It is from this day that Nancy Alex and I have really been together

It is from this day that Nancy Alex and I have really been together and
I got her a sun hat and some mariachis, (wooden rattles) and a card. I
didn’t get her any flowers, though originally that is what I had in mind.
We were married as you know January 26th.

Our goal is to make Transcendia a real country before we die, without
causing a war. Disneyland is a better precedent than Woodstock Nation,
though I am not happy with Disney, or Touchstone for their treatment of film

Tanya Weinberger, the fine animator, told me she couldn’t stand working
for them, and the stories I have heard from crew members who have worked for them portray them as rude. My experiences with the Inspector Gadget Show haven’t led to more work with animation in my own career, so I hope to do better than Disneyland since I admire working people.

Scott Sullivan ought to have to come and and work with me. We can say
“If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.” Pretty damn easily, those of
us that work, have to work. Work in weather that threatens and hurts so
often that the days when there is beauty and comfort and camaradier honesty
gained, we are grateful and inspired.
My mother always said, “No shame in honest work.”
And I love her for that since shame is a hellish heart to have to

Interesting what the price is for getting over it.
If the Feds let these people who have robbed us all keep their Golden
Parachutes, severance packages, stolen money, to the tune that they will
never have to work; can live off the real estate holdings, bonds, stocks,
money in the bank, CDs etcetera, we ought to realize the full existent of
spiritual bankruptcy we are sharing with our so called enemies.

The limit of my ability to conform is to show up for work on time and do
it honesty, wisely, and happily, for something a bit more than the money, no
matter how far that job is from the reality of my being, career or soul.

After that I want to do what I want, think what I want, say what I
want, and eat what I want. I could go on about the pursuit of happiness.

Here on this earth, what we have in confusion and certainty, does go on
forever. Whenever I lose faith in the spirit I am wound again to the
vision that conflicts with any dismissal that “It doesn’t matter! Get
whatever you can whatever way you can, because SOUL is a made up myth.”

Sullivan Ebbers, Lay, nameless guys, or guys under the umbrellas of
dead guys have stolen the future. It was easy for them. They knew they would end up with enough money that they would never actually have to pick things up and put them down for a living.

I hate it when Carter goes out to work on building a house. He makes
himself look so pious, so GOOD. Since I can’t get him to admit that he
smuggled hashish from Afghanistan into the United States prior to Congressional approval of aid to Afghanistan, his hypocrisy, irks me no end.
What the Hell does he have to lose now!

Power comes from the Third Rail. Truth is a real power. If there is
anything that July 4th as a holiday worth anything, it is about Free Speech
for all Citizens. I think Short Wave ought to be totally unregulated
Internationally myself. It seems ridiculous that you can’t just buy and
operate a Short-wave Radio since the Internet has surpassed international
boundaries as the Short-wave might have.

It is the history of short-wave to look to as the future of the Internet
in the most depressed sort of view. The marriage of short-wave and the
Internet and a destruction world wide of Corporate Manipulation of
Communication would do Radio Shack profits enough to buck up some segment of the stock exchange.

Here in North Carolina it would help the schools if Pot was legalized,
but that moralistic Helms internal clone under another name and in another
party with the swoon factor from women, Edwards, won’t go see Carter and
Touch The Third Rail.

How long from joint to joystick ought it to be? Do they way in secret
to satisfy the UN in Holland? I tell you I’d sooner fly with a stoned
pilot, than one that was drunk. I don’t care that much if I get lost now
and then, I just don’t like being lost and trapped at the same time.

I’ll bet you this, about the only thing US troops in Afghanistan, the
young guys on the ground, find worth being there for personally, is the

If you do deep breathing exercises you will get as high as you might
doing LSD, by the way. Hashish is a shortcut to the state Corporate Leaders
are trained for in Executive Workshops.

Since I have been married I haven’t read as much. Nancy Alex and I
talk alot. Our computers in the Main Room are next to each other.

She is home now and I am tugged to talk to her.
It is our first anniversary of the spiritual private kind, so I am
going to leave you with the lick that is the Blues.
I had intended to write about us and the cat William James. But
Recommend all leaders read William James.
I am.
That and the Wall Street Journal.

