My Mother Died

I can’t think of the best stories and have read fb note from my brother and sisters. Another writer wrote something well worded and accurate. As I am now I understand I do not understand how I feel or what I know about my mother.
She grew up in a time of different numbers. The truth is that she grew up the 30s of the United States Midwest. That time is still around.
Sinclair Lewis pegged lots of it.
The anger and hatreds of our days and places hurt me.
To mention them as any cause for passion gets me in trouble from time to time. Now it is better to feel nothing and I have a poem about wanting to be a robot I’ve not read or looked at for awhile. In some world times and parts of this world there are fighters with poems on their minds. The book Vengeance tells why the Mossad kills a poet first when on a mission.

We moved to a small town where we were hated for being from the North. Up North I was hated from being from the South. Out West it is for being from the East. Which class am I to be hated for about and from.

Where oh where will we be allowed to make a living? How much hatred to take from the people you work for?

My favorite story about my mom; since people are talking telling theirs, and printing photographs, is the one about that test. There is the test at the polls they gave Black people to see if they knew enough to be able able to vote. I was there for her registering to vote yelling at them about the fact hardly anyone could pass that test. So then it was clear what values there was any passion I ought to take up and remember things about.

My father is remembered.
My father is remembered too.

They broke up of course. I don’t want to tell much about his story right now. He was sent on into the mental hospital.

Mom worked hard being brave and helping people with the church as a guiding light. Surly there is shown the value of the directions one can gain in the service of the church.

All this shit now back about who is good enough to vote. Who can get a job. All of it is back just like it was when I was a kid and lots of lives will be heart hurting experiences of wonder and why for so many again.
Really they are taking away the pretty things of our parents fights.

My mother made a big scene at the office of Voter Registration in the small town for small minds where out a little further the Klan swirled around and waits now to get back in power more better.

Since it is hard to get guns and ammunition at anywhere but the Wal Mart, give the clerk a tip when you buy lots of guns at Wal Mart.

Have a good time. check!
Protect voting rights for good working people, and it is okay to lead with passion on that one. Check!

Mom liked acting. She was good at that. I told her it was an important job that she ought to see about getting paid at. She did it anyway regardless of the pay.

For her own library I get the impression she wanted a perfect collection of Children’s and science fiction books. I don’t think she cared at all about the science in the science fiction books but was there with them because they were heroic stories with a certain kind of fashion.
I hired with the rest of the board Gene Rodenberry and Rod Serling to give speeches at Monroe Community College and got to take their measures. She found Orxon Scott Card too Right wing.
Sometimes we hear of men and some women described as a “force of nature” and she was that way.
Ny mother was a force of nature.

