More Speech

We ought to be able to do as much good as Hitler did bad, cheap since he and his friends succeeded at doing so much bad.

Machievelli said you make the same number of enemies doing the wrong things, cialis as you do, doing the right things.

May as well do the right things.  You're gonnah die anyway.

And your life because it is finite like a picture in a fame has the potential for perfection of the real perfection kind, not the Bernard Shaw, perfectly imperfect sophistic logic kind.  Sure you will suffer.  It's a given that somedays you won't have what you need to be comfortable.

Still we can do the simple thing of doing unto others as we would have done to us.

We can help each other live.

All we really have to do is decide that that is a better ideal to live by, than any other.

Now I ought to tell you some things about the toaster…

Working Class Corner/Crisis Overload or What?

Before Obama was elected when people came round to the house, doctor I told them I was afraid he'd turn out like Carter did.

I was really blown away, viagra in a bad way by what President Obama had to say about Israel and the Palistinians.  Point of 67 borders was to achieve defensible borders.  Without them the US have to fight about it more, therapy not less.  Leastways with defensible borders Israel can take better care of itself.

Coming on the heels of the killing of Osama Bin Laden, which was a good thing, and handled well, I was simply astounded that President Obama said things that to my thinking, are simply ridiculous, and foolish all around.  Even telling all not to bother with going to the UN about it is foolish since if the UN isn't there to work on issues like this, what is it for?  And besides that why bring down on your head all the heat?

Yah gottah wonder how I know these sorts of things, and President Obama, seemingly doesn't?  Course I did have a long conversation years ago with Beni Avini when he was writing for Haretz` that paper in Tel Aviv.  He actually fought in the 67 war in a tank.  His arm was badly burned.  Now writes for the New York Post.

It was long ago that I lost any real hope and faith in leadership from any US leaders, parties, and even many of the people.

What do we have when all is gone!  Hope!, Hope!

Hope dies hard.  

Carrboro Symposium About Space Science Art and Education

Why by now in the course of history there continue to be mysteries about how to teach science or much of anything else, herbal shocks and baffles me.  I do have some ideas far as what I think is proven to work.

Because in my judgement it is in the Kindergarden to 8th Grades that need to work most perfectly, herbal it is there I have most focused my thinking these days.  In other correspondence with a Shakespeare the Engineer, I posted on this subject on the Engineers Forum, CR4.  There I ended recommending that all parents be required to teach at least one class about something they know about.

One of my sayings out of my little quote book, is:  Your Parents Don't Teach You What You Need To Know, They Teach You What They Know.  Really what that means is that parents know things teachers don't and vice versa.

I don't want to hear about why this ought not be done, or can't be done.  The mission is to give children the most perfect education possible.

Since now I am talking about children in the age of innocence I am aware that there are subjects inappropriate to be teaching them.  Science represents no undue threat to the innocent mind, by my lights at least.  Some parents have a real problem explaining we were maybe preceded by Chimpanzees, and got Neanderthal genes, which part explains how some jerk predicts the end of the world and ends up with 70 million dollars to put up more stupid posters I find less than funny.

But getting back to some nuts and bolts about how to have teaching done, my other recommendation is that peer to peer teaching and learning will do an awful lot of teaching.  I believe what I would do if charged to teach most any subject to young children, would be to foster a spirit of pride all around in this Life of The Mind, as something fun to share.

Sometimes I feel myself as if I myself am suspect at the adults table because I still learn many things, and especially in the sciences as if I were an innocent child.

Far as the reason you want children to know about the actual facts of the universe, the science of astrophysics, why things happen on our planet it turns out that outerspace and the other planets are not at all any sort of heaven.  Outerspace does not represent more living space enough at all for us, and we had better do right with what we've got.

Over There to The Left

Over there on the left side of the page in the Poetry Section I've written a couple of song lyric bones.

I put Dawn Patrol up for a fighter pilot whose book was the last book I could read.  For some reason I've had difficulty finding books, cialis or even watching a movie all the way through.  I ascribe some of this to writing and reading on the computer, ampoule in which the case is beams of light are shot at your face.

I have strong doubt that I'm the only one experiencing this mental change.

I do want to get my hands on a Kindle ebook machine, sales and see if the effect of the screen page disrupts my capacity for attention span, as much as the computer screen seems to.  Now I could be just getting old or something.  Or it could be the right books aren't at hand.  Still actually we've got books all over the house.  There really are some good ones around I've not read.  Candide is on my desk.

Over there in Fiction section, I'm really behind.  Maybe I could do the Wild Palms thing and alternate between Force of Nature, and Norm.

Working Class Corner Columns have me going some due to my life an it's present that needs a lot of fix up.  It's a shared problem about where the money is coming from, and how much there is to work with.  I need to do more for my people, family, friends, random strangers.  Much differently now than for the first 4 decades, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon that I can see.  Think this is what they called married and settled down.

