Mercandise & Donations
is where you can buy clothing and other things with the flag on them.
Whatever income comes to our accounts from your purchases will be used to lease land for Transcendia in a multitude of nations, vialis 40mg and as well found the Flight Schools that are to be Flight Schools and simple schools as well.
Some of whatever you send will be used to pay staff, thumb such as George Heyward who designed the Flag with my Theology and Philosophy and Govermental concepts as the drivers for the design of the flag.
We bought a scanner.
I will be using it, capsule when it comes, to post writings of the past that are now only on paper.
In the meantime I hope you all will buy clothing from the website cafepress.
Too bad they do not make flags.
Love, Russell

Points for Reinvention


Condensing the Points for Reinvention of the UN written by Andre` Lewin

I work  to condense the Points for Reinvention of the UN written by Andre` Lewin Chairman of the French UN Association and originally published in the New York Times of March 15th 2003.

Herein I will work to do this again:

 – An Army.


 Until the United Nations has an army of its own, it will not be effective in defending the defenseless from genocides and the like that history has shown ought to be nipped in the bud regardless of national boundaries.

Until the United Nations has an army it ought to be able to contract with Mercenaries when it is obvious that Crimes Against Humanity are being committed.

The role of Media and Attorneys in the direction of the United Nations Army cannot be ignored and Television and Print and Radio journalists must be protected by the United Nations for they collect the evidence of such events that it is the mission of the United Nations to secure as a shared wealth and experience justifying what we call humankind as different from animals or rocks.

We will leave the defense of the International Attorneys, to themselves for the time being.

 – A UNITED NATIONS TELEVISION NETWORK that is commonly available in the standard way and exemplifies everywhere the principles of Free Speech and Expression that the United Nations is dedicated to as a Right to all souls.


 (Now the purpose and idea behind an exile island as Andre` Lewin has proposed is to make a place that would be similar to the island that the French put Napolean on that would be used to put Bad Kings or Bad Dictators, or whatever you want to call powerful leaders of nations who break international laws and wreak death and mayhem on their own citizens and thereby threaten all of us, especially when Weapons of Mass Destruction, such as Nuclear Bombs exist and are available to people who demonstrate willingness to use weapons of that category.

I do not weep for the arms merchants who get killed by spies in this ongoing conflict that we don’t want to face and is the reason there are spies in the first place.

 A real enemy is someone, or a group of people that are killing you, or trying to kill you and yours, it is not someone who just says bad things about you since they may change their mind and later say nice things about you if you come to an agreement out of the conflict while you are both living.

 This is one of the reasons that Free Speech ought to be a universally protected right for souls.)

 I posit that Transendia, a nation of confederated airports independent of all nations would achieve the need for the United Nations to have such an island as Andre` sees as an advancement since it would be geographically convient, and like an island everywhere, with the added vitality and economic multiplying effect of being a functioning port, not dependent on geography.

 The Blacked out Consensus Convention, and the Right and organized facilitation of the ablity of NGOs and even Individuals to Speak to the General Assembly are actions and are a System that I suspect are to be combined in a balance, but will think about herein later.

 Flying of the UN Flag ought to become more Universal at the least, and would give more souls hope.

 Russell Day/Founder of Transcendia

The Little I Do Know/Working Class Corner

I listen to NPR, and Air America.    Less and less do I watch tv.   Not even much on the History Channel has been grabbing me.

       I go to bed earlier and earlier so I am able to work at a certain standard.

       I want to be able to think clearly, and come up with clear criticisms of the events.

       I want to grasp what my story means.

       What is my story?

       What good is a past?

        What do I really know about the present?

        What am I doing right for my personal individual future, and the one that we and our children will share?

        It is a wonderful thing to go to work and come home and have love and hobbies and sometimes go on trips called vacations, and generally be safe.    Happy safe and warm.

       The erosion of the American society and its return to something more like Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle feels like what is happening, is being achieved.

        Working Class people are not being protected, or given much respect.   Working Class people are being blamed for their increasing vulnerablity on the streets or at their jobs.    Gephart might have done better if he had made more clear how he would achieve an international minimum wage.

         I wonder if his plan was better than the one I have offered.

        My plan was to have the World Bank determine domestic and international minimum wages that were adequate to pay for food shelter clothing and medical care for each person wherever they are.

        National leaders and their governments would be then given loans, measured against their policies that advanced pay to workers that  reality.

        Capitalism has the prospect of being fair only when property laws and laws both internationally and domestic are accepted as well as enforceable.

