Carolina North Transit Study

Carolina North Transit Study

       Finally the University and the Town have come to an understanding that will move all forward as far as Transportation issues and Carolina North are concerned.

       As a "consultant" that the "officials" are eager to find, click  what follows are my recommendations:

       First all concerned must get on the same page as far as the philosphy that most correctly practically is the basis for making decisions.

      I say that the building of Carolina North forces the acceptance of the need for a "Mature Transportation Infrastructure".

      Now the philosophical basis from which the design of this infrastructure is to flow comes from understanding who is to benefit most ideally.

      The institutions and the governments involved need to ask, check who really needs and consitantly uses public transportation, medicine mass transit.

       Infrastructure planning of the "Mature Transportation Infrastructure" ought to flow from how the population of those in the society who cannot drive, which are the young and the old most simply.

      Therefore as the "Consultant" I say link all of the Educational Institutions with a "Mature Transportation Infrastructure" first.

      On the Island of Manhattan I was able to get most anywhere within 20 to 40 minutes and of the places I have lived I consider its transportation infrastructure "Mature".

      Certainly it serves the young and old and rich and poor.

      One must recognize when planning public transportation that how long it takes to get from A to B competes with cars which too often win for citizens to abandon them.

       Trains have long been the most efficient way of getting people around.   Far as I am concerned Subways are Trains, and I also include Monorails in that mix.

       A total and fully "Mature Transportation Infrastucture" is composed of "Rights of Way" that have in them all transportation machinery appropriate to those "Rights of Way".

      So Second:   To Create a Plan that is appropriate to the Transportation Goal of serving all transportation needs based on the touchstone realities of who in the society is most fully dependent on that infrastructure get your map and overlay on it all existing publicly controlled and clearly owned by all of the people, the "Rights of Way".

       Then draw lines in those "Rights of Way" connections to all Educational institutions in your Vicinity and beyond.

       It is important to recognize that life itself is an educational experience and that that means that though I say, that the place to start in planning a "Mature Transportation Infrastructure" is to determine what "Rights of Way" exist that will link all of the local educational institutions, from that flows the need to link to educational institutions that are far away, and demands that the transportation infrastructure is complete as regards timely connections to the overall global transportation infrastructure which includes airways and seaways.

      The key to planning a "Mature Transportation Infrastructure", required locally for the realization of Carolina North as more than a boondoggle for builders is finding out from a study what the existing "Rights of Way" are, then what will fit in and on them, and then determining how fast they would be.

      After discovering these facts a sensible and practical plan could be made, and ought to be the point of the study.







      The Iranians I knew in Fort Lauderdale were brothers who flew away and got jobs flying here in the US in 1980 or so.

     They were very funny guys.

     I hear that the Iranian President wrote the US President a letter.

     I heard the Secretary of State say that the letter was no good.

     Last week a guy from the Small Business Administration said my Business Plan was not acceptable and confusing.

     I am supposed to look up the rules and rewrite it with an emphasis on the Executive Summary.

     Now when I get confusing or insulting letters I first thank people for writing me, buy then I state what I understood of the letter, and then I answer the letter according to what I understand they want an answer to.

     There is some honor to answering in kind.

     If you get a phone call, have a phone conversation.

     If you get a letter, write a letter back.

     As a diplomatic criticism of the US President and the Secretary of State, my criticism is that they should have just written a letter in response and made that letter as available to read as the letter they were sent.

     Bad manners are hard to legislate.

     To win the War on Terror good manners would go a long way.

     "The Whole World Is Watching!" is a chant I remember from some Viet Nam War Protest I attended in Chicago.

      All this talk of winning hearts and minds is what reminds me of Viet Nam.

      I would be stupid to say as a leader of a nation that I would give up the weapons that protect my people.

      So I understand why leaders of nations that feel that the nuclear weapons they possess cannot be given up since they believe that those weapons protect their people.

      The history of the Cold War and Atom Weapons recommends having Nuclear Weapons, up to a point.