I was sort of up for a job down in Panama, but even if it was offered, I couldn't do it without taking my wife with me.

I am interested lately though is shaking some lyrics out of me, to see what the story is.

There are things that will be done around here if some money rolls in.

The novella Homeless Dog is up for sale on the Amazon Kindle Store.  My wife says a little money showed up.

Oh well, this is just a site report.    Best, Russell 


Temporary Labor Service

I do not know all of the breakdowns for what exactly composes the local labor pool.  There are many students in the population.  A fair number of them desire part time work at least.  The majority of graduates from the University are expected to leave.  Historically a large enough percentage of graduates have elected to stay in the local community after graduation to be noted.  There seems to be a good percentage of retirees.  Stu Cole once said it seemed like everybody who settles here, allergist works at closing the door behind them.  Stu is forced himself, pills regardless of his success with Squirrel Nut Zippers, to go to LA for work that pays enough to take care of his family.

This is the sort of place like where Romans moved to when Rome was in decline.  When the Romans left London they told the locals they were going to have to take care of themselves.  Federal and even State money is being withdrawn in many a US community these days.  I judge it right much an imperative that we look clearly at what we need to do in the Grand scheme of things.

We do every now and then, get around to completing some big grand old thing, but it is all the little things we do day in and day out that really make these statute pride moments really possible.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel is the major economic engine of this town.   The size of this community is considered to be population wise just large enough, and just small enough to be a happy place.   Far as I can tell the suffering, and the grind of poverty is shoved out of town, to places unseen, or underground.  I'm thinking now of the people, working people who drive in for low wages, eaten up by gas prices for jobs at the Hospital, cleaning, caring for, or building.  Homes cost a lot still in Chapel Hill and Carrboro.  Many have lost their jobs building, or been forced to take less.

When this Great Recession hit it was reported that it was different from events of the past, since essentially it is general, widespread, and there really isn't some other great place to pick up and move to.  Sure enough we need some limits as far as how we impact our shared lands.  This does not mean we have to limit the opportunities for work for our citizens, local neighbors, participants in the local economy.

From my point of view it was a mistake for the University to close Tar Heel Temps at the onset of the Great Recession.  I can understand why they did not see another path, for they were of and for the institution as their primary mission.  They did not apparently see how they might help continue to provide work for the willing.

Locally right here I'd like to see either the Town of Carrboro put together a replacement for Tar Heel Temps, or encourage a private enterprise replacement.  Personally I'd like to see all the paper job applications handed into the local businesses in person, of those who for one reason or another, could not be hired.  For those for whom a proper job could not be found, then a job is then simply mandated to be created.

I simply reject the idea that this is not possible, or undesirable.   

Is Peter Dead?

Got an email from Peter Eichenberger saying he was in a terrible jam somewhere and needed some money.  I'd not heard from Peter in years now.  About 6 months ago a girl told me he was dead.  I was not particularly surprised since we had all read of his adventures and opinions in the Independent up to through and after his bicycle crash.

I liked Peter quite a lot actually.  We'd met down in Wilmington both writers nosing around in the local moviemaking capital of that time.  We were both motorcyclists at the time so meet on the street as riders who naturally start conversations over their motorcycles.  A nickname for Peter Eichenberger among other bikers was Peter Crashenberger, for sale for he often crashed his Moto Guzzi.  Ironic that he bashed his head up so bad on the lowly bicycle.  He himself reported in the papers his incredible alcohol level at the time.

I myself squirmed to read the number, and as it was 2.60 or something like that, cialis way the hell up there.

You know I'd rather he was alive, but he's not, and it pisses me off assholes try and scam money out of people with this sort of email.  Gangsters run rampant in cyberworld.  When not scamming they are running protection rackets.  Seems like the FBI is supposed to protect the US Mail.  Why they don't protect our email is beyond me.  The mercenary spyware et al industry goes either way like really bad mercenaries.  They have little idealistic mission statement, and take advantage of regulatory lassitude on the part of responsible institutions.

Leadership of and by the ideal is what is legitimate "Top Down" direction within a Bureaucratic Institution.  The mission is more important really than the rules.  I take this lesson from Edward Hallet Karr, the political scientist.  It is out of his short essay: A Critique of Realism, and an important read for anyone grappling with issues of government and leadership.

I believe Peter is dead.  It pisses me off some jackass has crawled in some computer and is sending out letters under his name.   In the US isn't the FBI supposed to be in charge of counter espionage?  Sometimes I myself don't know the right agency to call.  I sure don't have time to call and write everybody about everything.

Maybe I'll just call 911 and tell 'em I'm getting mail from dead people.