         These days it seems that the powerful are making laws that sell one set of workers after another out with the the piviot of nationalism dividing workers so well as to continue to show that divide and conquer is an effective tactic.

        It will help if an international minimum wage is determined and made generally internationally known. 

       I tell you as a working class guy I’ve been about as adaptable and had enough careers to know that if I’m not making it and am doomed to an earlier death than I really deserve, with a diminished and diminishing share of the wealth of the nation, there are people to blame and fight against besides myself.

        I made good use of my time in the Boy Scouts and the Community College.   The list of jobs I’ve had is long.    In the main I’ve worked in Aviation Services and Motion Picture production.   These were my careers.

        But I’ve had to take what was in front of me to do to make a living and it is significant that I am now working as a carpenter in much the same capacity I did when I was in my twenties.

        The competition between states, nations cities and counties all ads up and it is obvious the working classes are losing.

         There does need to be a World Government in some basic form for the protection of the integrity of work.   Chicago isn’t perfect, but I’m about more interested in the Labor Wars, than I am in the War in Iraq.

         Time for the EU and the UN to merge in my opinion so that the whole thing is a balance to China.

         And I even love the I Ching.    If I threw it on this I think it would say the same thing.

         To achieve an internationally achievable minimum wage all off book accounting has to be eliminated. 

         Well I say to hell with you Mr. Greenspan.

         I’ve had more jobs than you and you have no right to tell me I need to retrain with all the experience I’ve got.

                                                                                                         Love, Russell                       

Transcendian Titles

Founder/Russell Scott Day
Founder’s Wife & Co-Founder/Nancy Alex Day
Webmaster/Ed Hettig & Heath Hettig
Systems Administrator/Hendrick DeYoung
Treasury Accountant and Administrator of Finance/Unfilled
Flight School Chief/Unfilled
National Defense Chief/Unfilled
Legal Affairs Chief/Unfilled

Founder Job Description:
My job is to explain the vision of Transcendia, and campaign for Transcendia, and the goals of Transcendia.
I am charged with explaining where Transcendia comes from, where it is, and where it will go.
I must also discover and direct the plan for actual actualization of Transcendia as a real nation of airports and spaceports internationally recognized as a sovereign nation with certain distinct differences of law and government measured against ethical and practical beliefs systems and manners that as shared by Transcendians and Non Transcendians would be commonly safe and secure for commonly shared interests within and on Transcendian land or Territories.
Transcendia is a company, country, and work of art, and will always be so.
I must handle unfilled positions of Transcendia to the best of my ablity and fill those positions with other visionaries more capable than myself in those positions as soon as possible.
The plan now is to one way or another secure enough funds to lease territory for at least one Transcendian Airport which would be located at the very best Geographic location for Spaceport operations in the future.
The best place to build any port is by water and train tracks and highways in general but at this point Transcendia will take what it can get under the flag.
I do request that as many of you as possible buy what is available through the store for two main reasons, one being that wearing the flag will increase awareness of Transcendia, the other being this will create a Treasury for Transcendia, and money is an important tool.
Truly it is not how much money you have, but what you do with it.

Wife and Co-Founder:
Nancy Alex Day, my wife shares my vision and works on it with me with the added stress that comes from living with me.

Webmaster Ed Hettig and his Son Heath have created the cyberspace geographical location of Transcendia, and exemplify the real importance of the advance in technology as a tool for writing that enables the place.

The Systems Administrator Hendrick DeYoung fills a position that is similar or actually best described as a friend filling in the vision of the Founder’s bad eye.

The Treasury Accountant and Administrator will maintain the Bank Account and disburse money to all who either work for Transcendia, or Transcendia owes money. The Treasury Accountant will advise the Founder and Nation on the best uses of Transcendian Funds.
I offered this job to Ken Morris, but he has not agreed to take the job.

Flight School Chief will create and direct the school system which though by main name shall be called the Flight School, will offer to citizens and non citizens in pursuit of citizenship the best possible education that a human being could receive. I imagine this as a sort of combination of the Boy Scouts and Harvard.

National Defense Chief will direct the defense of the Nation, which will always be a shared responsiblity of all Transcendian Citizens who are to be armed with lethal and non lethal weapons as they desire for their personal defense and the defense of their friends, families and countrymen.
(One Goal of Transcendia will be to create an airliner that is capable of flying passengers anywhere in the world fully able of defending itself from all known weapons.)