God Bless,

Russell Scott Day

P.S. It is not so much American Holidays I am worried about, as Islamic
days of importance in the spiritual season they carry in their hearts. All
days are threats when you are on the road. Was not the Silk Road once what the walk around airport was? I saw Elvis and got to stand in the cockpit of a Convair 240 when I as 4 or 5. All in the same day. Airports at night used to be just like any mall parking lot, except for the planes weren’t
locked and you didn’t need a key to start them. I think it is at thirty
percent rotation you hit the igniters on a Learjet engine, but it has been
20 years since I started one.
I called someone that I think lost dotcommoney and is selling their
airport. They just reduced the price to under 400 thousand.
Nancy Alex has gotten William James to come in.

Atomic bomb war threat to Central Asia and it’s implications

Atomic bomb war threat to Central Asia and it’s implications.

Industrialization as it has turned out for the US, Russia, China France England Etcetera is ended up with the ability to kill and keep killing with atomic bombs. Like Spaceships, Atomic Bombs are the luxury weapon when you don’t have a very good army they make it better. Politicians and Generals know these realities though they are often perverted to the brink enough for us to know fearful or not that they might kill us all. A good army doesn’t need to kill everybody or women and children. Ironic that Germany is a haven for terrorists, and achievement of balance there is of interest to me. Holland’s hypocrisy over the agreements about drugs they have signed make me think they ought to resign and join Transcendia if they have integrity beyond resignation and apology. Transcendia needs some sort of army that if cowardly and mismanaged will at least be armed.

When I was most likely to be murdered I just acted crazy. Somehow I am still alive. I think it is because no one regular is actually sure what I might do. And I am not necessarily weak.

In the United Nations Arsenal there ought to be a weapon of mass sleep inducement. A non lethal weapon that would put a region to sleep for a bit is called for.

It is not acceptable for Pakistan and India to use Atomic Bombs, though I can see why they might want to.

The APOCALYPTIC RIOT is closer than I want to admit. Making a speech is not my favorite thing though I now challenge John Edwards the Senator to a debate as to whether pot should be internationally legal or not. My first question being how long between smoking a joint of known THC content and flying a plane of known demands ought to be legal. I want an answer from a Doctor in Holland that gives Flight Physicals to start with. Then I want to have Mister Edwards tell me why Viagria is Legal and Pot isn’t.

I was taking Wellbutrin for a few weeks and it was a bigger problem than pot I’ve smoked. It reminded me of Psyclicibin, (a mushroom drug I took when I was l7 that caused alot of enjoyable but dangerous forgetting.) Three days at least after that before I would think myself right to fly.

Psyclicibin was the only drug I ever took that helped me enjoy bitter 40 mile and hour cold.

There is no drug that would make me happy with atomic war, the Apocalyptic Riot.

I’m the best political poet around these days.

Spaceships are a growth industry for international economic engine. A good spaceship runs on Hydrogen and light like all of us ought to be going from Moon and Mars mining. What food we eat or drugs we do to enable us to do these things are stupid to prohibit. God himself gets to breath without an addiction except love and truth.

I’m not God, but I’m as much his son and daughter as he wants. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.

I’m not ready but I’ll do it.


I heard that they were going to talk
about what to do about Africa in
some out of the way place in Canada.

I heard that they were going to talk about what to do about Africa in
some out of the way place in Canada.

What I would be suggesting is that African nations on the Equator were
made safe for rocket launching pads as part of their advantages all around.

Someone ought to ask sailors what to do about Africa, and pay attention.

But the fact is that any nation on the equator is desirable real estate
for abandoning real estate per se because it takes less energy to launch a
rocket from the equator if you launch it with the spin of the planet.

This is important because so many people are starving as it is and the
only salvation in the real world that is nothing but a promise we would like
to believe in because otherwise there isn’t enough hope to justify not
killing everybody else, is the salvation of science used wisely for
transformational products that help all live.

When we can build and launch a Boeing to Mars from Africa things will
have improved enough to the point of making insurance companies obsolete.

Some risks are worth the whole bundle.


My Back Hurts and I have a Headache

My Back Hurts and I have a Headache and I refused to pay the bill to Time Warner because I might die before I get to watch their TV programs and the President Tom Baxter hasn’t called.

I’ve been thinking what a fortune I could make off the to code satellite tower I could make with my friend Bill to fill the niche of the loophole that confronts law abiding television watchers who are in the shadows and evening owning their condos have to buy cable unless they want to fight with all their neighbors who have the power to bother them.

Seems to me as if I am subsidizing the world. Real estate to Japan is Healthcare to the United States, and France and Holland seem to at least think a doctor ought to be coming around when you are sick.

