That may not really be the real day as the institution of the ablity for you to buy a thing with a Transcendian Flag on it is not apparently completed.
I am not sure why but have written a letter to the company about it, herbal and also talked to my advisors.
Following up is an essential executive responsiblity.
Lighting Technical/Author
I think I started taking photographs when I was 12 or so. I had a Browie with a flash and it was the year I wore glasses. One of my eyes is bad since the retina was burned when I had scarlet fever. Glasses don’t really help this problem, but I was prescribed glasses by an eye doctor who was apparently incompetent.
I took pictures of the talent show at the Elon College Elementary School wearing a sport jacket and the camera slung around my neck and I thought I looked like a newspaper photographer. I still have a couple of the pictures. One shows a girl in a white leotard holding a twirling baton and the other shows Mrs. Parish who I believe was our 6th Grade teacher.
Lighting was flash and the extent of my knowledge about lighting was that you had to get some.
For a long time my only real knowledge about lighting was find it or make it and I was most concerned with content and composition.
Somehow it turned out that I ended up living in Rochester New York where photography is pretty big as an interest and an industry. I used to go to the George Eastman House and sit in a gallery and look at the photographs on the walls, and look through my box of photographs.
I thought I was pretty good.
There is a fair amount of my work wandering around in Rochester. Many of my best negatives were lost about 4 years ago so I am aware that I often thought that I would do an image again better since the negative existed, but this was a mistaken belief.
It was my birthday this last day after Christmas and I turned 53.
It is amazing that I have made it this far so well but I am aware of how lucky I will be if I get through to tomorrow anywhere as I am today.
I tell younger artists of all areas of that career to take their work seriously from the get go.
Certainly movies are made by people that don’t know anything, for people that don’t know anything which is maybe why at 53 I don’t get much excited by the the movies, and prefer to pick one or two a month maybe to watch on the DVD, which I have hooked into the NAD and 4 speakers if I really want.
I enjoyed The Aviator that way.
Now the sort of lighting done for the photographing of the Aviator I am really grateful to have learned in the streets of Manhattan.
I learned that because I could drive a big truck.
During my divorce in Rochester I drove a cab and made light shows with my films at a nightclub called Club Zero where I got beat up by three guys defending a porn star from rape.
Cheryl Lauro put up money to send me to New York City after that and I got a job driving a Lighting a Grip Truck because I could drive a big truck and had taken a lot of pictures and made little movies.
At first I worked on low budget movies and music videos and then I got good enough to work on commercials which I discovered to be better work than music videos in general, without a doubt.
Despite all my dreams and ambitions as an artist I have to admit I have made so far more money lighting for others and there are a some things I have learned about it.
Light comes from above.
Light is Blue or Yellow.
Light is hard or soft.
Hot lights are better than Flash…
You can change everything with how you direct the lights.
Getting to direct the lights and the camera is more fun than just directing the camera.
For stills and motion picture I really prefer using hot lights over flash lighting.
I think that in general still photographers are not well taught about lighting.
I was surprised myself to discover that I could put the same filters and gels over a light as I could over a lens.
Certainly it is one thing to capture an image, and another to make it.
When I worked on The Guiding Light GAM was just coming into the market and I was lucky to discover that they were a superior filter and gel company over Lee and Rosco.
For still photographers and motion picture photographers the Kino Flo lights for soft fill allow them both to photograph what they can see continuously without melting human subjects.
They are in the category of hotlights because they are on and you can move them around while they are on, but they do not heat the room up so much that your talent and crew is tortured by heat in small rooms.
I have too often seen Directors of Photography bulldoze Directors into allowing lighting to cause suffering of the actors.
Now if it was my job to teach photography, I would ask each photograher that I was teaching, to ask themselves why they are taking any particular photograph before they take the picture.
I would tell them to put a title to every picture.
Work is the great spiritual quest for the material necessities.
Making photographs is work.
Do not take light for granted.
There are more tools for making light in motion picture lighting than there are in still picture lighting and the still photographer who knows what tools are available to light motion pictures has a leg up on the still photographer who doesn’t.
The 1200 Cinepar is one of the greatest inventions of all time for lighting.
For one thing you can plug it into the wall socket and not blow a breaker.
