Chicago Politics

People kill people in Chicago over work and politics and children.

Chicago is a tough town.

New York is about killing people over jobs and commodities.

Bloomberg is not running for a reason.

He knows the difference.

New York runs well and Chicago is Second City.

Of course Chicago is the US and NYC is some other place.

Bill Clinton was a better Republican than the other Republicans.

He was a Democrat.

His wife is lamenting the fact that she would be the Republican Nominee, impotent

if the rules of the Republicians applied to the Democratic Party.

I myself suggest she switch parties and run against Obama.


National Holiday Speech 2008

Happy April Fools!

    If this one turns out successfully, I shall have redeemed myself a bit for not giving more speeches.   We do hope to have a demonstration of the demonstration of the Transcendian Pro Active Civil Demonstration.   This is the Message Rocket Program.

     The prior Transcendian Clown Corp traveling in Balloons bombing enemy nations with flowers, was scrapped as more likely to start a war, than end one, since I determined it was a certainty in the clowns would be shot down over humor deprived ground, and counterproductive.

     The tradition of the March, and Marching for a cause is tried and true, but I don’t want to march very far at least, anymore.   Back in the late 60s of Chicago I did go on some really interesting marches and to some very interesting meetings and speechs and discussion groups.   I was privelged to participate in a round with Fred Hampton, the Black Panther and Obama’s Campagin has made me remember what Chicago politics feel like.

      Chicago is a tough town.   It’s very real.   You make an enemy and a friend everytime you speak or move.   I did alright there.   I could probably go back and work, but it sure is cold.   Last time I went there I knew where I was going and rode the bus so I could carry my 38 pistol in my bag.   I just did it as a precaution since I know Chicago.

      The gun was helpful in diffusing the situation with the guy with the knife.

      Guns are a lot of work.

      When I was traveling and with my friends carrying around a 38 Pucara Revolver in my luggage, along with my primative Smith Corona 9050 Word Processor, I always told them where it was and that it was loaded.

       That last trip to Chicago went on for awhile.

       I used to work in Show Business, which is sort of like being a soldier called up and then used in service, and then let go to sink or swim til the next job comes up.   I worked with independents and unions and being accepted into the Union, IATSE was a certification for me, since I learned how to do the job in the streets.

       The Boy Scouts and knowing how to drive were determining factors in how my life has turned out.   They say your best working years are between 35 and 55, and since I turned 55 last year, I’ve been under pressure to make something from my work over that period.

      Hence I made up this tension and stress for myself this April Fools.

      It is right and good to do so for yourself now and then!

      You know Armies March, Armies launch rockets.   Then there is the Space Program and NASA.   The US and Russia, the Soviet Union and their peoples can say, "My Past, is your Future."

       We are living with a lot of real fools who have more power than us Working Class people can afford.   I’d like to hear that all of the Unions in the world were for banning the bomb from all international public or privately held arsenals.   We have a collective right to ask for that.

       There have always been wars, and there will always be wars of one sort or another, but we are at least advanced enough to control the weapons allowed or available.   The Japanese once outlawed firearms for 200 years for instance.   Such things are proven to be possible.

      Of course we need to invent a World Government to outlaw effectively all weapons of mass destruction.   Some people just go nuts over that idea.   I myself have so little sovernity that I’m not to upset about the concept.   I’m like the Little Mouse that Roared.

      I bought Dr. Strangelove at the grocery store last week and watched it again.   I’ll bet it was big in Russia back in the day.   I hope they put it on UNTV every now and then, along with The Battle of Algers, and China Syndrome.

       I’ve done a big study of mature alternative energy options and it looks like the Asura system of Fresnel Mirror lens thermal energy system is the one to endorse for the Grid.   In the future every young urbanite will carry with them a rechargable lithium ion batterypack to run the tools of survival in the modern urban landscape.   – What do they use for the Taser guns?   I’ve forgot.

      I hear they have a real pistol on the space station.

      It is April Fools!

      It is unfortunate I have no Charisma.   I have to work at being funny.   I remember when I did Stand-Up comedy.

      Instead of taking the job I was offered I took off looking for something better.   David Letterman asked for a tape and rejected me and I gave it up for Politics!

      You know you can’t escape politics, but you have to have a sense of humor to enjoy life.   Even Athiests secretly pray.  You just can’t help it, being irrational now and then, or even at your core.

      But never believe in anything too much, never be inflexible in your mind about things.   It is like how you ought to be always certain about some things.   Both admonishions are true.

