Political Science/Working Class Corner

Working Class Corner/Political Science

by Russell Scott Day

       Desperation and Anarchy plus criminality have been the Democracy, so called, that is the United States.

      How is it that the advances in the United States and in Europe for the Working Classes can be brought forward?

      They are certainly under great assault and pressure now.

      War and Work are the secular ethical concerns that transcend religions and morality.

      Conforming ethics and religious morality is the spiritual key to inspirational leadership that is within and without each of us individuals in the world community.

      The clear headed athiests and the clear headed believers in "God", which amounts to believers in an afterlife, have attempted over and over to come to agreement about how to live as humans, thinking beings, on this planet.

       The conflict may as well be called a conflict with the infinite and the finite.

       Food is a finite resource since there is only so much land to grow it on.

       It is ironic that when I last nearly died, it was because my guts got wrapped up by what covered my intestines so that I was not able to eat to any benifit and was basically internally squeezed in half.

       Why it is ironic isn’t really clear to me, but it feels like it.

       Maybe the thing is that I could eat, but it wouldn’t do me any good.

       The really terrible thing nowadays is that as a group of thinking beings who are faced with the knowledge that unless we come together and protect the place that gives us the opportunity to live in bodies that are physical, and are finite, our prospect of being extingished is 100 percent.

      We can be just like the dinosaurs is the fact of the matter.

      For their past to be our future represents the prospect of a betrayal of a gift that if it came from God would be infinitely reprehensible, and if it came from the Devil Chance, just as sad.

      My wife loves mirrors.

      My brother once said he got so lonely he looked in the mirror to see someone else.

       Does the Pope really think he sees God’s telephone to me when he looks in the mirror?

       Was Mary raped by God?

        Does love have limits?

        No, love does not have limits, but love knows where they are and what to do to be loving of the within and the without.

         World leaders and rich people need to pay right to the workers, and allow them to work from their spiritual connections same as they get and want.

         Working alone is a luxury that we cannot as a group take for granted.

                                                                Love, Russell


History of the Bomb Art Show

History of the Bomb Art Show

     The first work in the Bomb Art Series was Bikini Bomb done last Feburary on the 26th of the month.

      While listening to the news and trying to sort out what was really important to address regardless of the ongoing tragedies wars and wars to come I came to feel that getting Weapons of Mass Destruction out of the human arsenal was a priority.

      I immediately decided that it was a good time for there to be put up an Art Show at the UN about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

      I worked on having that happen and got the classic Bureaucratic run around.

It is the second time I have gotten the run around from Bureaucrats of the UN.

So I have a good sense of why Ban Ki Moon immediately after being installed as Secretary General asked for the resignations of 30 intrenched UN Top Bureaucrats.

The show at the UN was intended as a Group Show.

This is my one man show.

It is really basically the work I have done with Atom Bomb images and Icons along with a bit of a story.

I am pleased that at least it has worked out that this show has come to pass and be hung over the course of a year.

At least I have somehow made it happen where I live, though I had wanted it to be at the UN.

I have long taken the attitude that regardless of whatever perfections of conception you have in your head, just go ahead and do the best you can.

It is nice when something of perfection pops into your head, and I am grateful that I have had that experience with a few poems and prayers.

For instance:   Dear Lord Jesus/Give me Heart/To Be a Man/And Do my Part.

I am grateful to all who have helped me over the past year to produce this show.

Nancy Alex my wife has long now been encouraging and a great helpmate.

Mary Earles has been a great advisor and teacher, and framed the work that is framed.

Lynda Curry is also important along with Phil Blank Randy Pilosi & Bob Votta for their community with me as artists.

The technology of art has come to the point where we can give the war experience in virtual reality movies that ought to be satisfying enough.

Dad Said The Atom Bomb Made Me, is my work on steel that will only be available to see during the opening.

It is about how infact the Atom Bomb did its job, but is now obsolete.

The American Philosopher William James influences me to go ahead and believe in doing the best I can, and allowing myself to have great thoughts and ambitions while still recognizing that courage is not always enough.

