Working Class Corner

Armies and Police

    I think that Edward Hallet Carr is the most correct of current Political Scientists.   I think that between his work and the work of Jared Diamond a science of Political Science could be codified and applied to get us through the bottleneck, anesthetist or eye of the needle, or whatever you want to call these times.

     The Army is not the Post Office, and will not be successful as the Post Office same as the Post Office is not equipped or trained to be the Army, but that the institutions of the nation ought to be lead by the same ideals is simple genius to me.

     Mr. Diamond has defined the threats and the times and what has happened.

     Mr. Diamond has also been published saying what we all knew about history, that it was a complete set of experiments.

      The failure of faith comes from the sense that if the sufferings of mankind happen, then God says no to our prayers a bit more often than we prefer.

      In fact it may well be that our prayers are not heard and we need to speak them to ourselves since we have the science to answer them.

      Then the turn is that if we can answer our own prayers, why do we need God?

     The concept of God is that God knows all all the time.   The hope that God gives us is that we will know what we need to know when we need to know it.

      What exactly is it that we need to know?

      When you are a child you are so simply alive that it is until you kill something like a bug that you do not include death in your imaginings.

       The life of a child is stories and an innocence that is Godlike that progresses through joy to depression, acceptance, anger and love.

       "Where is the love?"

        What is love?

       The best definition I have heard of love is:   "A concern for someone elses physical and spiritual well being."

       Of course it is obvious that if you love yourself you are concerned with your physical and spiritual well being and do things accordingly to maintain and advance those interests.

       Sublime successes as a political scientist you ought to be able to tell us how to love ourselves and others same as we love ourselves. 

        When the father loves the mother and the sister loves the brother and the world is one family, then it would seem to follow that all would be prepared for disasters that come when technology fails.

       Mankind has been lucky so far.

       It is time that every state and religion built its own spacestation.

       This ends my thinking for the day.

                                                               Love, Russell

Friday/Working Class Corner

The Weather Here Has Been So good That I am Happy Sort of.

      North Carolina is great real estate even though it has seasons.   Apparently San Francisco has weather like this near year round except it has earthquakes with near the regularity of hurricanes in North Carolina, which can get very hot.

      I had felt that there was a 21 month window for fixing pivotal problems if the future of mankind was not to be total doom and ended up talking today to Maurice about his end of the world Maya Yucatan predictive cuniform type writings.

       Apparently 2012 is the end of the world time by some Mayan addition.

       As far as I can tell that is generous.

       Well, if things go on as they have with a multiplicity of leaders who are not sufficiently educated to the laws of political science, we are fucked.

       By we I mean the working classes who depend on empowered aristocrats for some decisions which we actually trust them to make when we are at work.

       It is stupid for us to do such things, but we do.

       The Working Classes are prohibited from wearing suits.

        I tell you the truth, you could change the world if you wore a sportcoat of your own chosing while driving for UPS or Federal Express.

        Fashions are important.

        Really I think that wars are fought over women more than they are fought over oil. 

        As the founder and leader of whatever there is of Transcendia I would use some of the money for fashion inventions that made equality of the sexes attractive.

        Now it is obvious that Muslim women are either beautiful or ugly and that Muslim men are either ugly or not too bad.

       Actually some muslim women are beautiful and some muslim men are beautiful, but we are only supposed to see the naked faces of the men.

       As far as the fashions are concerned I would allow in Transcendia all fashions.

       However I, as founder of transcendia would highly recommend no one join any particular army until they had tried on the uniform before they joined.

       In this world there are the uniformed, and the ununiformed.

       I had a big car when I was young.

       I had a good number of fistfights.

       In my work to create a unified theory of political science founded on the experiments, no one person ought to have the power to decree.

      I can only determine that whatever is good all must pursue.

      Good is possible from power.

      More power than you individually need is good.

      Giving away power is good and fun.

       Solar Power is better for us to use than the invented power we got from our understanding of the power of the sun we have used to kill a good number either on purpose or by accident.

       What is Al Quaeda?

       Is it a tribe?

       Is it a nation?

       Is it a religion?

       Does Al Quadea really think that it would exist without me?

       Women drive me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn’t exist without them.

