Today I have been working as a carpenter

Dear Lynne,

Today I have been working as a carpenter on a renovation while the heat index rose to l05. Last night I knew today was going to be brutal, so I sent you the Readers Report for Jet Roar Beach along with the character sketches and a Transcendian curio.

I think you can see the logic there.

Possibly you an Mr. Bewkes would think well enough of some of my other work to help me get it into production. In the case of Jet Beach, I’ve begun to wonder if Sidney Pollack would appreciate it since he has the Gulfstream and would be aware of the stereotypical characters I am writing about. Motives do create common actions of characters in specific environments.

It was a piece I just wanted to sell.

I have also a platen for a Series type show titled Learjet.

Thievery of intellectual property in Russia made the commitment letter
from Soventure about useless.

Scenes from Aberdeen on my reel, were from a TV Pilot that I was the
Director of Photography for. On that film I changed the leading man from a house painter to a train mechanic, secured the locations and directed many of the scenes when the Director was missing.

When picking a job you are supposed to look for three things: Good
People, Good Project, and Good Money. You are not supposed to take the job unless you get two out of three. In the case of Aberdeen, it was only the project that was good.

As far as The United Nations Channel, I wait, impatiently apparently, for something to happen. It is obvious to me that in an ideal world I would first off make the show examining corruption at the United Nations,
since then we would know what we were getting into. I imagine that as a Transcendian Television Special.

Russell Day

Africa and China and Transcendia

Africa and China and Transcendia

Everyman repeats himself after awhile somehow it is unavoidable. I used to hate it when my father said something or told a story he had said before and I hate myself when I repeat myself. When I am forced to repeat myself I hate the world.

Seems to work that the roads are paid for by taxes, and we buy our own cars. Why shouldn’t that work for the railroad?

It is nothing but corruption that keeps people poor and starving out in the rain. We are gods and know what God would do if he was as kind as a mother to the helpless.

We were all helpless once and we will all be helpless again.

This guy Scott Sullivan ought to have to work with me one day to discover the satisfactions of honest work. I hear Carpenters for Christ are hiring. As much as I hate President Carter for not admitting that he let the CIA move hashish into the country, at least he has worked for free. The people that end up with the Habitat Houses are supposed to pay the bank aren’t they?

He just seems disconnected as much from reality as Bush.

If the Union goes on strike at the ports it will be just great. If I had the ear of anyone who did good business and was the Business Agent I might be suggesting Transnational Union Negotiations for efficiency of both shipping and receiving as a way to increase worker security in concert with the desires of the Corporations.

I know about hard work and the easier way and seek the win win solution to the problem. In the Culture War the Islamic hard-liners have an absolute win agenda that warns me of the need for something like an army.

I am sorry that we will be left out when China claims Mars and Venus. They know what is going on and are buying Submarines from Russia. The Chinese on the ground are living in a Submarine already.

We ought to visit for the real feeling more than a picture, but I want to go to Amsterdam or Alice Springs for myself since me and Nancy Alex haven’t had a trip honeymoon yet and I would like to smoke some hashish and watch a sunset over dinner by water.

When we can make a world as good as the one we have been given submarines will be nice time.


Dear Lynne

Dear Lynne,

I have become very interested in AOL Time Warner, and hence I have been reading Wall Street Journal and New York Times Reports. So far it is the Editorial of July 20th, that has been the most clear writing I have read.

When I think of Mr. Logan’s quote about how the Internet was a black hole, I can agree in my personal experience. I’m not making any money from my writings on the Internet.

The description of Mr.. Bewkes as a man who can work with both creative people and the people of the nuts and bolts makes him sound similar to my image of myself. “We like having a poet around who gets things done.” Was the finest compliment I got when I was working in New York.

The Editorial of last Saturday’s New York Times makes me want to nominate myself as “The Third Man” that the Editorial implies is needed.

You can try out the wisdom of my thinking and see if you want to bring me in from the cold.

Imagining myself as “The Third Man” I imagine a way to bring some value back to the Internet part of the business.

You have some bit of my work imagining myself as leading some content already. Since I don’t work for either your company, or C-Span, either you will get C-Span to hire me, or get the company you work for to hire me.

I have exposed you to the way I think. When I took all the tests and went through the Leadership Program they reflected that I was thinking on three tracks at the same time, and one track or another might be on the surface, but the conclusion would be there in focus for the question of

For example out of all that I wrote for that led to the creation of, I was led myself to call for the creation of a United Nations Channel. I wasn’t writing about that, but that is what came from my writing.

