More About Peace Means Police/Working Class Corner

Peace Means Police/Working Class Corner series Letter:

by Russell Scott Day/1/16/2006

I can say that I was ahead of the New York Times and some others in my writings about the pivotal role police are playing, have played, and will more play.

       Today the New York Times did give a report of the police in Iraq.

       I was sorry to not see a more full description of whom the police are concentrating on protecting.

       Still a rise in consciousness as to the role of the police is a good thing.

       In my previous letters I have said that at this time police in Iraq ought to be protecting infrastructure workers as a priority.  I believe that they must work from there from what I know about police work.

      When I did police work my first piority was to protect the building and I remember our confusion with a serious bomb threat for the 11th floor.

       What you need to remember is that Napolean was a military genius and always one circle is to look out and the other to look in.

       The insanity of the US is that it is always an internal home grown nut that gets to blowing people up or killing masses before foreigners.

       It is likely as far as I know of history and experience that there is in the United States some nut building an atomic bomb, as much as it is likely there is someone in Saudi Arabia trying to buy one to use on us.

      By us I mean the working classes who really wish there were war zones we could stay away from.

      In some earlier writing I suggest that the working classes hire through their Unions and insurance companies protectors regardless of their religious affiliation.

      I’m still with that idea I thought of and suggested.

      Just like I’m still with an International Minimum Wage.

      -which is more aptly to be called an International Living Wage.

      Really work has more honor than war.

      The police need to protect the workers and there is enough need to insure an international 100 percent employment for professional police and everyone else if the police were keeping the peace.

       This is the time of the need for a rise up of international professional police who ought to be engaged always with interpol to elimanate all nuclear weapons since such weapons are too much to handle on the street.

                                                               Love, Scott Day

Working Class Corner/Nail Guns

Nail Guns

       Nail guns are better than hammers, medstore though they need improvements.

       I have used a good variety of nail guns and bought for myself a Paslode Gas Powered Frame gun.

       If you could make a nail gun the size of a hammer that could shoot a nail anywhere of any size that was the size of a regular old hammer, viagra and was quiet, you would improve working conditions for carpenters, and save their ears.

       I imagine a nail gun that was like a stick with a cylindrical revolver sort of nail load that would shoot any nail and was powered by either gas cyclinders or CO2 sorts of propellants without a firing pin to minimize the noise.

      Sabot barrel gun sticks, and cylinder magazines are recommended for nail gun sticks because winding the nails would allow more nails to be compacted into smaller space.

      Making nail guns more like pistols and rifles is possible and I am thinking about it.

      The adjustable Sabot Barrel is important to co-ordinate with the nail cylinders of different sized nails.

       I am thinking about it.

                                                  Scott Day


Everybody is Unhappy

Everybody I know is Unhappy

       I know a good number of good people.   There is a pall on us all.

       We are doing alright in that we have jobs and have had lives and are used to regular amounts of pain from our backs or sadness over tragedies we have read about or seen stories of on the tv.

       I’ve slept in ditches and only been able somehow to give away bits of myself on holidays.

      Poverty is not being able to give more than not having for yourself.

      Paris Hilton is poor without fame.   It is interesting and admirable that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt want to be famous for working with the UN for Children as much as they wanted to be famous for being good actors.

       I only know them from what I have seen at the movies and in the papers.

       Still I am disturbed that I feel a pall over the minds of my humanity.

       Really we are alright and it is a good thing that we are offended by cartoons of Mohammed.   It is a sensible pall.

       It is the good thing and the bad thing that is the only hope there is going on in public since you can be sure that secretly there are killers out to really essentially end the world, kill us all because some of us like a good laugh and have some humor inspired by bad answers and doubt.

      Maybe I will live forever, but I really doubt it, for instance.

      And what is so great about virgins anyway?

      Now they have filled an empty worn out Russian spacesuit up with trash and put an antenna on its head and children are going to tune in to hear the voice of a robot child report the weather till it stops talking because it has fallen into the Earth and burned up.

      It is no wonder that we are all depressed when this is the happiest story on the radio.

      I suspect that the thing to do now is to send a ship up to get the stuffed doll and keep it from burning up as if it was symbolic enough to forstall us all from extinction.



Local Politics/Working Class Corner/Carrboro NC

Local Politics/Working Class Corner

Russell Scott Day

     The Presidential Candidate and former Senator has built a house not far from where one of my temporary wives and I built a house out of a barn.

     Frankly I was a bit miffed that he announced in New Orleans instead of here in Carrboro, or Chapel Hill.   At any rate at least he knows where to live since this is some of the greatest real estate in the world.

      I’ve paid close attention to Mr. Edwards campaigns, and he did take the time to write me a letter explaining why he would not support an end to the Drug War.

      My complaint with him on that issue is that he would not even agree to question flight physical doctors to find out how long from joint to joystick they would certify as legal for airplane pilots, same as the time from bottle to throttle, as is the case regarding alcohol.

