and lit a cigarette and then got out of the car and walked toward Harvey and the tall man who were talking now about the weather.

         "Cold and the engine runs good but this time of the year when the weather is changing you can get blown around like in March or when the July thunderstorms are around."

         "You live nearby?"   Carl asked, looking over at the woman in heels and in a long coat her blonde hair pulled up like a movie stars picking her way and her stepts towards them in the gravel and on whatever solid ground pressed paths she could find and finally stopping when she came to Harvey and gave him a little kiss and said,  "Sorry I’m late."

        Havey said.    "This is my wife Phyliss."

       Phyliss was taller than Harvey.

       Phyliss shook Carl’s hand and said,   "Nice to meet you."

       Then she turned to Harvey and said,   "Where is there to eat around here.   I’m hungry."

        Carl said,   "What sort of food do you like?   Turners is a good steak place downtown."

        "A steak sounds good to me."   Harvey said.

         Carl was looking at Phyliss and thinking she was more sexy than she ought to be married to the man he was looking at.   He was intriqued and didn’t really have to be anywhere though and there was a waitress at Turners who he sometimes had flirted with.

        "I’m hungry myself."   Carl said,  "Do you want to follow me?"

         Harvey let Phyliss drive following Carl to the restaurant.

         "How was your flight?"   She said squinting a little to keep up with the car infront of her that she was following on the two lane country road.    One of the reasons Harvey had married her was that she was a good driver and beautiful and happily practical whereas he was not so happy but mostly practical and wanted her around because she was genetically happy.

        "I enjoyed watching that guy nearly crash."

        "You’re horrible."   She said.

        "I’d be horrible if I enjoyed watching crashes, watching an almost crash is alright."

       Phyliss laughed because she liked it when Harvey was drowl.

       When they pulled into the parking lot of Turners it was getting colder and the wind was blowing some and they hustled into the place without much conversation other than Carl saying,   "I hope you like it."

        It had a bar and a dining room of dark wood and booths and they sat in a booth and Carla came with menus and brought them beers and Harvey lit cigarette after cigarette and Phyliss drank a Gin and Tonic and a Scotch and water and Harvey drank beer and Carl drank beer and they talked about where they had been during the war.

        "So you got out of the Navy and bought that plane and you’ve never had a lesson."   Harvey said before he put his fork into a piece of the steak that was on his plate.

       "Yeah."    Carl said.

        "How long you had that plane?"

        "Since November."   Carl answered. 

        "You’re lucky to be alive."   Harvey said.

        "Everybody is lucky to be alive."   Carl said, and Phyliss laughed.

         "You’re going to do what you’re going to do, but I’ll tell you what you need to know about your engine if you like."   Harvey said.

         Later Harvey met Carl at the airport and told him that it was a good thing he had started flying when it was cold and pointed out to him the toggle that he needed to pull when in the summer the air was full of moisture and ice would need to be heated off the venturi tube in the carbuerator.

       Harvey also made Carl to promise to drain the water out of the tanks everytime he flew, and these little admonitions saved Carls life early on in his experiments.




Working Class Corner/New Orleans & Gun Rights

Charlton Heston has been reported to me in the past as being homosexual which explains to me why he was a good President for the NRA.

It has been reported that people on high ground who have jobs and have supplies and are able to take care of themselves are having their legal guns taken from them.

The breakdown is complete.

No law observed on either side.

Disarm the stupid and barbaric, treat and disarming the self-sufficient leaves the mediocratcy in charge.

It is the recipe for Hell.

When I had lived in Manhatten for a few years I stopped giving money to people on the street begging for money.

If they were playing an instrument or singing I would give them money since that is work and I worked and only had so much money to give away on impulse or in appreciation.

The people who live in New Orleans and are supplied and are working and are taking care of themselves know that if they are disarmed they will not be able to take care of themselves and the people who are disarming them know that it is the like sentencing them to death to disarm them since they are dependent on their arms to disarm the people, ed citizens with rights, that they are abrogatting because they are acting offensively when the people they are disarming are needing their personal weapons for defense, which was the point of the Constitution and Bill Of Rights.

The Bush Administration is the worst Administration that I know of since I have lived and grown up in the United States.   The Mayor of New Orleans is awful along with the Governor of Louisianna.   Cursing and crying and praying is not a great leadership skill.

Looking at the fact that armed soldiers are disarming the citizens who have taken care of themselves and do not need them but are vulnerable to their mediocracy so much that they are willing to abrogate the spirit of the Consitution and Bill of Rights knowing that they are supported by Bush illustrates why the United States is completely bankrupt on every level and explains why the power of the world is in the hands of Autocrats in China and India.

I am not happy with the way Indians treat their citizens who are called Untouchables.

When China gets profit from organs that are sold from the bodies of the people they condemn and kill and does not recognize and works to insure that their family will be an insulated elite like the Bush Family in collusion with Wal Mart and the Waltons who are sop slinging money from their piggy bank to Wall Street syncopants who surf for crumbs on carpets as semiobdient dogs and cats but are really no better than gutter rats, I suggest that we all who have no desire at all get guns and always carry Mace or Pepper Spray and use it whenever we are frightened of stupid statements or actions that are obviously stupid.

     So I guess what I am saying is that if you and your friends where somehow to make Transendia to have a bank account, some of the money would be spent on arming anarchists of Transcendian actuality which are those sorts of people who are taking care of themselves in New Orleans, but are now under assault unfairly.

      The Bush Administration is without merit as far as the reports that I have seen on the tv and read in the papers or heard on the radio except for the dispositon of Saddam Hussain which ought not have been that difficult or expensive, unless it is recognized that corruption and stupidity is so great as to astound even an idiot.












Happy Sad Makes a Soul

Happy Sad Makes A Soul – a song lyric

by Russell Scott Day


Twenty years in the blink of an eye

Happy sad makes a soul.

Never tell her thank you.


Think like a dog.

Think like a cat.


Mama stays home.

Daddy roams.

The kids learn to lie.

Hungry pigs

Escape the sty.

If you do good

twenty years

Your name never dies.


Twenty years in the blink of an eye.