I keep reading that there isn’t enough work for people. They say that opportunities for work in the US started being made more rare through the efficiencies of computers.
The US won all the economic contests and has the strongest currency position, a position that enables it to keep printing money because of its status as the Reserve Currency of the World.
Corporations have successfully gotten control of where labor typically turns to for a paycheck. From an early age for 200 years at least those who were educated in the public schools were trained for labor at the mines or in the oilfields.
Many were sold the idea that no matter what, they too could become captains of industry.
It could happen there for awhile. I’m thinking of Bill Lear and Motorola for the guy who raises himself up through new tech and ends up creating the Learjet from car radios. The 8 track was made for corporate jets. Record needles bounced.
I think you are supposed to show up at Wal Mart or MacDonalds with a resume` anymore.
It looks as if the Academic community has locked it up far as forcing everyone in sight to pay for some degree, as I saw an actress couldn’t sell a cookbook because she didn’t have a college degree.
The other day I imagined an All Cash Day for MacDonalds. At the end of the day the staff would pay themselves 15 dollars an hour and give the company what was left to buy hamburgers and buns.
But there is work. There are those bridges. There is all the work now cleaning up what the corporations and all everybody called externalities.
We may not be able to reclaim the water of the Western aquifers. Out there in the Pacific that plastic is the poisonous base of the food chain. How the hell did the Saudis clean the oil out of the Gulf without any real notice?
All the damage that the companies have done means there is plenty of work fixing it up. What they really mean is they simply intend to get away with not paying taxes so the governments can pay to fix all the damage.
Until employees get board seats, and labor gets representation in governments the citizens of the world who do not live in places like the Netherlands will be screwed over at every turn.
Of course there is every indication that big business is looking for a war.
I can’t see how the war that seems most likely will be good for even the biggest of businesses.
Way it is most likely to turn out is nukes dropped on tanks, and a pile on after that.
what I am saying is that there are a lot of things going on, and there are people in significant positions of power living in a world of the past.
What is it with the simple arithmetic skills that ought to make it clear that if you don’t pay the population, they can’t buy much?
Since it is a world wide reality that labor is not to be paid, and a nation like the US has always flooded its market internally and then invaded foreign markets, and they don’t have money either, what is the expectation?
Are Aliens going to show up and buy stuff?
I read a great deal of news. Apps? There is work in Silcon Valley making apps, or another computer. Sure, but there is a greater need for jobs that pay than that really represents.
There are jobs recreating slums. There are jobs fixing bridges, or making the trains work for everybody.
It does look like the jobs that are the sort that provide work for a range of labor are mostly jobs that have been government sponsored jobs.
Author Archives: Russell Scott Day
For the first time in my life I have begun to see nationalization of corporation assets in the US as a rational response to corporation policies.
If the US Corporations and US Companies of power and purchased influence all intent on refusing to give labor a fair shake, a living wage, alongside their manipulations of laws created to make the criminal, criminal, mob financial engineering that denies the treasury of the nation that is supposed to defend the interests of the honest working man, use the army, and use the legal power backing contracts internationally which provide profits to corporations all given every time to stockholders and CEOs first, no matter the contribution of labor, then what other option does labor have but to appropriate what is the source of their incomes?
Our US media works at dividing labor into Black and White with great success. The reality is that there is no difference between the races because they are working class, and labor.
Not a single state that was CSA provides wages to its people that is on parity of those states that were Union. In the past the police and national guard were used to protect property of the capitalists, not protect the honest working man, but kill them if they did what they were forced to do in an attempt to secure fair wages.
Now the Drug War is the proxy war that daily subjects urban youth to arrest. What would you rather do?, Risk your freedom for the money, or work for MacDonalds? We know what many see as a better option.
In my own case my work of retreat as brute labor days are over. If I had not gained a skill and been paid a higher rate than was ever available to me in the South of my upbringing, my SS would be appreciably lower.
In the State of North Carolina, in the Greensboro area it is reported that you cannot ever expect to be paid as well as someone doing the same work in the Northern states.
Something will get you and 50 is in fact 50. If you stay in NC or any of the Southern States of the CSA you will be poorer during your best working years, and then will be poorer for what SS you might get.
I noted that Landmark, part of the Carlyle Group bought Atlantic Aero which was the first FBO I worked for. Their habit is to pay only 75 percent of what is an industry standard to their labor. On top of that they are reported as charging clients for their fuel and services premium prices. They do it because they can. They would give every cent to themselves and their stockholders if they could. Slavery in all its forms, either wage slavery, chattel slavery, and debt slavery is what they engineer for labor.
I am my property, you are your property, and the deeds these people hold do not give them the right to not pay for the use of my property.
This guy Walker is a stupid man working to split labor by denying the Union their due. The Unions will work for the benefits of all labor regardless, but he doesn’t want them paid? He must be working for the corporations while taking a paycheck from his citizens.
Labor will figure it out and his day will come.
The US Corporations are pushing it steps too far, lucky that they have succeeded in dividing labor amongst themselves buy using race, and rural interests in conflict with urban interests and cultures.
I am aware of the dangers of nationalization. In our past it was the larger corporations like DuPont that did invest in their own R&D. The US was therefore able to make the Atomic Bomb before Hitler did.
It mattered. My own father said he was certain to have died on the beaches of Japan after his combat in France and Germany.
Now the Corporations apparently can license the research of the Universities where the students pay to do the work for these Corporations in hopes of later seeing themselves in a good paying job that will enable them to retire the debt slavery they took on.
Should Labor fight and win in the nationalization of assets of the corporations that are stealing their present and future they would then already know where to go for the development and research the assets they then control so as to create products necessary for our economy and survival.
In conjunction with my currency, the Insurodollar, pooled equity of insurance policies awarded at birth we would obviously be taking self ownership seriously. A currency based on our human capital is understandable within the system of capitalism.
The Corporations use the nations army to keep access to oil, turn labor into servants, and do not pay for externalities, nor pay their fair share of taxes for protections of the US courts.
The police prey on citizens to generate operating funds so they can steal assets of those forced into the underground economy, or simply speeding. Fines and court costs force the poor to move from state to state, or sell their cars since a simple fine starts out at a level typical of a months wages for those trapped working for Wal Mart.
Innovations are supplied to the military instead of being of any benefit to the working man. I see this in the creation of exoskeletons aimed at making the movement of artillery shells, instead of being preventative of injury to the man moving sheetrock.
What difference then does innovation make for the working man if all goes to the weapons of war, which sane men seek to avoid?
The men of corporations just profit from war. Their homes aren’t bombed, and children ripped apart.
