Time Warner is wasting my time

Time Warner is wasting my time and IF I haVE TO BUILD A TOWER ON THE DECK TO GET SATELLITE. iT HARDLY RAINS OR SNOWS HERE ANYMORE AND WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF WATER ALL OVER. in nORTH cAROLINA I USED TO DEPEND ON RAIN EVERY FIVE DAYS. Ports make noise in the landlocked areas. Idiots want too quiet towns.

I’d never make a good Quaker.

I love the Quakers. The Society of Friends and the Episcopalians are my favorites combined with the Confusion Chingist and William James sort of thinking. What William James Thought of Grant is to be found out, but I want to know.

I’m big in China. Transcendia is apparently known in China, and I am very happy about that and Nancy Alex and I are going to send video and whatever else to someone in China next time we get to it.

The guy that was writing from Africa seemed to have a scam going on. If he orders a T Shirt, I’ll think about it.

Fuck movies for the blind exists and Nancy Alex gave a copy of this 53 minute thing we made to a friend of hers. I was shocked but then I remembered why I married her. She was doing things before I met her.

Lynn Costintini who is the Vice President of Programing at Time Warner Cable in Stamford Connecticut didn’t call me back about United Nations Television and they cut off my cable today. If Tom Baxter doesn’t call me and adjust my bill, I’m getting satellite.

To get a satellite I will have to build a tower on the deck.

The Condo Authority can force me to do that, go to such extreme measures because there is a loophole in Federal Law that has something to do with how women as a general rule don’t like to look at anything that is a permanent tool stuck there.

We are in a satellite shadow.

Our roof is common area and the Condo people have a codicil that says we can’t put a satellite dish on the roof that is Federally OK. In my world this is patently unfair and probably a violation of my first amendment rights since the people on the other side of the condo building can just put the dish on their deck or window rail since that is not a common area.

Now the next common area that might take my dish is too far away to provide proper signal because if line lose according to the technician. So if I don’t want to talk to anymore petty tyrant feminine esthetically manipulated wimps, if I want a satellite feed to my TV, I have to build or buy a radio tower for or on the deck which we have control of.

What is the lesson here?

Technology might change and leave you in the wrong place.

People who live according to the laws, subsidize those that don’t, or are give an advantage unfairly since if I want good TV on my side of the building I am forced to pay twice as much as the people on the otherside of the building since I haven’t built a tower yet.

On top of all of my problems with getting a television signal is that Time Warner wants me to pay for a signal that I may die before I get. Why the hell should I pay them a month in advance when I might die tomorrow is beyond me and I just will not do it.

The intellectual landscape that I perceive from my conversations with people at Time Warner about my a bill and whatever problems I’ve had with them have convinced me that if the President Tom Baxter doesn’t call me and adjust my bill and change the getgo debt, I will get their cable out of my house and build a tower.

I live in North Carolina where they tax papers from New York.

Russell Scott Day

Russell Scott Day
I’ve been fighting about the television service here at the house on the cable and about satellite here for months.

Passport Application Notes

Transcendian Passport Application/notes as of 3/15/02 

Download and print here:

Word File

Rich Text File

Transcendia, the company, country and work of art.

The country of airports and spaceports internationally operating in a neutral way to facalitate compassionate capitalism.

Transcendians undertake creating a nation without conducting a war.

(The only near precedent is Disneyland.)

Refer to Transcendian Letters published in TheRefrigerator.net, and at Transcendia.org for writings of the Founder. The text of the passport is printed somewhere in filings at therefrigerator.net.

As of this date Transcendia.org is under construction. Soon such items as the Transendian Flags, and the Passport, and maybe caps with Transcendian insignia will be for sale.

Since it was Mickey Mouse that enabled the Creation of Disneyland, the Founder of Transcendia finds it is some his duty to be a bit of a clown himself. Honest people are often considered fools in this world.