We all had a nice time last night but Pam made me say that the thieves that stole the money in l929 were like the thieves today.

I told her daughter that Jesus came back as a clone and lots of people believe in things that aren’t true.

Nancy Alex said that it was okay for me to interfere with the commercialization of youth by saying such things. She says that thinking imaginatively and creatively is something children ought to be given permission to do.

There is someway to understand the story of humanity if you have humor and imagination. Physicists tell us that the universe will get colder and colder.

I have a terrible headache.

I want to know what Larry McMurtry thinks about all the wars. I want to know what Larry thinks of William James. I want to know if the President has read Larry McMurtry books, and what he learned from them.

As far as the death penalty, I do not think it is ethical to kill those who are defenseless. In a strong way the executions confirm the right of the murderer to murder in their own interests no matter how stupid they may be.

A cat jumped into our car last night and came home with us. We have named it William James though we would be happy to give it back to whomever it came from since we have 7 cats.

Ask for United Nations Television from your TV provider.
I’m signing off now.
I have a terrible headache


Time Warner is wasting my time

Time Warner is wasting my time and IF I haVE TO BUILD A TOWER ON THE DECK TO GET SATELLITE. iT HARDLY RAINS OR SNOWS HERE ANYMORE AND WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF WATER ALL OVER. in nORTH cAROLINA I USED TO DEPEND ON RAIN EVERY FIVE DAYS. Ports make noise in the landlocked areas. Idiots want too quiet towns.

I’d never make a good Quaker.

I love the Quakers. The Society of Friends and the Episcopalians are my favorites combined with the Confusion Chingist and William James sort of thinking. What William James Thought of Grant is to be found out, but I want to know.

I’m big in China. Transcendia is apparently known in China, and I am very happy about that and Nancy Alex and I are going to send video and whatever else to someone in China next time we get to it.

The guy that was writing from Africa seemed to have a scam going on. If he orders a T Shirt, I’ll think about it.

Fuck movies for the blind exists and Nancy Alex gave a copy of this 53 minute thing we made to a friend of hers. I was shocked but then I remembered why I married her. She was doing things before I met her.

Lynn Costintini who is the Vice President of Programing at Time Warner Cable in Stamford Connecticut didn’t call me back about United Nations Television and they cut off my cable today. If Tom Baxter doesn’t call me and adjust my bill, I’m getting satellite.

To get a satellite I will have to build a tower on the deck.

The Condo Authority can force me to do that, go to such extreme measures because there is a loophole in Federal Law that has something to do with how women as a general rule don’t like to look at anything that is a permanent tool stuck there.

We are in a satellite shadow.

Our roof is common area and the Condo people have a codicil that says we can’t put a satellite dish on the roof that is Federally OK. In my world this is patently unfair and probably a violation of my first amendment rights since the people on the other side of the condo building can just put the dish on their deck or window rail since that is not a common area.

Now the next common area that might take my dish is too far away to provide proper signal because if line lose according to the technician. So if I don’t want to talk to anymore petty tyrant feminine esthetically manipulated wimps, if I want a satellite feed to my TV, I have to build or buy a radio tower for or on the deck which we have control of.

What is the lesson here?

Technology might change and leave you in the wrong place.

People who live according to the laws, subsidize those that don’t, or are give an advantage unfairly since if I want good TV on my side of the building I am forced to pay twice as much as the people on the otherside of the building since I haven’t built a tower yet.

On top of all of my problems with getting a television signal is that Time Warner wants me to pay for a signal that I may die before I get. Why the hell should I pay them a month in advance when I might die tomorrow is beyond me and I just will not do it.

The intellectual landscape that I perceive from my conversations with people at Time Warner about my a bill and whatever problems I’ve had with them have convinced me that if the President Tom Baxter doesn’t call me and adjust my bill and change the getgo debt, I will get their cable out of my house and build a tower.

I live in North Carolina where they tax papers from New York.

Russell Scott Day

Russell Scott Day
I’ve been fighting about the television service here at the house on the cable and about satellite here for months.

Passport Application Notes

Transcendian Passport Application/notes as of 3/15/02 

Download and print here:

Word File

Rich Text File

Transcendia, the company, country and work of art.

The country of airports and spaceports internationally operating in a neutral way to facalitate compassionate capitalism.

Transcendians undertake creating a nation without conducting a war.

