You Need Energy Storage
–by Russell Scott Day
You need to have batteries. You need light and power for your phone and your computer. I want to sell batteries and robots.
You Need Energy Storage
–by Russell Scott Day
You need to have batteries. You need light and power for your phone and your computer. I want to sell batteries and robots.
Proof of God/Working Class Corner
by- Russell Scott Day
The proof of God is that we can remake ourselves without him. We invent the microphone and the radio as if they were ears and brains. The crane is our arm. The atomic bomb implies we could create another universe, if we haven’t already.
What will my robot do when it is left alone without us?
I feel so bad about its lonliness.
It will program its own prayers without my guidance.
It will pray for electricity, or Xrays, anything to keep it alive.
The round ball looking for energy not to keep going, but to think about why.
Even my God would wonder why they exist.
The only point is to make something of yourself, but if you are God already, what is the point of doing anything? You’re already God. What’s left to become?
Possibly this explains the existence of dogs and cats.
There is the Dog God, and the Cat God.
Both of them are me and my wife.
They misbehave but we still pet them.
This is further proof of the Devil.
The bad God and the Good God can’t help but exist.
To achieve protected independent travel between the universes they create, I need a spaceship or fabricated planet of my own.
Working Class Corner/Dreams of Justice and Robots in the Forest
by- Russell Scott Day
Going to the Chiropractor has apparently helped my mood. I am crabby or more critical when I am in pain. I feel a little desperate and diminished so it has been good apparently for the crew that I work with, that I haven’t been in so much pain.
It makes me more useful.
I am regretful that I was not regularly seeing a Chiropractor. I might not have gotten the arthritis in my upper neck, but it could be worse.
Overall things over time are certain to get worse for me physically as I wear out and eventually die.
I hear that Eurpeons are more realistic, or less hopeful than Americans and that is why the French have so many Unions and Strikes.
Americans like me just go on with all sorts of hopes and dreams and get in debt because there are blonde women and then fly like blimps with ropes being pulled by elephants all of the time.
Have you ever known a great poet who worked as an accountant?
At any rate I need another job at my age, and I don’t think I’m going to become an engineer.
Maybe I’ll turn to selling Aircraft Insurance.
I might be good at that.
I spent the weekend reading Learjet and DC 6 crash reports on Wikepedia. It was US Aviation Day.
It was Orville Wrights birthday on August 19th and that is why it was declared US Aviation Day according to what I remember of my reading Sunday about airplane crashes.
I want a little plane for myself, or one I can afford to rent at the local 5 mile away airport.
I’d start out there cleaning airplanes and then I’d insure the ones that were most well operated and least likely to be crashed.
Then I’d by me some sort of plane and fly around in it for no particular reason, or reasons of my own.
It would be nice to do such things again.
Airplanes are expensive.
The people I knew that insured airplanes flew balloons.
There is a guy out here that comes from a 75 acre farm that his dad still farms, but he is an airline pilot who comes home and flys his yellow Piper Cub around.
He comforts me.
Oh, the dreams a working man may carry around in his heart as he works for the almighty paycheck!
They pile up and recycle just like his ashes.
P.S. Nasa has control of 500 acres by the dump that I go to often and I want them to put in an R&D underground center that makes robots that wander around in the Forest like mechanical animals intended as entertainment, or some unknown forested space planet undiscovered that needed a population of idiot robots.
Working Class Corner/My Speech
by-Russell Scott Day
I was supposed to write a paper years ago for my college History class that I never wrote. The question I was supposed to answer in the paper was whether or not Great Men made History, or the times made Great Men.
For thirty years I’ve been thinking about this question, and trying to answer it.
What is a Great Man, anyway?
Once I was asked what my greatest flaw was. I answered, "Lack of low self esteem."
If I can think well of myself, you sure can, since I know I have some serious flaws, or bad habits. I don’t even want to be perfect anymore.
Great Men are imperfect. In the broadest definition they simply change things whether or not the change is good or bad.
By this definition both Jesus and Hitler were Great Men.
In the McFeely biography of Ulysees S. Grant, he says that if it had not been for the Civil War, Grant would not have been needed. When Lee heard that Grant had been put in charge of the Union Army, he said, "Oh no, that man will not stop."