In a sane world Putin’s threats to bomb members of NATO with weapons of mass murder would have already prompted Security Council meetings. Netanyahu is applauded for his push for the US to go to war with Iran. These representatives of the Corporations who will tell you they are for peace, have become so stupid that any war will do.
The mobsters of Japan will clean it up? Are we to hope so, for apparently the mobsters of Japan ought to be getting practice as Fukushima quietly leaks Cesium 137. How long it is till the aquifer there makes any water in Japan poisoned, and all of the Pacific is polluted with Cesium 137, I don’t know.
Corporations of Japan want to build more of the exact same designed nuclear power plants, and instead of putting hydro tidal power generators in the oceans of their coasts, showed a design for solar panels in the ocean that is subject to intense storms.
Just stupid stuff.
The corporations are making it awfully clear that they do not think right, and it is about time that labor tried their hand at running things from all indicators proving their greed is a mental disease with affects more profoundly stupid than any experienced working man ought tolerate.
It looks as if Nationalization is the only answer.
There are a lot of smart educated people around working who are ignored. I fell across General Wedemeyer’s biography by John J. McLaughlin which was of great aid in informing me of the exact specific differences between the strategies of the US Armed Forces and the British during WWII.
The fully realized strategy of a nation is supposed to consider what the world power balances will be after a win or a loss. Clearly the US expected that the War would be won, and all would return to normalcy, only better.
This General Wedemeyer was in a difficult position because of the US cultural fears about the awarding of the Army too much power in determining political policy. His understanding of Communism was well advanced. He did not trust Stalin, when Stalin had become Roosevelt’s buddy.
What I did see as difficult to swallow was the attitude towards corruption of the Chinese Nationalists. Out of my experiences I have come to see corruption as second to war as the reasons for people to be poor. I say corruption and war, keep people poor.
Corruption of ideals and subversion of aims is worse than street level corruption, but it hardly matters as one makes the other happen throughout a culture and society.
We in the US have been so propagandized that for decades the corruptions allowed and legislated into being on our streets and in our neighborhoods in the name of the War on Drugs pervade our society, at best making it a mean place we live our lives.
The deep government as it is now called must like it this way, for it keeps all living in fear of the police and each other.
The mythical US founded on the principals of equality, meritocracy, and justice has well been eroded.
And more to the point our defense is untrustworthy.
Defense and education are the only two legitimate duties of the government and we can tell neither jobs are being done well. By our government.
This guy Wedemeyer saw that Russian goals strategically were aimed at taking over as much territory as it possibly could during the period of WWII.
The US populace and leadership was aimed narrowly at defeating NAZI Germany, and going home. Of course that was the party line.
American business, the multinational corporations could apparently take care of themselves.
Now with the advance of the TPP that reality is aimed to be the monster utilizing what has become a mercenary army paid for by the American taxpayer for the benefit of the Petro Industry first, and the defense of Americans, second, If at all.
There seems to be some terrible confusion as how to address terrorist organizations. Why that is so is beyond me. Of course some observers have pointed out that US allies, and primarily the Saudi family are as much enemies of the American people and our way of life, as allies.
No wonder there is no clear idea about what is going on, or thinking that aims at the roots of threats to Americans and the West is ignored and suppressed.
The US has worked the system that was created specifically to keep the peace in an attempt to make it into another arm of US policy.
The US and the USSR did face off for 50 years of the Cold War promising to wipe each other off the face of the earth if one or the other went too far.
Atomic weapons make the fighting of a war an extra exercise. Sure Russia has an army, but it isn’t as powerful as that left to the Russians.
Working to get rid of all the nuclear weapons is considered to be a stupid thought. You are to ignore that thought, and if you want security and power, get these weapons of mass murder. After that your Armed Forces are just extra, and not really necessary.
Every week now Russia threatens us all with these weapons of mass murder. These sorts of fighting words really ought to trigger some serious talks at the UN Security Council. When I myself used to get in fist fights on a regular basis, the key to my success was to hit the guy first in the face as hard as I could.
“Do you really mean what you say there buddy?”
We understand George Bush the younger meant it when he endorsed preemptive wars and plunged the US into the war in Iraq. We of the world were amazed to discover there was no plan other than to war.
Some of us were aware that for all of US willful blindness to the strategic struggle for world dominance that roiled as Stalin took over Eastern Europe and East Germany became another totalitarianism travesty where about anybody who said the wrong thing one day, went to jail, had at least benefited from the occupying force of the US Constabulary as it trained civilian police in Germany and Europe.
There actually was some evidence of forethought there.
Fact is that on the one hand we are supposed to be comforted that Iran will swear off weapons of mass destruction, nukes that are mass murder weapons, but we are supposed to believe there is no reason at all to ever think of giving them up ourselves.
What fool thinks this will do more than put off the day when Putin, or some other cornered loser won’t blow off some of these bombs, and hope that there won’t be any retaliatory response they can’t withstand down in their own little bunker hole?
You may as well just count on it.
The only other strategy that might save us is that internationally people, real people, the mass of people, demanded the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction, mass murder.
I saw the other day that a Russian Bomber had flown the length of the West Coast. Of threats that’s one, as it is an unexpected delivery system for this day and age when we expect missiles out of silos or submarines. Little detour of a bomber over Washington DC when it flies along the East Coast is likely appealing to Putin.
This era of mulitpolar power will lead to nuclear war somewhere started by somebody for some reason sure as the sun will rise in the east the day after.
It is past time that there be a Security Council meeting to ask Putin if he really means what he keeps saying about using nuclear weapons.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Do you really mean it?”
If in fact he really means what he says, that he is for preemptive nuclear attacks, than really the US ought to just bomb him, bomb them, and as they have done, figure something out afterwards.
The reality is that you aren’t going to have any territory worth having, strategic war is done and over. In a case like that the world is destroyed and lots and lots of people are just killed, and that’s that.
Why not anyway, the Japanese mob throws radioactive water in the Pacific. There is so much plastic out there in the oceans the whole food chain is poisoned with plastic bits, now made radioactive because the Japanese are just as stupid as everybody else, deferring to mobsters to take care of problems they are too cowardly to do as a national duty.
What do the poor people care? Getting fried in an instant will be a blessing compared to disease and starvation and drowning.
What say we all just set a date and say “Get it over!”
The CSA Plot
Timothy Egan titled his essay in my electronic delivery of the NYTs: The Plot to Kill Healthcare
I read it and these were my thoughts: This is the CSA in conflict with the USA and the soldiers to honor were the ones that prevented the spread of slave labor as legal and acceptable.