      Fact is facts change.

      Some laws need to be taken off the books, or changed, and some laws need to be revived, and others need to be made up.

      A good King is a Good thing, Tried and True, and nothing new.   Up with Butan!   Bhutan!   (whatever.)   What a hoot it would be if Michelle divorced Obama and Hillary divorced Bill and they got married and ran as a real personal and public "Change".   The idea inspires me to get along with my wife.

     Would be a hoot though.

      Anyway back to the important stuff of Wars and Work.

      It is all the same, though the toolbox is differant.

      It is all the same because the toolbox is the same.

      I really am for getting that pistol replaced by as most lethal, a taser on the Space Station.   – But then we would have to limit the blade on a knife, since everyone needs a knife.

       When would they need a long knife on the space station?   Has there ever been an incident in space when a sword was needed?   The gun is there in case someone goes crazy and the Captain has to shoot them.   Wow.   That is a quintessenel sort of Hollywood Movie where everything makes sense which reminds me of Stop Making Sense, by David Byrne.

        Another thing I think the world is foolish about is the Drug War.   Transcendia will never agree to be a part of the UN as a member as long as the UN endorses the Drug War.   Afganistan has a right to sell the Opium to the Drug Companies.   It is what they produce.   Get over it.

       I myself love Hashish, though I haven’t had any for over 10 years now.

       I really miss it.

       There was alot around that year Carter kept Americans out of the Olympics.   My brother had to become a Sculptor because of that.   He was poised to make a real showing that year at the Olympics.

       It would be good if the Politicians got out of the way of the Games this year.   China is an old civilization.   I myself as part of my Spiritual Practice am cleaved to the I Ching.   The other book is The Bible, but it is all dependent on what The Readings for The Day are.

      I agree with the Human Rights Attorney of Canada on this.   It was impressive to hear a Canadian speak in a definitely combative way.   If I had a 100 thousand dollars in the bank I hear they will let me become a Canadian.

      I don’t want to become a Mexican since they all want to become Americans, and you can’t carry a gun in Mexico, and I can’t speak Spainish.   I do think for me and my family it would be good if Canada and the United States and Mexico merged and raised up the working class experience of life in this time of threat to the working people of China and Mexico, and the US and Canada.

      Them Canadians are usually very polite, though I never have been to Montreal.

       The Candians took away the NC Film Business since in Vancouver you can get hash and pot and work without trouble more than in Amsterdam.

       The Damn Drug War has really insidiously eaten the heart out of Democracy or some generally shared civilization.

       My rap poem lyric Prohibition is about that.   As a songwriter I aspire to hear JB of Kerblocki do it, or maybe Bob Dylan.   It helped my mood that Riahannon Jones did my lyric You Failed me Completely.

       Lets be Cheery/ It’s April Fools.

       The demonstration of the demonstration is intended to be tried inbetween Isreal and Palistine.

       Little Estes type cardboard rockets launched back and forth for awhile with messages of peace or about work on, or in them.

       As a group, we do have some luxury problems.

       And then again we had better solve some problems or we will have no hope of problems at all.

       The War between ourselves is a threat to our war with nature.

       And Unless We get it together, we will be soon wiped out, as were the Dinosours.

        It would be funny, if it wasn’t funny.

        April Fools Unite!

CamPaigns/CamPains/Working Class Corner

Working Class Corner/CamPains


    I’m sort of stuck living here in the US and subjected to a multiplicity of mental insults.  The recent Democratic Party Presidential Campaign for the Party nomination is one.   The other is the finished up and settled nominee.

     I wonder if I was a child who I would look up to?

     I remember being an 11 year old paperboy when Goldwater and Johnson were running.   Mr. Johnson landed in a Helicopter at Elon College and signed an autograph on a program for me.   Mr. Johnson really knew how to campaign.   He was a real politician who escued buses for helicopters.   The Republicans have not forgotten that he was capable of even buying votes on the border.

      My crook is better than your crook is what politics is really about.   You’ve only got one life is something they prove.   They don’t really know more than you do is an amazement to me.

      We need a good test to give to Candidates that replicates the tests we give children to get out of High School, more than the tests we give to children to get out of High School.   High School is more dangerous than it ought to be, just like life.

     What is the main responsiblity of a government?

     What is the second to the main responsiblity of a government?