The wind may be against you.

I told an Architect once in arguement that "If you can’t even imagine Utopia, you ought not call yourself a human being."

"We have the technology!"

Between Jared Diamond, Edward Hallet Karr, Machievelli, & Grotius, along with other greats of philosophy and history, there is hope for systems for mankind to come out of Political Science.

In the end I am a poet and conceptual artist, and this show is just some of my regular stuff in service of my concept, that is Transcendia.

I hope you enjoy the show and help make history.

                                                               Russell Scott Day

April Fools/Working Class Corner

Working Class Corner/Transcendian National Holiday

                               April Fools

      April Fools is the only Transcendian Holiday that has in the past had any great observances.

      I invited a number of people by email, or in person over this year for an Open House.

        I set the time frame from 2 PM to 8:30 PM and it is 2:45 and I have gotten a message that one friend can’t come because they have to go to Indianna.

        If one person comes that will be okay with me for I have had parties when such a thing happened.

        I don’t think it is wise to take April Fools too seriously.

        Of course we did clean the house up as much as possible.

        I have thought about entertainments.

        I have looked at my flag.

        I got on my knees and vacumed.

        I caulked the cracks in the tile around the bathtub.   I used white silicone, which I now regard as a big mistake and will never buy white silicone again.

       In fact I will never buy silicone caulk white or clear, again without buying latex gloves thinner and cotton rags for the job.

        At least water won’t be getting down on the joists under the tub, but I have made myself some clean up work.

        Oh, Transcendia, It’s a Friend to Yah!

        Who needs Kar-Is-Me-Iah!

         I read the email promo from Barak Obama and considered it political genius in contrast to the gimme letters I have gotten from Edwards and Hillary.

        Gore ought to be the permanent Vice President and my man turns out to be Gephardt.

        Us Working Class People really need to focus on candidates and companies that are treating all of us right.

         None of the Democratic Leaders of the US has grabbed ahold of the third rail of American Politics and War with any courage regarding The Drug War.

        Over and over I have said that you cannot have but so many wars, and that war is a constant.

         The War In Irag looks like the American Drive By Shootings in LA which charactrize the Drug War, to me.

         Afganistan makes Hashish and Opium.

         You tell me.

         Wouldn’t the World be a bit safer if arms smugglers and drug smugglers were separated?

         My Polish friend who drank heavily, said once, "It’s not how much you drink, but what you do when you are drunk."

         Maybe some vices are better than being Viceless if you are a Dry Drunk like Muslems and Bush and Hitler.

         One can make a case for some social lubrications and the value of the Fools.

         My main man has been Grant.

         As far as muddling through I think he did about as good as one could have done in the circumstances.

         When Black Groups ask for apoligies for slavery here I am inclined to ask them to dig up Jefferson Davis and get it out of him.

         In fact there are twice as many Union dead that died to save the Union, the Federal Government, than Confederate dead, that fought to keep them as slaves.

        Fred Hampton changed America as much as anyone else if you know anything about the Black Panthers and Head Start.

       I heard the report that children who had been to kindergarten were more difficult than children who hadn’t.

       My take on that was that they had learned to take up for themselves.

                                                                 Love, Russell




Working Class Corner/Lighting Package

Working Class Corner/Lighting Package

by Russell Scott Day

      In 87 when I got a job running a lighting and grip truck in Manhattan the truck had on it a hell of a lighting package for that day.   I had 2, price 4 K HMI Fresnels Two 2500s and 2 1200s.   I had Two nine lights, 6 inkys, 4 Tweenies, 6 Blonde 2Ks, 6 Aces, (Inanaro) as opposed to Mole Baby, a set of 2K Fresnels, a set of 5K Fresnels and other lights along with the grip and electric to run or control them.

      It is seductive to be able to control your set and paint the image with light.

      When I started out I was only concerned with shooting like a journalist, or artist with no expectation that I could put the Sun where I wanted.

       It really is something to find out you can do that if you have the time and the money.   Lighting a Carbon Arc Brute is something to do.

