I’m doing some site tests. Can’t get photos or movies up.
Damn I need some money to fix some of these problems.
Otherwise the April Fools Day Speech is on my mind.
Otherwise tomorrow will be better, slightly.
I’m doing some site tests. Can’t get photos or movies up.
Damn I need some money to fix some of these problems.
Otherwise the April Fools Day Speech is on my mind.
Otherwise tomorrow will be better, slightly.
Working Class Corner/Budget
I worked up a budget of what it might well take in US dollars to assemble three shipping containers into a Block, erectile or Neighborhood Center in Port-au-Prince.
It came to something like 250 thousand dollars.
Transcendia.org/Founders Vision
The events in Haiti have pushed me to think hard and practically about Transcendia as a more powerful thing.
All my prior concepts and theories are in my face.
Do them, or don’t really do them?
Where will the money come from?
Donations sure haven’t worked out.
The tattoo transfer thing hasn’t produced.
Links haven’t paid.
Ad revenue doesn’t exist.
The clothing with the flag on it available hasn’t sold.
My screenplay and tv series hasn’t sold.
I’d like to get some cash flow so as to not be a beggar.
There are tools I like, and things I feel are worth having that I’d like to sell on the site.
Eth Ad was a name I made up for an advertising marketing company pledged to only sell working useful things.
There is a War going on I need some money to fight.
It is a secret war.
Mind Game Time Spend Structure.
A Satisfying Blend of Work and play and Entertainment.
Such a place, onestop cyberlife.
Life of the Mind, some Paying work, Public Service, some music and a movie.
Hey, some Erotica, and some art too!
Adults around here.
Working Class Corner/Oh Well
Over the past decade I started to take myself more and more seriously. There had been a flaw in my thinking for a long time that my studies corrected.
Of course at the juncture of the corrections to my thinking flaws, I got older, and more physically diminished.
According to my studies I need now speed.
Otherwise I may need the help of younger people, who do not need speed.
Food is good.
I myself don’t eat much, and can be weird about it.
Nobody complains that much about the eating schedules of snakes.
I’m hungry this month, think I’ll eat a rat, and take a nap.
Can I have some Viagra please? Just put it on the pillow.
Oh well.
Think I’ll save Haiti.
Can we buy Haiti?
No, you cannot buy countries.
Okay, Okay, What would it cost to Lease Haiti?
How much is Haiti worth?
Who bought Louisana and why?
Oh well.
Can I buy the end of the road?
Would be fun to found a town with the name: End of The Road.
Working Class Corner/Power
I am a power. I have a name.
I write and make one or two phone calls a day.
Just because you are some young pretty girl, does not mean I won’t get sharp with you, if you waste my time.
They report in the papers and in magazines that the government is broken.
I don’t believe it and act as if my phone call, or my letter is as important as anybody elses.
Girls answer the phone and want to know my status.
I don’t need any fucking status!
Well, maybe I do…
Anyway the way things are going I feel like Haiti is some sort of winding sinkhole illustrating everything that is wrong with the way the world is run.
When I was in High School my friend had a saying that was, "Don’t let the Bastards grind you down."
They do work at it. All they have to do is stall and stall, and say talk to somebody else.
They grind you down, waste your time. Basically they kill people by default using little Barbi dolls as gatekeepers who protect their minds from thoughts and thinking not on a list given to them by pirates of the soul.
Time Congressman Price went out the door. Apparently even he is a lost cause.
The women that answer his phones in Durham and Washington are insulting, and deserve the insults of my reaction to their gatekeeping and demands for a title I don’t really need to provide them.
The woman in Raleigh is suffering in a mismasia of surprised dysfunction I feel.
Its not like NC isn’t a powerful place, and a State of some standing.
I am ashamed of how I am treated on the phone by the girls of Congressman Prices offices. I thought better of him than evidence is producing.
While I am now working on the new business of the threat to Western Hemisphere stability and reputation, my concerns locally are dismissed as too much to focus on.