Transcendia with the Insurodollar makes all labor an asset on the books and source of wealth for the nation, turning slave trading and the business of trading in souls, on its head.
So I have countered the CSA within a system they used, and use always turning to a distant unscrupulous banker, or hypocritically assaulting the Federal Government except for the military bases they covet as economic engines.
Payday lenders and modular homes that are installed on their slabs in three weeks by a Berkshire company.
The CSA didn’t want its slave labor to be able to read, and now they attack their ability to think. All labor must be somehow enslaved and somehow compromised so they will work. No one would work for them if they couldn’t whip them into doing it.
Some posit that the great debt of the aspiring class with a for certain doom to lives of disconnected labor nothing like what they imagined as “right livelihood” was cynically engineered by the masters to create a compromised pool of desperate labor.
Employers have gotten the message no matter their business, and merit without a paid for certification is as doomed.
You know nothing works if you don’t believe in it, and all that powerfully ideologues believe in is cheap labor.
There is the law, and there is the spirit of the law. The spirit of the law is CSA.
“Yeah, we freed the slaves, but now we just rent them.” That is the CSA rolling with their defeat. That is the policy. The war is conducted from within. Elected congresspersons, and Senators, will be paid well, for life, by the very government that they vow to “starve”, except for the army.
The South hires out looking for a fight. Being in the army is the best job in the world for ignorant angry young men. Women too. Serve and we’ll pay for your college education and you’ll get insurance. The army is for all nations a work program, and Southern schools train good soldiers.
Getting out of Urban inner city conflict zones is recommended for Urban blacks as well. I heard morale was low in the Nuke Launching Corp. They are just there for one thing. Turning keys.
Away from this line of thought. I need better statistics to back this line of thought up.
“They didn’t want their labor to read, and now they don’t want labor to think.” I said that.
The South is a different country now more than since the clash of uniformed armies.
To call it the GOP is a whitewash and a cover for what it really represents.
Cultural commentators have said for at least a decade and a half that the US was more fractured than ever, so why can’t we accept that the CSA has risen again, as promised?
If I led an army throughout the South knocking over every monument to the Confederacy, starting from Monument Row in Richmond, their capital, what do you think would happen?
I bet you that there would be war.
Luther Hodges was one of the progressive governors of the state, and he asked all around the State of North Carolina for companies like Cannon Mills to support the vision of the Research Triangle. He tried to get them to invest in this center for invention, technology, and the biosciences.
Finally it was only investors from NY that would put the money needed behind it.
Maybe there are too many Kudzu plants, or raggley weeds by the roads. The Yankees will invade and destroy it all, we aren’t rich enough? It is a defeated nation. Anger seeps into every conversation that exposes any basic truths, or threatens change.
How to treat labor in the South, the CSA, is this: Tell them you are just hanging on by their fingernails, and you can’t pay them any more, there is too much competition.
Just tell them any lie you need to.
Show Photos from Second Opening 2/13
![NC as it was, and is.](http://transcendia.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Confederates-in-July.jpg)
This was taken in the county of Guilford, at a July 4th parade when we lived in a trailer park and had skin diseases and my dog was tortured with acid poured on him.
It is my tactic as part of my strategy aimed at fame to demonstrate applied knowledge in the creating of art that is good company.
I meant to burst upon the scene, as I still do. I mean to compete with any mind willing to engage me. My struggle is to achieve a dominate position in the mental landscape.
I do not have academic credentials, and must prove that I have achieved the required dais position from my capacity to work in all important fields from science to ditch digging.
I am a hero of and for my class, the working class. I am writing a reply to all the stories I follow in the NY Times, or on Linked In, or on Facebook, or Tumblr, or G plus, or just out there somewhere beyond my submarine captain’s desk.
When John C Mearsheimer says we must all get nuclear weapons in an anarchistic world bereft of a Government of Governments, I declare that we must assemble the institutions of a government of government, declare nuclear weapons illegal in any arsenal, and go after them now, and forever. It is enough justifiable war, and wars, to keep the warrior class employed forever.
The powerful position of the sub captain is to be acknowledged, and the killer sub is to be owned and operated by the Government of Governments, as are the killer teams on the covert fronts who will be the first line of defense for all of the international working class, insulted at the prospect of mass murder.
I breathe and my struggle is the struggle that is legitimate across all national boundaries.
I endorse the Reinvention of the UN as laid out by Andre` Lewin. I do so because while the UN is disrespected because of its weak responses and unrealistic goals of no war at all, the UN has had successes, and continues on as half of what it was dreamed to be, and that foundation as half is in its organizations, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization, and World Health Corporation, and a list of vital to the world, organizations it sponsors, administrates, and begs money for.
From where I sit, as a citizen of the US, suffering threats from ideologues within and without, my own borders are but the borders of my office, and the borders of the US. The CSA has risen, and I fight it by name. I honor soldiers not so much of todays army, an army turned into the private army of the oilmen, but the army of the Union that fought to free enslaved, tortured, and terrorized labor.
It was not until 1952 that a black man was enrolled in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I must look up his name.
It is a crime against the Union that on the campus of the University, supposed to provide a safe harbor for those seeking the skills of scholars and leaders to be forced to pass under the gaze of the soldier who is honored for fighting to keep him enslaved and ignorant.
I myself was given the choice to become educated, and chose Rochdale College in Toronto as a citadel of resistance. As on Security I was lucky to have my lottery number come up high, so I could flee the corruption, and corrupt, who had their own greed and cynical reasons to throw me out a window, and sort it all out later.
As an independent scholar with a clear goal of discovering what it will take to prevent the apocalyptic riot so many actually lust to see happen, I am fully prepared to authorize force when it is obvious talking about it only gives more time for the forces arrayed against us, the honest working classes, are oppressed and fed lie after lie, suffering from leadership that has set up systems, and is committed to systems and ideas that all can clearly see are not going to work, and will inevitably aid in out extinction.
I am the old man now. I am not going to get but this one life to live, and I accept my destiny.
It is not the big events, but the little things you do everyday. So I do what I can, with what I have, where I am.
Earlier I wrote here Nothing Doing about my failing fight over the sharing of the transportation infrastructure represented by the making Private of the Public asset of the Where I Live airport, Horace Williams. Then there was my defeat as a small individual who wanted to work with my local government to help provide a surplus of living space that would enable Fair Housing. Maybe we do have no rights. Maybe working people need to accept nothing is their due, and that their government is for the government.
Those who already have the deeds to the land of the realm can zone it so that we will never be able to buy or rent securely anywhere for ourselves and our families.
