Science & No Science

All the experiments have been done and we can build on them or dismiss them and die.
We are dependent on writing in all its forms more than we were on sculpture, herbal which was a mythmaker.
The Flag has replaced the sculpture a bit.
Balance is possible as the comets come near.
Prayer is a good thing to do even to the imaginary God, pharmacy levitra. as long as that God is not human.
Accept that your mother will die even if you die before she does.
MotherEarth will never die.
Women never die.
Only the girls you loved when you were short, die.
They die in car crashes.
All the experiments have been done without our permission.
God was the experimenter, the scientist.
If we want to notice the outcome there have been reports of simple lessons.
What you need is food.
What you need is shelter.
Clothes are shelter and food is food.
The boat was a car
and a car is what we are.


A variety of foods is sensible as a way to aquire immunities since everything is potentially contaminated with a rider of poison just the same as the pleasures of sex which is a compulsion proved by the perversions of the Catholic Priests who turn to the innocent for secrecy about the truth of the needs of the man and woman in bodies that love and lust and obey like children, authority, in a circular madness.
Innocence is a fine thing to share with the innocent if you are innocent.
Truly it is a transgression for the adult to abrograte the innocence of a child.
In the past I have said that I would be more gentle in my view of the Vatican if they were involved in a SpaceShip and SpaceStation building project.
Otherwise I think they ought to get cockroaches into the Church to pray.
Really it would the sensible for Catholisim to genetically engineer cockroach Vaticanonauts with the brains of the Pope.
How could I think such things on Easter?
I am perpetually depressed.
It is a low grade depression that I only use common working class substances to allievate.
Cats and dogs and children consume the best of me. I like to watch them play, and am pleased at my successes in toys I have put in the house.
I think it would be nice if the Pope told his men friends that women were equals to love before he dies.
I think that there is a spiritual equality between women and men that is possible to resolve as much as it has been possible for mankind to make an alphabet that big bugs visiting this soon to be a dead rock, will understand.

General Report for Students


General Report

dated March 19 2005

I wrote a great speech last week about Transcendian idealism and pragmatism in the current and future world, herbal and how students in high schools and colleges internationally are going to determine the reality of Transcendia.

That Speech somehow got lost in cyberspace.

I like to write online, search because I like the way it feels because it feels different than writing offline.

Sometimes I write too long and hit the wrong button, or just something, and what I have done that was better than anything I ever did or said, gets lost, goes away.

A reconstruction of my great speech that got lost, is that it is obvious that if humanity wants to survive, the practical insurance of that is dependent on Space Stations and Space Elevators, and that land at the Equator, and specifically in Ecuador has become an aim of Transcendia to Lease as soon as possible.

I said that donations would be used towards that aim.

I said that buying Transcendian Flag buttons was tantamount to a donation.

I mentioned that Space Elevators made living in outer space much more attractive than it is right now.

I was remembering that Astronauts on the Space Station were told not to eat so much at the beginning of the year.

Food is the number one ingredient for peace and I imagined stranded astronauts eating each other as a horror.

It was a great speech.

 But it got lost.