(The only near precedent is Disneyland.)

Refer to Transcendian Letters published in, and at for writings of the Founder. The text of the passport is printed somewhere in filings at

As of this date is under construction. Soon such items as the Transendian Flags, and the Passport, and maybe caps with Transcendian insignia will be for sale.

Since it was Mickey Mouse that enabled the Creation of Disneyland, the Founder of Transcendia finds it is some his duty to be a bit of a clown himself. Honest people are often considered fools in this world.

But the Passport of Transcendia is a serious document, a lesson of the flag…once the flag was created in a cloth reality, Transcendia took on a life of its own beyond its creator. Transcendia has been under development since l980.

Prior to now the successes of Transcendia have been only slightly famous in the world. Most notable was the Model Rocket Message Program, a bit of Pro Active Civil Demonstration that was fun, and reported in Harvetz by Beni Avini during the Gulf War.

Pilots and Persons who put messages in and on Transcendian Model Rockets have a veteran point up on acceptance into Transendia, issuance of a Transcendian Passport.

As there is no Transcendian Army, and its anarchy then is dependent on the interactions and unity of its volunteer citizens, listment of friends that could be called by Transcendia to help another citizen may be important.

It will be internationally assumed that Transcendia Pilots are Gentlemen and Gentlewomen. Maintainance of the Civilization that early and often characterized the airport culture is part of what Transcendians are dedicated to. My personal experiences at places like Atlantic Aero are from where I testify of a certain beauty of culture that exists and existed and ought not be inhibited, but expanded to more and more of the world citizens. I have tried to create a sort of government that makes sense for pilots. I could characterize it as politely anarchistic, or of Godwin Anarchy. (Godwin anarchy emphasizes the importance of education to create self directed or the inner lit.) Some of us know that it is not wise to believe in anything too much. In my own spiritual quest I have come to use the Bible and the I Ching because through the use of these two books I can believe in One God with many truths.

I choose to believe in what I believe because it leads me in one direction in a world of many. It is sort of like how I have worked in Aviation and Motion picture. The balance of the technical and theoretical in mind and experience and skill is an aspect of art. It is not all of art, but a part of the art of living.

We want it to be known that Transcendians know how to live well. Not as Revenge, but as Duty. I am not a great pilot myself, so I do hope that as time goes by my Transcendian Passport will be good with Pilots for a seat on their plane.

But I could see a time when presentation of a Transcendian Passport will mean something unique in the world.

Transcendian Passport Application Transcendia, the company, country and work of art.The country of airports and spaceports internationally operating in a neutral way to facalitate compassionate capitalism.Transcendians undertake creating a nation without conducting a war. (The only near precedent is Disneyland.) Refer to Transcendian Letters published in, and at for writings of the Founder. The text of the passport is printed somewhere in filings at of this date is under construction. Soon such items as the Transendian Flags, and the Passport, and maybe caps with Transcendian insignia will be for sale.Since it was Mickey Mouse that enabled the Creation of Disneyland, the Founder of Transcendia finds it is some his duty to be a bit of a clown himself. Honest people are often considered fools in this world.But the Passport of Transcendia is a serious document, a lesson of the flag…once the flag was created in a cloth reality, Transcendia took on a life of its own beyond its creator. Transcendia has been under development since l980.Prior to now the successes of Transcendia have been only slightly famous in the world. Most notable was the Model Rocket Message Program, a bit of Pro Active Civil Demonstration that was fun, and reported in Harvetz by Beni Avini during the Gulf War.Pilots and Persons who put messages in and on Transcendian Model Rockets have a veteran point up on acceptance into Transendia, issuance of a Transcendian Passport.As there is no Transcendian Army, and its anarchy then is dependent on the interactions and unity of its volunteer citizens, listment of friends that could be called by Transcendia to help another citizen may be important.It will be internationally assumed that Transcendia Pilots are Gentlemen and Gentlewomen. Maintainance of the Civilization that early and often characterized the airport culture is part of what Transcendians are dedicated to. My personal experiences at places like Atlantic Aero are from where I testify of a certain beauty of culture that exists and existed and ought not be inhibited, but expanded to more and more of the world citizens. I have tried to create a sort of government that makes sense for pilots. I could characterize it as politely anarchistic, or of Godwin Anarchy. (Godwin anarchy emphasizes the importance of education to create self directed or the inner lit.) Some of us know that it is not wise to believe in anything too much. In my own spiritual quest I have come to use the Bible and the I Ching because through the use of these two books I can believe in One God with many truths.I choose to believe in what I believe because it leads me in one direction in a world of many. It is sort of like how I have worked in Aviation and Motion picture. The balance of the technical and theoretical in mind and experience and skill is an aspect of art. It is not all of art, but a part of the art of living.We want it to be known that Transcendians know how to live well. Not as Revenge, but as Duty. I am not a great pilot myself, so I do hope that as time goes by my Transcendian Passport will be good with Pilots for a seat on their plane. But I could see a time when presentation of a Transcendian Passport will mean something unique in the world.