A nice package of lights is 3 1200 Cinepars and 6 Inkys and a 2500 and 5 Tweenies, some BCAs and ECT bulbs along with Gam Gel set of diffusion and party colors and color correction gels.
You will need some Aces, or 1K Fresnel lights as well. In all cases it is good to have at least 3 of every light that can be plugged into the wall sockets and not blow the circuits.
I have written and will post this for my daugher and the daughter of someone else who told me at a party she was studying photography. In both cases I hope they will visit a lighting suppy rental company.
In Rochester I hope my daughter will visit Mammoth and here in Carrboro I suggest Harris Chewning as places to visit for serious photographers that want to know what lights are available for use.
Scott Day
Learjet TV series writer’s guidelines
LEARJET Television Series Writers Guidelines
By Russell Scott Day – all rights reserved
SETTING: The F.B.O. (Fixed Base Operator, doctor coming from a time before pilots had fixed bases, herbal in fact at the change from barnstormer to based operator).
F.B.O.s are the private side of aviation. In short, herbal an F.B.O. is a gas station for airplanes. They are more than just gas stations, though, hearkening back to the sort of society that revolved around the livery before the advent of the automobile or possibly still as revolves around the only gas station in a small town. There may be anywhere from one to 80 souls around. They will be typically either pilots or passengers or service personnel. The only constantly present characters will be from the line service, those persons who perform the mundane duties of fetching and fueling.
The coffee pot is the point to which all travel like bees to a flower. Pilots hang around for the obvious reason, namely that they want to fly. Their degree of certification will determine what sort of specific activity they may be there for at any specific time. Some of the time they are just there like birds on a wire. There will be Student Pilots, Flight Instructors, Charter Pilots, Freighter Pilots, Private Pilots, and the Airline Pilots (they may as well be gods to the rest of them for their status of mastery and means). Pilots hangar fly, talking of crashes, memorable flights, and scandals. They flirt with the girl at the switchboard, they jockey for positions and power in hopes of attaining the left seat of their dreams. Often the women compete for the affections of the powerful and handsome on their way up the ladder. Some women will also be competing as pilots. The problems of women in this setting will be similar to those of women or blacks attempting to break into areas of traditional male or White male dominance.
The operation of aircraft is expensive, and from that fact flow situations of temptation.
The stories of LEARJET revolve around the F.B.O. as characters make connections, impress those in power, or find ways to add up time in the air. Certain flights will go out everyday, as in the case of small commuters, or the Couriers that fly bank checks to out of town upstream banks. Usually those flights go out at night.
Certain sorts of freight are either regular or by charter.
The guys on Line Service will be trying to build up time almost any way they can. The Instructors will have come most often from their ranks, and be closer to the bottom.
At some point, all that fly, fly purely for the love of it. Some will lie and cheat and betray in pursuit of the experience of it. They will win or lose by health or endurance or character, or lack of it. Each individual character will end up in command of a particular plane in relation to their skills and luck, professionally, and those aspects of their personalities that inhibit or expand their horizons.
The Planes may be filled with spitting chickens, or newspapers, or camera crews and equipment, or rolls of denim. Oil drilling equipment, or chemicals, medical samples, or money, contraband, flowers, or fish, could be the cargo.
Each different cargo dictates a different set of pilots and problems.
The Freighters will be carrying cargos. Often Freighters are old retired from passenger service, and rare.
-Freighters dripping oil, engines on the edge of their time, engines running on thousands of gallons of explosive gasoline. Freighters are old airplanes for the most part, DC 3s, DC 4s, DC 6s, Beech 18s, and others.
Pipers Cessnas and Beechcraft are used by students and private pilots to get lost in, go see their girlfriends, or take pictures from. Small businessmen and doctors fly them to the beach or to the mountains, finding a thousand ways and reasons to triumph or crash. Then there are the sleek business jets, the mini airliners of the rich and powerful; The passengers either owning the plane and being the pilot, or chartering it with bags of money. They may be rock stars carousing and arguing with their girlfriends or agents in the back, spending money as if it were limitless, and running into mountains or out of money as their careers fade.
There are flights of smugglers, and spies, smuggling drugs or money or weapons. They are chased and investigated by the pilots of the law, sometimes even shot down by disgruntled customs agents of South American countries over neglected payoffs or slighted pride.