        Catholics and Islamists seem really to have the same attitudes towards women and therefore I think they need to have women defect from their fashions if we are to get through the eye of the needle.

                                                                     Love, Russell

p.s.  this is my argument.   Let me know if there are obvious flaws.



Working Class Corner/Anarchist Voting

Voted Today in Carrboro North Carolina

       I didn’t know enough to vote for everyone and my brother has lived here longer than me and owns property and his kid, my niece has been in the schools here so I thought he might have a better insight more because he has lived here longer than I have than because he owns property here, and weighted further by his interactions with the schools and police.

      I did personally meet briefly both mayorial candidates.   Neither ones platform was concise and there are those that think that the private agenda of Chilton is more his motivation than the overall good and government service for its own sake and satisfactions.

      Zeffron will still be an alderman and I liked it that he had approved a large building in conflict with my brother who did not like the way the building looked when I had no particular problem with the way the building looked, but liked that it was large.   My concern will not be with so much too much with how something looks from the outside, but how it works, but it is true that in ugly surroundings people act ugly.

      What is horrible is when something becomes so pretty it doesn’t work like my impression of the Washington DC subway system.

      Some things need to be good enough, and others need to be great.   As an example of a thing that is good enough in Manhattan, it has been the Subway system and its integration with buses and the ferrys taxis and everything else started and ending with walking.

      It is a mature transportation infrastructure that facilitates a level of life standards for a complete set of poor, to rich that gives it longevity as long as it is not bombed by radiation bombs or an asteroid.

      Now the best thing to do is to put the international infrastructure together practically.  By practically combining the building required with the politics required.

      Politically the use of arms needs to be directed exclusively to protecting infrastucture workers by all armies everywhere working for anyone or any government.

      The attorneys working in the justice system in Iraq are part of the infrastucture.   Everybody hates lawyers till they need one.

      It is insane and sad that the attorneys working in the Courts in Iraq have been twice murdered.

      My concept of civilization does include the fist fight.

      Someone may well offend me with words or actions so much that I punch them.

      I would be really sorry if I killed them.

      But at anyrate as far as something might happen on a spaceship or in a submarine,  I would rather fist fights as the height of violence.

      When I was a Security Guard for Rochdale College I did have to go and get the guys that had guns to resolve the threat.

       I was in a difficult postion since there were four of them to corral.

       Oh, I have to tell you that my time in Rochdale College was not wasted even if I die tomorrow.

        I got a very good education.

        If it had had a landing pad on the roof instead of a nude sunbathing deck, it might have done a bit better.

        As far as my vote today I voted with whatever I knew or felt and stopped there and let others vote.

        I hope it turns out well for everyone involved.

                                                                Love, Russell


Working Class Corner/The Week

The Week

       My brother-in-law got us a subscription to The Week last year and I have taken to reading it on Sunday mornings.   It is one of the best magazines to ever come into my life, and I am grateful to my brother-in-law for the gift.

       The reporting I read this morning on the events of the Bush Administration seem to clearly point out serious domestic and international dangers.   As still a citizen of the United States it does me no good to rejoice at the exposed failures of actions and ideas of the President who is supposed to represent my interests.

       I wish he would ask for help from the major international institutions in getting out of Iraq, or being there as part of a Constabulary.

       Far as I can tell it does the EU no good either to be rejoicing about low poll ratings while President Bush is still in power and office.   I’d like to see the UN be reinvented along the lines of Andre` Lewin Chairman of the French UN Association to fill the vacum of practical policies needed to get humanity through this unique and dangerous era more generally shared than before.

       There really never has before been so many people competing for space and resources on this planet.   Extinction is entirely possible.

      It really is more important what you do with your money, than how much you have.  Good wise governments build more infrastructure, than bad governments which disrupt the lives of working people with their wars.

       A belief is not a fact.

       One does not have to know everything to know that to build is better than to destroy.

      We live in an odd time.   We need more living space and energy from space.

      This is a new infrastructure imperative which incredibly we have the technical capacity to create in the Space Elevator Concept.

      If Transcendia had any money I would be spending a good deal to support the Space Elevator Program because it offers practical benefits more than trips to Mars which though wonderous, are driven by science fiction scenarios that are essentially childish in the face of the facts as they have come to be.