Application Response

I will get back to you.

Submission of a authenticated photo at that time is recommended.

Corporate or Notary Seals are the thing. I have had to accept that the cost of the Transcendian Passport will be higher for people I don’t know.

In other words if you are a stranger the cost will be $80, and $50 for people I know. If you happen to have lived in Rochdale College, you will also have a leg up on citizenship in Transcendia.

You may print out and create your own copy of a Transcendian Passport from the writings in The, and or on, send what you have printed out with the appropriate check or money order, and I may possibly seal and sign it. The cost for that would be 40 dollars.

You may send money with earmarks for certain Transcendian Programs as well. Programs that I want to further are as followed:

– Virtual Reality War Movie with comfortable 3D Glasses for either theater or videobox.

– Civilian and Military Seaplane Production.

– The United Nations Television Channel presenting United Nations Television and Transcendian Productions like Stage Poetry Company at Transcendia, The Big Story from United Nations National Leaders Perspective.

– Unspun and Uncensored. International Debate at its most Important.

– Solar System Colonization through Terraformation of Venus and Mars, the Ethical Expansionist Imperative of the Global Market.

– The Transcendian and United Nations "Planet Defense System".

-A gestalt system of defense against manmade catastrophic weapons as well as Asteroid, Comet and other Universal Threats to the existence of Mankind in general.

– The Transcendian Flight Schools.

– The Transcendian Library and the Satellite linked learning device for distribution as a counter to the illness of ignorance.

Russell Scott Day

My main goal is to create a country of airports and spaceports

Main Life Goal

by Russell Scott Day

My main goal is to create a country of airports and spaceports without having a war, but only acknowledging the conflict with the situation shared that is like a war but where the enemy is like God.

The God that actually exists from the evidence which is the real world would not actually appear to exist if God existed to keep us from suffering.

Jesus says that God will forgive us for our sins, and we are Gods when we forgive God for our suffering which any all powerful Parent would save us from.

And how could any Great God save us from suffering but to fill our minds with wisdom and wash our bodies with pleasure? Even a suffering brain and a body washed in pleasure would do for most people most of the time.

Why have I gone crazy? Was your question Ted.

I have gone crazy because so many people are doing things that are medieval, which is one way for me to say stupid, or plain evil. There are so many self righteous power fuckheads greed driven and confident because they have a good suit walking around with license to send us to hell before we have nature put us there, that I have gone crazy.

My friend Chuck Timberlake said once that I was so sane that most people mistook it, and that I wouldn’t be appreciated till I was dead.

I’ve never been comfortable with saying, "Follow me." Like Jesus or Hitler or The Pied Piper, and have thought enough about it to say follow the right idea I have, put some thought into the reality that we all know to follow the right idea which is a idea that says that to live forever might happen, but it is not in evidence for me and is only a hoped for shared legacy of bodies to outnumber insects in a universe if humans do what they have the real capacity for and insects actually don’t.

Or in otherwords if the multicentric power balance is not obviated by a clear thinking United Nations with more power than the United Nations soon, our children will die.

So support United Nations Television on your TV, at the very least.


“Beyond Seventy”

Russell –

I’m sending you three. The first, “Beyond Seventy”, is obvious.

The second, “Rainy Day in the Library”, recalls one All Saints’ Day when I was in the Southport Library and became aware of the books around me, recalling Hebrews 12 – “Seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses”.

The third,” Erato Oversleeps Again”, refers(as you probably know) to the muse of lyric poetry, and to Deucalion, the Greek parallel to Noah. He and his wife Pyorrhea were forewarned by Zeus of his impending deluge, and made a watertight chest in which they enclosed themselves. Afterwards, instructed by the Delphic Oracle, they gathered stones and cast them over their backs.