One side or the other is much the same in their code of violence and judgment.
On a regular basis day in and day out, people who are sick or damaged by car wreck or industrial accident or mishap on honeymoon are rushed to particular hospitals with tubes stuck in near every orifice from FBOs.
Instructors John Rowl – John Rowl is a slick good-natured sort of guy. He is unashamedly lazy, or makes an act of it to have his working seem more of a sacrifice. He will take on almost any kind of flight, legal or illegal. He is a good pilot and great company. His sort of girl tends towards looks, not brains by his design, as getting involved is not in his plans. He drinks heavily, but won’t do drugs, even if he is flying them around. His aim is to fly a Learjet and all his mechanizations are directed at that goal. He is twenty-two with 400 hours.
Tim Hartley (Timmy) – Timmy is a naïve young pilot of twenty. He lives at home. He can’t ever make it with a girl. If he drinks he gets sick. The only thing he can do is fly, and teach others to fly. He is ugly. He always wears ill-fitting or funny clothes. He is completely dedicated to teaching others to fly. He is very serious about doing it right, but has a streak of juvenile humor a mile wide. He gets the most difficult students that John Rowl or others don’t want.
Charter Pilots Phil Orr – Phil is a patriotic Texan that looks as straight as an arrow, but is really up for just about anything. He has a steady girl, but he runs around in a classically chauvinistic manner. His friends are out of the ordinary being young CIA, artists, or eccentric bankers. The common for him and his friends thing being a pursuit of power in a gleeful or dangerous way. Of all the others he has what it takes to get on with the airlines, but somehow is thwarted by odd circumstances or the demands of his many friends. He likes to tell stories about people to the naïve that cause humorous events.
Dan Dodd – Dan is an ex-football player that paid for all his certificates from his football playing after an injury that put him out of the game. He flies Learjets for charter, actually owning the one he flies. He is a happy jock. He has a cute jock’s wife and a young baby. He is a family man. More often than not, women come on to him. Mostly he fends them off, but every now and then succumbs, and then is racked by guilt, which he assuages in some way of another. He and Phil Orr are friends. He is a cautious and lively pilot in the cockpit.
Dick Vincent – Dick is a sometimes charter pilot and full-time salesman. Dick Vincent is a sneaky son of a bitch. He is a playboy in a manipulative lying style. He drives a Corvette, which he is constantly scratching or denting. He will do or say anything to sell a plane. He looks down on just about everyone around him. Often he is in league with the President of the F.B.O., George Hanrahan, who doesn’t like him, but uses him to sell airplanes.
George Martin Hanrahan – George Martin Hanrahan is a rich and powerful man. He owns the F.B.O. and three Learjets, besides other planes and properties. He has a way of making deals that are decidedly in his favor. He is cheap. He is an asshole in the manner in which he treats his subordinates and his secretaries. His secretaries are constantly quitting. He wonders why. His humor is vicious and belittling. He is quite happy with himself and plays the people around him off of each other. He is the King of the Ramp. He makes his judgments in the pursuit of money. He would have someone killed to that end if he thought he could get away with it. He will bully and threaten just about anyone. He has hired his son, named Junior, into a superfluous job that actually consists of errands, with a title. There are rumors about his past involving various crimes, such as smuggling. He has a wife, and a mistress.
Tom Harry – Chief Pilot lives at the airport. He is in his mid 50s and has flown every sort of executive jet or aircraft. He smokes incessantly. He is the Learjet Captain for most flights. He is very straight, still calls his wife his “Bride”, and cannot take off-color jokes. He has power over the upward movement of the Instructors and Charter pilots and is the foil between them and Hanrahan, moving those up that he regards as the best. Tom is happy with himself and believes himself an accomplished professional, which he is. He borders on the priggish in his complaints. Some co-pilots are infuriated by his lack of humor and nitpicking, which they feel guilty for when he does things for their benefit.
Bill Aiken – Chief Instructor – Bill is a retired redneck Navy pilot. He is wild at night and wild in a plane. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him. He often complains about his wife and how she spends money or drives, or her friends, but in her presence is attached and affectionate. He gambles. He likes to tell war stories and has a wealth of crash stories with all sorts of matter-of-fact gore or mayhem in their detail. He likes to frighten students in planes with dangerous maneuvers.