The Chief of Legal Affairs will determine what domestic and international laws will maintain the peace and security for citizens and visitors, and advise the nation on the ethical measure of anticipated or agreed to laws.
No law is to be adhered to that is more morality based than ethically based and I say further that it is the Golden Rule that is the pivot for laws which are best, simply good manners.

Rewrite of Position Titles from rememberance of what was written the day before, and then lost and gone somewhere unknown because of a browser breakdown.
Best- Russell Scott Day

Pondering and Plans

My view is from the working class, malady and writers are working class.
The working class generally wants to work themselves out of being in the working class.
I am no different in this regard.
I have picked my work to be the invention of a nation of airports.
Actually I do not think this work, sale even as a success, diagnosis would ever make me into an aristocrat more than a working class man.
Anarchy is actually better in my mind than Democracy because people think they understand Democracy.
Of course people also think that they understand Anarchy, but Democracy is really just as complex as Anarchy.
It is striking that whenever new democracies are established they are basically derived from the Democracy of Britain, which is a Parlimentary system of Democracy.
The British system of Parlimentary Democracy has some flaws that are cured by Godwin Anarchy.
The British are to be admired for their belief in good manners, which is what makes Godwin Anarchy workable internationaly.
I want this to happen in Transcendian Airports that all vices and virtues coexist by the balance of manners which ultimately depends on the Golden Rule, which came out of the Sermon on the Mount,recognized by Daniel Schoor, as a great speech,regardless of your religion.
Every Chimpanzee feels the same way as I do about their government.
Education is the second responsibility of the Government or the Nation in Godwin Anarchistic Theory.
Defense is first.
Defend Learning and Defend Free Speech and you will be defending the same things.
Transcendia needs some land.
Love Russell
P.S. Buy a Tee Shirt or a Button to increase the Treasury assets. I have asked a ethical Real Estate Broker to come on as the Treasury Secretary. He has not agreed to take the responsiblity, so I go on knowing that I will do the best I can to pay off my ex-wife and do right by all others. Handling the money of a nation is a very important job, and I really do want the guy I asked to take it up, to take it up formally.

We Stole Your Money

I had a stock portfolio in my Union account after I had worked on a movie. Management fees ate it up and I told them to send me the money left before they took it all.
I got about a third of the money that was mine, case and am certain they would have taken it all.
There was a bank in Toronto that stole money from me. They took my fiftycents. It was in a savings account and after a few years I thought it might have been enough for a day or two.
Every gift certificate is just a donation.
So it is the Social Security system has been robbed, viagra buy | will be robbed and if you put your money in the hands of any of the designated investment managers, you will be robbed.
The United States Financial System has become very crooked unless you are rich enough to hire killers to kill crooked bankers, the same as mobsters did in Mexico for Chicago Mob Retirement accounts.
Best- Russell

Korea & Nuclear Bombs

Starving People Tell the World They Have a Nuclear Bomb, Why?
They need food.
As a sensible reaction to the revelation that North Korea has an Atomic Bomb, or a few, which could kill quite a number of us, it ought to be recognized that they need food, and food is the number one ingredient for peace.
My father was a very proud man, and that is about all he died with. I understand the importance of it as a motive for the things that an individual tribe, or nation might do.
I have a Kia.
Infact I have a Kia that was reported in the Wall Street Journal to be one of the worst cars ever made.
Still I am glad I bought the Kia since my wife likes to drive it more than she likes to drive the Honda, since the Kia is an automatic and as many women she wears shoes that make it difficult to drive a shift sort of car.
The way things are is that South Korea is making better and better cars to get food, and North Korea is making atom bombs and not asking for anything outright.
Pride is a difficulty for us all.
I am proudest when I can feed and clothe everyone I love and all that are even near me.
I wanted very much to replace the entire wardrobe of a woman I loved, and was pleased that my wife liked the suit I bought her for our anniversary.
Wars are fought over women.
One time I knocked a guy over, picked him up by his feet, looked down on him and told him I wanted to kick his head across the parking lot.
I had already lost the war and the fight was just something that had to happen.
My mother told me that it was alright and I went on with my life the best I could.
I’m not likely to be around all that much longer as far as things go, though I have told my wife to not bother to bury me for the expense and just give my body to doctors to play with.
I’m an organ donor on my drivers license.
What the announcement of today from Korea means is that they are hungry, and proud, and they need food.
If China as a Nation was interested in markets, guest labor the same as props up the US with workers from Mexico, and maintainance of the Pride of the Koreans, they would push food to North Korea, and ask the US France Germany and Israel to give up Nuclear Weapons.
Best- Russell Day