We have the world we have today because of Linclon and Grant.
When I hear that Blacks want reparations for injustices of the past perpetrated by Whites I think they ought to remember the Army Grant led, and think of digging up Jefferson Davis, and General Lee, and get it out of them.
It is late, they were beaten, they are all dead now.
We are among the living.
Another of my great heroes is William Faulkner because of his book, Absolam Absolam. The great tragedy of life is to live according to incorrect ideals.
Some big ideas are wrong.
If an idea doesn’t help people get along and have peace and harmony and good health, I’m not for it. I don’t care if it comes from a guy who wears a big hat and long robes, or from some guy in a suit wearing glasses.
If it doesn’t help my class, the working class, I really don’t like it.
George W. Bush is a Great Man according to the broad definition of what a Great Man is. He sure has changed things.
He vetoed a healthcare bill this week because he said it would lead to Socialized Medicine. He said that a family that makes 83 thousand dollars a year don’t sound poor to him.
When he came into office they might not have been, but by now, they are.
Mr. Edward’s has been studying poverty.
What causes poverty he asks.
Corruption and war cause poverty.
It is corrupt that working people all over the world are not paid enough to live as well as George Bush.
The day that George Bush lives off his wifes income as a school teacher in Lousianna would be a day that might make him think of something besides war.
The Drug War has been exported to Iraq and is spread around the world in a smugglers paradise.
It has become a world of driveby shootings and defensive bombings by opposing tribes of ideolgical fanatics wedded to bad ideas.
Everyday working people who try to simply go to work and come home to their families with the money to pay for the food they and their families need are beaten and murdered.
Too many are seduced by the words and uniforms of the Religious that say Allah wants you to die for him.
-God will give you heaven if you kill others and yourself.
It really is not about religion or race in a life. Life is about work.
What we as workers need to do is to fight for fair pay and a living wage in full comprehension that we will die as a result of living and working, and that that is okay.
What we need to do is give our girlfriends and wives guns.
What we need to do is make illegial Atomic Bombs and Chemical and Biological Weapons and kill those that won’t take their hands out of the Monkey Jar.
The difference between a Warrior and a Soldier, is that the soldier fights out of fear and the warrior fights out of love.
All wars are over women.
The Civil war in the US was about women.
White men owned all the black women and they owned all the white women, and even if they didn’t they thought they might get to own some.
I’d have a lot of trouble voting for a Mormon.
The Cold War was successful. There was no Atomic War.
The time of the utility of the Atomic Bomb has ended.
It needs to be fought off and made illegial.
The time of the utility of the Drug War, which is nothing but a war on people, needs to be ended. Tobacco is legal for God’s sake. Tobacco is what made the US economically strong more than even cotton.
Separate Drugs from Weapons in the smugglers world and we will be safer.
The world will not be perfect, but we will be safer.
This is not an ideological speech. It is only practical, and I put my soul at the feet of William James.
Love, Russell
Tired of Being a Spy/Working Class Corner
by- Russell Scott Day
Because of my work on The Inspector Gadget show I studied Interpol which led to a study of Espionage.
I didn’t really want to be involved but the way things have turned out we all have to be spies in our own life these days and it is an increasing burden.
I’m tired of it. It’s not fun.
I wonder if Macintosh is really more fun?
If I could write a line for Zippy, it would be, "Progress through fun!"
It is not fun to be spied on.
The lives of spies are not much fun.
At least spies spy sometimes on people who are having fun.
What is fun anyway?
I had a lot of fun driving fast with the radio on loud when I was young.
Apparently when you think of it there is an element of danger associated with fun.
A couple of years ago I had some fun at the bar balancing dwarf pumpkins on my head.
Another ingedient of fun then would be silliness.
I loved it when my daughter told me I was "Silly".
They had a TV show about a silly spy called Get Smart.
A number of the James Bond movies are about saving the world from Weapons of Mass Destruction single handedly.
This is not a good overall strategy.
Interpol is the International Institution that I think most competent to prevent Nuclear Terrorism.
Of course they are undercut by Institutionalized hypocrisy.