*Besides these characters described there may be a good number of Instructors, Charter Pilots, Students, and passengers that come and go, either by cause of enterprise, accident, jail, or better professional offer.
Receptionists, Switchboard Operators, Line Service, & Mechanics
Sandy Jo Curtis – Sandy Jo is the oldest of the receptionists. She could run the whole place. She is divorced and has no intentions of getting married again. She is fair in her management of the others in her department. She is not as respected as she might be if she wasn’t so willing to go to bed with pilots that she takes a fancy to. They are mostly the pilots that are transient, meaning not based there. Married, divorced, single, young, or old, she regards them as her perk of the job. No matter what, however, she fields the phone calls and pushes the linemen and keeps things moving.
Betsy Ann Twilly – Betsy Ann is a young flaky girl. She gets into weird fashions. She is always in some kind of trauma or jam. She has no common sense whatsoever.
Mary Elizabeth Anderson – Mary Elizabeth Anderson is smart, sophisticated, gorgeous, and cynical. She has degrees in Business and Philosophy and rarely will go out with any man who cannot challenge her. She is the only one of the women who will become a successful pilot as the series progresses.
Line Service – Line Service includes the General Manager of the F.B.O., the receptionists, switchboard operators, and all of the guys that fuel the aircraft and do all of the dirty work. All your crazies are on Line Service. They may or may not have an interest, or be pursuing a career as pilots. Young punks, college students, and sometimes old failures will be engaged in fueling, cleaning, and fetching. Some of them will make it, and some not.
Mechanics – The mechanics have a lot of power because without them, the planes don’t fly. They are generally crude in their speech and habit. They make life and death decisions every day, especially in relation to the older planes. The Chief Mechanic Bill Tork runs them with an odd touch of firmness and laxity.
LEARJET CHARACTERS AND SETTING -Guide for Television Staff and Freelance Writers.
Russell Scott Day/Rewritten from original 1/23/05
Rewritten again 1/23/07
Liberty Costs Money
Would women send a liberty fund to Transcendia to free them?
I would be obliged to hire from money sent by women, cheap mercenaries to help free women who need the help of objective armed forces.
Russell Day
Flag Speech
My Job is to write and give a speech as soon as possible and I have been thinking of what I must say to Educate! Inspire! and Entertain.
I must write and give a speech that will cause Transcendia, arthritis and this may well take more than one speech.
The number one thing that Transcendians must do is secure land for it.
Now Transcendia has a very fine flag, denture and if all Transcendians at the very least print out the image of the flag that is on the homepage and put it on the wall or on fabric and put it up wherever they live or go, generic it will do quite a lot to claim land area and or offices for Transcendia and Transcendians.
So while I am coming up with a speech, I hope all that want to see Transcendia as a reality, a nation of independent airports and spaceports very much like the best of the history of cultures of great roads and the days when people just bought a ticket and got on the airplane, will put up the flag.
You Want a Theocracy, I’ll give you one.
The Book of Transcendia
by, Russell Scott Day
Since I saw God I do write with some information about eternal life which is really being dead and being alive like alternating current. It is also comparable to real motion picture projection that depends on the persistence of vision.
So the truth is that you are alive and dead all the time once you are, and there is the truth that it is mysterious no matter how much you know about it.
We all end up living with dreams, and are aware in dreams that a vision is the real thing.
At anyrate the police in Iraq are in a unique position from what I feel about the world and its prospects for continuance.
Far as I know Mohammed robbed merchants on the Silk Road.
I know a Mexican that has illegally crossed the border three times and works for a friend of mine.
He beat a guy and took his money the last time he crossed the border.
He was out of money and needed some.
He told me that the guy ought not have gotten drunk and attempted to walk home.
For a Mexican he is a pretty good size.
I myself can’t figure out why it is not generally asked why Mexicans are not protected by their government.
How it is working out is that things are better in the US where there is a death penality that is certain to have mistakenly put to death innocents, and in Mexico it is illegal to kill the captured regardless of their guilt.
Cormac McArthy did capture the reality of the corruption in his oevre in the All the Pretty Horses book.
The respect for the Police internationally is lower than it ought to be.