Guns Germs & Steel

Book Report
Guns Germs and Steel was brought home from the Library for me to read by my wife. My wife Nancy Alex does know by now what I need to know, apoplectic and what I like to read.
I like to think of History as a Science and see that it is possible to combine them as much as biology and chemistry are becoming combined these days.
The current state of Transcendia as a small tribe was delineated by the facts of human organizations as explained in the book.
My personal purpose for creating Transcendia was to prevent apocalyptic riot, salve or war, and apocalyptic riot is the modern form of war most threating as it was a threat that facilitated World War I.
The multipolar power balance is again installed with the new skew replicating the realities not because of backwardness, but because of the pressures of population.
Maintainence of the status quo, as it relates to the Bi Polar Power balance that worked during the early Nuclear Bomb Age would have only been a reality if Russia had become a State within the United States at the end of the Cold War.
If Russia had become a State of the United States the United Nations operational procedures would not require as much change for the Bi Polar Power Balance would have come to exist between the West and the East in a similar fashion as during the Cold War, in relation to China.
So,we now live in a time when political sciences applied due to the understanding of events in the past, as if they were experiments, is possible.
That means that according to the science of history, Transcendians must aim to secure the East West Equatorial regions because it turns out that control of these areas will insure the survival of the species, not because they are hospitable, but because they are best suited to the greatest machines we have made, or could make.
It has come to pass that food has become dependent on machines and they offer physical salvation pro-actively in conflict with an environment that is the real shared enemy of all of mankind and equivalent to the alien threat.
Transcendians do need to recognize that there does need to exist a universal federal entity that enforces international laws.
That invention up for reinvention is the United Nations.
Until the United Nations takes up the forcible elimanation of all weapons of mass destruction, such as Nuclear Weapons, we are insured of eventual violations of international law such as the aggressive use of nuclear weapons.
So it turns out that the United Nations must become an armed Umpire, and that Transcendia needs to ignore distractions and aim towards pragmatic scientific institution of principles gained by experience and unregulated experiments if it is to overcome the persistent belief that the rock we stand on is stable.


The Attack of September llth 2001 was primarily on New York City and Washington DC.
As a Pro Active Civil Demonstration it would devastate Fundamentalist Muslims if all of the Police of Bagdad where exchanged for all of the Police of New York City.
Further it would devastate Fundamentalists of Islam if the Army defending Washington DC was hired in Iraq.
I wonder if Iraq is actually interested in hiring Blackwater Security, bronchi or agents recommended by Halliburtion.
The Taxi Drivers in Manhattan come from about everywhere, view and when I was going through my divorce I drove a cab in Rochester New York.
When my number in the Draft Lottery was to come up I was in Toronto in Rochdale College working as Security and putting out a newspaper every week called Ghetto News.
I quit doing acid after I hijacked a guy in the Toronto Suburbs and convinced him to drive me to within three blocks of Rochdale College.
I would love to hear his recount of the event.
I told him he was my friend for life as I got out of his car.
LSD is a powerful drug.
I wish I had some hashish.
If you run and swim and go to the sauna you will do as well for your mind as you might from some of the hashish I have smoked that came from Afganistan and Lebanon.
In all the time that I was Security in Rochdale I never carried a gun and only had keys to all the apartments in the building.
The time I needed a gun the guys I needed the gun about were friends with the guys that had the guns.
The entire event was disturbing and recommends that you have your own guns in addition to keys and have as well a set of ajudicators who are gritty and armed or backed up by friends of the court because of their wisdom and humor.
I think that it is important, overall, that people in Iraq stop killing each other and the occupiers.
Since there is supposedly a soveign government in Iraq with internationally recognized ownership of the assets of their territory, and that asset is oil, which has been going up in price, but is not renewable, it would seem to me that if the United States withdrew in mass from Iraq, Iraq would continue to sell oil on the International market.
If the Oil minister who was one way or another empowered to sell the oil of Iraq was a free woman she might be able to set a sensible price if she was very well protected by the World Bank who ought to be able to hire well directed and ultimately armed mercenaries.
For Transcendian purposes it is important that the commons indicated by air and water be on the books for accounting by the World Bank to establish a benchmark of value of the commons and the individual draws that are righteous.
Fair is the other word for righteous.
The Police are to keep the peace.
The Army is to win a war.
There is little hope for mankind right now.
Certain truths that have no connection to constructs of belief are necessary to be codified in powerful insitutions and personalities with character if our children are to get from us what God gave us as a gift.
We need to build defensive systems that counter the rocks that the Devil sends as a bill for our sin, which is finally that we do not love ourselves and consider ourselves as having the space to luxuriate in with institutionilized murder, which is another name for war.
Today -Russell

Important mistake on Passport Application 6/4

The address to send the Passport Application in incorrect since Nancy Alex & I moved.

It is now 301 Pleasant. Dr.  Carrboro, NC 27510.

cell number is 919-641-5612

home is 919-960-8446

As of today I was unable to edit and correct the address for sending the passport.