      It distresses me that world leaders talk so much about getting rid of people and states and not more about what they are building to support the needs of the people.   Iran is a Theocracy and if all their leader has to say is that their goal is to elimanate another nation,  this is such a small ambition that it must be hard to be proud to be an Iranian.

      I fight with myself internally all the time about whether or not the world would be best to become all over like Disneyland.   There was and is a tinge of corporate facism to Disneyland.   I’ve known an animator who hated working there.   I’ve heard reports of how mean they were generally to their crews and wonder if Wal Mart is really what we get from a Disneyland world.

      Still it is amazing the little cities they have built.   They have lining up down to a science.

      The transportation infrastructure of Disneyland is mature and if I was the CEO I would put money into the Space Elevator as if nothing else part of the knitting like any other of their "rides".

      There are infrastructure imperatives that world leaders need to be speaking out for and spending their citizens money on instead of talking about how much better it would be if everyone was of the same religion.

      Really working people need to come together leaving their religions and beliefs somewhere private and support the use of their taxes or shared resources for building a complete and mature infrastructure that is the fact based imperative caused by a population that has overwhelmed what humanity has inherited from either God or Dinasours depending on your beliefs.

      So in the end I would recommend that in Iraq infrastructure workers be protected by the armed on all sides as most practical for all sides and likely to turn some soldiers into stone masons, or electricians or carpenters.

      Possibly Disney Corp would do well to build a Disneyland in Iraq.

      As far as Pakistan and its peoples sufferings the limits of the power of helicopters in such situations calls for more integrated assistance delivery through airdrops from craft like C-130s and the like.

      The assistance infrastructure where infrastructure is destroyed is way to dependent on helicopters in my view.   Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes and Asteroid Strikes do and will call for machines that can get to places by air.   I expect that there are people working with the Red Cross that have some very good ideas about what sorts of flying machines are required for the sort of relief and rescue needed in such circumstances.

      So where infrastructure fails and is destroyed it is obvious that flying machines are the only machines that can overcome its destruction which calls for an Air Force that is an infrastructure unto itself, complete and mature with equipment able to locate to places in the world in circumstances we have seen of maximum destruction with all that is called for known by past experiences which can be inventoried.

     Such an International Infrastructure Air Force for Rescue and Relief is obviously needed to overcome the limited capablities of any individual nation, even the United States as evidenced by the recent destruction of New Orleans.

     Non Government Organizations such as the Red Cross need to become Transnational Organizations as has been the event with Muli National Corporations, whose mission is so focused on making money for privileged individuals that they go way to far from any care for common workers who for them are a dime a dozen and not much protected by them in times of crisis.

      Too many nations are corrupt at the top.

      Crimes against Humanity need to be defined and commonly understood and have in place a Transnational enforcement mechanism that levels all leaders.

      The United Nations did fail the general population of international workers when it comes to the history of Saddam Hussein and his actions within his own borders.

      There are degrees of infractions of international law and as it was in Guillani’s New York City that crime was diminished when smaller infractions were cited and prosecuted, such same is called for internationaly to advance peacekeeping.

      The infrastructure of international law is just as important as the physical infrastructure.   It’s most profound success would be to hold all world leaders to well defined standards of behavior towards every human whether or not they are citizens of their offices, or any other.

      It is a misnomer for my taxes paid to the UN to be called dues really.

      The United Nations needs to recognize that it is really responsible to individuals who pay with hard won dollars for it.  

      The United Nations needs to answer to working class women as a measure of its mission for peace.

      The ethical imperative for equality of rights in transnational conflicts is most important as far as the other transnational institutions that are religions.

      Internationally the pivot for human rights as understood regardless of religion is Womens Rights, and no leader or government or religion that persecutes women ought to be immune from legal actions effective at ending those persecutions or protections.

      In this dangerous time it is time that women stop volunteering to believe they deserve to be second class citizens anywhere in the world.

       The United Nations ought to make it known what governments and transnational institutions including churches hold practices that are counter to human rights which are extended to all humans regardless of gender.

       Have I rambled?   Is the thread of my thesis broken?