But the Passport of Transcendia is a serious document, a lesson of the flag…once the flag was created in a cloth reality, Transcendia took on a life of its own beyond its creator. Transcendia has been under development since l980.

Prior to now the successes of Transcendia have been only slightly famous in the world. Most notable was the Model Rocket Message Program, a bit of Pro Active Civil Demonstration that was fun, and reported in Harvetz by Beni Avini during the Gulf War.

Pilots and Persons who put messages in and on Transcendian Model Rockets have a veteran point up on acceptance into Transendia, issuance of a Transcendian Passport.

As there is no Transcendian Army, and its anarchy then is dependent on the interactions and unity of its volunteer citizens, listment of friends that could be called by Transcendia to help another citizen may be important.

It will be internationally assumed that Transcendia Pilots are Gentlemen and Gentlewomen. Maintainance of the Civilization that early and often characterized the airport culture is part of what Transcendians are dedicated to. My personal experiences at places like Atlantic Aero are from where I testify of a certain beauty of culture that exists and existed and ought not be inhibited, but expanded to more and more of the world citizens. I have tried to create a sort of government that makes sense for pilots. I could characterize it as politely anarchistic, or of Godwin Anarchy. (Godwin anarchy emphasizes the importance of education to create self directed or the inner lit.) Some of us know that it is not wise to believe in anything too much. In my own spiritual quest I have come to use the Bible and the I Ching because through the use of these two books I can believe in One God with many truths.

I choose to believe in what I believe because it leads me in one direction in a world of many. It is sort of like how I have worked in Aviation and Motion picture. The balance of the technical and theoretical in mind and experience and skill is an aspect of art. It is not all of art, but a part of the art of living.

We want it to be known that Transcendians know how to live well. Not as Revenge, but as Duty. I am not a great pilot myself, so I do hope that as time goes by my Transcendian Passport will be good with Pilots for a seat on their plane.

But I could see a time when presentation of a Transcendian Passport will mean something unique in the world.

Transcendian Passport Application Transcendia, the company, country and work of art.The country of airports and spaceports internationally operating in a neutral way to facalitate compassionate capitalism.Transcendians undertake creating a nation without conducting a war. (The only near precedent is Disneyland.) Refer to Transcendian Letters published in TheRefrigerator.net, and at Transcendia.org for writings of the Founder. The text of the passport is printed somewhere in filings at therefrigerator.net.As of this date Transcendia.org is under construction. Soon such items as the Transendian Flags, and the Passport, and maybe caps with Transcendian insignia will be for sale.Since it was Mickey Mouse that enabled the Creation of Disneyland, the Founder of Transcendia finds it is some his duty to be a bit of a clown himself. Honest people are often considered fools in this world.But the Passport of Transcendia is a serious document, a lesson of the flag…once the flag was created in a cloth reality, Transcendia took on a life of its own beyond its creator. Transcendia has been under development since l980.Prior to now the successes of Transcendia have been only slightly famous in the world. Most notable was the Model Rocket Message Program, a bit of Pro Active Civil Demonstration that was fun, and reported in Harvetz by Beni Avini during the Gulf War.Pilots and Persons who put messages in and on Transcendian Model Rockets have a veteran point up on acceptance into Transendia, issuance of a Transcendian Passport.As there is no Transcendian Army, and its anarchy then is dependent on the interactions and unity of its volunteer citizens, listment of friends that could be called by Transcendia to help another citizen may be important.It will be internationally assumed that Transcendia Pilots are Gentlemen and Gentlewomen. Maintainance of the Civilization that early and often characterized the airport culture is part of what Transcendians are dedicated to. My personal experiences at places like Atlantic Aero are from where I testify of a certain beauty of culture that exists and existed and ought not be inhibited, but expanded to more and more of the world citizens. I have tried to create a sort of government that makes sense for pilots. I could characterize it as politely anarchistic, or of Godwin Anarchy. (Godwin anarchy emphasizes the importance of education to create self directed or the inner lit.) Some of us know that it is not wise to believe in anything too much. In my own spiritual quest I have come to use the Bible and the I Ching because through the use of these two books I can believe in One God with many truths.I choose to believe in what I believe because it leads me in one direction in a world of many. It is sort of like how I have worked in Aviation and Motion picture. The balance of the technical and theoretical in mind and experience and skill is an aspect of art. It is not all of art, but a part of the art of living.We want it to be known that Transcendians know how to live well. Not as Revenge, but as Duty. I am not a great pilot myself, so I do hope that as time goes by my Transcendian Passport will be good with Pilots for a seat on their plane. But I could see a time when presentation of a Transcendian Passport will mean something unique in the world.