As of today my current project is to determine the international minimum wage through and end to off book accounting of the commons.

          So far my theory is that if you add up what a person needs same as you would for an electric circuit and look at the money as if it were amps, then figure out how much money within a nation or area it takes to run one person that amount would become the domestic minimum wage.

         Pooling of the determinations for each nation and economy need to then be calculated against the Commons that enables clean air and water as a standard that reflects maintainance costs so broadly as to inventory the planet (Earth).

         Reasources such as exist as real property, and intellectual property are all to be put on the books and accounted for and theft of intellectual property is to be regarded as seriously as theft of real property for the calculations to have meaning and pull us towards sucess.

         Multi National Corporations would be required to pay the International Minimum Wage as fair to all labor.    Life and real value in the pursuit of added value production are to be determined so as to protect the ablity of all workers to compete for work internationally fairly.

         This determination of the value of the commons, the value of the work, the value of the materials, and the value of the intellectual property must be enforcable through mechanisms of international law that nations must submit to as humbly as individuals must submit to laws of the nation they are citizens of.

          Unless the point that a Nations’ first responsiblity is for defense of its people, and that that defense is characterized as the ablity and freedom to work for a fair wage at the end of any hunter gatherer random impact on the commons is universally accepted by all nations and further wherever a void of civilian defense that enables such an ongoing event,  humanity will be in jeapordy unfitting its achievements of technology and philosophy.

       The point is that nothing can happen if it is not determined as a goal, and determining the International Minimum Wage is not going to happen unless it is a goal to determine.

        The Grants and Loans of the World Bank made according the the standard of enabling an International Minimum Wage to workers living in different circumstances, but sharing both need and potential, would help advance the concept.

                                                                                              Love, Russell




Mercandise & Donations
is where you can buy clothing and other things with the flag on them.
Whatever income comes to our accounts from your purchases will be used to lease land for Transcendia in a multitude of nations, vialis 40mg and as well found the Flight Schools that are to be Flight Schools and simple schools as well.
Some of whatever you send will be used to pay staff, thumb such as George Heyward who designed the Flag with my Theology and Philosophy and Govermental concepts as the drivers for the design of the flag.
We bought a scanner.
I will be using it, capsule when it comes, to post writings of the past that are now only on paper.
In the meantime I hope you all will buy clothing from the website cafepress.
Too bad they do not make flags.
Love, Russell


Death as a nothingness is hard to imagine.
Some people are convinced that their mind lives on after their body is gone.
I know that my soul does, anabolics but it is not any real solace since I like having a mind in a body.
Grief for myself is unseemly.
Therefore I will my entire body to science or bodypart distribution for the living.
I will live longer if you buy things that came out of my mind, capsule but you may have an interest in my death at some earlier time if you are interested in some of my bodyparts that may be of use to you, or your friends, or family.
It is insanity for the United States to tell North Korea to get rid of their nuclear weapons when the United States will not let go of their own.
My link of thought here is simply that it is possible for us to so pollute the world that we will all die before we have succeeded in the Catholic imperative, which is universal life for all with dignity.
As I have said in the past, when the Vatican gets behind and pushes for colonization of the Solar System in recognition that there is not enough room for everyone who would come from their theologlical edits, I will quit my hatred of the Catholic Church.
In the longterm I support womens rights since they are the pivot for human rights and under any government ought to be equal regardless of the discomfort.
Russell Day

Points for Reinvention


Condensing the Points for Reinvention of the UN written by Andre` Lewin

I work  to condense the Points for Reinvention of the UN written by Andre` Lewin Chairman of the French UN Association and originally published in the New York Times of March 15th 2003.

Herein I will work to do this again:

 – An Army.


 Until the United Nations has an army of its own, it will not be effective in defending the defenseless from genocides and the like that history has shown ought to be nipped in the bud regardless of national boundaries.

Until the United Nations has an army it ought to be able to contract with Mercenaries when it is obvious that Crimes Against Humanity are being committed.