       I have said that infrastructure is the good policy, war the bad, and that infrastructure is both law and a highway to support it.

       I admit that I have wandered to this closing that is simply that a place to start for the world is to defend womens rights which are unique because of their role as mothers.

       I admit that just as my view of the world is determined by my status as a member of the working class, a woman’s view of the world is determined by her reality as a woman, and I would be unethical to demand from her control of what happens inside of her, regardless of whether or not I think Jesus would approve.

      Just as workers of the world need to unite and push for an international minimum wage, women of the world need to unite to secure universal equality as a baseline for all human rights.

      Well, the first and the last Star Trek captain was a woman, so I guess I’m not really that much out of my mind.

                                                                  Love, Russell





The Catholic Court

Heading:  The Catholic Court

       The Crusades are in your face on the upcoming US Supreme Court proving the Theocratic assault on working people who could care less where any particular temple is, pills or was, and would like to be left alone.

     This is the international reality.

      I got a very thoughtful and aristocratic letter from Congressman David Price a couple of months ago.

       My argument was for Ethics and Morality as better words for State and Religion in the argument about power.

       The evidence of an afterlife is tombstones and pryamids.

       I can imagine myself as a woman.

       I have taken a number of risks.

       Women love children.

       Men do if the children are like them.

       Men have wars

       Women have abortion.

       If all women could have all children

       and there be no war because they did so,

       Then there would be no practical reason for them to not fight for reality within themselves.

        But this is not the case.

        The reality is that as long as there is war, there will be the need for abortion.

                                                          Love- Russell

About Donations I have questions

So far I have never received any money from donations or sales of shirts etc. possible to do on the site.  If you have made a donation, generic or purchased something from or through, I would appreciate knowing about it.

Microsoft Outlook Express is the default address for the site, but I find it to be useless and an interferance that cause me to have to shut down the computer whenever I try to get mail from it.

You are better to write me at, or call 919-960-8446, or write 301 Pleasant Dr. Carrboro, NC 27510 if you want to let me know something.

        I am curious if you are donating money, or buying things, over the site, and I am not getting any money which you intend for me to get.

                                                       Thanks, Russell Scott Day

Working Class Corner/Natural Laws

Mother Father God Brothers and Sisters, anesthetist

animals and plants and where we are:

What we find is natural, ailment and what we create is artificial, anabolics or unnatural.

In the natural state where the largest and strongest who have the most potential power to hurt others to extend their desires and will the equality of the situation is the shared location and a reality of needs that restrains destruction of the weaker of the cohabititants.

The point of politics is to artificially create equality from the natural reality that  is innate and real as a goal of human creatures.

All life naturally aspires to equality or even dominance of all other life whether it is conscious or not.

When there is one dominate power or one powerful individual that individual person, human can be overwhelmed by a group.   Few men can overcome in a fight three men.

Politics then is for the leader to get the three men to attack another instead of him.

There is much inbetween the attack, but since the end of politics is violence I am defining the science of politics in the extremes to achieve some simplicity.

Politics at their best unite mankind to attack threats of nature.

It is the end of the hunter gatherer at the same time it is known whether or not you believe in intelligent design that the natural world which has laws of probiblity and power which will never be, or ought to be in the hands of one man is a greater power than what man can create.

The attack on nature for the defense of nature is the legitimate work for the politician.

In the past some of the attack has been war on other humans that was justified, and may again be justified when those humans who have bad ideas build things as a result of bad ideas, or kill people who have good ideas.

The overall struggle for mankind is with the environment that is really more hostile than mankind has the power to be excepting its understanding how to make a nuclear bomb which is really not that threatening to the universe.

The universe is blowing up all the time as a natural state of affairs so much that cold is as powerful as heat and where it all came from is a mystery of the cold as much as the heat.

The invention of sports by mankind is evidence of the worth of mankind and an inbetween bridge to the possiblity of successful politics.

It is interesting that the nautical title Captain is used in sports.

You have the Captain of the Team which has a meaning nearly genetically understood.

Now it is known that Earth is essentially a natural space ship.

Therefore it would follow that if mankind is to survive the politics to use would be the same politics that have accomplished successful voyages.