I am not a one trick pony.
I have worked locally and beyond my house and home, and see that in fact, the powers by name individually, or by organizational logo and bank account are as it has been reported, useless for more than wasted time for a trust long lost to a truth that even the best are now blind to.
My role as a rebel, and seditionist is confirmed as better than my role as an individual, and my voice shall be known as enough and more than those who have betrayed their ideals when knowing that hell is that, even when surrounded by chrome.
People in Haiti
There are people in Haiti now I would like to get together.
Sean Penn, recipe James Kennedy, viagra and Mickey Ingles.
Mr. Penn is apparently there as an independent NGO in his own right, medic or world. Mr. Kennedy is the Mayor of Rahway New Jersey and there with Mr. Ingles on a mission to install a water purification machine Rahway bought to give to Haitians in Bon Repos Haiti.
To get around eminent domain that Penn recommends, I recommend land swaps.
Attorneys needed.
Working Class Corner, CIA in Haiti
Actually it was reported to me that there is not a single CIA agent in Haiti, for it is thought not to be of any account.
I can see why this sort of attitude towards the place might exist, but think it might not be a good idea to not have at least one Intelligence officer there.
It’s not like the US isn’t spending money on Haiti, and that US personnel aren’t there doing work of one sort or another.
I have suspicions about the smuggling networks and how they might use Haiti, or have used Haiti for not everybody is poor there. The majority is poor.
Something I read on CIA Factbook, or somewhere said that Columbian smugglers used Haitian banks to launder money somehow. I’m not to the bottom of this.
Still you would think that the US intelligence services would have at least one human agent in every country of the world. Hell that would only mean at least a 190 agents right? Considering the type of wars and conflicts the US is involved in, and the hundreds of thousands of troops thrown around, you would think it was a no brainer to deploy a correct number of spies?
These days I suppose they outsource the dangerous work to journalists who over the past decade have been getting killed quite often.
Shipping Container Housing and Shelter for Haiti,
Has been pretty much what I’ve been working on.
So far we have discovered that converting shipping containers into homes is a fairly mature industry.
They as they have been are about to become obsolete for folding shipping containers that make back shipping economical, have come on the market.
In the meantime Haiti has had another disaster, and even there there already a good number of shipping containers at the port.
Within two to three months Haiti will start to experience weather that will make tents pretty lousy.
Hence we have determined that shipping containers that are very strong be used in conjunction with the tents.
We are suggesting that they be sent out of the port inland either modified, or unmodified.
We are suggesting 3 crews be paid and directed by the UN to accomplish this.
Headquarters for this operation are suggested to be at the port.
The crews are to be Foundation Prep, Modification, and Transport.
For a full overview of the options, look at CR4, sponsored by Globalspec.com, and go to the Shipping Container Housing tread through the CR4 box on the homepage right labeled Search all of CR4.
This is a report on my website of work I have been doing on another.
Working Class Corner/ Transcendia Past Present & Future
Well, we got some advertising put on here. I am of course now pushed to make advertising here of benefit to my advertisers. Categories of Tools, and Jewels, and Land were first of Transcendian focus. Then it was on the postcards Food, Drugs, and Tools.
Only 2000 of the postcards were ever issued. There were 4 titles. My biggest seller was a Portrait of Winnie. Winne was a pig. We eventually ate Winnie. Next best seller was Girl, Dog, Truck, or Success, since success is having a girl and a dog and a truck.
If you ever see one of these Transcendian Issue Postcards, they are rare. My brother actually met someone for the first time, and at their home on their refrigerator, was my poem Anonymous, that was one of the four postcards.
The postcard business is about as viable a money maker as sealing wax these days. I did discover that you needed a line of 12, racks, and distribution. I still love postcards, but usually anymore I just make one offs, and send them out.
Typically if I am actually writing to a politician I will use a postcard, sometimes of right large size, since they do not have to be opened.