My reading about AOL Time Warner, regardless of my own agendas reminds me of the history of media, or mediums. The Internet ends up more like Short-wave Radio, than anything else.

Road Runner is supposed to exploit and conform to the historical models, but it is poorly explained and marketed. It could as well be that the commonly available hardware doesn’t yet support it. If I was on the inside I think I could figure it all out and focus a plan to integrate the two companies and the content and technology involved.

Oh, I want to make another show, The History of Short-wave Radio!


United Nations Television & Bob Herbert

United Nations Television & Bob Herbert

I told Nancy Alex that in the past month I had created United Nations
Television and revived William James.

Alaska is melting and an asteroid is on its way. Why do they call
stocks Securities? Good products from badly run or looted companies are the sad reality of stock investment. The Internet has value.

It is sad when the workers who create things of value are crushed if
they buy into their own creations. Worse when all the natural resources of a lagging culture are sold by Warlord equivalents.

Workers find out again that to trust the boss is to trust a thief.
It is alright to like the boss, but is is proven iffy to trust him.

Ford wanted labor so he paid more. Eastman created The Yellow Mother
and shot himself.
None of it is simple.

My Grandfather treated the Union guys to food in his back yard and they
ruined the company. He became a priest in Harlem. He was a Priest to the Nuns in Kentucky when he died. They were Episcopal nuns.

The sailors know that all you get out of one day, is another day.

I’m very tired. My back hurts and I miss teeth I used to have. Still
I feel rightfully free enough to say I respect the free men, the polite and
unreconstructed like Grant, or Churchill.


Homeland Security

Homeland Security

Nothing about the Homeland Security really seems to make sense to me. I think if it was me, sale if I was President, ed I would be making a much smaller entity, or just a committee that was part of the Department of Defense that we already have. That group would simply co-ordinate the forces that already exist.


United Nations Television
My Daughter says I am starting to make sense to her.

United Nations Television/ My Daughter says I am starting to make sense to her.

I have been happy and responsible for the past week since my daughter
said I was starting to make sense to her. Such a thing for a seventeen
year old daughter to say to her father has great weight.

I’m not certain what it is that I am making sense about though. I hope
that it is about how if you go to even a lousy college you can break the
doom that comes from dependence on a small circle of friends created out of
happenstance and drift.

Life may very well be 50 fifty between choice and chance, fate and fiat.

Yesterday I told Nancy Alex that what I got from any day of work was
another day of life. Oh there it is! Do I live to work, or work to live,
and in the United States it has always been at least that I have lived more
to work.

Working on the Schedule for United Nations television I’ve only gotten
to 5 PM. 4 PM to 5 PM was titled Food.
The truth is that one of the reasons that the Irish starved was that
they didn’t know how to cook very many foods. The English and their
absentee ownership combined with their insensitivity, hatred of people not
so easily ordered, didn’t help.

It really is incredible that people would starve to death in this time
of technological successes. The link between transportation and food ought
to make any farmer with an economic problem raise bloody hell.

If a guy can fly around the world in a balloon, possibly Solar Powered
Dirigibles ought to fly around the world picking up and dropping off food.

I suspect that 60 miles an hour would require perfection in weather
forecasting for any 5 day period.

At 7 I am thinking it would be a good time for stories for children
about heroes. I think that United Nations Television ought to be very
useful. In fact I think that United Nations Television ought to be the
best television for the mind body and soul possible since the United Nations
is about a unified regard for civilization.

Nancy Alex did point out that not all nations are members of the United

I know this for a fact since Transcendia is not a member.


It is from this day that Nancy Alex and I have really been together

It is from this day that Nancy Alex and I have really been together and
I got her a sun hat and some mariachis, (wooden rattles) and a card. I
didn’t get her any flowers, though originally that is what I had in mind.
We were married as you know January 26th.

Our goal is to make Transcendia a real country before we die, without
causing a war. Disneyland is a better precedent than Woodstock Nation,
though I am not happy with Disney, or Touchstone for their treatment of film

Tanya Weinberger, the fine animator, told me she couldn’t stand working
for them, and the stories I have heard from crew members who have worked for them portray them as rude. My experiences with the Inspector Gadget Show haven’t led to more work with animation in my own career, so I hope to do better than Disneyland since I admire working people.