A great voyage of a great cruise ship is the aim of politics as a science by my definitition.

How it is that a great ship is run for the benefit of all on it is something to know and implement and something that known would illustrate why the Coast Guard of the US was the most sucessful part of the US Government in the past Katrina disaster.


Local to the US Politics/Working Class Corner

Working Class Corner/Taxes

      If you work and you pay taxes you really ought to get the same things that people who do not work but just have money get.

      Really it is insane of the world to think that the US is the richest nation in the world and all that when the US throws people away the same as if its citizens were toilet paper used to clean the asses of the rich.

      For the Mexicans it is a better place apparently which makes a vacation in Mexico apparently attractive for temporaily richer working classes.

      Canadians and Mexicans have a big stake in what happens in the US.

      I failed to get Russia as a State for the US as a resolution of the Cold War to balance the rise of China.   As an alternative wisdom I reccommend now that Canada and Mexico and the US come together with a plan and policy platform to counter the assault of China and extend to Chinese workers the rights and benefits that Canadians get, since you don’t see many Canadians trying to become Mexican or American.

      The international minimum wage is an important set of numbers to set.

                                                               Best, Russell

P.S. Economist who read this ought to work on figuring out the pro-rated numbers that factor all costs for all production.



Whathasbeenand is and will be

Work is the struggle for the material and spiritual necessities.

Your God is work and it is either the work you are doing, arthritis or the work you have done, mind or the work you might get to do.

My mother says, "There is no shame in honest work."

She is absolutely right about that.

Honest work is doing what your job is at an hourly wage when you are supposed to be 100 percent doing what you are being paid to do.

The employee and the employer on the clock both mess with 15 percent of the 100 percent either in pay or performance so that within that window all negotiations in an honest workplace are resolved for good or bad.

"In sequent toil all forwards do contend."  – John Donne


Institutions and Ideals of the Modern Experience-or More Big Laws

STAB at Political Science

by Russell Scott Day on october 15th 2005

Peace among men and war among men are constant in times of peace and in times of war.   It is the degree to which one category or the other dominates that changes the name of the time.

Conflict is a constant either among men and men, denture or men and the weather.

The aim of the political scientist is to understand and use natural law so as to advance mankinds experience of life.

The individual and the society are at constant odds the same way individual nations are at constant odds with nations.

It is a legitmate role of governments to regulate the use of force.    Self defense in common law and international law is considered just and legitimate.

How is it that the laws of nations can be applied to the individual?   Such a construction requires transnational control of force and violence at a certain level that requires the use of force for individuals who are failed by their governments prima facia, anesthetist or obviously within and without borders.

Autocratic Dictatorships have their pros and their cons same as democracy its flaws.   In the area of political science, ed nothing much is completely what you call it since over time one thing passes into another and then back again over time.

How can political scientists create a human experience of complete satisfaction for all individuals in all nations?

One way to start is to determine where to make laws, and where not to make laws.

Same as though God does not change, but our understanding of God does, our understanding of laws natural and unnatural changes so that any given law only applies to the event to the extent that the event is both the same and different.

Domestic laws that govern divorce within nations and states or tribes and bands are probably the most universal laws of war.

An understanding of the natural laws inherent and long struggled with would go far in creating more enforceable international laws of war.

I would look at traditions of divorce throughout the history of mankind that resolved personal and private conflicts without violence that made life better, instead of worse for the participants, as likely to be the platten for laws that would internationally advance peace among nations.

The balance of power between men and women is best when their similarities and differences are accepted on the natural level, but made equal by tradition and law so that individual rights are independent of gender.

What is the equivalent of gender to a nation that exists in a particular geography?

In general the equivalent is hot or cold.

All laws to be true must work the same at the extremes as they do in moderation or scarcity.

In cold climates it has evolved that women have more rights than in warmer climates.

Urbanization and the end of hunter gatherer livelihood living anywhere on the planet dictate that cold weather laws domestically be general in all climates because they have been developed for urban life with general freedom and health and literacy as evidenced in the small nations protected by Denmark of Greenland and Iceland.

The fact that these nations are overall protected by Denmark is significant as far as the science of history, and political science laws natural, and manmade.