The goal of Police is to keep the peace and since I smoke pot I am not allowed to be a policeman or a pilot, though I have been a policeman and a pilot, and was a fairly good policeman, and a responsible pilot who still could start a plane up and get it around.
One time I did use my power to get another guy out of my girlfriends apartment.
I had all the papers signed according to the laws of Rochdale.
Still I did get back-up with baseball bats.
I allowed him to get his fold up bicycle.
International police really ought to protect the rights of women according to the UN concepts of what Human Rights are.
As far as the reality that Sam Harris who wrote The End Of Faith says about the need for a World Government, the World Government must come to some Force named Police, that is agreed as welcome in every airport.
test filing/1/4/05 Plans & Reflections
My friends and I have been asking where to build an airport spaceport connected to space elevators that are currently being enabled by nano technology.
In the area best for the work, which must be on the Equator it would seem that New Zealand is the nation to ask for help from, since they are in the area, but actually are not perfect geographically.
The thing philosophically is to move on with plans that confirm hope, and building spaceports is the most hopeful thing to do.
Spaceports will be required to build Space Elevators since to build a Space Elevator you have to build it from the top down.
My friends say that New Zealand is forward looking, and stable as a government in the region, and I would encourage them regardless to work towards a space program and the building of their own Space Station, as well as build Space Elevators under their control in the region.
Meantime back on Earth, crisis after crisis either manufactured or what they call Force Majeure in a contract, (which means an Act of God)are piling up in such a way and amount to demand that Spaceports and colonization of the Solar System be gotten on with regardless of what anyone with a purse thinks about it.
This is why I want all true Transcendians to launch rockets as a demonstration of their support and understanding of the imperatives, which are so serious that we must make light of them and have fun with them, in the face of death, which is insured for individuals, but not for us as a species, if we use the tools we have created in opposition to the individual reality.
I encourage all Transcendians to buy and build little Message Rockets and Launch them at both their friends, and their enemies.
My daughter actually sent me a rocket this Christmas and I who have built and launched about 20 rockets and made about 75 flights, want other Transcendians to surpass my launches with good messages on their rockets in more nations than I will have a chance to get to before I die.
Still on Earth, I will let all of my fellows Transcendians know when I have completed the assembly of my next Message Rocket, and what message I have put on it, and when I will launch it.
Hopefully some of you will be ready to launch and will launch at the same time, therefore becoming full fledged Transcendians.
Oh my friends, we are not going but so far, so fast, and I myself have so far been very inspired by being here, and know that I will miss having a body.
I figure some of the best I can do is do what is necessary for others to have bodies to live in for awhile around this part of the universe.
I apologize that I have failed to give more speeches in promient locations, like at the UN.
I wrote a speech the other day when I was concerned about the hunger of the staff on the Spacestation. I am very glad that they were sent some food.
I was worried that they might eat one another.
Food is the number one ingredient for Peace, and I feel that it is possible to feed everyone if we limit how many people there are in relation to the food and energy possible in the time available.
We don’t need a Road Map for Peace, we need a Menu. Very few of us are going anywhere really.
The Space Elevators hung around the Planet would seem to have the potential of providing energy from the Sun that would not burn holes in the Ozone layer as Microwave energy transmission did.
This would represent a great deal of clean energy that would allow the maximum settlement of the Earth, and if done in a timely manner get mankind over the hump from small time species to big time species.
We will need to make some very good robots who will mine the Moon and local planets.
Love, Russell
Can you hide behind God so that the Devil will not find you?
Can you hide behind God so that the Devil will not find you?
It is Friday and I have a weekend off wherein I will not be formally working.
I might be hiding from the Devil, or they might find me.
I pray for a weekend.
My poems are depressing unless I smile and act crazy when I perform them.
Revolution has come to the point you can buy a spaceship out of the Aero Trader. It is a BOR-5 USSR SPACE Shuttle Prototype next to a Rans 5-6 ES above a Kitfox Classic IV. Granted it is on the Experimental page of the airplane and airport classified catalog, but it is next to a high wing piston aircraft illustrating the reality of what I am saying about the facts of the revolution which has crept up on us because we are creeping up on ourselves.