      I so much wanted Russia to become a State like Texas at the supposed end of the cold war.   It really would have made things nicer for us working class people.

     Now things are really out of control, and working class people really need to object to any nation having nuclear weapons since working class people have to work where there is work regardless of their citizenship and will be in harms way regardless of their citizenship and have a right to demand that the risk be reduced.

    The logic for the war on Iraq would actually justify a war on the US since it was predicated on whether or not Iraq had "Weapons of Mass Destruction", when in fact, the US has "Weapons of Mass Destruction".

      I might turn around and watch an episode of Star Trek and imagine when Earth became a State.

      It is called for, and the concept of the United Nations needs to be realized real quick if workers are to secure their workplaces.

      Taking Nuclear Weapons out of the mix and manners of war needs to be done.

      Time is definitely running out for there are bad mannered people in power with control of very powerful weapons.



More Bombs To Come

More Bombs To Come

       It was fun to set off bombs for movies and tv shows since it was controlled and a spectacle.   We made sure it wouldn’t hurt us or the camera, or the cameraman.

      You could feel the heat roll across you.

      I put plexiglass infront of the camera, and gave the DP a sandbag to put between his legs.

      Loving life and loving death are the two loves of cultures and Tolstoy wrote about Masons with a screw loose.

      I declare War on Atomic Weapons as a Working Class Guy.

      Help me get an Art Show in the UN as a battlefront.

      Enlist your art in the mission of elimanating big bombs from our working class lives.

                                                                                                     Russell Scott Day

301 Pleasant Dr.

Carrboro, NC 27510




Invading Workers

Live Where You Have A Job

     Is the reality for the working classes who are an international group only separated by language as far as I can tell.

      For the working classes, such as myself, it is a drag for me that I may well not be allowed to work in another country where the work has gone that I know how to do.

      There is only so much I know how to do at 53.

      I’ve "retrained" so much and many times in my life to be pissed off at being sold out.

      Mexico as a nation issues Birth Certificates and Passports and the like as far as I know.

      My solution to the problem of the "illegial immigrant Mexican, etc." would be that they could work with the ID of issue in the US, and taxes would be divied up between the nations they were working in, and the nation they were a citizen of, so as to pay for their shared security and defense.

      It is time for workers to determine what the International Minimum Wage is, and it is time for workers to demand that the nations they happen to have been born into provide them the same protections given to international corporations.

      Workers are foolish to buy citizenship in nations and their governments that do not respect their right to a living wage.

      The UN is a bit of a failure for its failure so far to set a minimum wage internationally fair between the corporations and the workers and the nations.

      Money is a great work of conceptual art and it needs to have the same value overall in the world for workers if we are to thread the needle as a species on a strange gift from the God of Visions.


Where The Vision Came From

Why I Had a Vision


     I had a vision because I had boredom and bliss in alteration with Nike` in the early seventies and I recommend it as a process if you want to have a vision.

     The essence of an essay story I wrote influenced by Faulkner amounts to that.

      A vision has weight and changes your life and is life and defines and justifies it with more weight than Atlas could carry.

      Monks and Nuns doing really boring things with license for pleasure at night on a schedule of day and night and day and night and work and play and dancing and working and walks and talks has produced a vision that is a mind rock of burnt iron.

     Atom Bomb pictures are what I want sent to the UN by all my citizens right now quick for the walls of the UN there needs to be an art attack for the benefit of the workers.

                                                             Love, medic Russell

Better Get A Prenup



Better Get a PreNup

a song lyric


Better Get a Prenup



Before you go to Town, denture

Before you go Down.

Better get a PreNup

a PreNup

Yeah a PreNup

Before you tie the knot, sale

Give up what you've got,

That freedom that she wants

She wins on wedding day

Listen to what I say…

Better get a Pre Nup



You know it if you're doin' ReUp,

Get a Pre Nup.!