The role of Media and Attorneys in the direction of the United Nations Army cannot be ignored and Television and Print and Radio journalists must be protected by the United Nations for they collect the evidence of such events that it is the mission of the United Nations to secure as a shared wealth and experience justifying what we call humankind as different from animals or rocks.

We will leave the defense of the International Attorneys, to themselves for the time being.

 – A UNITED NATIONS TELEVISION NETWORK that is commonly available in the standard way and exemplifies everywhere the principles of Free Speech and Expression that the United Nations is dedicated to as a Right to all souls.


 (Now the purpose and idea behind an exile island as Andre` Lewin has proposed is to make a place that would be similar to the island that the French put Napolean on that would be used to put Bad Kings or Bad Dictators, or whatever you want to call powerful leaders of nations who break international laws and wreak death and mayhem on their own citizens and thereby threaten all of us, especially when Weapons of Mass Destruction, such as Nuclear Bombs exist and are available to people who demonstrate willingness to use weapons of that category.

I do not weep for the arms merchants who get killed by spies in this ongoing conflict that we don’t want to face and is the reason there are spies in the first place.

 A real enemy is someone, or a group of people that are killing you, or trying to kill you and yours, it is not someone who just says bad things about you since they may change their mind and later say nice things about you if you come to an agreement out of the conflict while you are both living.

 This is one of the reasons that Free Speech ought to be a universally protected right for souls.)

 I posit that Transendia, a nation of confederated airports independent of all nations would achieve the need for the United Nations to have such an island as Andre` sees as an advancement since it would be geographically convient, and like an island everywhere, with the added vitality and economic multiplying effect of being a functioning port, not dependent on geography.

 The Blacked out Consensus Convention, and the Right and organized facilitation of the ablity of NGOs and even Individuals to Speak to the General Assembly are actions and are a System that I suspect are to be combined in a balance, but will think about herein later.

 Flying of the UN Flag ought to become more Universal at the least, and would give more souls hope.

 Russell Day/Founder of Transcendia

The Little I Do Know/Working Class Corner

I listen to NPR, and Air America.    Less and less do I watch tv.   Not even much on the History Channel has been grabbing me.

       I go to bed earlier and earlier so I am able to work at a certain standard.

       I want to be able to think clearly, and come up with clear criticisms of the events.

       I want to grasp what my story means.

       What is my story?

       What good is a past?

        What do I really know about the present?

        What am I doing right for my personal individual future, and the one that we and our children will share?

        It is a wonderful thing to go to work and come home and have love and hobbies and sometimes go on trips called vacations, and generally be safe.    Happy safe and warm.

       The erosion of the American society and its return to something more like Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle feels like what is happening, is being achieved.

        Working Class people are not being protected, or given much respect.   Working Class people are being blamed for their increasing vulnerablity on the streets or at their jobs.    Gephart might have done better if he had made more clear how he would achieve an international minimum wage.

         I wonder if his plan was better than the one I have offered.

        My plan was to have the World Bank determine domestic and international minimum wages that were adequate to pay for food shelter clothing and medical care for each person wherever they are.

        National leaders and their governments would be then given loans, measured against their policies that advanced pay to workers that  reality.

        Capitalism has the prospect of being fair only when property laws and laws both internationally and domestic are accepted as well as enforceable.

         These days it seems that the powerful are making laws that sell one set of workers after another out with the the piviot of nationalism dividing workers so well as to continue to show that divide and conquer is an effective tactic.

        It will help if an international minimum wage is determined and made generally internationally known. 

       I tell you as a working class guy I’ve been about as adaptable and had enough careers to know that if I’m not making it and am doomed to an earlier death than I really deserve, with a diminished and diminishing share of the wealth of the nation, there are people to blame and fight against besides myself.

        I made good use of my time in the Boy Scouts and the Community College.   The list of jobs I’ve had is long.    In the main I’ve worked in Aviation Services and Motion Picture production.   These were my careers.

        But I’ve had to take what was in front of me to do to make a living and it is significant that I am now working as a carpenter in much the same capacity I did when I was in my twenties.