Application Response

I will get back to you.

Submission of a authenticated photo at that time is recommended.

Corporate or Notary Seals are the thing. I have had to accept that the cost of the Transcendian Passport will be higher for people I don’t know.

In other words if you are a stranger the cost will be $80, and $50 for people I know. If you happen to have lived in Rochdale College, you will also have a leg up on citizenship in Transcendia.

You may print out and create your own copy of a Transcendian Passport from the writings in The Refrigerator.net, and or on Transcendia.org, send what you have printed out with the appropriate check or money order, and I may possibly seal and sign it. The cost for that would be 40 dollars.

You may send money with earmarks for certain Transcendian Programs as well. Programs that I want to further are as followed:

– Virtual Reality War Movie with comfortable 3D Glasses for either theater or videobox.

– Civilian and Military Seaplane Production.

– The United Nations Television Channel presenting United Nations Television and Transcendian Productions like Stage Poetry Company at Transcendia, The Big Story from United Nations National Leaders Perspective.

– Unspun and Uncensored. International Debate at its most Important.

– Solar System Colonization through Terraformation of Venus and Mars, the Ethical Expansionist Imperative of the Global Market.

– The Transcendian and United Nations "Planet Defense System".

-A gestalt system of defense against manmade catastrophic weapons as well as Asteroid, Comet and other Universal Threats to the existence of Mankind in general.

– The Transcendian Flight Schools.

– The Transcendian Library and the Satellite linked learning device for distribution as a counter to the illness of ignorance.

Russell Scott Day russellscottday@hotmail.com

My main goal is to create a country of airports and spaceports

Main Life Goal

by Russell Scott Day

My main goal is to create a country of airports and spaceports without having a war, but only acknowledging the conflict with the situation shared that is like a war but where the enemy is like God.

The God that actually exists from the evidence which is the real world would not actually appear to exist if God existed to keep us from suffering.

Jesus says that God will forgive us for our sins, and we are Gods when we forgive God for our suffering which any all powerful Parent would save us from.

And how could any Great God save us from suffering but to fill our minds with wisdom and wash our bodies with pleasure? Even a suffering brain and a body washed in pleasure would do for most people most of the time.

Why have I gone crazy? Was your question Ted.

I have gone crazy because so many people are doing things that are medieval, which is one way for me to say stupid, or plain evil. There are so many self righteous power fuckheads greed driven and confident because they have a good suit walking around with license to send us to hell before we have nature put us there, that I have gone crazy.

My friend Chuck Timberlake said once that I was so sane that most people mistook it, and that I wouldn’t be appreciated till I was dead.

I’ve never been comfortable with saying, "Follow me." Like Jesus or Hitler or The Pied Piper, and have thought enough about it to say follow the right idea I have, put some thought into the reality that we all know to follow the right idea which is a idea that says that to live forever might happen, but it is not in evidence for me and is only a hoped for shared legacy of bodies to outnumber insects in a universe if humans do what they have the real capacity for and insects actually don’t.

Or in otherwords if the multicentric power balance is not obviated by a clear thinking United Nations with more power than the United Nations soon, our children will die.

So support United Nations Television on your TV, at the very least.


“Beyond Seventy”

Russell –

I’m sending you three. The first, “Beyond Seventy”, is obvious.