       The biggest light I have operated was an 18 K Sunray I think.

       It was up in the mountains and a great number of Lenses broke over night.

       I think they might have been saved with plumbers tape to keep them from contracting so fast in the cold.

       But for an ideal move around one man van light package I would go for 3 1200 Cinepars or their equivalent, 3 Tweenies, an ACE, 6 Inkys, a set of Kino Flows, and grip and electric to support and manipulate them.

      Lee and Rosco make nice gels, but really it does turn out that Gam is more complete.

      This package is ideal if you are not going to tie in or get a generator, since all of the lights will run off a wall socket.

      Wall sockets typically are limited to 15 amps draw before they blow.

      I was typically able to light set within an hour and a half.

      I had a lot of fun doing it and wish I had more apple boxes in the house.




Mission for Army and Police in Iraq

        Regardless of the number of American Troops fighting in Iraq there seems to be a defined mission vacum.

       It is all well and good to talk about Democracy and human rights etcetera, but that may be a mistake in focus for it would mentally influence protection of politicians, over infrastructure.

       I have not heard any sensible sort of plan for the use of armed forces in Iraq according to what I know generally about War and Peace.

      It does sound to me as if the soldiers ride around till they get shot at or blown up like some replication of the inner city American Drug War, that has also been going on forever.

      My friend told me of a conversation with a cab driver from India in Manhattan about the British Empire that implies that I am on the right track in recommending that armed men protect infrastructure workers as their primary mission in Iraq and Afganistan.

      My friend said, "Oh, you must hate the English." to which the Indian answered,   "Oh no, they gave us road and railways and hospitals and schools, in the end we were much better off."

      Now I imagine that were the mission of the troops to travel with the infrastructure workers employed in providing basic services and sharing the same dangers, they would bond in a way that would advance peace in Iraq and Afganistan, and does resonate with President Kennedy’s invention of the Peace Core.

     This is my recommended mission for armed forces in Iraq and Afganistan that is intended to attract not only the best of warriors and workers to its dictates, but also inspire help from nations who otherwise will have no interest in helping the United States resolve this conflict as much as it will ever be possible to be resolved.

      It will be impossible for the US to achieve peace in Iraq or Afganistan if it does not get help.

      In particular the skill sets of French, Costa Rician, and European Professional Police need to be applied by a Formed Constabulary under the direction of some of the most Professional Police like those of Interpol.

       The corruption of the Police Force in Iraq is a skew the War there that requires now force in a different uniform from that of soldiers as a component of the positive possiblities, which do exist, regardless of the generally appalling events.

      These events flow directly from the lack of international agreement regarding the Iraq War, that lost, is the real reason for the degenerating situation in Irag, and Afganistan, not to mention Somalia, Darfur, and other places that are not yet in the headlines.

       A good mission, such as focus on protection of infrastructure workers, is about all I can imagine to have potential to repair the damage done by the US acting so unilaterally as it has.

                                                             Russell Scott Day 




Working Class Corner

by – Russell Scott Day

I’ve been doing a great deal of writing that would normally have shown up in letters here on my website on another website that has been all for me I ever wanted from Shortwave Radio, or even any two way radio I laid my hands on, and never got.

I’ve had more than one radio license too.

This is why the internet is superior to ShortWave, or two way radios.

You can find a mind club easier.

With the internet the way it is it seems ridiculious that I would need a license for any two way radio, and that they are so rare and expensive if they do what I can do without anything other than what I’m using now, that didn’t require a test or anything different from my normally accepted right to pay for a phone line and have a computer.

Well that way some corporation makes money for just being in control because they had the right friends that want them to keep them in power.

So I was studying on batteries and ended up on GlobalSpec.com and then ended up on CR4, and my hobby has been thinking actively with engineers and the like about physics and politics.

Other than poems or screenplays or novella, essay or shortstory, I write checklists for work I have come to understand very well.

And in the CR4 world I’ve been writing about how important it is to write a good Form, Questionaire, Checklist, for a proposed system.