The rich and the poor don’t care at all and have all the children their dicks and uterine equipment will produce.
We of my class don’t think that way. We of my class don’t have what we can’t afford.
We did not expect that the game would be so rigged that we could not ever have the means to afford what our parents could.
The police, the enforcers of the law know that they need tanks just on the outside chance we will start burning the money. Burning down the banks that make these laws and steal our money would be as squashed as was the February Revolution.
But knocking over all the monuments to the men of Robert E Lee, the well dressed traitorous pervert who was so loved that ignorant loyal servants of the self styled aristocrats with deeds to Tara, lost everything in his service, even their souls were made waste in service of the idea that they as labor, were to be subservient to these families who thought them stupid for trusting them.
Maybe it was the promise of owning maybe, women, the white women, and the black women.
It is an honest motive to fight for your woman, and your children with the honest goal of providing four walls and a roof over their heads and the entertainments of pets and a fire to feed.
What good is your soul if it is scarred and diseased through sacrifice and loyalty to torturers and slavemasters who think it their privilege to go beyond all ethical reason and take possession of anyone to beat into service for only the deeded top of the heap?
Knocking over the monuments to the CSA, plastering them with the names of the simply murdered and then tortured and lynched is what there is best to do as a class that can clearly see the inheritors of these sick ambitions are ramming down our throats in cascades of legislation like that restricting the vote, gerrymandering of the votes to get them seated and paid for life to destroy that Union that has been all that has stood in the way of States Rights, now nothing but a euphemism for oppression.
Would but our Volunteer army was sent to knock over these CSA insults to the sacrifices of twice the dead heaped up and bend dismembered, who served the principles of fair play and freedom. The US Civil War is just not over.
The petrodollar depends on this volunteer army to defend the Saudi family from Israel, while these monarchs and princes keep alive a culture no better than the worst of what kings and princes forced upon the people of Europe during the Dark Ages, and Middle Ages of Crusades in 1199, and 12 hundred.
What has the Vatican given to Haiti? No wonder they party so much in Spain.
Why not? God will forgive.
What if God doesn’t. What if it really does matter what ideals you serve? In this world at Nuremberg the judges and juries took the time to consider this whether God did or not.
The bankers have no idea of any different goal than the advancement and hegemony of their system. They do not know better than to make losers and winners as they have done and intend to keep doing.
The Drug War makes them winners either way. All along for long it was just the criminals that led them, but then the Cold War ended and there was a huge nation that as looted they were perfectly positioned and the laws in place set along to follow the practices of Meyer Lansky and the mob.
The mob knew and operated all along in a state of permanent war. The mob taught the legitimate corporations how to hide money, hide behind shell companies, and use new and old laws and loopholes so as to gather for themselves unaccountable fortunes and power.
Capitalism has matured into a mobster artifice. It was perfectly structured by the mob so as to absorb into its fold the friends of the Russian Princes.
All they had to do was see the right banker in London. Every benefit paid for by honest labor, defended by the armies of the capitalists was purchased with just a little for the banks, just a little.
The banks, run by mobster cronies get to keep the profits while labor is given the bill to protect them, at no expense.
Back in the 20th century the mobsters just had 16 trillion, and now the mobsters essentially are the whole fortune.
We might only be able to do as I want, and make entirely a new nation of our own.
I am isolated and poor. My books have not gained traction. The distributors will not buy them, and the independent bookstores will not buy them.
I have no academic credentials where troll the agents with knowledge and entrée into the offices of the editors with their lists.
I am not friends with powerful Hollywood actors who can tell Angelina Jolie Pitt that my passports show how to free the refugees with independent travel documents the pilots she could ask to honor the documents, would do.
I can’t fly to Necker Island for a week of fun with the premier World Citizen, and king of the hedonists, Sir Richard Branson.
Virgin is the airline most likely because of his throw it to the wind philosophy to be the first vetting organization that has the reach and stations and station agents who could meet those at the fences and have filled out the applications.
He’s not watching my youtube videos. I admit some of them suck. I was sick there for a good while. Sometimes I got the wrong face going. These latest videos are better. Better because I invented the currency.
My Speech/RSD
Tomorrow I have to speak for the February Opening on Art Walk night in Carrboro at the Carrboro Century Center Gallery. 7 PM.
The speech of January 9th can be seen some on Transcendian. This opening speech must be shorter. There will be changes made to the show before the opening is done.
All right I must thank you for being here. I am trouble and demanding of late.
We are going to take the opportunity to change some of the show, and I think I will add “The Last Fucking Duck”. This Duck, is something other artists have made bigger or stronger, and I was supposed to play with the duck. There is SR71 to go up as well. These are toys. They are comforts.
You can’t get the rubber duck anymore because it turns out to be highly toxic, especially when new. It was one poisonous toy. Don’t touch it.
The SR71 is the fastest airplane ever. It is the thing to use, or something like it to bomb people with toys and flowers, since otherwise the good action of Pro Active Civil Demonstration will produce unintended consequences. I used to think Clowns in Balloons would be a good why to spread cheer and international tolerance and understandings, but after my divorce I recognized there is no joking around in hostage situations.
I am an artist now. I’m a professional artist. This is my 4th or 6th show. Originally I was a poet, photographer, and I did drawings dreaming of movies I wanted to make. These became cartoons. I worked with steel and wood in my career as labor, and am used to handling it. I got some great wood from Aventine to work on. It does have the advantage of being able to be hung without being put in a frame. Some pieces would benefit from the right frame, but I am not expert like Mary Earls in that, the thing of framing.
Churchill, Hitler and my hero Grant did some paintings and watercolors. I have striven to use the best materials more and more in my work as an artist. I do desire to be a successful artist beforebecoming the great political leader I am forced by my vision to become.
The questions I set myself to answer: How to prevent the apocalyptic riot may be more important than the vision. The questions came first. The vision helps me affirm the correctness of the answers I have developed for Transcendia, the grand work of conceptual art separate from these paintings, drawings, wall sculptures about balance, and photographs.
Yeah, I’ve got a grand ambition and infrastructure of ideals and precepts of governance, but I just made these works of art to be good company.
You are encouraged to buy my books.
Poor Buzz & Stories from Warnings for my Daughter
was what I did last when I was going around in my circles. I have impressed myself with it, and characterize it as a jazz composition of a book.
Okay, We will be changing some things. You are encouraged to ask me questions. You can ask me prices.