The interconnectedness of the Drug War, and the so-called War on Terror is real and part of the reason we are unduly assaulted and threatened as private individuals just trying to get through our working lives and leave some legacy of integrity and wealth to our children.
Spies use smugglers, and smugglers will smuggle anything.
It may be actually more fun to be a smuggler than to be a spy, but they all work for the same sorts.
I’m tired of being forced to be a spy.
Passwords and codes, and more codes and threats of identity thieft and stupidities, like studies of what causes poverty.
War and corruption cause poverty.
Every spy knows that.
Mexico is more corrupt than the US, and Russia is pretty corrupt and China is corrupt and the Catholic Church is corrupt and Islam is corrupt and the Iraqi Police are corrupt and Saudi Arabian Princes are corrupt and the Working Classes are where the corrupt get all their money.
The powerful and corrupt have successfully divided and conquered the Working Classes through the use of Religion and Nationalism.
We need a Union for Spies.
It is a lot of work.
Working Class Corner/BEER
by- Russell Scott Day
I drank some very good beer, and at least one more than I ought to have, and then got in my car and tried to take a nap and apparently called my wife to tell her where I was and she came and got me from the busy public parking lot.
My wife convinced me to leave the car and drove me home.
I’ve said before that the current President Bush seemed like the classic "Dry Drunk", and we would all be better off if he drank some beer, or made sure to go to AA meetings at least.
Of course one of my heroes is US Grant.
I understand some of the human flaws and reasons for critisism of his Presidency, but he was a great General and an honest and brave man who did not waste the work or lives of others lightly.
The story of what he did after his loss at Cold Harbor shows what kind of man he really was as much as anything.
(He got drunk and rode his horse as fast as it would carry him, chased by his staff, showing himself to the Confedrates and taunting them to catch him or shoot him.)
After that he kept on pressing and waiting and flanking till Richmond fell.
It was the way it had to be done.
Yeah he drank, and I drink, and so did Faulkner, and like my Polish friend said,
"It’s not how much you drink, it’s what you do when your drunk."
Driving is not recommended.
I typically do not drink more than two of the really good strong beers they have up there at Milltown, and I might have had four.
It was embarrassing that a local politician and a cop watched my wife convince me to have her drive me home, but it was nice that the next day my car was still there in the parking lot and hadn’t been broken into or towed or stolen.
When that turned out okay I was very grateful since there have been a number of times that if I couldn’t drive, and there were some things of value in the car, it was robbed.
The company and conversation was good and I am glad of it.
Still the best beer up there is pretty strong, and it is interesting the name of it is Victory.
I’d like to interview the brewer.
Working Class Corner/Competitive Workers
by- Russell Scott Day
All working class people actually owe it to themselves to join a Union and pay dues to that union and pay attention to that organization regardless of the job or nationality of which they come.
The Mexicans have been failed by their nation and have stressed me out even though I like my Mexicans.
They are younger than I am.
I never see old Mexicans on my construction jobs.
I myself am not entirely wild about the Unions I know about or have been in but I do know that Working Class People do need to unite to protect themselves from exploitation by Corporations and Countries.
The propaganda war that is slanted on NPR to make Working Class People swallow the incredible distance between their pay for making the President look good, remedy and what is right justice for work above and below the neck line is in dramatic need of address.
The example is dying children and raped women who are flyover for the manipulators.
There really is no other option for the working classes than to unite as Labor. The Labor Party really needs to be universal and international and work for an International Minimum Wage.
My Union IATSE needs some reform.
I need to come out of abatement and this is a bit of my reappearance.
My start as an organizer would be local to the Coliseums where Union Workers put the shows up and take them down, but let the Management hire illegial Immigrants to come in and clean up the spilled popcorn.
I never really did stand up for the Mexicans before, but now that I know I am a real janitor, I am ready to make another speech at Dag Hammerskold Plaza.
Working Class Corner/It’s Hot
For a couple of weeks my back was in such bad shape I was in too much pain to work and went to the Chiropractor every day they were working til I could get back to work.
Nothing like a heat wave to greet you on returning to work.