Work and The Airport

Like I said I didn’t know I was working class and am sorry my parents badmouthed being an academic so bad because of what they called politics.
We watched the last show of the Sopranos again last night. He ought to have married Doctor Malfee and lived happily ever after. I wanted to suggest that as another one show with Lorraine Bracco, and James Gandolfini, if they wanted to, maybe, and called the Directors Guild of America intending to leave a polite message about it with David Chase, but the representatives put my message in the Crank Call box.
It’d tried to get ahold of John Waters so one of the trees for the Christmas Tree Project, the Christmas Tree Posters on sale on this website, Could be called a John Waters Kitsch Tree, but they said he wasn’t interested.
These interactions were anger inspiring within me.
I wanted to teach some of these people what a crank visitation might really feel like, which would involve a shotgun, but of course as one of the intelligentsia I will not do.
Still I don’t fully understand why polite inquiries in the proper places go so? It is a wonder more people are not beaten to death or beheaded.
The historical situation prior to the French Revolution is similar enough that McDonalds upper management ought to be very fearful if they show up in the flesh to talk with their workers.
My cousin Buzz once told me about how “Yeah you see it on TV when on guy has got the other down and is beating him and that is all awful, but when it is you, you just want to see blood.”
After I’d been working delivering newspapers and managing newspaper routs because they wouldn’t hire me as a writer and I was going to work my way up, after I got fired from that job by this self aggrandizing prick, and a business school graduate who undershoot how to “write off” fifty cents to clear the books, after i told one guy to tell the other guy “Tell that asshole to let me sleep.” : So he told the guy what I said in quotes and I got fired by that crowd of Machiavellian small timers and did some more construction and went out to the airport and spent cash money flying, learning to fly.
My teachers weren’t very good and I didn’t have the right amount of money and so these guys got killed and there were some openings. 6 guys got killed in a Cessna Conquest which was a fine turbo prop probably with two of the venerable PT6 on it. It had some kind of flaw about the elevator. A bolt fell out and the elevator was stuck in the “Up” attitude, position, and the plane went up till it stalled and then fell to the ground killing all 6 on board.
There were the test pilots, mechanics, and some joy riding linemen.
It was problematic that some of the linemen were still on the clock when they were killed.
I just heard about this.
I just heard about this a fair long time after I was hired.
The airport FBO out at GSO fit better than any other my natural work ways. I work like a worker bee going around in circles finding things to do on my circuits. Some managers find my way of working disconcerting and don’t think I am concentrating and hate me. I have to work all day and pace myself for the demands of what my day is going to be, whereas they are going to watch me for awhile and then go sit down.
I did well got promoted and then set to doing the solitary work with all the responsibility and no pay out there by myself all night long till I got hired to another FBO as a manager, Line Chief in FLL.
So you see for me the airport is a place to work, and a place that fit me uniquely.
I have a vision of a Nation of Airports I call Transcendia. It is really surprising that the UN doesn’t have offices like I want already out at all airports in the world as a way of protecting civilization for the airport is more like a mythical Silk Road than the highways I have been on.
I used to do lots of hitchhiking when that was in vogue.
I used to use lots of Super 8 film as well.
How John Waters made it out of Baltimore is a story of how people like to see stories of the strange. I have lots of respect for Andy Warhol and John Waters. They had no shame and showed off their junkie friends who died and then Mr. Warhol died.
I think how Warhol died is somewhat mysterious.
The Airport is a place to go to work and an FBO is a place like the best gas station of all times. Do you get that?
Over here in IGX they treat the little airport like a Private airport only for them. Them are the aristocrats and academics and I think they leave the intelligentsia out of this struggle for the material necessities.
Maybe not.
For sure here they have been leaving out the Working Classes.
Truly the trees are a problem and ought to be cut down. Giving 25 percent of the land of the airport to the Triangle Land ConServancy doesn’t make common sense to me.
Eventually the plan is to build a “boondoggle” as former State Senator Jim Turner called it. Carolina North is likely to make a group of builders pretty rich, as are the builders of Meadowmont and The Cedars. In the medieval days to give the poor people work they would build great churches. Some of this sort of this is still done. In modern times it is called “INFRASTRUCTURE”, which is good and shared by the citizens of the nation. The boondoggle building has gotten a bit more exclusive in our modern times it seems.
Employing Construction Labor is a good thing to do for Orange County North Carolina. Semi and Skilled workers who are excess to retail or teaching or as hospital staff need to be building something. The money comes from taxes.
Section 9 of the State Laws Governing the Mission of the University say it is to provide education free to the citizens of the state as much as is practical. I have been encouraging people to go to classes and audit them if they can’t pay, but apparently people are either afraid or don’t have time, or I just don’t know. They don’t go.
They want everything to provide a paycheck, or otherwise they want stay home and watch TV, I guess. Playing games on a gameboy is big. I’m old now and I don’t do that.
But I wanted a seat on the Airport Authority and the Chancellor of the University Holden Thorp told everybody there would be no airport in Orange County and thereby he took away my opportunity to influence the fortunes of the towns and the county where I lived after drifting and deciding around through my life and the geography of the world I could.
Poverty is not working out for me. My wife really doesn’t like it because she was raised rich. She has gotten to understand what being poor means, and still doesn’t like it.
I could definitely turn Horace Williams into a moneymaker for the county. I’ve been holding back on how it would be made to make moeny for me unless I was the airport manager, but now over time I’ve got so sick, I can’t do much.
I love the people at the Hospital. Dr. DelGazo, and Dr. Shahum, and Dr. Reese and Dr. Hasty, and Dr. Min, and Dr. Lim and all their staff are very important to me and I love them. Dr. Lawrence too.
Getting people to the hospital complex from around the state by airplane would be a real morale booster for lots of people. Imagine Air, a little FAA type new small plane operation running at low costs dislikes Horace Williams because of the trees. Med Air, AHEC was moved over to Wake County, where the Chancellors plane is to be based.
Regular people like me can’t move from the area because we are sick, and some can’t leave the state because they are sick and need to go to UNC Hospital as a last resort as there they can’t be turned away.
Times have changed.
I studied building fast, strong, and inexpensively with engineers and created a White Paper for Building with Shipping Containers in Haiti. This sort of building would be well to do at Horace Williams. We could sell the Modular living and working units as people might need them, and then also use them for whatever the real mission of expanding peoples minds as whatever Carolina North might really be about.
A photography business office at the airport for me might work out. Selling insurance for little planes might be a low impact business for out there.
Restarting the Tar Heel Temp Labor Service would be a fantastic thing to do if I was allowed to utilize the full range of Orange County Labor. i have a Business Plan of Transcendia that does Development and Invention as it is linked to the Labor Service which is really a dirty Research arm of the Labor Service.
I developed a questionnaire temp workers would be encouraged to fill out to make recommendations about how to improve the temp job. This is my secret plan.