     My answer to the first question is Defense.   My answer to the second is Education.   Mr. McCain could actually beat Hillary Clinton since if she gets the nomination by lieu of the Super Delegate factor, the Democratic Party will demonstrate more of the same regardless of the rhetoric.

      Mr. Obama has bent over backwards to be respectful of her, and she seems to become more and more rabid.   Whereas Mr. Clinton had the touch for elective office, she does not really have that.   The tragic comedy of her life in power is that she ought to have been appointed, instead of there as the wife.

      Certainly I admire anyone who has the courage to run for elective office in the US or anywhere else there is a tradition of Free Speech.   As the Ethical Heckler I am painfully aware that I don’t want people to really know everything about me, and have not run for anything because of that.

     I am not without flaws.

     I am an outsider.

     It will be a tragedy for the working class if McCain wins.   Not because he is wrong about everything, but because his and Clintons ways of getting things done are failed.

      I think that Mr. Obama and Mr. Richardson as President and Vice President would be the best thing that could happen as far as the US are concerned.   Ms. Clinton is a contender, and it is sad that she is not as respectful of the rest of us and is determined to betray us and shows her real alliegiance to a monied powerful aristocracy that on her and her husbands watch laid the foundation for this endgame mess.

     Mr. Gore needs now to make a stand.   He’s got his Oscar.

     "Hollywood, you are my neighborhood."   – Steely Dan

     Mr. Carter has certainly begged off and let me down, but now Mr. Gore is charged to pull him along and get this big problem of who is to have the most power at least moved in the right direction.

      The Democratic Party needs to really pass the job titles out at least as propects appropriate to the people willing to suffer the fame and failure.   They need to put their egos aside for once and for all right now and tear into the Republicians with all they have as a united group of adults who clearly understand this is a make or break time for the fortunes of the nation, if not the rest of the world.



Speech Report/Transcendia April Fools

April Fools Speech & Rocket Launch Report

by Russell Scott Day

    Well, I don’t know if I got any press coverage or not yet myself so I have to report on myself as I had to demonstrate the demonstration.

    The perfect campaign involves co-ordinated radio, tv, press presence, but I am not conducting the perfect campaign right now, though I have in the past and therefore know the difference.

      It was not my job to take pictures or video of the speech and rocket launch.

      I only produced the rocket launch and wrote the speech and gave it to a number of humans.   I actually had more audience than I did when I gave my speech in Dag Hammerskold Plaza.

      The audience in NYC for the Flag Speech was extremely loyal though.

      At anyway I was pleased that April Fools was more established as a legitmate holiday since Jim said I must do the same thing there next April Fools.

When making up and founding a country one must create an important holiday.   If I succeed in making April Fools and International Card and Rocket Speech Holiday, I will succeed as an Artist of Political Science.

Imagine hiring me.   I am available to give a speech, though I have spent all the money I have this year to produce one, and therefore need for you to hire me to give another.

I was glad that the speech was more perfect given, than as written.

To all the people who attended the April Fools Speech & Rocket Launch, I am very grateful.

To those who may want to become Transcendians, you can always launch a rocket with Transcendia written on it to really feel like one.  


Berlin BB Gun War of 1963/RSD/Tom Wolf

Berlin BB Gun War of 1963

I knew a kid in Elon College when I was about 12 who had lived in Berlin with his family who told me about the BB Gun War. Apparently it was an ongoing feature of the life of children in Berlin when he was growing up. I’d love to figure out what sort of Screen Play I could construct that didn’t inspire more BB gun wars, since knowing that children imitate what they see, I would through my failed art encourage BB gun wars and BB blindness.
It did sound like a fair amount of fun as he told of it.
Possibly the best movie would be one where the weapons of childhood and the weapons of adulthood, did not change and we all were limited to BB guns for our arsenals.
I have wanted to create a comedy movie and it would be interesting to do a BB gun war, that became a Water gun war, due to the tragedy of the BB Blindness.
Sometimes my own humor distresses me.
The competitor of MAD, was SICK.

Obama’s Speech

The Speech

       I was reminded of the old african proverb that it is better to have an intelligent enemy, than a stupid friend because of the flap about Obama’s preacher.

      Later on NPR I heard an LA Post writer say she was angry and didn’t think enough Afro Americans were angry enough.

      Fortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I went to High School on the South Side of Chicago in 1969 and ’70.   Fred Hampton impressed me so much that I think the City of Chicago paid too little for his murder.

      Mr. Hampton was as Charismatic as you get and he was murdered in his sleep by a Chicago Police Death Squad.   Mr. Hampton was a Black Panther who started feeding children before they went to school and basically founded Head Start, before he was murdered.