Due to my Transcendian economic theory upon which to base the wealth of the nation, I am very interested in founding a Transcendian Insurance Company. Otherwise it is not out of the question for Transendia to ally with an existing insurance company to offer an ideal Transcendian Insurance Policy.
New York Life didn’t hire me years ago, and my wife divorced me partly over that, so it is ironic that I have turned to see Insurance as pivotal to the economic reality of Transcendia.
My ideal policy would be awarded at birth, and include attorneys and accountants on retainer from the get go. It would require pay in starting at entry into the world of paying work depending on factors of education, and ambition, in general terms.
Goal is to give labor equality with capital.
Other sources of income or leverage for Transcendia would be taxes on transactions at the ports of Transcendia, which is a Free Trade Zone precept.
Ideologically Transcendia is anarchistic in that according to my theory not all can be legislated, and that good manners are better held by all, than imposed ways of acting. In fact public monies are best spent on education so that no citizens are without skills to the point where crime is their only option.
Only Defense of the Nation, and Education really are the twin responsiblities of any government, though both responsiblities must be paid for somehow.
Fair laws and fair taxes and the usefulness of the nation to those that join up, and become Transcendian Citizens is going to take some work.
What needs to be accomplished is a clear and ready way to join Transcendia, and know that the passport will be honored, and that in your travels, should events turn against you, a call will produce at least as much aid as you get from a non profit like the American Automobile Association, if not more.
Working Class Corner/Drug War Losers
While many well meaning people and organizations have been attempting to provide aid of all sorts to Haiti, I turn to thinking of how it represents the ultimate loser in the Drug War.
I pick up only bits and pieces of hard information, and can only say so much, for I have not visited Haiti.
I’ve read of the econmics of Haiti that are above ground, and not much really for them to sell.
While legalized pot as a trade export produced like coffee, or textiles would not fix everything wrong with Haiti, it would likely help.
In the case of Mexico, it is the same really, though Mexico at least has a stronger overall economic foundation.
The thousands and thousands of words written and published for years and years about the futility of the Drug War, and all of its destructive effects to US society have done nothing at all really to change the status quo.
Sometimes those in Power say they are winning the drug war, and then others say it is lost. Overall it has been, and will likely continue to be a permanent war, where essentially everybody is a loser.
I imagine declaring pot legal on my airports, or wherever Transcendian real land holdings and control ever might be, as a strategy for fighting the Drug War and see every sort of problem with that consequent to any real war.
According to original Transcendian theory it would operate as a Guest Nation internationally present with its own unique laws, and given control of its land holdings through binding lease agreements with host countries.
This part of Transcendian theory, as possible, is based on the precedent of Hong Kong. The other two primary influences on Transcendian theory are Disneyland, and Pan Am.
My experiences inside Rochdale College back in the 70s are significant. Rochdale did legalize hallucenigenic drugs within the college building. I did work Security there, and am aware of issues of Security, and Law, and Corruption that are serious, and deadly sometimes.
There is a difference between categories and classes of drugs that is hard as hell to address, for what I saw was that while hallucenigenics were of little threat to the peace, there were motivations for drug dealers to deal along with pot and hashish, and LSD, and the drugs of that sort, coke for sure.
So it does turn out that holding the line, is tough. To tell the truth not even I want to see Crack legal. Some of these speed type drugs are so lousy they as well ought not be available as simply bad products.
So the irony turns out that even in Transcendia, the Drug War would be continued.
Still there is no perfect world. You simply can only make it better.
Studidity cannot be elimanited.
Only moderated.
War is permanent.
Just want to keep it at as low a level of intensity as possible.
Drug War now is really out of hand, and it would do the entire world good if drug smugglers, and weapons smugglers were caused to be separated as a basic practical matter. I’m sure enough not the only one to recognize this fact, but suspect that some suitcase bomb will go off in Manhattan before the Drug War is moderated.
I also suspect that Haiti will long continue to be the greatest loser of the Western Hemisphere in a permanent war based on criminalizing poverty, and perpetuating hypocrisy, and corruption out of habit.