His stones became men, hers women, and humanity was given a fresh start. Hope you enjoy them.


Dear Tom,

Thank you for sending the three poems. It is Beyond Seventy that I
like the best, consider the strongest. I sent them on to Ed, I think.

Something about your transmission by attachment caused two or three computer crashes however. Possibly if you could load and send them without the attachment mode it would eliminate a crash here. The crash happened when I tried to transmit the poems to Ed though, so it may be that as long as you send them to him by cc, everything will work out. I did not see Ed’s
address in the cc box. His address again is

I look forward to seeing the poems in the website. I would like it if
you sent Ed a bit of an autobiography introducing yourself to readers.
I used to say partly in jest, that wisdom is no compensation for youth
is something the poem reminds me of. When I think of it further I think
that you almost don’t get old if you’re not wise in the first place.

At any rate I am very pleased with the fact that the poem causes me to think
about the changing state of ourselves, and the nature of it.


A less frequent filing.

A less frequent filing.

We all have rhythms and then for me right now there is not that much
more that I have to say. The Drug war and the Oil war and the theocratic
underlayment of cultures and myths all manipulated through mass media’s
controlled by staffs hired and tolerated or fired or not hired in some sop or
syncopated confluence of appearance and spin never too far from the agenda
if part of the in-crowd that talks about it, but hasn’t money enough to put
any agenda other up, and when they do get the money all they do with it is
buy cars and stereos and rent overpriced apartments in Seattle and San
Francisco from baby boomers who want so much rent because they don’t like
working that Japan looks like the future. Everything is Fine!

Let’s cut taxes and go to war!

Let’s declare war on no nation but just Terror, Let’s have a war on

I myself have enemies that I prefer to name since emotions are so much a
shared enemy of feeling good. Next time I get threatened by a gun toting
crack head I’m going to ask what his name is since I would have liked to
have shot the last guy individually.

What is my agenda?

Membership in the United Nations and conversion of the Peace Keeping
Force to an international Airport Security Force for Transcendia with
uniform security in all airport. Security that does not interfere with
Human Rights is my goal which means that the Two Front War of a War on Drugs and a War on Terror are not the same thing since the Drug War is a Lever War justifying Corporate Facisism which still doesn’t put the money in the right places for even their own children as time runs out for us all.

United Nations Television, so I could have a job producing the Big Shot
Story, or Big Story Little Guy, Bigshot Guy rants.

And then my program is Space Travel and Submarines.

The Transcendian T Shirt is now 32 dollars. Order one.


Low and Know, Etc

Low and Know, Etc.

Went to Randalman and worked on an interview with Richard Petty about Prostate Cancer.

My brother said a good while ago, “If you live long
enough you have trouble with your prostate.” Richard Petty did and he had it cut out. “Just another day in the life of Richard Petty.”

He had a firm handshake was logical and direct and never took off his hat or sunglasses. I don’t know how he can see. If I was wearing glasses that dark inside I couldn’t see enough to be secure about not running into things, or be able to read.

Sorry to hear you are low.

I got plain last night which was a day after a good day, like AVB, or Afer Vactation Blues, but this was about working at something I good at and for whom the balance of learning and working is better. Not a vacation over depression, but a work over depression since then back to other work that is not anything but.

Spending time with assholes is a drain. It is the relief I have even in work that I am not in control of since the guys I work with are pretty good company.

Otherwise the airport is being closed in Chapel Hill, and the guy I know on the Board in Carrboro doesn’t want to loan me money to put an airport in Carrboro, like they did for someone to open a bar. These counties around here want to broaden their tax base so a loan to open a bar is more attractive than one to put in an airport!

We were depressed around here yesterday.

Today I got a tape player. The project is to be able to make CDs with a CD burner from all the tapes I made. It’s been moving along in an equipment collection and repair in stages.

Wellbutrin only screws with my memory like Psycilocybin, and I want valuim for a weekend at least. An hour and a half the day I was supposed to be able to quit and I was seriously cursing on the job. 4 hours on the followng Saturday and I was angry at Nancy Alex for teasing that she had thrown the cigarettes away.

I want another doctor for this disease.

Vivid dreams though on this supposedly anti smoking drug. Far as I can tell that’s all it’s good for since the times so far I’ve tried not to smoke, which is what it’s supposed to be good for, I might as well have been going cold turkey.

If you can come over this way on a Friday, let us know.