If lived by the water I’d want a fleet. I’d want an aircraft carrier and a submarine the most. As we sit here today there is some few cruising around underwater submarine with nuclear rockets on it out of touch.
Nah he couldn’t really launch his nuclear weapons at anybody on his own now could he?
Last I understood it, he damn well could.
They get out there and the radio signals don’t go long down underwater.
To get the internet they letup up a buoy wire and stay close to the surface where they are vulnerable, but can communicate.

Locally where I live there is NASA land over on Eubanks that was used for calibrating the satellites photographic equipment? They say the experiments are over. 500 acres next to the landfill they didn’t want to ever develop or see developed or used except for what they wan to use it for as a secret. Last I heard. As a Research and Development place for NASA to employ people in underground labs making micro rockets that could bring any latitude into competition for the information and development, I was into that for Orange county.
That land all of it as a Landfill with train tracks and by Highway 40, the UPS depot, and the Bus Depot needing a hangout building is terrific land I wanted to move the airport to if it weren’t to be a landfill.
That’s want I wanted to do.
I don’t drive around anymore.
Driving around like I used to kept me more aware and angry.

It sounds as if the NC Legislature didn’t tax the Social Security. It says so on the Governor’s Facebook posting. That’s where I get lots of my news and I say to you Why Not! – I am crippled.

Some Electric Cabs at Horace Williams would be great for the Franklin Hotel. Short trips to and fro from the charging stations.

I never went to the Mountains much. When I was doing the WQFS radio station broadcasts I got a call from a guy way up on the side of a mountain who heard my shows. Usually they didn’t make it more than out of a 15 mile circle around Greensboro, but he was far away. High up airplanes have ranges for the low power FM signals of something like 250 miles.

OH to be! a HUnter Gatherer! All of the land was everybody’s. At least if they were of the ranging tribe. Trading trips on the river carried more down the river than up. At least that is what I imagine for on the ENO or the HAW.

When I was working as a stagehand with Local 574, so much on my 491 card, we worked every year over there in the Furniture Showrooms of High Point. I worked on a film showing the places and what they had with a company that made Nashville Music Videos and Industrials and commercials. Three Takes was the name of the company I think. I worked over there on shows for the shows for selling the stuff, which more and more was of course being made in China. Then of course the convention shows were moving to Las Vegas. There were being showrooms built and shows set dated for Las Vegas.
There was fear that lots of work was to be lost.

The Showrooms are large buildings with fantastic sets built in them. There inside is one room after another of imagined life. Lifestyles of the fine folks of the middle classes all imagined in a reality of show rooms with furniture arranged along with fake walls.

On the job I was getting along really well with the Director of Photography. The guy the union sent to work with us as part of the crew was a whipped head fool who couldn’t stand to not be in it and destroyed the conversation, my own prospects for the future and his own. One day he called all sad and hang dog because he had gotten fired off a job. I was not at all surprised. Someone had been imagining another day around his fat mouth and wisely fired him.
“Too bad, it happens.” I said, not saying I wish you had never been on that job I met you on. He was a pathetic sort of individual who blundered around screwing things up for others that he attached himself to like some of the characters Owen Wilson has played. For everyone to know Owen Wilson about near killed himself over Katie Hudson ruined Owen Wilson’s hopes of being hired since it proved he was too much in reality that character, and not an actor.


But I called the office of the Senator Hagan to mention how those showrooms represented a terrific opportunity for Television productions as sets to set there for Soap Operas at the least.
I heard at the original time when I was promulgating this concept that it had been thought of already, but the “Christian” family of the Broyhills and others of the High Point ruling families didn’t like the hedonist actors, film and television sorts of Hollywood and New York City, so that was not going to happen.