It is frightening to be a right about what is wrong. Confusion can be comforting. If your idea of a fine weekend is to take women out to the Soccer Field and shoot them for nothing but acts of freedom in a secular world where rights are not abrogated by myths, even beautiful myths, you will make me glad people that hate me, along with you, have weapons they might use on me.
Far as I know there is not one Episcopal Church in China. They are going to start another Episcopal Church in Chapel Hill. When I can hire a theologian I’ll pay them from the taxes to provide online a reading from the bible for the day and the reading from the Ching. If you buy a Tee Shirt with the Transcendian Flag on it, some of the money will go towards that.
The siege strategy of Napoleon works
The siege strategy of Napoleon works for continuous Airport Defense. One circle looks out, and the other circle looks in.
The relationship between Canadians and Mexicans and United Stateians, (Americans) is corrupted by the Drug War. Legalization of Pot in the United States, Mexico and Canada would cut the Drug war to one front and improve the overall security of all. A good number of people would no longer be smugglers, or be compromised.
Bush impresses me no more than Jefferson Davis. On his own he will get to it about the same time that the Confederate States wanted to get Black soldiers to defend the Confederacy.
Bush and Cheney, are not Linclon and Grant.
I don’t know Kofi Annon, but I’d be his Grant if he would have me.
Russell Scott Day
An editorial about writing and Physics
An editorial about writing and Physics, the excitement of knowing where God is, in paradoxes of Time Travel. Time travelers constantly creating new universes, parallel universes that might even intersect, but can’t really. Really it is almost too much to imagine so. So the wormhole is to be stopped somewhere and only after that is time travel and infinite creation, meddling be possible?
I am reminded of Ted Williams book about how God has to be somewhere if he exists. Ted says he saw God going in a door at the end of a blind alley off Monroe Ave. in Rochester New York. Recent thinking would more likely locate God in the Mother Paradox explained in the September Scientific American Special Issue.
Yesterday I told Alan how could he call himself a human being if he could not at least imagine Utopia. Diane Keaton’s movie “Heavan” comes to mind.
Nancy Alex says that it was September 7th that The Refrigerator started posting my writings which turned into The writings on my part now have turned into a campaign to create The United Nations Channel.
By way of Transcendian thinking it is in line with my concepts of Proactive Civil Demonstrations, like bombing people with flowers and candy and tvs and radios. I’ve been actually a bit blown away that the Bush War Machine has utilized some of these conflict tools. I really feel bad, as if it is the sin of left undone that I haven’t is that I haven’t launched any message rockets, or given any speech in a long time.
And I wonder about the unity of my writing. It seems hubris for me to think of the tradition of Borges and Faulkner and compare a video I made to that tradition, but then again I’ve written enough, and had enough out that somewhere someone is reading the reading for the day, and the I Ching. This is Transcendian Theological Practice.
When I say Transcendia is a company country and work of art, a model country without an army, striving to be an international confederation of freetrade zone airports, wanting to peacefully emerge from the imagination, but willing to make a virtual reality movie that would be the ultimate in propaganda. The War Movie To Replace War, since everyone knows a war is required to make a Nation. Alliegence is to blood in the ground.
If I had an army I could speak at the United Nations. Since I do not have an army, I cannot. My only way around that is to create The United Nations Channel, from Transcendian Television National Proposal to the General Assembly of The United Nations.
Now this demonstrates the power of television, about as much as you might ever need to. Journalism does have an ethic a bit above entertainment, and or propaganda. I am not above propaganda even myself.
I wonder though what the contents of the propaganda dropped by fast flying aircraft over Iraq really said? I wonder if I would believe it?
Transcendia, It’s a Friend to Yah! Do you believe that?
Holland sounds like Utopia to me from the documentary Nancy Alex and I watched about a year ago. We can’t remember the exact title. It’s not fully any perfect place, hypocrisy can always find a home. But if you speak Dutch, it is a bit more level coming to human civil actions as drama, instead of grinding class wars, status wars. I want to visit Holland sometime. A movie isn’t everything.
Lots of great painters came from Holland.
I heard there were l90 nations in the United Nations, and then a big Five. It would imply then that the Big Five, and their Big Five Money would be driving the World Agenda. Why haven’t they at least agreed to put into place The Planet Defense System?
I guess they need me to tell them about their shared duty to at least steer asteroids away, or into useful mineable orbit.