The second, “Rainy Day in the Library”, recalls one All Saints’ Day when I was in the Southport Library and became aware of the books around me, recalling Hebrews 12 – “Seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses”.

The third,” Erato Oversleeps Again”, refers(as you probably know) to the muse of lyric poetry, and to Deucalion, the Greek parallel to Noah. He and his wife Pyorrhea were forewarned by Zeus of his impending deluge, and made a watertight chest in which they enclosed themselves. Afterwards, instructed by the Delphic Oracle, they gathered stones and cast them over their backs.

His stones became men, hers women, and humanity was given a fresh start. Hope you enjoy them.


Dear Tom,

Thank you for sending the three poems. It is Beyond Seventy that I
like the best, consider the strongest. I sent them on to Ed, I think.

Something about your transmission by attachment caused two or three computer crashes however. Possibly if you could load and send them without the attachment mode it would eliminate a crash here. The crash happened when I tried to transmit the poems to Ed though, so it may be that as long as you send them to him by cc, everything will work out. I did not see Ed’s
address in the cc box. His address again is hettig@edhettig.com.

I look forward to seeing the poems in the website. I would like it if
you sent Ed a bit of an autobiography introducing yourself to readers.
I used to say partly in jest, that wisdom is no compensation for youth
is something the poem reminds me of. When I think of it further I think
that you almost don’t get old if you’re not wise in the first place.

At any rate I am very pleased with the fact that the poem causes me to think
about the changing state of ourselves, and the nature of it.


A less frequent filing.

A less frequent filing.

We all have rhythms and then for me right now there is not that much
more that I have to say. The Drug war and the Oil war and the theocratic
underlayment of cultures and myths all manipulated through mass media’s
controlled by staffs hired and tolerated or fired or not hired in some sop or
syncopated confluence of appearance and spin never too far from the agenda
if part of the in-crowd that talks about it, but hasn’t money enough to put
any agenda other up, and when they do get the money all they do with it is
buy cars and stereos and rent overpriced apartments in Seattle and San
Francisco from baby boomers who want so much rent because they don’t like
working that Japan looks like the future. Everything is Fine!

Let’s cut taxes and go to war!

Let’s declare war on no nation but just Terror, Let’s have a war on

I myself have enemies that I prefer to name since emotions are so much a
shared enemy of feeling good. Next time I get threatened by a gun toting
crack head I’m going to ask what his name is since I would have liked to
have shot the last guy individually.

What is my agenda?

Membership in the United Nations and conversion of the Peace Keeping
Force to an international Airport Security Force for Transcendia with
uniform security in all airport. Security that does not interfere with
Human Rights is my goal which means that the Two Front War of a War on Drugs and a War on Terror are not the same thing since the Drug War is a Lever War justifying Corporate Facisism which still doesn’t put the money in the right places for even their own children as time runs out for us all.

United Nations Television, so I could have a job producing the Big Shot
Story, or Big Story Little Guy, Bigshot Guy rants.

And then my program is Space Travel and Submarines.

The Transcendian T Shirt is now 32 dollars. Order one.


Low and Know, Etc

Low and Know, Etc.

Went to Randalman and worked on an interview with Richard Petty about Prostate Cancer.

My brother said a good while ago, “If you live long
enough you have trouble with your prostate.” Richard Petty did and he had it cut out. “Just another day in the life of Richard Petty.”

He had a firm handshake was logical and direct and never took off his hat or sunglasses. I don’t know how he can see. If I was wearing glasses that dark inside I couldn’t see enough to be secure about not running into things, or be able to read.

Sorry to hear you are low.

I got plain last night which was a day after a good day, like AVB, or Afer Vactation Blues, but this was about working at something I good at and for whom the balance of learning and working is better. Not a vacation over depression, but a work over depression since then back to other work that is not anything but.

Spending time with assholes is a drain. It is the relief I have even in work that I am not in control of since the guys I work with are pretty good company.