     You don’t have to Black or White to be angry.   You do need to know what class you belong to.   The Black Panthers at their best did try really hard to make it known that it was more about class struggles, than race struggles.

     Now the ultra rich get to force our government to print more money for them based on the premise that if they go down, we’ll suffer more than we would if they had to come out and work like we do.

     When Mr. Obama, Senator Obama said, he was from Chicago, I knew what he meant.   Chicago is a place where people fight over real issues.   The Civil War happened somewhere else.   In Chicago you fight about work, jobs, vice, turf, work.

     There is some race thing involved that isn’t wise to ignore as far as cultural realities and people that don’t dance the same way.   But the bottom line is about class conflicts, and who has control of the money.

      Since the economy is in shambles I recommend working class people vote in a candidate who will print money that helps them start businesses, instead of fund "Funds" and "Banks" and their credit card companies that are interested in interesting us to death.

      If I’m at fault for not being retrained to do something useless like be a banker or money manager, then the government must put its money where its mouth is and give me the money to go back to school and become an economist so Mr. Greenspan and his friends can come out to learn how to dig a ditch like Mr. Carter did in his retirement of Habitat.

      Sorry,  I meant to mention the Drug War as a drag on our civilization, but I had to write about race and the class war.


Working Class Corner/Why to see a Prostitute


see prostitutes because they may well die the next time they go to work.

Plus they are typically young, physician and in a strange place.

As well they may well have some romantic thing on their mind that the prostitute understands as a fantasy they are to only partly fulfill.

Elliot Spitzer went to a service.

He got what he wanted, ambulance or paid for, sale plus more.

Curiosity killed the cat.

My Family!  My Family!

I went to a prostitute twice when I was going through a divorce and driving a cab all night.

My wife divorced me because I failed an Insurance Agent Exam for New York Life.

Too much Elmer Gantry sort of shit for Spitzer in my opinion.

-For him to go on.   Fuck New York.

Well actually I like the common on the street of New York State including Manhattan, which I really loved to have a place to live in on the island in more than Rochester, or where I am now really.

Life is managable here.

So it went for John Edwards to be managed out of the race.

April fools is on a Tuesday.

Coming up.

The bad part about the economic meltdown is that only the rich people stay rich.   The laws let them write all their failures off so they get paid for fucking everybody else out of their inheritance.

Too bad that it is happening now to the people like me or you who has a life of toil and tribute ending in pain and anonoynimity.

Just a little time left to kill Kleptocracy, and Oligarcy.   Democracy is mob rule for Bush and the Fundamentalists who only half way know what is going on while they watch Nick at Night.

The UN is a failure and we are certain to die in short order if it is not repaired with an army killing people who like bombs so much they use them.

Working Class Corner

Working Class Corner

Elections, sale cheap Appointments, illness & the Economy


Labor and Capital: Equality could be engineered if Whole Life Insurance Policies were given to Working Class Citizens as part of what they get from tax dollars they pay. -Your life is really your only property.

As far as the Presidential Election is concerned there is no touching the Third Rail, order that is the Drug War that has torn out the fabric of peace on the streets in every neighborhood.
We are assured to be bombed simply because as long as smugglers smuggle drugs and weapons, a weapon of mass destruction will be smuggled into this nation.
Separating Drugs from Weapons in the industry of smuggling would make us safer.

Proof of God/Working Class Corner

Proof of God/Working Class Corner

by- Russell Scott Day

    The proof of God is that we can remake ourselves without him.   We invent the microphone and the radio as if they were ears and brains.   The crane is our arm.   The atomic bomb implies we could create another universe, if we haven’t already.

     What will my robot do when it is left alone without us?

     I feel so bad about its lonliness.

     It will program its own prayers without my guidance.

     It will pray for electricity, or Xrays, anything to keep it alive.

     The round ball looking for energy not to keep going, but to think about why.

     Even my God would wonder why they exist.

     The only point is to make something of yourself, but if you are God already, what is the point of doing anything?    You’re already God.   What’s left to become?

     Possibly this explains the existence of dogs and cats.

     There is the Dog God, and the Cat God.

     Both of them are me and my wife.

     They misbehave but we still pet them.

     This is further proof of the Devil.

     The bad God and the Good God can’t help but exist.

     To achieve protected independent travel between the universes they create, I need a spaceship or fabricated planet of my own.