Why I Fought For IGX

It is still there, apoplectic | but terribly wasted for the local Orange County citizens common interests.  At the core I do mean their important economic interests are not at all advanced by it as is run and controlled and promised by UNCH to be crushed not only for the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, allergist but for the entire county.

You can go on and on about sources of work for the people, order but the long and short of it all is that towns and cities that do not operate as ports are weaker than those that do.

The University has a legitimate role in advancing and maintaining intellectual achievements, and the life of the mind.  But to tell the truth I am angered that what I know to be a vital part of any economies transportation infrastructure is being misused and destroyed where I live and try to make a living, and help others make a living.

The situation in Chapel Hill regarding the Local Community Airport is unique in the US, if not the world. Most everywhere else airports are run for the benefit of the citizens by their County Airport Authority.   The University and the State of North Carolina know that by law IGX is a State Owned Local Community Airport, and that it's ownership by the University is a legacy and tradition of ivory tower power unparalleled.

I sort of wonder what they really teach over there if they are so hell bent on destroying what has long benefited the interests of the University.  Many successful Alumni for years have flown in for Basketball Games, given money to the RAMs Club, and flown out.  I see nothing wrong at all with this.  I like the idea of wealthy well educated successful people coming town.  Maybe I can sell 'em a better plane, or some insurance for the one they have, or take a picture of them to make a living.

I've been more complete in other writings here, or in the local papers about what it means to the health of the community to have its own little airport.  Since the economic downturn bit by bit local businesses have suffered.  Many individuals both in and out of the University have lost their sources of satisfying work.  Regardless of limits of water or geography you need a diverse economy.

It is ironic as well that the Universities Tar Heel Temps was shut down when money started drying up.  Its offices were basically across the street from IGX.  There are some smart educated people that could have been flown out to work from IGX put on high paying jobs in the nation or world on moments notice.  Freelance work can be like that.  Sometimes you need to go on a moments notice and buy underwear when you get a chance.

These concepts about why you need to tolerate the sounds of aircraft as explained in Aerotropolis apply just as much to IGX, as they do to RDU, or LGA, or Heathrow, or FMY.

Transcendia is a Grand plan, and is the soul of Aerotropolis.  Its got a very good flag to follow too… 

Scattershot Concerns

The reality is that now fixing up one nation means fixing up basic rights for individuals in all nations.  It is foolish to think any longer that isolation will work out as most beneficial.

War is a constant state of affairs, check and is better recognized as such.

Currently it for the US is definitely at a higher level on too many fronts to be sustainable.

The benefit of the execution of Osama Bin Laden's execution is most glaring as recommending hit teams.  Still these hit teams will require jump off points that are secure.

Building on what is working well in our worldwide civilization ICAO standards offer a minimum infrastructure of airports from which to operate.  The UN's Declaration of Human Rights is to be observed at least on International Airports.  From what I know it often is properly observed even in nations which do not observe human rights as completely off the airport grounds.

For instance I am not wild about China's record on Human Rights, symptoms nor the records of many other nations, but would not hesitate to do business on the airport in Hong Kong.

In the case of constant war, and what it is for, as a bald simple thing, right war is for Universal Human Rights, and the measure of a nation, is whether or not women are persecuted or not. 

Money is a very powerful tool for both good and bad.

Metal money has intrinsic value since it can be turned into a tool, or a jewel.  Paper money has floundered around since Nixon divorced it from the Gold Standard.

I think your life is valuable, and that the reflection of that is the Whole Life Insurance policies.  Moving towards a system of capitalism that gives parity to the working classes with the "owner, capitalists",  insuring all your citizens from birth creates wealth.

What we all want, rich and poor is to feel like a dollar is a dollar.  If it aint worth much, or we don't really know one way or another what it is worth, we are not sure how we are best to spend it.

North Korea gets food to keep it from blowing off atomic weapons.  This is not particularly great.

Mr. President Carter of the US past is determined that we must give North Korea food.

As a hard enough man I am very inclined to send live dogs from Humane Society shelters, partly to make some points about simply everything at once, like some permutation of a physics quest for the unified field theory.  Vectors Calculus may well produce an equation for this sort of thinking.

In relation to US conflict with Iran, which gave us our world of today, I think we really really need to recognize that Iranians are very poetic, and like a good joke.

Of nations that would really appreciate being bombed with flower petals out of SR 71s or high flying fast bomber drones, Iran is the one.

So then, what needs to happen is that in all nations the cultural floor must give equality to women, or suffer their loss of International Civil Aviation Organization certification for their International Airports.

The current tactic for Transcendia globally is to get good working passport offices on all properly performing international airports.

Transcendia, has stopped issuing passports until at least one office is functional enough to in good faith do what needs to be done for maintaining the respect for the traveler.

I really am not fanatical about defending any particular nation, but with defending and advancing civilization itself.