Help me Name My Enemies
I have difficulty hating people. I am getting better at it. My old enemies have actually stuck around, and are reinvigorated. While I am the Founder of Transcendia, and primarily a revolutionary, I must fit in, and name, and call out, my enemies.
As a group, and institution, it is those who honor the CSA are my enemies. It was a wonderful thing that citizens of the USA fought the bloody battles that did end the expansion of slavery. I am angry with Afro American institutions and leaders for not more often complimenting those white men and boys who put their lives on the line, and died in fantastic numbers on battlefields from the West of Texas on through to Vicksburg which showed how stupid Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee really were, through the horror of Cold Harbor, and to the end of it all at Appomattox.
In retrospect I wish the defeat had been made more severe and Robert E Lee had at least been tried as a traitor and shunted off to prison along with the rest of the leadership that was willing to cause the horror that that civil war represents.
Those monuments to the heroes of the CSA set up at Richmond’s Monument Row, and then all throughout the Confederate states are the point of a breaking point for me. These holy statues are abominations.
We know what the Confederate States of America wanted to be. We know what they stood for. We know now, thanks to Edward Babtist, that it was a greedy bunch of torturers that led the Confederate States of America.
It is in our past. It is supposed to have been settled. It is not settled and this does make it easier for us to identify my enemies.
You can choose whether or not they qualify as your enemies.
I think it was at the turn of the century that I really got it that I was working class and suffered to a good extent those secret humiliations and the tortures of poverty. I often imagine what the real extent to which I would have suffered if I had not been bailed out by either my mother, or my sister. I suffered acutely enough. My other sister helped me very much during the divorce.
There were friends in Rochester that gave me a place to sleep, not to mention the community of poets and a shared life with children. I did have to substitute the children of my friends for what I otherwise would have sought in the lives of my in laws and cousins.
There is a woman we met in NYC who had lost the last familial relationship when her brother died. From that time on she knew that she had no family left.
I could tell from the look of sadness on her face that she was fully aware of what it meant for her to from then on, be essentially alone in a dangerous and mean world.
When I work at designing a nation, I do plan that the citizenship will provide a base of income that enables a life. We are talking about providing security for all our citizens who may not have any other help. In fact I want all of the citizens of Transcendia to be happy.
There is no reason at all that the pursuit of happiness should be written out of any declaration of rights. I am not at all made a victim of the hedonism of Sir Richard Branson, except as far as until I read too much of his self congratulatory “Influencer” posts to Linked In.
The unsocialized rednecks, hicks, simplistic ignorant people of the rural enclaves full of cows and chickens convinced from youth that there was something nobel and proud about the goals of the wannabe American royalty, wannabe aristocrats playing with the big boys from the North Eastern banks as they learned to write bills of sale and scribble in their account books the values of their cows, chickens, cotton, and slaves demanded more and more and more for just themselves.
Their frilly women’s fashions and the hats and European militaristic gray uniforms do not fool me into seeing them as what their fancy suits and frilly clothes were made out as who they really were. They were sick people. Surveillance and fear and rape torture and murder were just how they lived.
Either they were blind to the civilized modes of life and behavior that had been developed over 2,000 years of English strives towards civilization, or just didn’t care because they had the deeds.
Then after the war, they, dedicated and resentful looked for the way to cause The South to Rise Again!
That’s what they said, “The South Will Rise Again!”
They found it with the use of monuments.
My brother, who has a degree in art history, told me about sculpture. There was a long time that the sculpture was really a god.
The sculptures are powerful and do evoke feelings of awe and respect.
My parents didn’t march me around statues to the heroes of the CSA on Memorial Day. In the South many children were marched around these statues standing in near 4,000 town squares in all the former CSA states. All that States Rights means for labor is the legacy masters are but a hairs breath from being again able to own you.
They took it as a right for them to murder many a sharecropper when he was supposed to be paid. They could get away with it. They delighted in it. They were taught to hate the Yankees, and they taught their children too, and they have the gall to declare Martin Luther King Day, Robert E Lee Day.
No perversion is out of bounds.
In the South it seems a great number of parents never got around to, or ever get around to telling their children that incest is wrong. You get to wondering what the fuck is wrong with these people! They sure ought to keep some secrets, but when you are sick, you just can’t hid it.
There was a point when it was obvious to all of the German hierarchy that Hitler was mentally ill. Reading between the lines about Gettysburg and Robert E Lee, you can feel that he was a bit too close to his daughters. We understand the grief of a parent for the loss of a child, but my God! He couldn’t put this aside for the few hours demanded of him in the prosecution of a battle in which, what 30 thousand soldiers were slaughtered when he ordered them to run out in a naked field towards well shielded rife and artillery.
What a fucking asshole. There were plenty of his Army with daughters of their own.
He looked good, but so did the NAZIs. The NAZIs hired one of the most prominent fashion designers of the day.
Hitler was sexually sick as well. Whatever perversions he was fully of a part, you get the idea that the more difficulty a person has in living a healthy intimate life, the more fearful they are of art that celebrates intimate beauty. People like this who want the breast of “Justice” covered, are likely some twisted fucks.
These characters are to be judged as not at all the sort of people who will honor justice for all, much less know the value of “a life of the mind”.
Bobby Jindal is pushing a 40 percent cut in funding to the state university system. What a fool he shows himself as, especially if he thinks this is good for the people of his state.
The 10 percent cut Scott Walker is talking about, might be warranted when you start to take a look at management of some of these university systems. If it was at all about that, bloated administrative bureaucracies driving up tuitions, and basically cushy positions of spokesperson for this department and that department that got their jobs as the universities wanted all their friends to get paychecks, for something.
The attack is on the mission of higher education that is called “higher” education for a reason. I do support the mission of higher education, and now that my hard working years are over, I have become serious about my scholarship. I may be an Independent Scholar, but I am still a scholar. It was good that I dedicated my life to understanding everything I needed to know about how to found a nation.
The goal of preventing apocalyptic riot was always clear.
How to make this happen required study.
Whatever degrees I don’t have I now deserve, and I would not know what I know as a scholar. A scholar who has been in fistfights and suffered beatings will not hold to illusions about power. When I got grown enough, but too old to survive anymore beatings, I got a gun.
I don’t try and put myself in any positions that would call for me to shoot someone. The time on the street I wanted to shoot dead this crack addict street robber who tried to rob and kill me, I’d have been happy to do it.
Now I fear a Trotsky death, and ought to change the orientation of my desk.
If I got to knocking over all the monuments exalting the traitors and enemies of my class, I’d be a fool not to keep a defense force around me.
I have a rational fear of even inciting the toppling of these false heroes. The only motivation they could claim when calling for recruits, was that the “homeland” Dixie was being invaded.