Scott Sullivan ought to have to come and and work with me. We can say
“If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.” Pretty damn easily, those of
us that work, have to work. Work in weather that threatens and hurts so
often that the days when there is beauty and comfort and camaradier honesty
gained, we are grateful and inspired.
My mother always said, “No shame in honest work.”
And I love her for that since shame is a hellish heart to have to

Interesting what the price is for getting over it.
If the Feds let these people who have robbed us all keep their Golden
Parachutes, severance packages, stolen money, to the tune that they will
never have to work; can live off the real estate holdings, bonds, stocks,
money in the bank, CDs etcetera, we ought to realize the full existent of
spiritual bankruptcy we are sharing with our so called enemies.

The limit of my ability to conform is to show up for work on time and do
it honesty, wisely, and happily, for something a bit more than the money, no
matter how far that job is from the reality of my being, career or soul.

After that I want to do what I want, think what I want, say what I
want, and eat what I want. I could go on about the pursuit of happiness.

Here on this earth, what we have in confusion and certainty, does go on
forever. Whenever I lose faith in the spirit I am wound again to the
vision that conflicts with any dismissal that “It doesn’t matter! Get
whatever you can whatever way you can, because SOUL is a made up myth.”

Sullivan Ebbers, Lay, nameless guys, or guys under the umbrellas of
dead guys have stolen the future. It was easy for them. They knew they would end up with enough money that they would never actually have to pick things up and put them down for a living.

I hate it when Carter goes out to work on building a house. He makes
himself look so pious, so GOOD. Since I can’t get him to admit that he
smuggled hashish from Afghanistan into the United States prior to Congressional approval of aid to Afghanistan, his hypocrisy, irks me no end.
What the Hell does he have to lose now!

Power comes from the Third Rail. Truth is a real power. If there is
anything that July 4th as a holiday worth anything, it is about Free Speech
for all Citizens. I think Short Wave ought to be totally unregulated
Internationally myself. It seems ridiculous that you can’t just buy and
operate a Short-wave Radio since the Internet has surpassed international
boundaries as the Short-wave might have.

It is the history of short-wave to look to as the future of the Internet
in the most depressed sort of view. The marriage of short-wave and the
Internet and a destruction world wide of Corporate Manipulation of
Communication would do Radio Shack profits enough to buck up some segment of the stock exchange.

Here in North Carolina it would help the schools if Pot was legalized,
but that moralistic Helms internal clone under another name and in another
party with the swoon factor from women, Edwards, won’t go see Carter and
Touch The Third Rail.

How long from joint to joystick ought it to be? Do they way in secret
to satisfy the UN in Holland? I tell you I’d sooner fly with a stoned
pilot, than one that was drunk. I don’t care that much if I get lost now
and then, I just don’t like being lost and trapped at the same time.

I’ll bet you this, about the only thing US troops in Afghanistan, the
young guys on the ground, find worth being there for personally, is the

If you do deep breathing exercises you will get as high as you might
doing LSD, by the way. Hashish is a shortcut to the state Corporate Leaders
are trained for in Executive Workshops.

Since I have been married I haven’t read as much. Nancy Alex and I
talk alot. Our computers in the Main Room are next to each other.

She is home now and I am tugged to talk to her.
It is our first anniversary of the spiritual private kind, so I am
going to leave you with the lick that is the Blues.
I had intended to write about us and the cat William James. But
Recommend all leaders read William James.
I am.
That and the Wall Street Journal.

God Bless,

Russell Scott Day

P.S. It is not so much American Holidays I am worried about, as Islamic
days of importance in the spiritual season they carry in their hearts. All
days are threats when you are on the road. Was not the Silk Road once what the walk around airport was? I saw Elvis and got to stand in the cockpit of a Convair 240 when I as 4 or 5. All in the same day. Airports at night used to be just like any mall parking lot, except for the planes weren’t
locked and you didn’t need a key to start them. I think it is at thirty
percent rotation you hit the igniters on a Learjet engine, but it has been
20 years since I started one.
I called someone that I think lost dotcommoney and is selling their
airport. They just reduced the price to under 400 thousand.
Nancy Alex has gotten William James to come in.

Atomic bomb war threat to Central Asia and it’s implications

Atomic bomb war threat to Central Asia and it’s implications.

Industrialization as it has turned out for the US, Russia, China France England Etcetera is ended up with the ability to kill and keep killing with atomic bombs. Like Spaceships, Atomic Bombs are the luxury weapon when you don’t have a very good army they make it better. Politicians and Generals know these realities though they are often perverted to the brink enough for us to know fearful or not that they might kill us all. A good army doesn’t need to kill everybody or women and children. Ironic that Germany is a haven for terrorists, and achievement of balance there is of interest to me. Holland’s hypocrisy over the agreements about drugs they have signed make me think they ought to resign and join Transcendia if they have integrity beyond resignation and apology. Transcendia needs some sort of army that if cowardly and mismanaged will at least be armed.

