Working Class Corner/Turtles

Turtles are my favorite animals.

Day before yesterday I found one in the road turned upside down and closed up, but not smashed.

I stopped and moved that turtle to the grass.

When I was young he was a Box Turtle.

How he got turned upside down is not known to me.

Maybe he was so slightly grazed by a car wheel that he was turned upside down.

Turtles do not do jumping jacks or play on trampolines.

I got to be God to that turtle, which is either a he or a she apparently,

depending on the temperature.

I would like to see a movie of sex between turtles.

There are things that I do not know about and have never seen

And will never see,

And do not understand.

Obviously turtles and tortoises are so similar that I am tempted to call them all turtles.

Possibly they have different ways of having sex.

Some of these reptiles seem to have sex that is like having a satisfying bowel movement.

Comparable to mastibatory reproduction practice.

Still I imagine that turtles have souls because of the way I feel about them.

I want to be a turtle that swims in the creeks near the ocean.


After I am a human.

Having a thick skin, a bit of armor on my back and staying low to the ground or better yet in a near infinite sea and sort of weightless seems okay if thinking isn’t all that important and the world is a gift I do not need any capcity to change.

Being a human being is difficult.

We are required to share some things and the place we live with not just ourselves, but turtles.

The answers to our questions come out of our mouths and we expect someone to answer and look for an answer when all that comes is an echo that is a question.





Save what you dig into.

Die on it and fertilize it is what the souls of the infinite do.

We are finite and have choices to engineer.

Therefore our gift and curse is the same thing

and we are warm blooded fools invested with the hope of turtles and cockroaches.

Forgive yourself.

Something not thought of by a bug as an option for the insured failure.

                                                                                                     Love, Russell


Jesus Was Better Than Me

Jesus Was Better Than Me

Jesus was better than me.

He walked more.

I remember he rode a donkey once.

Jesus was better than Mohammad.

Mohammed robbed people on the Silk Road.

I want to be better than myself.

Sometimes I have been.

Other times I’ve been regular.

Buddha had some suffering.

I think he died of a Cold.

The one way that no one has ever died,

Is not really invented.

Still it is a surprise.

You get sick, you get crushed or stabbed or shot.

Getting shot is like getting stabbed,

And getting crushed is like falling or a bit like

Being blown apart.

The insects only fight with themselves.

My Fashion Advice for Women

Whatever you’ve got wrap it up tight.

That is my fashion advice to women.

What is the most attractive thing about a woman?



I have been allowed somehow to control my own innocence.

It faded away to my now that is running out.

My teeth break into my food and I have stopped eating candy.

I used to be middleclass.

My side lost the war and the wars and moderation is denied us.

I believe in good humor as the pivot of health,

But know it is expensive.

Every person who lives off inherited money,

The Interest Paid by Banks to People Who Simply Have Money,

Would be required to perform Stand Up Comedy in my Country.


Read Round The Bend by Nevil Shute….


          I want every Pilot and Poet in the World to write to me about what I am wrong about.

I want to know pilots that have flown Pigs to know, that if they dropped dead, or wanted a sandwich, I could fly the plane and talk on the radio without crashing the thing or pissing off the controller.

       Oh God the Joy of a Regular Job, and knowing when you don’t have to work!

       I highly recommend a hobby to the Working Classes.    Really I do!

       Still I don’t think the Osprey very good.

       I never flew an Ultralight.   A Tomahawk was scary enough.

       This is my fashion advice!

        I think I drifted.

        To the point I recommend Star Trek fitting sorts of clothes since I have noticed in the recent heat that it is uncomfortable to have the sweat hang temperature weird thing going on and I look forward to a mindfuck fall.


Osprey/Working Class View of Machine

The Osprey looks stupid to me.

        I expect that it will crash often and believe that it will unnerve its passengers even when it actually flies a successful round trip because it is obvious it is an interium design that some fools have married their fortunes to.

        To anyones eye the machine is obviously a perversion of physics and sense when we know that jet engines exist.

        The rotor blades are too large and I do not know of materials with normal life spans that would survive the torques involved for longterm combat situations that often do not allow for regular maintainance.

        Putting the propulsive power on the tips of the wings is a replication of the power placement for seagulls, thumb and makes some sense enough that I used it in my science fiction stories about Weldon and Orr flying around on Mars prospecting.

        Replacing the rotors of the Osprey with jets or rocket engines or turbo fans on ball gimbals ought to be tried to overcome the obvious design flaws.

        If I had my hands on the project I would find turbo fan engines with equivalent thrust to the oversized rotors and cut the payload by 20 to 40 percent.