So it is easy in the USA for me to identify my enemies. They are the ones fighting for ignorance. They didn’t want their slaves to read, and now they don’t want them to think.
They need to get the message that for what they do and what they say, they are enemies of the working class. It is obvious to at least me that the South has Risen, and it is just as mean and stupid as it ever was.
Every single one that signed the Norquist Nation so called Tax Payer Protection Pledge ought to be kicked from their seat in Congress or the Senate. To have signed that pledge meant to deny the Federal Treasury the needed operating funds, was a betrayal of their oaths of office. Those who have come along since screaming the same claptrap, devoid of loyalty to their people and their Union, are nothing less than enemies of the state.
Next Up: Who ought to be my enemies on the international scene?
Transcendia as Anti Anarchist
You will not get a world government, so Transcendia is a small weak nation all over the world.
It is anti war and makes itself available to Peace Keeping Forces and Gendarmes of the UN according to the International Laws of Best Practices.
So I am reading The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, by John J Mearsheimer of U of C.
Norton & Company is the publisher.
The discussion is started from “the effects of the Anarchic Structure.” There is no “Government of Governments”. The logical Government of Governments is the United Nations, which is not for not having an armed forces. Whatever covert forces it has, as are needed in this time of Terroristic bombings and small assaults I have little information about.
The goal of Transcendia has long been to prevent the Apocalyptic Riot. I had along the way wondered why it was not already existent as a realized United Nations. Earlier I more often explained Transcendia as a nation spawned of all others and the precedent of Disneyland and Hong Kong and Pan Am, and the American Automobile Association.
You want to be a Transcendian because it is a great myth of its own as a nation that is fair and practical.
Since Transcendia will always be geographically limited to the perimeter road of the airport, and international, unable to get out of the way of nuclear weapons so to be fair wants others to disarm of these weapons, these nuclear bombs which we are too used to.
They are an unethical threat to all working classes and I want my class to be treated as fairly as possible.
But the thesis of the reality of offensive realism and tracing the evidence of what actually we can expect of great powers, now the US and China, the problem of peace is the void of a Government of Governments.
The UN is prevented from fulfilling this role that is rightfully its mission as a system stunted after the Bi Polar Power Balance changed to a multipolar power balance with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Now the questions drove my studies and long before I came upon these scholars I had seen that a nation in the world that was built on the strengths of the airports and port sociological realities of a bit more tolerance for others said that the most possible thing was to create a flagged network of airports that facilitated secure, safe, trustworthy and fair environments in which to do business. So the Insurodollar Bank of Transcendia will of course be a fine fair trustworthy place to put your money, even if the money is taxed in order to make it so.
To be strong though Transcendia must require Insurodollars for food and fuel and all that sort of business that it is as an airport.
So then as now I must expand my role for Transcendia so that it is the Government of Governments for not only financial power of trade, but a presence that constitutes a threat of violence against violators of international standards of behavior. Further the nature of the permanent war demands small secretive forces seeking out and destroying caches of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Transcendia as a nation of airports must then be prepared to host Peace Keeping Government of Government Forces that work with the anarchist Transcendians in the sense that all Transcendians are to be armed with the highest level of personal weapons they can realistically due to inclination and aptitude carry. In other words some Transcendians working and living on one or all Transcendian Ports will carry at least pepperspray, or whatever works best as a nonlethal weapon.
Carrying a weapon is a great deal more work that it looks like in the movies. Many many people get themselves killed or horribly kill others because of their ignorance of the use of weapons. I mean the full range of the ignorance of the use of weapons, and how a gentleman is as much charged to speak rationally towards conflict resolution, the nuclear threat is unconscionable.
I accept war as a conflict, and respect the warriors who fight out of love of their countrymen. Transcendia does want to be a nation that is loved by its people it gives freedom to.
I am spawned of the Myths and myth of a fair nation on all fronts interior and exterior. I wrote down general precepts for the governance of Transcendia, accepting the leadership example of the positioned, let us say Kings family and aristocrats who are to be most patriotic steering the ship of state. We do think of the world as our position in it dictates. The Westminster part of Transcendia is me. I have the vision and impart it to you.
It is a challenge to the UN for me to have issued a passport that anyone can buy. I did ask that Virgin take up the vetting and selling of Transcendian Passports that regularize World Citizenship as Sir Richard Branson says is a great life. It sure looks like a great life, what with the airplanes and his island. I read some futurist book during one hospital stay well modeled to the stories of these people who do have it all and can buy seats on spaceships.
It is a grand thing even to have gone nowhere and even somewhere on private Learjets or a Falcon 50. I got to fly myself around in Florida. I ought to have not wanted to be a TV Writer I suppose for the flying yourself around in a little plane makes most all other sufferings disappear.
It is wonderful that I live in an anti airport community. At least the powered gentry elites are passionately against having our own local community airport that is a center of commerce with a small town feel. I don’t want to have to even drive to RDU if I am to set out from my base to NYC or LA for business. I need to move my Art Show on a Tour from here to NYC and LA as the most minor of my businesses. The Xmas Tree Project could still be made to succeed.
What I want you should have. Freedom and the manageable life of excellence means going where the right people are for what you have to offer. I must go to NYC and become famous at this stage of the game for the founding of Transcendia, which was made in a time and is running out of time.
We recognize that we are running out of time as a species, but want to ignore the reason. The main reason we are running out of time is the petrodollar imperative. Nations are planning transformation at the very end of the supply of non renewable big BTU fossil fuels.
The wise are saying that it is already late that we have not applied the transformational engineering of generators and motors and electric distribution. Why big is the semi rational justification that it is a powerful resource and source of monopoly realized energy that provides incredible fortunes as if it was the same a gold and must be therefore found and sold.
To change that imperative I invented the Insurodollar, and this completes the operational financial foundation for the nation. Other nations can adopt it. It does not matter to me if the Chinese Working man achieves therefore equality with the other working people of the world. Transcendia is supposed to advance the fortunes of all, and especially the working classes.
We are talking about a system of artificial land islands set down in all nations operating according to only the best of human laws and ethics. Transcendia will be a desirable citizenship.
The organization behind the pages does not much at all exist so Transcendia is a work of conceptual art and can even stay that way for me to be successful within the frame of it as an artwork.
There is always a place for any man where he is needed. We see that the multinational corporations have offices all throughout the world, and their employees travel from base to base and the corporations are more stable, or were, than the nations where they do business.