Otherwise the airport is being closed in Chapel Hill, and the guy I know on the Board in Carrboro doesn’t want to loan me money to put an airport in Carrboro, like they did for someone to open a bar. These counties around here want to broaden their tax base so a loan to open a bar is more attractive than one to put in an airport!

We were depressed around here yesterday.

Today I got a tape player. The project is to be able to make CDs with a CD burner from all the tapes I made. It’s been moving along in an equipment collection and repair in stages.

Wellbutrin only screws with my memory like Psycilocybin, and I want valuim for a weekend at least. An hour and a half the day I was supposed to be able to quit and I was seriously cursing on the job. 4 hours on the followng Saturday and I was angry at Nancy Alex for teasing that she had thrown the cigarettes away.

I want another doctor for this disease.

Vivid dreams though on this supposedly anti smoking drug. Far as I can tell that’s all it’s good for since the times so far I’ve tried not to smoke, which is what it’s supposed to be good for, I might as well have been going cold turkey.

If you can come over this way on a Friday, let us know.


Thinking of Cuba

Thinking of Cuba.

I called up my longtime friend who has the perfect profile of academic cover and asked him about his take on Cuba. Seems about stupid for the United States to keep on with this madness in relation to Cuba. Ironic too that Bush would be telling Castro from Florida how to have democracy in light of recent history, well prior to the attack when we were wondering how votes were counted in Florida, and wondering again about the power brokers that run things like the electoral college.

My friend says it is pure pandering to a small group that swung the election. He said that in so many words that I’m not quoting. The point being that its not the right thing either practically or ethically, but he’s going to do it because he owes the election to those people and therefore they get what they want.

This is Bush at the surface. This is the way he is working and his party is working.

I myself like to think that there is something going on that is not as obvious as what was obvious to me otherwise about Bush. It really doesn’t take that much to fight your obvious enemies. Not that the current war is really directed at obvious enemies who are as powerful or culpable as your side, our side might be.

What side is our side, but the side of humanity? Civilians are humanity, but armies aren’t.

Well it’s a way of looking at it.

I told my friend that I saw the relationship between the Federal Government and the States, and the United Nations and the Nations, as called for as the same difference. He said it would take a long time for that. As Humanity we don’t have long to get some of these realities worked out.

So what else is there?


From my point of view the second coming will not be Jesus as one man, but his shared person, like communion actually working like all these prescription cumulative drugs like Prozac or Wellbutrin, which is what I am on, and hasn’t helped much except that we’ve had vivid dreams. Far as I can tell that is all it is good for since it was the same as cold turkey when I didn’t actually smoke any cigarettes.

I’ve never taken Prozac, but I know you are supposed to take it for awhile before it works.

Jesus was supposed to be a military leader and that is why Judas gave him up is a view of the story.

Kicking Judas out of your own heart is a Jihad I can understand like I would recommend an end to the Cuban embargo.

But what do I know? I don’t think I know the inside under the surface story for news about Cuba. I think there is something missing. Why is it news now in this time of war? It’s been going on forever.

There was a smuggler I knew that told me that the Cubans helped them move heroin on planes to Florida from Columbia back in the Eighties. Drugs are a better source of income for terrorists or revolutionaries than robbing banks.

Cut the Drug War to a one front war internationally and humanity will benefit. Cut the drug war to regulation of narcotics and legalization of hallucenigenics like pot, and humanity will benefit across the board.

Oil and Drugs. The Oilmen are at war with the Drug men. Us saps are just doing their bidding and they are all friends like Napoleon and the Czar in War and Peace.


Making things & Work/Places and their Uses

Making things & Work/Places and their Uses / From Chapel Hill North
Carolina, Transcendia, wherever I am our you with a passport or pilot
reading this or rocket launcher one way or another.

Jesus wasn’t very humble from what I can tell and humility hasn’t
worked for me so far. I’m large tempted to abandon humility and just say “Follow Me.”

It will feel like following yourself so much that to follow will be to
lead, if you do it.