        If I was allowed to live long enough I would create a spidergullsnakewing with jet engines at the tips supporting 2 pilots and 5 soldiers at a quarter of the manufacturing cost of Ospreys, viagra 60mg which I regard as instant failures and total wastes of life now that it is recognized that better can be done on the graves of the experienced, who are now dead.

        The Krugerflaps proved for the 727 that a change shape wing coupled with the best of engines will be reliable.    The demate of the 727 is now killing it off, but it was a proof of concept that make money for its owners in a difficult but buttressed time that is gone and needs to pay attention to concepts that proved their worth.

        Nevil Shute with a sliderule could give me the figures to make a machine better than the Osprey.

        The concepts to be integrated are wingtip thrust and the changable shaped wing with an APU that had centerthrust vector jets to allow for asymetrical diminuation of control power at lateral hostile firepower sucesses.

         What I propose is that jet engines on servo motor gimbals be mated to full span wing warping control so that in the case of a force loss, two engines would be controlable for runway landing.

        The C337 Cessna had twin inline power.

       The props on the Osprey are at the right place, but they are simply too large and really ought to be jet or turbofan engines, and that is the bottom line as far as that craft is concerned.

         I wish all who fly in that thing good luck.

                                                                                Best- Russell Scott Day




Working Class Corner

Failure is not to be lamented and blame is of no use if a war is to be won since in the course of a war some battles will be lost by the victors.
My attempt has been and will be to understand and feel all time that is illustrated by the stories of war so as to apply the principles towards the winning of a general peace.
I know that understanding military strategy can be successful in peacetime endeavors, clinic and the simple accomplishment of a creation such as a movie since I was successful in applying military strategies to the making of a TV Pilot by recognizing the base as not the first place to begin the shoot, but the last place to shoot.
We and groups in general always want more than it is possible for us to actually have. The internal competitions within a nation determine what it will do to the world.
An army defines a nation. To even be a nation an army is more important than any governmental system.
Transcendian theory maintains that there is potential for Armies of the Mind to use cameras in a way similar to the tank to achieve real peace.
This is why Transcendia has been so disappointed with Kofi Annan, and the United Nations in general for it is so obvious that in general even the misguided who shoot the wars cause a hope of an end to them, and also offer hope of a moderation of them to a level at least managable same as a city that suffers only so many murders a year.
Free Speech Internationally at its most basic needs to be universally acceptable and defended in the media coverage of wars and potential wars.
It is of no real help to search for the blame, without at least the offer of solutions.
What is fair is fair and it is obvious that to ask a nation such as even North Korea to give up its Nuclear weapons when you have them.
The shifts of time have turned enemies into friends and friends into enemies so often as to make war look more like a video game than we want to face since being really shot and really dying is really painful and ugly.
All the beauty of war is in the fashionable uniforms that make it seem like a game of dress up which is why I think movies and tv and radio do have the power to moderate our wicked minds and offer more hope than is generally recognized.
I put forth DisneyLand for membership on the Security Council, though I would prefer to the the new CEO at the time.
Love, Russell

Toy Show/Working Class Corner

The Future Shows up In Toy Stores.

          If you want to know what the commercial trends are, and guide your investments, go to the toy store.   There will be the eternal toys, like rubber balls, and then there will be toys that may become eternal toys like the water pressure rocket that has been around for 50 years.   Frisbees have been around for a good while now.

          For a good while I have believed that robots are upcoming as transformational products in the toys.   The robot vacum cleaner and the robot lawn mower would represent good investment to me.   Or in other words if I was able to buy stocks with some expectation of dividend return or salablity of the stock at a profit, I would buy robotic stocks.

        I think bio tech stocks will of course do well, but that since this is well known, there are not as many prospects for real deals in the sector.    The development of practical exoskeletons is an area of robotics with very real prospects for utility and will become more ubitqutious in material moving applications in the near future.

         If I was President of Clark Forklift Company I would be doing all I could to lock down distribution within my network of exoskeltons for applications such as sheetrock delivery and brick stacking.

         Excess Power is necessary for civilization, and Transcendia plans now to eventually sell in our stores on the website the best in batteries.    I’d like to make a solar power recharging unit for battery packs as a combo myself. 