Otherwise I have paid some attention to National Politics, and wish Bill Richardson would be the US President, from every National and International Perspective, since he is not only right, but if the US ever elected a guy that looked like he does, at this time, it would on image alone advance towards Peace and Prosperity.

He looks physically like people of the world.

A Mutt is really a better dog, than a purebreed.

I’m proud to be a Mutt.

Internationally the main thing to have happen is the elimanition of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Working People need to unite to get Atomic Bombs and Chemical Weapons out of anybodies aresenal.

And that’s my CheckList today.              Love, Russell

Bomb Art Show

Bomb Art Show

     by Russell Scott Day

Russell Day 919-960-8446

Show hung Thursday February 1 2007

show ends February 28, ed 2007

Opening February 9th from 6PM to 9PM

some works will only be available for viewing during the show.

at DeWitt Law

118 East Main St. Ste A

Carrboro, ambulance NC 27510 USA


normal hours 9AM to 5PM

Bomb Art – Titles & Prices:


Hans Blix – aqua oil on canvas – $500.00

My Bomb Loves Your Bomb  – ink and marker – $200.00

Trophy –  markers on wood – $200.00 (withdrawn from show)

Squirrel Helicopter – aqua oil on wood – $125.00

Helicopter Decending – aqua oil on wood – $125.00

Ike – aqua oil on wood – $250.00

Drift – Acrylic on 3/4" birch plywood – $575.00

Bikini Bomb –  marker on plywood – $320.00

My Bomb is Your Bomb – ink on archival board – $215.00

Guess What – paintball on copper – $110.00

The Aresenal, store or Truth is the Target – marker on plywood – $275.00

Us Kids – aqua oil on copper $110.00

My Bomb & Your Bomb Sitting by The Fire – $325.00

Chalice of War – marker on artillery shell casing – $175.00

Instructions – marker on 3/4" birch plywood – $525.00

Cave Girl – marker and oil stick on plywood – $110.00

Channel War – marker on plywood – $225.00

Dads Stuff – color photo copy – $185.00

State of Transcendia.org/REVIEW

Current State of Review:   Transcendia.org

         Russell Day

                               Much of the early writing of Transcendia.org is not sufficiently focused to be of much use, see and I am in the process of throwing out, buy order | and deleting those writings.

        If you are a reader, and are interested in some of the early writings in the archives be aware that things noted as dubious are on the chopping block and may soon disappear.



More War Plan/Working Class Corner

More War Plan/RSD/Transcendia

     My past is your future.

      What are the precedents or experiments of humanity with situations similar to the situations that currently exist?

      My past is your future is what I say over and over is one thing the United States History says to other nations of the world.

      Of course the History of Greece and Rome and the British Empire can say the same thing to the US.

       We are now in a period of multipolar power balance that calls for a much more powerful United Nations since Weapons of Mass Destruction exist that have never been around before and are equivalent to the strike of Asteroids that elimanted the Dinasours.

       My past is your future…

       Permanent war is a fact of life.

       I am not a pacifist.   It is not practical.

       I also recognize that young men will fight.   They fight to defend or possess their women.

       Work is the great spiritual struggle for the material necessities.

       Work is a struggle and the right fight and in the case of the international workers.    It is they whom the armies and the police ought to rightly serve.

       Buying and selling things in an honorable fashion is work, but it is dependent on another class of workers.

        In the case of the merchants I believe even they would understand that if I were directing an army and police force they would benifit if I was directing that army and police force to preserve and protect the infrastructure and those that maintain and expand that infrastructure before I protected their stores.

        A good leader is essentially a good mayor.

        At this time and in this day and age I wonder who the greatest mayor in America is and would like to examine them as potential Presidents even over Senators or Lawyers.

        I would expect a Mayor to be practical.

        A Mayor would know that they have limited powers and resources and if we consider priorities from our limitations we are more likely to be practical.

        Persian and Arab Mayors and Mayors of the US and EU Cities of note would be sensible to convien together to produce strategies for peace in all areas of War and Peace.