     The United States since Viet Nam seems like nothing but a story of failed morality and wasted courage.

      It feels like the United States has come to export to the world its Drug War.

      The United States is more vulnerable to terrorist attacks due to its drug laws than is acceptable to practical realists trained in Sociology.

      The world is full of jobs and for some people smuggling is their job.

      I’ve known some smugglers and they can be dangerous people.

      Still it is one of those jobs that exists for some people and of course my smuggler is a hero, and yours is a dirtbag.

      As long as drugs in Afganistan are illegial there will exist a motive for smugglers to smuggle weapons and drugs, whereas if transporting and dealing in drugs was separated from weapons smuggling, the incentive for combining the two if removed, would more expose the operations that are most dangerous when Weapons of Mass Destruction are actually a real threat.

      If pot was legal, hell the Mexicans could stay home and grow that for the US market.

      Locally my wages are somewhat depressed by the Mexicans who at some point are simply younger and stronger than myself at this point in my life.

      As Working Class I know who my competitors are same as Mr. Edwards Esquire knows who his competitors for "The Office" are.

      I have suggested to the Mayor of Carrboro that the town ought to just issue Legal Work Status to vetted illegial immigrants since internationally work ought to be a legal activity regardless of your nation of birth.

      As a citizen of the US I still really have more in common internationally with all workers, than I do necessarily with the rich of my citizenship who live off their money.

      It really is a bit of a drag to be a poor Episcopalian.

      Chapel Hill has been working on a 10 year plan to elimanate Homelessness.

      Now Homelessness is pretty extreme poverty in my opinion and I’ve actually been homeless enough to know a few significant things about it.

      Hence it is that I have suggested that one component of the effort to elimanate Homelessness be a Tool Room for the storage of the tools of the homeless.

      I will be interested in Mr. Edwards support or lack of, for this suggestion locally.

      I am aware that Mr. Edwards has married well and this does recommend him as a neighbor.   Everyone I know who has met Mrs. Edwards says she is very gracious.

      I will be interested in her opinions as concerns her neighborhood and its initiatives locally caused by international and nation policies that hurt the working classes.

      Socioligist report that 70 percent of the homeless have jobs and they are therefore Working Class.

      As far as the Homeless for Carrboro and Chapel Hill to end homelessness, Chapel Hill and Carrboro have to decide that they want the homeless.

      Every plan and program that aims to end homelessness will fail if the Town or City does not really want to make itself attractive for the homeless to live in.

     As flawed as I see the state of things in the United States today, I cannot forget the wisdom of what is on the Statue of Liberty,  Give us your Poor, your Downtrodden…

      Such Pragmatism is honor to William James the great American Philosopher that ought to be more followed by the Americans.     


Smart Managers Hire People That Are Better Than They Are At Their Job than they are at the job of Managing.

       If I could hire a Police Force to straighten out Iraq or Sudan, I would be interviewing Costa Ricians.

       I would be hiring Mafia guys and Costa Rician Police to deal with what are generally called "insurgents".

       I would call the "insurgents", "Islamic Fundamentalist", and just deal with it.

       Certainly the Old Testament and the Koran have the equivalent wrathful sort of God.

        If I had a show to call up for talking head guests I’d be putting Sam Harris, John Loftin, and whomever they would want on their debate team up against the Islamist.

      This is a time of TV War since it is the most powerful pen, and I would go as far as it took with the mind war that is the tv war to win for the working classes who know war interfers with their work.

       The Unions that exist really ought to certify a list of Mercenary Companies that they will work for or hire.

       The Police in New York have been at war with the Mafia for a long time and it is certain that this is the model for success where peace is achieved between opponents who are directed by motives that are in opposition with one commonality.

      In the case of the Mafia, their work is to do their job, which is crime, and the cops is for them to do their job, which is to stop the crime.

       The commonality of corruption is met in the laws that cause each side to collude until the Peace is disturbed by war noticed by the general public.

      Too many people live in a Fantasy world.

      When Prayer will cut the board infront of me, I will likely be dead or dreaming.

       Life is really so rare in the universe that it may well be true that insects have souls.

       My soul for yours is the apparently the bargin.

       When a set of virus kills a cow it is not unimaginable that they make up over the experience in heaven.

       Russia and the United States and Japan and Germany and Holland and Great Britain, and France haven’t gone to war against each other in awhile and seem to have discovered a common enemy.

      The Infrastucture Defense Team would be a good name for the Transcendian Mercenary Force Inc.. Don’t you think?

       Damn, it is the truth that the first job I had out of High School was as a Security Guard for Rochdale College.

       I thought I was destined to be a writer and a filmmaker, but maybe I ought to be a cop.

                                                                         Love, Scott Day

Support the Iraqi Police.



InUglyPeopleActUglyregardless or Utility of Infrastructure

In Ugly Places People Learn To Do Ugly Things

       The Black Panthers I knew said that it was not about race, but about class. 