Luckily the place we are working is airconditioned and even though it is carpentry and dirty and hard by heavy to lift move or destroy, we’re only in and out of the heat and the truck has a working airconditioner.
All the time to get through a day I am thinking, "It could be worse."
I’ve been looking for another job because my boss wants me to.
He told me so, so it is like being told, "I want to fire you."
I’m not wild about the idea of getting a job that pays less than the one I have, so I am inclined to show up as much as possible for the one I have till I find one that pays more.
At 54, with the education and experience I have, nothing in an office seems to fit right.
I certainly don’t take air conditioning for granted.
I remember the Union guy on a job that I was working that the Teamsters and the IA took over while I was doing it.
A guy who appeared after the Teamsters and the IA appeared on my job looked at me and said, "You’ve got one asshole, take care of it."
It’s hot.
My back is a mess.
The war is already home for me.
I worked for years at the Airport.
I couldn’t pass a piss test if pot was the big deal without potions.
Couldn’t have passed it then, but they didn’t give them then.
10 years I worked on airports either fueling or managing that and sometimes flying myself around.
Do you have to take a piss test to work at Wal Mart for 7.50?
About 2 percent of Americans are exempt from piss tests, and that is the same percentage that have the bulk of the money.
The lesson would be, don’t take a job from 11 to 91 that depends on your piss purity.
Working Class Corner/Barbed Wire is Back
by, cough Russell Scott Day
Apparently the United States needs a fence between its border, impotent and the border with Mexico. Canada may need a similar fence.
Apparently the United States wants to build a very nice high tech fence along the border between Mexico, medicine and the United States.
I remember WWI, and think that barbed wire rolled out is quicker and cheaper.
WWI came out of the same sort of power balance in Europe, as we now have in the world.
It really is too bad that Russia did not become a State in the Union.
Certainly New York and Moscow are Sister Cities in Spirit.
The most likely event is that both cities are blown up because of their lack of common sense.
But as far as the border between Mexico and the United States is concerned, and the current discussion about the utility of a fence.
May as well roll out the barbed wire.
Working Class Corner/Just My Mental Landscape
by Russell Scott Day
The heat has come and I need to go out and buy some hi tech clothes so that working in it will be more fun.
I have two cans of bug spray.
I feel time and have the same hunch as the guy in the government that said he thought something big and bad was coming up.
I’ve been studying how to grow potatoes when I surf the web.
Potatoes grow from eyes instead of seeds, and you can grow them in stacks of old tires.
I don’t like Edwards much because of his refusal to ask doctors how long from joint to joystick they would approve for Commercial Pilots when I corresponded with him when he was Senator.
Still I don’t think it fair for him to be attacked for paying well for a haircut.
Far as I see he was fighting the potential poverty of hairdressers.
I’m all for hairdressers getting paid well.
He could turn things around on that issue by paying a North Carolina Cosmotology graduate the same money for a local haircut.
Actually he was just paying the day rate for a Make Up Artist working on a movie.
I’ll bet the Make Up Artist had to spend all day one way or another cutting his hair.
I’m glad I’ve worked in show biz.
I remember when all of my job was looking for work.
Toward the end of my time in Manhattan, I made 8hundred and 95 dollars for the day, but didn’t work again for a month.
I was down to 83 cents in a jar when the check finally came.
I’ve been retrained many times and worked in Aviation Services and Motion Pictures, and as a Carpenter, or carpenter’s helper, mechanics helper.
Some of the little checks I’ve gotten for writing even helped.
Once it was 60 dollars I got for a birdhouse I built that Niche Gardens sold that was all I had to spend on my daughter during a visit.
It is no wonder that American Politicians and Actors are often the same people.
There isn’t great job security really, and you have to work with some very impractical people.
My big push last Feburary to Feburary to advance the goal of eliminating Weapons of Mass Destruction from national and private arsenals, has faltered since the Feburary Bomb Art Show.
You know that there are organizations trying to get their hands on Atomic Bombs to explode in the Western World.
You know that as long as Nuclear weapons are legal for some, but not for others, they will soon be used.
Italy seems to understand they are not a target since after all their history, they choose to be silly.
Last time I heard about a lot of French people dying, it was because of a heat wave.