Tin Foil Hat Design

Apparently an Aviator Cap, medic hat using aluminum fine mail and Velostat would be possible to wear without absolute identification of the wearer as a paranoid nut.

In particular yah wantah cover the Temporal lobes of your brain so it is assured no voices are microwave planted in there.

Only tests will clear up the question of whether the tight fitting Tin Foil Hat, bronchi will reduce brain static better than the Tin Foil Helmet.

Essentially you have your headgear Faraday Cage design, link and your Aviator Cap type design.  The Tin Foil Helmet will be simpler to make from common materials.

However a hat is a hat, and overall it must be obviously useful in visibly and obviously felt reasons for the hat.  Alien Static, and the swirl of electrostatic stuff would be a bonus prospect of a Tin Foil Hat, which ideally would be battlefield tested during Tank attacks on Tank crews for which there has been research into Electromagnetic Pulse Rays intended to cripple the tank.  – Far as I remember.

Turning Points of My Education

My own rule far as how to direct or influence in any way the education of my child has been to encourage them to do what is easy for them.  There is plenty enough that is hard about any life.  Yah wantah help the child do what they are suited for, denture what they were made to do.  There is in my life a sense of destiny.  It overrides whatever failures of my parents or teachers to a point where I am proud of my swim as a fish in the sea.

"Little fish don't eat big fish."  – I Ching.

Education is an everyday everywhere thing for a child, if not us lost innocence adults and parents too.  I have great admiration for Elementary School Teachers.  They are mostly women it seems.  Their may be something good about Principals as men at least around.  I don't know if I could handle a classroom of first graders myself.  I could teach some Faulkner, and Jones, and Dos Passos, and direct combining readings of the Bible and I Ching to High School Seniors or College Students, but teaching a classroom of Elementary School children might be beyond my skills and personality.

Still I am aware that while in the furors about Education Policy in the US a lot of the focus is misdirected.  What really must happen is that early age education must be perfected.  We have the technology to help with this in tight situations now.  I think these e books will help.  Television has helped.

It is interesting that I don't remember at all any of the commercials I might have seen when watching cartoons as a child.  In fact while I must have learned some things in Elementary school, I don't remember learning these things.   What I remember is being there when it snowed and melted all in the same day.  – or hanging out all day with a wandering dog, or when the air went all electric and you could see storms coming.

Your parents teach you what they know, not necessarily what you need to know.  This is why the student seeks out the teacher.

We are driven by a sense of destiny from an early age.  So our own soul is seeking every moment the answers to our questions.

Yah got your common to everybody questions, and your unique being questions.

My destiny is to be the CEO of Transcendia, though that is part cause my Dad said we were too poor for me to become a pilot, and then turned round and bought me piano lessons.  I really love the big old Freighter planes myself.  It was a wonderful thing to get two hours left seat in a DC6.  I have lived in good flight like a spaceman as it ought to be.  I've gotten to take a walk while flying.  Walking around in a big airplane with no seats is space flight in a space ship at its best, since your bones go all to hell in some space station without gravity.  Turns out sex is real hard to accomplish without gravity.

But back to my struggle to determine and say how perfect Elementary Education can be accomplished.

The answer is that the tribal element of everywhere all the time means that we must all teach within our capacity all the time.

As an adult my connection with childlike innocence learning has been flying.  I've flown in about everything by sort of airplane, and am well aware that there are and will ever be better pilots than me.

When I was a kid I taught at least two other kids to read.  Taught my sister to read.  Friend of mine finally taught me to land the plane.  This peer to peer teaching is very effective.  We need to enlist each other in learning is how it all turns out.

You can audit classes most anywhere if you really want to make the time and simply show up, and be polite about it.

Before I was a graduate of the Eighth Grade I had no choice about where I went to school.  I decided to go to a school different from the school I was slated to go to cause of where I lived on my own, and just did it.  There was no voucher involved.  I simply walked to the next school districts last school bus stop, and got on the bus.

Later some mother and her daughter took me in their Volkswagen Beetle.

It was a good thing for me and helped me survive for I was right tired of being unpopular and having to fight all the time with the other kids I was going to school with.  My peers were often right mean to me and my family.   If you can't win where you are, going to another place can be a good move.

Per capita spending on education is a better way to go than depending on local property taxes for school quality.  Rural schools do need to be as good as urban schools.

School itself is a responsibility of the government.  It is only second to defense.  But the truth is that both in reality cannot be best if it is institutionalized too much.

I feel what I really mean is that to achieve perfection so that all are perfectly educated the entire society must be involved.

It starts properly with a love for the life of the mind.

We can figure it all out.  We can do the right thing.  We want to make Heaven on Earth.

It is our Destiny together to at least imagine it, and imagine it in a reality of numbered things.  – Love, Russell