I am in agreement with this.

       How you get into the class you want to be in, instead of the class you were born in depends on both luck, and work.   In fact to be in the class you want to be in is same as to be a king.

       One becomes a king through either inheritance, or vision, or by killing the other king.

       The categories of class are high class, middle class, low class and working class otherwise known as aristocracy, bourgeoisie, and proletariate.

       In fact the proletariate, or working class as aristocrats are more likely to make practical decisions the best inline with transcendent ideals.

      For me Harry Truman and Ulysees S. Grant illustrate working men who did the best possible with the people around them to win wars.

       Of course you will be attacked if you are weak.

       Roosevelt did react to the depression by basically ordering people to work building an infrastructure of power plants and roads.   Maybe that was Hoover?   At anyrate the lesson is that even if you are corrupt or flawed you will benefit your people by your programs and policies if you cause the building of infrastructures.

       In this time of chaos and natural and manmade attacks on working people, working people do need to at least fund the design of an infrastructure that makes work honored and secure regardless of the religions around.

       I like my religion.   Well I sort of like it.

       I have not been to church for a couple of years since the Bishop dissed me over the service I wanted to do as I was given permission to do it and did it for my wedding.

       Throw the I Ching and read the Reading for the Day.

       That is my amazing service from two very good books.    I am open to trying it with the Koran, but in fact would prefer to do it with the three books instead of with the I Ching and the Koran.

       I could make a very good case for Muslims to try reading the reading for the day and the reading from the I Ching and the reading for the day from the Koran together as one Buddist sort of transcendent definition of what the day was.

      Now I have to think about Maritime Law.

      To me terrorists and pirates are similar enough that the laws that apply to pirates in international waters are most likely to be correct internationally when applied to suicide bombers and their support system.

       We do know that suicide bombers are an arm of our enemies.

        I am speaking from the point of view of the working class, when I say "our".

       If you work for a living and pray when you do it that you will get another day to work to provide for your family, than as far as I can tell that is as ethical a life to have.

     My morality recommends working and enabling others to work, and after that I don’t really know much.

                                                          Love, Russell Scott Day



Spirit Season/Working Class Corner

Vision Truth Poem

I feel as if I ought to be ashamed

of understanding life

and death

and the difference.

Eternal life actually has its ups and downs.

The spirit in a body turns into a soul

and then resides in the Aleph,

Or what I call Transcend-O-Ray.

I loved with all my heart to find out.

My loving spidermate ate me,

Turning me into a survivor of heartbreak.

Now I forgive most every word,

For I have said them all as well,

Well, except for one sentence said to me sincerely that I hated.

 -She said she was better than me.

This really pissed me off.

I bought a passport and a pistol

To make myself feel better.

I had those legal rights all along

but hadn’t gotten around to proving it.

I really wish there was a Strip Joint next to the bank.

Naked women are so interesting.

God never made anything more beautiful than a naked woman.

-The pilot said.

It is nice and soothing and makes me smile to watch them dance with company dressed,


and looking up as in Billy Rays up on 27 or so.

I would love to see the girl I called an ignorant bitch

dancing naked and not saying anything

before I went home to my wife

who is so well educated.

I’ve know guys that did that sort of thing in Fort Lauderdale

under the landing pattern and by the Drive In.

years ago.

I am so sorry that I enjoy being a bit of an animal.

Sorry I snarl now and then.

It would be nice if you would shut up and undress.

There is something to like about everyone.

I’d like to see pictures of naked nuns.

The Pope naked with a big hat fucking them would interest me.

Obviously my humor is perverted.

How dare I think of such an image.

What would the blind think?

I need to listen to them.

                                                            Scott Day


Holiday Sentiments/Author

                              Holiday Prayer

May you all be


With a Love of Life

This Holiday Season.

May Wisdom Strength

Beauty and Humor

Infuse you so

As to Cause

Day in and Day out, arthritis

Celebration of your souls marking.


Scott Day




Idiot Drivel/SD/Working Class

Always leave your adversary a way out that is a win win for you and them to resolve a conflict, or a what we call war when it is the you lose and I win because you die and I get your land and women.

Your adversary is you.

I have done a number of budgets and bids and have done them intuitively and by the numbers account of an inventory and time.   I found it odd that doing the work either way it was generally the same amount of money.

One of my failings was that I did not keep good records, and really did not account for the multiplicity of taxes.

To rise above being working class or apparently make being working class cool with comrades one must employ lawyers and accountants that think of themselves as working class.

Now between Insurance and Lawyers the Working Class is getting fucked from everyside as if they were dead beef or willing sheep.

Maybe it would be better if no one had to tell anyone how much money they had or what they made.

Really one of the reasons I don’t get more stuff from governments and they get more from me is that I want my finances private information available to me only as if the whole world economy is a poker game.

I think it is stupid to tell people how little you made a great movie for.

It costs the same to advertise the thing.

                                                           Love, Russell