        The competition between states, nations cities and counties all ads up and it is obvious the working classes are losing.

         There does need to be a World Government in some basic form for the protection of the integrity of work.   Chicago isn’t perfect, but I’m about more interested in the Labor Wars, than I am in the War in Iraq.

         Time for the EU and the UN to merge in my opinion so that the whole thing is a balance to China.

         And I even love the I Ching.    If I threw it on this I think it would say the same thing.

         To achieve an internationally achievable minimum wage all off book accounting has to be eliminated. 

         Well I say to hell with you Mr. Greenspan.

         I’ve had more jobs than you and you have no right to tell me I need to retrain with all the experience I’ve got.

                                                                                                         Love, Russell                       

Transcendian Titles

Founder/Russell Scott Day
Founder’s Wife & Co-Founder/Nancy Alex Day
Webmaster/Ed Hettig & Heath Hettig
Systems Administrator/Hendrick DeYoung
Treasury Accountant and Administrator of Finance/Unfilled
Flight School Chief/Unfilled
National Defense Chief/Unfilled
Legal Affairs Chief/Unfilled

Founder Job Description:
My job is to explain the vision of Transcendia, and campaign for Transcendia, and the goals of Transcendia.
I am charged with explaining where Transcendia comes from, where it is, and where it will go.
I must also discover and direct the plan for actual actualization of Transcendia as a real nation of airports and spaceports internationally recognized as a sovereign nation with certain distinct differences of law and government measured against ethical and practical beliefs systems and manners that as shared by Transcendians and Non Transcendians would be commonly safe and secure for commonly shared interests within and on Transcendian land or Territories.
Transcendia is a company, country, and work of art, and will always be so.
I must handle unfilled positions of Transcendia to the best of my ablity and fill those positions with other visionaries more capable than myself in those positions as soon as possible.
The plan now is to one way or another secure enough funds to lease territory for at least one Transcendian Airport which would be located at the very best Geographic location for Spaceport operations in the future.
The best place to build any port is by water and train tracks and highways in general but at this point Transcendia will take what it can get under the flag.
I do request that as many of you as possible buy what is available through the store for two main reasons, one being that wearing the flag will increase awareness of Transcendia, the other being this will create a Treasury for Transcendia, and money is an important tool.
Truly it is not how much money you have, but what you do with it.

Wife and Co-Founder:
Nancy Alex Day, my wife shares my vision and works on it with me with the added stress that comes from living with me.

Webmaster Ed Hettig and his Son Heath have created the cyberspace geographical location of Transcendia, and exemplify the real importance of the advance in technology as a tool for writing that enables the place.

The Systems Administrator Hendrick DeYoung fills a position that is similar or actually best described as a friend filling in the vision of the Founder’s bad eye.

The Treasury Accountant and Administrator will maintain the Bank Account and disburse money to all who either work for Transcendia, or Transcendia owes money. The Treasury Accountant will advise the Founder and Nation on the best uses of Transcendian Funds.
I offered this job to Ken Morris, but he has not agreed to take the job.

Flight School Chief will create and direct the school system which though by main name shall be called the Flight School, will offer to citizens and non citizens in pursuit of citizenship the best possible education that a human being could receive. I imagine this as a sort of combination of the Boy Scouts and Harvard.

National Defense Chief will direct the defense of the Nation, which will always be a shared responsiblity of all Transcendian Citizens who are to be armed with lethal and non lethal weapons as they desire for their personal defense and the defense of their friends, families and countrymen.
(One Goal of Transcendia will be to create an airliner that is capable of flying passengers anywhere in the world fully able of defending itself from all known weapons.)

The Chief of Legal Affairs will determine what domestic and international laws will maintain the peace and security for citizens and visitors, and advise the nation on the ethical measure of anticipated or agreed to laws.
No law is to be adhered to that is more morality based than ethically based and I say further that it is the Golden Rule that is the pivot for laws which are best, simply good manners.

Rewrite of Position Titles from rememberance of what was written the day before, and then lost and gone somewhere unknown because of a browser breakdown.
Best- Russell Scott Day