                                                                                                     Love, Russell         

Working Class Corner/Battle of Algiers

 I looked up at the Mexicans cleaning the stadium seats and someone asked me what I saw.   "My Past is your future."   Is what I said.
        Sometimes I wonder what I meant myself.   Other times I know what I meant.
        Earlier on in the war demarked by the attack of September llth, drugs 2001, herbal I remembered the movie The Battle of Algiers and recommended that it be watched.
        There are some lessons from that movie about the use of torture and the nature of the conflict, adiposity and how it is likely to turn out.
        One is that the French ended up getting out of Algeria.
        The other is that many Moslem Algerians moved to France.
         The United States needs to look at the bright side of things as far as the past of France in a similar conflict to see it there is some endgame that advances the cause of civilization.
         In the future I suspect that the corporatization of the world might be of benifit if prior to war there was given the offer of a Lease to the nation by either a nation or corporation.
         I suspect that the legal history of the world provides tools that pro-actively utilized as if from a toolbox could reduce war to the level of an ideal.
         Offensive law enforcement is a rational ideal.
         The most commonly expected duty of a police officer, or constable is to keep the peace.
         The constable really does not care what anyones politics or religion are as long as the person is peaceful. 
          The Arab World International Airports and Seaports must insure the Peace in those environments that are required for International Airport Status.
          What is the reality of security and life at Orly?
                                                                                                    Love, Russell         


 "My Dad is God, and I don’t have to lie about anything!"
          Since Tom died I have been thinking of what it means to live and die and what sort of obituary I might want, and I told my daughter that if she gets a chance to come to the memorial service I want her to say something for people about me.    I said that I was to be used for parts and otherwise whatever was left was to be used for science.
         So the plan for my dead body is that it be donated all around.
         My suicide plan is to drive to the emergency room and shoot myself in the head with a good donor card in my pocket  so that I wouldn’t spoil.
         Obviously there is a difference between the mind and the brain and when you throw out a computer it is a good idea to destroy the harddrive.
        If it comes to pass that my brain would be useful as a wiped harddrive I suppose I ought to just take drugs when it is time to check out.
        In this country, the USA, that I live in, suicide is the mandate for the uninsured.    It is insured as passive and active and all the same reality.   There are nations that are more ethical of the shared experience of the physical life that may well be something eternal, but my soul will not have proof of unless all of consciousness is like watching movies of living people when you are not.
        The metaphor of light as used in St. John in the Bible, and the known physics of light do imply that it is possible to have ancestors who watch us.
        I do think that dead people ought to be photographed soon after death so that people who need the closure can see the body in a dead state.   This photograph is the sort of thing that must be done well.    There ought to be a color and a black and white of the same definitive photograph.
        There is a good deal that can be told from the skin color of a dead body that would be as good over time as an autopsy. 
        So, obviously I have been thinking about death.
        I have decided that want I want to die with is integrity and I have determined that God gives me the power to tell the truth about all things internal and external and what I want to die with is integrity.
                                                                                                     Love, Russell    

Tom Little,Poet Died

The poems in the poetry section of this website are by Tom Little.   He died this morning around 9:50 Am in the UNC Hospital.   I have been proud that some of his poems have been available on this website and hope that if you haven’t read them before, you will.



Local Airport IGX

Around here in Chapel Hill and Carrboro where I actually live the University is attempting to take over the airport and change it into a satellite campus reasearch thing.

       I have worked to find a win win solution to their project, and keep an airport  of an appropriate size here.     It would be a terrible transcendian failure if I cannot save the airport in the community that I live in.

        What I am charged with doing is making these academics accept the bald and practical facts regarding infrastructure.

         It is certain that an airport is of practical value to all of the people.    It is also certain that a school and universities and colleges are of practical value to all of the people.

         The architects and builders who seek to destroy  the airport must be ashamed of themselves for they ought to have been educated well enough to know that eternal cities are ports, and a port provides more security than a school.

         In fact it is very disturbing for Academics to undertake destruction of any of the commonly shared infrastructure.    The University would obviously not be given the intersection of 54 and Manning Drive to expand their campus since the intersection is vital for both them, and everyone else who lives in the area.

        What makes the airport different?

        It would appear that the image of the impractical Ivory Tower stereotype has more validity than I would prefer.   What the hell do they teach over there?

        Isn’t it obvious that though it is wonderful to have the time to read books and look at pictures go to parties or watch and play games, there are things that enable that are in increasingly shorter and shorter supply.

        The armies of Rome where successful because of their engineers and road builders.   We’d all be speaking French if Napolean had had a Navy and done as well with that as he did with land warfare.   My point is that what is useful and necessary  for sucess in war, is necessary in peace as well. 

         Every community large and small needs to suceed as a port to the extent that its land will allow.

         In this time of changing climate, powers, and engines of economy, quick response is required, and aircraft are quick.     The movie Spirit of St. Louis has a scene in it that I feel the town, and the University need to watch before they destroy the airport.

         The win win resolution for all concerned must  include an airport if it is to be practical, which is all I want from my government.

                                                                                     Love, Russell