What was it that Grant and Lincoln shared? Too bad that Kennedy was
killed for the world since Kennedy and Johnson would have done the Utopian Programs with skill.

Only so much is possible in the real world, and that is the facts.
Facts without science is what the human experience is. Magic overcomes confusion and then niggles along at the base of the infrastructure.

The perfect way to die, what is it? Nancy Alex is very upset about the
slaughter of little piglets in South Korea. The picture from the New York
Times is of all the piglets being thrown into a pit alive whereafter they
were covered with earth and smothered to death.

Somehow this does not seem like a great way to die.

Longtime ago I said that my perfect way to die would be to be hit by a
meteorite, and I’m sticking with that. It’s in the infrastructure of my
prayers along with Dear Lord Jesus Let me be a man and do my part.

Dear Lord Jesus Give Me Heart

To Be A Man An Do My Part.

Sometimes after communion when I can’t really think of any other goals I am reduced to that simple prayer.

My wife says I am a genius. I had to ask her how to spell it to make

Senator John Edwards was in Chapel Hill today. He didn’t call me.
Downtown Peter T was demonstrating against tests at school. I thought of how important Emotional Intelligence was and wonder what Class like language ought to be early in the per capita equality of perfect education which is the only responsibility after defense of the government. -Classes in emotional and ethical perfection ought to be taught early I supposed.

What are the submarine stories? They are the silent monks of madness and sanity smiling on rubber souls, what frowns happened, what wonder?

Tom Waits is singing from the NAD and ADVENTS. The upstairs neighbors are gone to graduation and we can listen to the radio.

“Everything you can think of is true.” -Tom Waits.

“Just as good as it ever was.” -David Byrne

Oh you Greeks, You Romans, you respected Citizens, did you put your
thumb down? Why did you say “Kill Him?”

This is what a vote does. Every Senator and Congressman that will not
touch the right power of the third rail kills peace in the world from all I
can tell.

What do the Dutch Pilots keep to themselves?

Submariners Monks Nuns Pilots and Priest is Holland, tell us what is
going on. Let me hear from the girls in Reklavic….

Russell Scott Day

Anger at the Spins of the Propagandist

Anger at the Spins of the Propagandist

Mostly this day, I was fine with my work, my workmates, the weather, and
all of that that just is about the best working people get in their little

The car didn’t breakdown and since I got a new tag I’ve not been
automatically subject to a stop if a cop gets on my tail. For a long time
it was prudent for me to take evasive action when seeing a cop. Once I
just pulled over after one had taken a turn after me when I was making an
evasive turn. He pulled over and asked me why I had stopped. I said
because he was following me, and he said he was just on his way home and
took off.

So I have a car and a job and a fine bunch of guys to work with and the
weather is good and my bride and I get along very well.
But I listened to the news and it, combined with the lack of it, or the
nature of it as propaganda, the managed agenda of disinformation and
manipulations comparable to the Gulf of Tonkin affair caused me to desire to
feel my anger.

A good number of people in North Carolina have recently lost both their
good paying jobs and even their jobs that really didn’t pay all that well at
all. In the meantime the radio announcers keep saying that the government
figures for the consumer buying that is supposed to drive the economy is
going up.

Now my impression of the Bush Administration is that they will lie
through their teeth if it creates the mental landscape that benifits their
control and keeps them in power. It is my impression that the Federal
Powers that be, do not want to certify the possiblity that the United States
is in any way weakened by either stupidity, greed, or foreign assault.
One guy said Enron and Authur Anderson made Capitalism look bad.
Capitalism for working people in the United States makes Capitalism look bad
when you look at educational operations and healthcare along with laws that
keep the poor poor, and the rich richer. I had a teacher years ago who
said, “This isn’t Capitalism, its Socialism for the rich.”