Free Speech

Free Speech is the most valuable thing and the pivot for all that is civilized and good as part of the human experience, generic and is the one thing to protect, herbal defend, therapy and fight for.
Free Speech is the only thing left in bits and pieces that gives the United States any legitimate claim to greatness, though it is beating it up because it is fractured and we may die because so many believe in being deaf and dumb.
You can buy television signals and still pay for lies that feel better than the truth.
– Russell

Transcendia Has A Store

Now Transcendia has a store on
So far I have spent about a hundred and fifty bucks on it myself buying tee shirts, recipe buttons, ed and sweatshirts with the Transcendian Flag on them.
Last time I made tee shirts with the flag on them I barely broke even due to my natural generosity, apoplectic and some debts.
If any of you Transcendians also buy clothing and whatnot, let me know if you have any complaints.
One of my big complaints lately has been the consistent misuse and abuse of Anarchy. I wrote Bush and the First Lady a couple of postcards with the Transcendian Flag on them telling them that Democracy is not the only worthy governmental system.
Godwin Anarchy puts Defense of the Nation First, Education of the populace, citizens, second, and depends on participation to one purpose for its success.
The one purpose for Transcendians is to make the Country, and keep remaking it.
The United States seems to be devolving into an Anarchy in the worst usage of the word. The American Republican Party seems to me to be attempting to turn the entire nation into Texas in the 1840s.
They seem to be having a good more success than is healthy for Americans, or anyone else in the world.
Of course the EU and the UN, in vying for control of the world and its wealth, have an interest in draining the United States of its wealth and power.
Transcendia is a very weak nation, incapable of rescuing its citizens from threats harm, and legal actions on the part of other nations and states.
Much of what Transcendia stands for is anithetical to the beliefs and goals of the current agenda of the leaders of the United States.
The endemic corruption of the United Nations is illustrated starkly, in that it has not changed as the times have changed and implemented an independently controlled army that has been despatched to an identified Genocide immediately.
Where is Israel?
This American Ally really would get a bit better treatment at the hands of their enemies and friends if they would lead more in these instances as have occured to create their nation as a reaction to these instances of Genocide.
In the meantime it would be helpful for Transcendians to buy clothing with the Flag on it, for even an anarchy needs a treasury.
Eventually I hope Transcendia will be able to sell its citizens the best in non-lethal weaponry.
I herein invite a link to companies that sell Tasers and netguns, and tell you all that you have a right and duty to defend yourselves. More than one cop has compared himself to a garbage collector, and it is true that they too often are called to simply pick up the pieces.
Every Transcendian is encouraged to carry at all times a weapon for defense of themselves their families, and the defenseless who may be near them in a hostile situation.
Money is a tool, and it is not how much you have but, what you do with it that is important.
I have indicated to my Systems Administrator that I want Transcendia to have the most perfect and powerful computer in the World, though I recognize that that is a failed idea and that the great idea is existant in the possible achievement of the goal enabled by the internet and the web since that means that in numbers the computers would add up to power if moved towards the goals of Transcendia, which are nothing less than insuring the graduation of Mankind into a Big Time Species.
Tents are the equivalent of Space Stations in Transcendian thinking. Too bad I do not yet have a Transcendian Tent available.
Please support the French UN Association and recognize that the UN is important, but needs to be changed as Andre` Lewin has recognized and laid out most clearly and sensibly.
Nations of the EU, who have achieved a comfortable level of overall educational achievement common to their citizens do have a tendency to wonder why Americans believe in things that are not supportable by evidence.
An ignorant Gorilla blundering around in the world blinded and distracted by the sting of a bee will kill some enemy, but frighten its friends enough that they will withdraw from even trying to calm it.
Please help Transendia become stronger in whatever way you think best.
Love- Russell

Imperatives about Genocide

Apparently the Security Council is so paralized by self interest and an interest in creating a judicial system that they are incapable of reacting to genocide before it is a completed event to be lamented.
I myself have never really understood why Israel does not take a leadership role.
It seems disingenious for them not to take a leadership role in these instances as Rwanda was, medicine and the Sudan is now.
In the case of Transcendian warriors I would ask them if they wanted to go and protect strangers for no other reason than they needed protection, viagra and if they did want to go I would support them in the interests of securing a safe airport in the region that all could use.
There is a line of contention in my thinking as far as the original anarchy of Transcendia is concerned.
However I do know that I am not safe, and my children are not safe, and that even Quakers were tempted to defend their children through ethical offense.