When I was most likely to be murdered I just acted crazy. Somehow I am still alive. I think it is because no one regular is actually sure what I might do. And I am not necessarily weak.

In the United Nations Arsenal there ought to be a weapon of mass sleep inducement. A non lethal weapon that would put a region to sleep for a bit is called for.

It is not acceptable for Pakistan and India to use Atomic Bombs, though I can see why they might want to.

The APOCALYPTIC RIOT is closer than I want to admit. Making a speech is not my favorite thing though I now challenge John Edwards the Senator to a debate as to whether pot should be internationally legal or not. My first question being how long between smoking a joint of known THC content and flying a plane of known demands ought to be legal. I want an answer from a Doctor in Holland that gives Flight Physicals to start with. Then I want to have Mister Edwards tell me why Viagria is Legal and Pot isn’t.

I was taking Wellbutrin for a few weeks and it was a bigger problem than pot I’ve smoked. It reminded me of Psyclicibin, (a mushroom drug I took when I was l7 that caused alot of enjoyable but dangerous forgetting.) Three days at least after that before I would think myself right to fly.

Psyclicibin was the only drug I ever took that helped me enjoy bitter 40 mile and hour cold.

There is no drug that would make me happy with atomic war, the Apocalyptic Riot.

I’m the best political poet around these days.

Spaceships are a growth industry for international economic engine. A good spaceship runs on Hydrogen and light like all of us ought to be going from Moon and Mars mining. What food we eat or drugs we do to enable us to do these things are stupid to prohibit. God himself gets to breath without an addiction except love and truth.

I’m not God, but I’m as much his son and daughter as he wants. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.

I’m not ready but I’ll do it.


I heard that they were going to talk
about what to do about Africa in
some out of the way place in Canada.

I heard that they were going to talk about what to do about Africa in
some out of the way place in Canada.

What I would be suggesting is that African nations on the Equator were
made safe for rocket launching pads as part of their advantages all around.

Someone ought to ask sailors what to do about Africa, and pay attention.

But the fact is that any nation on the equator is desirable real estate
for abandoning real estate per se because it takes less energy to launch a
rocket from the equator if you launch it with the spin of the planet.

This is important because so many people are starving as it is and the
only salvation in the real world that is nothing but a promise we would like
to believe in because otherwise there isn’t enough hope to justify not
killing everybody else, is the salvation of science used wisely for
transformational products that help all live.

When we can build and launch a Boeing to Mars from Africa things will
have improved enough to the point of making insurance companies obsolete.

Some risks are worth the whole bundle.


My Back Hurts and I have a Headache

My Back Hurts and I have a Headache and I refused to pay the bill to Time Warner because I might die before I get to watch their TV programs and the President Tom Baxter hasn’t called.

I’ve been thinking what a fortune I could make off the to code satellite tower I could make with my friend Bill to fill the niche of the loophole that confronts law abiding television watchers who are in the shadows and evening owning their condos have to buy cable unless they want to fight with all their neighbors who have the power to bother them.

Seems to me as if I am subsidizing the world. Real estate to Japan is Healthcare to the United States, and France and Holland seem to at least think a doctor ought to be coming around when you are sick.

We all had a nice time last night but Pam made me say that the thieves that stole the money in l929 were like the thieves today.

I told her daughter that Jesus came back as a clone and lots of people believe in things that aren’t true.

Nancy Alex said that it was okay for me to interfere with the commercialization of youth by saying such things. She says that thinking imaginatively and creatively is something children ought to be given permission to do.

There is someway to understand the story of humanity if you have humor and imagination. Physicists tell us that the universe will get colder and colder.

I have a terrible headache.

I want to know what Larry McMurtry thinks about all the wars. I want to know what Larry thinks of William James. I want to know if the President has read Larry McMurtry books, and what he learned from them.

As far as the death penalty, I do not think it is ethical to kill those who are defenseless. In a strong way the executions confirm the right of the murderer to murder in their own interests no matter how stupid they may be.

A cat jumped into our car last night and came home with us. We have named it William James though we would be happy to give it back to whomever it came from since we have 7 cats.

Ask for United Nations Television from your TV provider.
I’m signing off now.
I have a terrible headache