Tabacco and Textiles have been the engines of economy for workers in
North Carolina. The State is real big in pigs these days. There have
been periods when Motion Picture Production was talked up as a industry, but
the “Above the Line” infrastructure of investors, banking co-ordination and
distribution that is the stuff of a mature industry hasn’t been created.
More and more Mexicans live in this area. This proves only that it is
worse in Mexico, or really that the rich in the United States intend to make
working people in the United States as expendable as working people are in
Mexico. By rich I am saying greed driven corporate leaders who are in
international collusion with each other.

International drug laws are a piviot for prisons that are a more and
more often private profit center. Any administration that views corporate
interest in putting people in jail as conscionable is inherently and
completely corrupt and compromised in my book. A nation inwhich jails are
owned and run by corporations has no legitimate claim to my alleigance.
Especially when a great number of people are in jail for victumless crimes
like smoking pot.

Are our leaders as evil as the leaders who desire to kill us?
Some of them are. We are only the receipients of some grace by
oversight and fairy tales and numbers. There are Senators and Congressmen
in conflict over power that is no matter what more and more reserved
for the rich.

Now it is the Oil Rich who have a specific agenda. The weapons
companies and the oil companies are obvious, but there is more. I’m just
not certain what all of it is.

I can tell you that it doesn’t have to be this bad. If pot was legal
working people in Mexico and North Carolina would be better off I can tell
you as a certainty, not to mention Canada. I might even like NAFTA if it
was moderated by less need of the Mexicans to run across the border. The
war on drugs could be easily named a war on Mexicans and Jamacians if you
trace the history over the past 30 years.

Treating everyone like children only causes suffering for everybody but
more for the women and children is was I said last time I was writing. I
say it again because I want you to get it so clearly that you can defend
your vices.

Could be I have people like John Edwards in mind. I’m trying to get
people in power to learn that the Third Rail is where the train gets power.
I think I’m coming out of my lull.

The sermon this last Sunday was inspired to identify the time as a time
of not Mother’s Day, or 7th Sunday, but a time of Lull.

Now a Lull is an incredible machine on a construction site. It is a
self leveling boom armed fork lift that makes commercial construction more
efficiently possible than would otherwise be remotely possible. How this
machine got the name Lull, is not what I have found out fully yet, but there
is an irony there that insures that my priest get a picture of one.

Russell Scott Day

Dear Beni,

Dear Beni,

I’ve thought about it and think that the United Nations is responsible
for control of all these churches and holy mythic places of reality and
dreams and conflicting beliefs.

This becomes practical for me. I feel this practically. It is not
practical for Israel to not answer to the United Nations like North Carolina answers to the Federal government that is called The United States.

So what if you think the same thing? I know you fought for your
nation. I got nothing but reality and confusion hopeful and puzzled out
of your article. That combination has no full hope since it is attached to

To convince you that Israel ought to have the same relationship to the
United Nations as North Carolina has to the Federal government is my wonder, for as a friend knowing your concerns and philosophy moderated by insight and experience, it would mean it was more right in the long run.

Hence, Hence then my concerns about the reality of the United Nations.

You are the only guy I know who knows any secrets there. What would it take for you as a veteran of the war, burned and partly disabled in that
tank to recommend a relationship between the United Nations and Israel that was similar to the relations hip between States of the United States and the Federal Government?

For what else is the solution to this conflict?

Somewhere in the Koran there might be a blessing for change, but
apparently after 1,373 years there has not been discovered within this book enough avenue of tolerance and evolution for a common cultural acceptance of women as equal, as has happened in the Episcopal Church, or actually striven for in what we call Western Civilization.

Maybe not enough people can read there, and I haven’t read the Koran
but I was impressed by my friend’s disdain. Ed Napier the playwright who wrote Reconstructing the Sun which partly caused me not to drink for a good deal of time had a wonderfully incisive rant on tongue about the failures of the Korean’s thinking. I depend on him for the thinking about it and hope he is alive and doing well.

Listening to Tom Waits now by the way.

Food Drugs and Tools was the redeemable imprint for early Transcendian printings. Work is not what Tom Waits is about. I like to listen to him on recording when I am working.