Corruption of ideal and spirit in the cynical age of economic warfare is making all drift towards the apocalyptic riot born of confusion and fear. What is Mr. Mearsheimer offering as a way out other than the recognition that a “Government of Governments” must be sold as advancing the security of any nation.
Is not a war of aggression against the laws of international behavior, and why is there not a loyalty and love of the security a Government of Governments gives its own, and the rest of the world?
Early on I felt that Transcendia could well take up where the UN left off, and just as I marveled that there was no competitive UNTV, I marvel that the UN is not what I would be already.
So the nations distrust each other so much that they fear the Government of Governments which might crush their rebellion, there aggressive war, that to maintain the freedom to right or wrong attack another nation prevents the submission to a pooled and greater power.
Since we cannot overcome that desire for the power to break international law, the UN is stunted to not have but the weakest of enforcement capabilities.
We must sell Transcendia to be the best possible institution in place of a Government of Governments, and allow for a nation operating under all best ethical and practiced proven international laws.
Work must be a legal right, and all peoples need the ability to get on a plane and go where there is a possible peaceful life for them. The Transcendian Passport ought to employ the accountants who will provide protection and manage their taxes so as to give them the security of a civilized life when they have worked, or in fact, just been good people.
There were things that the people of the tribe just had to do for each other. And so be it all are of the tribe and have their lives to share with each other. Who needed to hid but so much of what they had from the others of the tribe?
Financial Engineering as I understood it within the discipline of engineering is quite different from what we see from the smart financial engineers that exploit the loopholes in whatever process exists. In a good way there are regulations for economic conflicts. These are in danger of disappearing due to the culture of predators feeding on the body politic separated from any countrymen and a virtual club of psychopaths.
The Wall Street Financiers that are tearing companies like Timpkin apart are further weakening the respect that some of them did gain from supporting the building of great companies that were like other organizations grasping for as complete hold on power over their employees for a time in some quarters that made civilian wealth a reality which provided for a strong military. If the short term financial engineering of financiers is not stopped the trust of the monied of other nations will evaporate, regardless of the dominance of the petrodollar.
I had suggested that to recreate the Bi Polar Power Balance Russia would have become a state of the US and then the Bipolar power balance would exist in opposition to primacy aims of China.
Because the Russians have adopted all the worst of Wall Street machinations no one enjoys doing business with them and they are so uncooperative and untrustworthy as to drive business to want other partners. There are US States where I must not go, or if I do, stay on the airport. For instance I would likely be very uncomfortable in Mississippi.
I had postulated that the tradition of contract law in Western Capitalism was missing from Russian business culture, and that to be successful capitalist they needed a tradition of contract law that the US and the UK could give them.
As the story played out, or has played out so far, there was a sort of predatory glee that swept through the Financial capitals as the Soviet Union roiled through this gifting of party members with the spoils. There were those melting tanks I heard, for 5 cents a ton. Then Gore had to go and give Russian Space Engineers and scientists work so they wouldn’t hire out to major arms projects of US enemies.
Putin seems perfectly to be playing out aggressions aimed at Hegemony.
I do agree that there is geography that determines much of how conflicts come to break out.
For the so called community of nations and the peoples of the world in all classes the skew of nuclear weapons cannot forever be ignored. We will see the nuclear attack on centers of civilization if we do not make it internationally impossible to make and threaten each other with nuclear weapons.
You could make a case for a Government of Governments initiating international war of nuclear capability destruction. Certainly if the US and all other Nuke armed nations did not all agree, it would bring about a war on the nuclear capability of the US, which would not pay for such a war through the UN certainly.
North Korea could not be trusted to disarm if even they just said so, so would have to be invaded as invasions were justified on the basis of nuclear capacity. If the US thinks any other nation ought not have nuclear weapons, what makes the US believe other nations would not react to the hypocrisy of one who has the nuclear option?
There is the Japanese prohibition against fire arms that lasted 200 years as some precedent that such decisions can be made.
We have made it this far. I do not speak here of the EU. I believe it was last year the Germans and French had a celebration for the fact they had not gone to war with each other in 50 years. It would be in the interests of general prosperity that the real reasons of Financial punishments of Greece and to some extent Spain that a better Central Bank System was put in place.
So my Insurodollar has the disadvantage of being possible to generate terrific wealth in direct proportion to its population, for essentially the wealth of the nation is the productive power of its populations. But how is this so different from the reality that the greater the population the greater the latent power as military capabilities are paid for by prosperous citizens taxed to make it so.
It is evident that there is a danger of the US becoming an entirely military based economy. Schools are financed by the US Government to contribute technologies for weapons as opposed to civilian missions like physical infrastructure. Great swaths of the population are housed outside the ivory walls of the medieval like citadels.
Nearly they are warehoused it would feel as Detroit pops into mind. I heard that the socialized medical system and other factors encouraged the car builders to move across the border to build and wondered why this was how the grand corporations of the United States did instead of lobbying for such an arrangement that so attracted them to leave, was fought against for the nation of their birth?
We do need to consider the corporations that have aged along with our nation to now over and over abandon the US Worker. I am sorry that Ms. Rand was oppressed by the socialism of Russia. There are socialist nations of Europe that do have effective governments that provide a good level of honorable ways of life for their peoples. They stay out of the news because things are okay.
Copenhagen is an example of a place with a great airport. Everybody has to be somewhere, and migrating is the best idea for the oppressed.
There is no great mystery now about the details of a good and honorable life. It is true that this religiously justified conflict in Iraq primarily calls for overwhelming force to be crushed by an international peace enforcement army. Some would rather just live with it. There are good reasons not to just put up with it. In particular the prize of a nuclear bomb will be pursued by a combatant who does have friends.
So the realist says anarchy means distrust and fear, which means aggressive war. This is due to the lack of a Government of Governments that was founded but needs repair for the new multipolar power balance which is expected to be in place for some time.
The Reason for Transcendia
For instance nobody likes to do business with the Russians. If I was to go to Russia do do business, or to some Islamic nation, or some African nation, to do business, I would stay on the airport, and have people who wanted to sell things to me, or mine, come to me and deal with me on the neutral ground of the International airport.
Transcendia is simply building on that common strength of these airports where people know how to act. Transcendia would depend on international organizations and international laws and standards of behavior, and business.
I was inspired by my time in Rochdale College in Toronto. There are profound lessons I learned there. All the hallucinogenic drugs were legal there. They spoke out of two sides of their mouths on this issue. The Security Force became, or more rightly was corrupt from the get go, using the hippies naivete`so as to provide around them a shield for their criminal enterprises of high stakes gambling, and then the mobster drug cocaine.