Painting/the Happiest Art

Went to an Art Show last night with my wife and I tried to stand up straight.

Didn’t stay out too late.   I want to show my paintings.

Arelene, the artist was at the show and if I had money for such things I would commission her for a Portrait after talking with her.

Years ago when I was on scholarship in Bloomfield Hills Michigan with of a sudden what would be generally known as "rich kids", I think Hillerary Burnett said that painting was the happiest art.

I’ve been going through one of my worst depression periods ever.

I made a few paintings.   I made them on steel.   They did make me feel better.   They are hard to move around though.

I am sort of a hard head.

If I had a rock band, or some sort of musical band, the name of it would be The Hard Head Club.

There is a good deal of anger in me about injustices and insults.   I am prone to just go ahead and take things personally.

I’ve had a good time titling my paintings.

The titles are Your Bomb/Your TV and Your Bomb/Bikini Bomb/Dad Said The Atom Bomb Made Me/My Bomb Loves Your Bomb/My Bomb and Your Bomb Sitting by the Fire/Easter Bomb Hunt, and another behind the big one on the mantle that I can’t remember the name of and won’t see because the painting infront of it is too heavy for me to move right now.

I got another piece of steel and the next painting that I will attempt to cheer myself up making will be titled More Bombs To Come.

Obviously I am depressed because I feel like I and the rest of us are running out of time.

I wrote a will at the beginning of my depression.

I’ve been told my Business Plan is confusing, so I hope my will is not too confusing.   I suspect there are laws that will jump on it and tear it apart and that it is just some sort of excersize of imagined honor.

You give up your Bomb & I’ll give up my Bomb would be a hard painting to make.

Sometimes in order to stay married I go deaf and dumb.

There is a bomb in the room and it ought not be set off.

What sort of uniform would you expect The Bomb Police to wear?

Really if I can’t have a bomb, you ought not have one.

The police have guns, and I have a little one myself.

Obviously Iran cannot get as big a bomb as the US and France and China.

Americans should be happy that they have better bombs than other countries, right?

Since it is important for a Nation to be formed and founded that it conduct a war Transcendia really ought to declare war on all the nations that have Nuclear Weapons and kill people and take their bombs and somehow dispose of them.

I guess you could take the bombs apart and build reactors with them.

How’s that for a war plan?

                                                    Love, Russell Scott Day   

Constabulary Required

Peace Means Police/Constabulary Required

     Working people who are sensible enough not to believe in anything or anybody too much do deserve general protection regardless of governmental philosophies.

       "A Good King Is a Good thing, ambulance Tried and True, and Nothing New." -for instance.   My point is that Democracy is not necessarily perfect at all times and for all cultures and environments.

      The conflicts and culture of Iraq have turned into an extreme experiment and the Democrats, as well as the Republicans do need to turn together to International bodies for help.

      The lesson of the experimental war in Iraq is that it is true that Peace Means Police, but those Police may be corrupt with private agendas so far as recruited from the indigenious populace.

      The US is in the position of desperately needing to abandon a uinlateral approach to its attempts to win the war in Iraq.

      I think in the hearts of the people they feel this, but have no focused leader asking plainly for proper help from the right quarters.

      We would hope and expect that the UN was the right quarter, but it is very flawed as far as force is concerned.

      It is time regardless of anyones national alliegances that nations create a Constabulary that protects the working classes when a war is declared, or understood as won.

     Saddam Hussain was captured and as far as winning at Chess that qualifies as a win.

     It would have been better for us of the working classes in the US and Iraq if at that time the US Armed Forces Personnel were pulled out and the International Constabulary Forces were put in.

     Since there is no International Constabulary Force, this did not happen.

     If we are lucky there will be other wars won and lost.

     This latest war would be a good war if it produced a Constabulary now proven to be needed to solve the problem and reduce the level of permanent war, which has so far been the history of mankind regardless of the slight possiblity that its event as fullblown could be ended.

                                                                     Scott Day