       My war plan from the viewpoint of one of the working classes is that I and my class deserve fair treatment and that my governments either local national, or international ought to have to tools to serve and protect my class.

      The rise of International Law is good from my point of view as part of the Working Class.

       I survived in Manhattan partly because I did not have a regular schedule.

       No one on the street really knew when I might depart or arrive or much really where I went.

      As I live now I have a regular sort of schedule and see much the same people at the same time of the day.

      Those who do have regular schedules and duties need a bit more protection than those that don’t.

       In Iraq with whatever forces I had, taking a page from my hero Grant, I would capture and defend the infrastructure, which is what General Grant did when he took over the Mississisippi.

       Lee lost because he went to Gettysburg, where IKE played golf.

       We are in a time of World War.

       It is very nice where I live.

       My only real complaint is that I’m not rich.

       The garbage gets picked up, the kids go to school, the water and electricity runs when I turn the facet or flick the switch.

       The local doctors even saved my life about 6 months ago even though I did not have health insurance.

       I’ve got a big bill but at least I’m not dead.

       It would have been an agonizing death.

       Things are good.

       The infrastructure is working, I have a wife and some friends and a regular schedule inspite of the world of permanent war.

       When I was up for the lottery draft during the Viet Nam War I went to Canada before my number came up and lived in Rochdale College.

       I ended up as a poet newspaper editor and Security Guard for Rochdale.

       Rochdale for me was a better education than Yale has been for Bush apparently.

       Certainly I do know the difference between an enemy and a "Real" enemy.

       In my role as a Security Guard for Rochdale which had legalized all the hallucinegenic drugs in the building at 341 Bloor West up 18 stories, I and the regular police had a floor of common interests, which were keeping the peace and protecting people from violence regardless.

       I’ve told people that I suspect that had I gone to LA or New York when I was 19 and of the seditious mind I was, I probably would not still be alive.

      Canada and Toronto were good to me.

      Last time I lived in Fort Lauderdale people threw eggs on me when I was riding my bicycle.

      Nothing like that ever happened to me in Toronto.

      I am sorry I don’t know who the Mayor of Toronto was or is.

      Let us now look at the functioning International entities like airports and draw from them for balanced government.

      I recommend that there be UN offices at every International Airport for instance.

      Sociologically port cities are multicultural and successful over long periods of time.

      New Orleans is very significant in exposing the pus of festerings in the soul of the US mindscape.

      The combination of the Napoleanic Code and laws that mimic Islamic law, along with its history of endemic corruption are a ying and yang that are explosive and educational.

       You can find every sort of madness in the United States and its states that you can find in the world and all its nations.

       Love Canal in Buffalo is as terrible a story as Bohpal for instance.

       Around where I live the Mayor of Apex failed to protect Apex from a Chemical factory and storage facility that melted down and caused general evacuation.

      The threats to the working classes who cannot afford to not go to work to get their daily bread from wages are more ubiquitious than recognized by people in Iraq or Africa.

      The thing that the US does have going for it is that it is very rare for cops on the street to ask for a bribe.

       I find it extremely interesting that the law codes, that on their face are most fair are most corrupted and corruptable.

       Persian and Arabic law is not the same as Western Common law, but is similar to Mormon Utah and Louisianna law where people do some extreme things claimed to be right with God as spoken to them in their heads.

      Every good working person ought right to cleave to their class and their work and their fellows at work and after that worry about understanding God, more than doing things they think God told them to do.

       Killing people prevents them from working, and really work is more honorable than war and is struggle enough.

       As far as a Working Class War Plan I suggest protecting workers as legitmate work for armies and police and will leave it at that.





War Plan/Working Class Corner

War Plan

         As far as Iraq is concerned I would protect infrastructure and infrastructure workers with the army and police as the most sensible use of my forces if I was met with the fact I only had but so many forces to work with.

        The electricians of Iraq are very likely to be very important and blunt more than the carpenters.

       Of course it is plain that carpenters are a bit more easy going than electricians.