Many began turning away from the mind expanding drugs and simple pot, towards cocaine, which was not fully understood in the early 1970s. It was not considered addictive, and it was a seductive drug for how it made many feel powerful. The criminals of Security then manipulated the supposed laws of Rochdale, stealing the coke from the less connected dealers, then kicking those dealers out, and giving the cocaine partly to those on the governing board.
I read the book
by Brian Grieveson in which he makes light of this corruption. It made me angry for I nearly got thrown out a window when I tried to stop this corruption. I had tried to stop it by telling my mentor Lionel Douglas of it. In my latest book Poor Buzz & Stories from Warnings for my daughter, I include a story from those times and that place.
I had imagined that my nation of airports could be operated from taxes on pot, but recognized I would have to lead a war with greater powers in order to do so, and am not so idealistic to sacrifice myself knowing that I really don’t like or trust criminals.
Time has passed and now Washington State and Colorado are benefiting from legal pot.
It is a true horror that so many lives have been destroyed over the past 40 or 50 years in the prohibition of pot. That we allow this daily assault on hedonists?, regular people who use it, or used it as a folkway, is a sign that our world does not care as much at all about tolerance and justice as they say. For look at the horrors that flow out of this Drug war.
Better to write it than live it, and I can make up a war movie fought for control of cocaine transit airfields, instead of doing it and dying in combat, or having others die in combat over the coke transit airfields that dotted South America. Now they are sending robotic submersibles to Europe with cocaine, from what I can tell from what I see on VICE.
I did declare that pot would be legal on Transcendian airfields and have included the times from joint to joystick there in the passports.
Daily we see reports of working people trapped into wage slavery when their passports are taken from them. The Transcendia and Transcendian Passports, could be an aid to these people. Spies always keep more than one passport. You ought to as well have a spare to at the least be able to give away in hostage situations.
In fact I do not necessarily have to have any altruistic reason for the creating of a new nation. I simply by now, want to have my own nation, as my own creation to see what good can come of it.
It is not as if I ought to be, nor should you be particularly patriotic towards the US anymore. Certainly the powerful people of the world hold no patriotic feelings or loyalty towards any nation, and manipulate working people the same as the criminals of Rochdale, manipulated the hippies who were all full of themselves and their fashions, to enrich themselves.
Honest working people are made daily into suckers. The laws of the nation have been made so as to legalize the financial engineering pioneered by mobsters who coming out of Italy and Sicily had a long tradition of their family first.
Nation states have so been corrupted that they have in Japan given responsibility for the disaster at Fukushima to mobsters. The interior of Italy is a cancerous dump.
We hear little now about what the dumping of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean means to the food we take out of those waters. I have seen photos of mutated moths. This is the sort of thing I think TS Eliot meant by, “Not a bang, but a whimper.”
Sir Richard Branson is gleefully huckstering one new company after another, and is the great hedonist who calls himself a World Citizen. He has his own island.
Without the support of Virgin, it is right bleak for Transcendia. I and my construct exist independent of money and power.
It was, and may still well be that I have appealed for Station Agents and Pilots of Virgin to buy Transcendia Passports, and honor them for passage on planes they pilot.
Another reason that I continue to fail is the relative apolitical nature of pilots and people who live and work on the airports of our world. They can and do simply just go wherever they want, and do not necessarily need to support any particular nation.
So I can say that Transcendia is a great idea. It is mine, and I work at making you aware of what it might do to take up where the UN leaves off.
The passport could give regular working people papers they could use to live as World Citizens same as Sir Richard.
It could provide safe places for those of different cultures to do business. It could be a great example if it were uncorrupted and realistic.
We will not ever see a World Government. However Transcendia would be a government in the world.
This is a great strength of my concepts as a realist.
All I really have to do is make a 3D VR scratch and sniff war movie, as a replacement for the necessary war.
I used to like making movies.
They were like military campaigns, and I used military strategy to get them done.
Right now sitting here with my broken leg, going from one end of the house to the other isn’t much fun, and nothing much seems fun.
I can say that I discovered I was working class, which means I am essentially cannon fodder. My class has not united.
We cannot expect that the working classes will now all of a sudden unite. The fact that there is no ubiquitous UNTV channel shows that the UN is now a sideshow to be blamed for failures instead of being empowered to succeed at moderating the nature of our wars.
Working people don’t even know what they don’t know because their masters control the news.
In the Transcendia Passport I endorse Westminster Parliamentary Democracy, Roberts Rules of Order, The Airport Authority, and accept Godwin Anarchy as far as Defense and Education are the primary responsibilities and duties of a nation.
I don’t even want you to donate on the basis of what a great man, and what great ideas I have. Neither you nor I can feel that now. There is no fantastic playing of trumpets and a soundtrack that is heroic accompanying my time at my desk.
What I want you to do is buy a Transcendian or Transcendia Passport. It is after all my work of conceptual art, and is pretty revolutionary as it an I am spawned of the great ideals, and the great stream of good ideas that has been laid out for us to follow, if we want to be heroic and pure, and even realistic about what could be.
Another Inspiration
Last night my wife said she didn’t understand Transcendia. She said lots of people don’t understand me.
I have said over and over that there was a challenge to those of my generation to give our critics something better than what we complained about.
We were complaining about the US, which has a myth of freedom, equality, and meritocracy.
Many of us were attracted to anarchy and hedonism. As in any large group there were many who were simply against the Viet Nam war. This was reactionary. It was not revolutionary.
I had had a vision that I used as a touchstone.
I was inspired by the environment of the airport to build up the idea of a nation of airports. It was based as of utility on the idea that if there were a network of standardized ports operating according to the principles of the Declaration of Human Rights, safe for businesses to operate out of in every nation, economic disparities would be moderated.
As a pragmatist who admires William James, and then takes the word for its face value, I aim to build on what is shown as strong.
Port cities are strong. Airports give landlocked people opportunities for prosperity and power totally out of reach before the advent of the airplane. Everybody seems to know how to act on the airport.
A nation of airports operating according to best practices would be well positioned to take up where the UN leaves off. Even just to have Transcendian offices on all the international airports would help in certain instances such as when dictators of nations are causing unnecessary war because they are like trapped rats.
I communicated with Andre` Lewin who wrote the Points for Reinvention of the UN. For dictators whose administrations have run their courses, the airport can take them in and provide a sanctuary for them as Ambassador Lewin saw as needed and looked to Elba where Napoleon was ensconced. The fleeing dictators like Napoleon at the end is just one precept of points for the reinvention of the UN that Transcendia could take up.