In Order Synchronicity

SYNCHRONICITY. I don’t understand why Sting wrote and sang that song. It happens. I need to teach things in order. You need to learn things in order. Your spiritual path is to be laid before you, but you must take to it of your own and as it tests for truth and goodness.
Don’t believe everything you read.
So the first thing is learn to read. Be Taught to read.
I went on the Frank Zappa educational tour. Frank was a bit of a jazz redneck you know.
Sex got him in trouble as it does most of us at least a little. Surly AIDS and syphiilis are sex troubles different further from just embarrassing inspirations, like surprising progeny with people we want nothing more to do with than children.
The thing you want to do is get yourself in the right place for the right things at the right time. It makes me think about sailing.
Modern life and the age of sail go back further than it looks.
I want to start a new demarkation: Before Photography and After Photography.
Seattle was founded After Photography for instance. It helps that it was also there about the time of the prevalence of Voltaic pile or Voltaic Cell which meant there were strung telegraph wires and the Telegraph Station was along the train lines and signals as far as the wires traveled at the speed of light, almost.
I still have AWE in me. We have discussed this, my wife and I, how so often it seems the youth don’t seem to carry within them much awe. I need to build myself a telephone with some wood and wire.

I can teach you to think about doing things in order. I can tell you about adult books to read. I did say the Reading for the Day from the Bible and the Reading you call from a throw from the I Ching will set your time. It sort of worked for me this week when I was in heart pounding fury.
A check did come in the mail, and that is a real big deal.


Can’t Teach

If I had the money I’d pay the proper University like maybe Empire State in NY which long has had an independent study degree program. You write it up and they approve it and then you do it and then they review it and then you get a degree.
At least that is what I understood last time I looked it all up. Empire State University used to be in a fantastically beautiful street in Rochester New York near off where we finally lived on Park Ave. Prince Street is still where the Visual Studies Workshop is housed, homed.
I tried for a show at the Visual Studies Workshop because I admired work by Nathan Lyons, but a friend of mine told me it was a pay to play situation they would apply to me.
I was embarrassed about the whole thing.
So much of my life I have been a dumbass about class and how if you don’t have or come from money people block you and get in your way.
But okay with Empire the deal then looked like it would take Five Thousand Dollars for me to pay and get them to read for my Degree in Creative Writing. A BA would do for lots of jobs.
So far that hasn’t worked out.
Then hence I am not allowed to teach. There are teachers who do teach without degrees and I did once make up a syllabus to teach photography and movie making at the Sibley’s Camera Store where I worked selling cameras. My girl who I regarded as my soulmate left me for the bosses son after some sex that made me look like a complete fool. I nearly killed myself and needed way too much help and left town and sat around drawing pictures with crayons till work came along as a carpenter and putting up roof rafters at the end scared me and my will to live was improved.
Somewhere I quit working at the store. I didn’t teach at the store. You would not have gotten credit. There are places where the courses are more recognized and credits are more transferable like how money is more fungible and some money is more fungible than other money.
A good Course for me to teach now would be titled: Who Are You? Get to know yourself. How to go from low class to high class.
These days I get fairly aware of things I did wrong and how I’m qualified as a walking warning. Watch out about what your mother or father told you you were. Watch out for all that. We hear about Destiny and it is a big deal.
The pursuit of happiness is a lot about pursuing self realizations that lead you to be at peace with who you are inside and outside. The book Class by Paul Fussell will be required reading in my class. You will do well as part of the Intelligentsia by reading the histories by Mr. Fussell, or anything he might have been known to read. I published my Reading List without any commentary on the original in about 2006.
For years now I just called myself Working Class. Writers are Working Class Mr. Fussell said, so I must be working class. I can be part of the Creative Class for inventing some things and inventing a business and having a business plan entirely dependent on R&D.
D and R is more appropriate for what it all is really about according to Henry Petroski, who is an Engineer and a writer.
I hate to call him Working Class.

This morning and evening and morning as I mentally prepare to write or make some visual art as the photographer or cartoonist I am, I was thinking about how Transcendia as a Nation of Airports had the great Educational advantage world wide with the Speed and Reach of airplanes and rocketships the right teacher can be allied to the right students and classes like an army learning and doing together all over.
I’m a big believer in peer to peer learning and teaching because of my flying time learning sessions. There is Embry Riddle and there is Guilford Technical Institute for place to learn professionally as a pilot and airport manager.
The classes for flying ought to really start at 13 like everything else. Child education as it is being beat up and poor people are being beat up in NC is a horror.
The effect will be more low class people. Ignorance and low class are the same thing really.
I think it must be the desire to keep back the ignorant working classes and keep them away and out of sight as is the dream of the people who own and run Orange County NC that insures NC will return to its status as a stupid turpentine production location.
Back at the being writers who traveled through NC from the big port cities on the coast always said NC was a filthy and stupid place.
I’ve lived across NC an NY and if NC had a great lake on its Western border there would be the same difference and the difference.
They have big landowners in Wilmington NC that play polo even I hear.
Enough, enough, enough for now.
I wrote a note saying Virgin offices could get Transcendian Passports and sell them and give me personally a cut. Otherwise it all has to go to bookstores bit by bit and one by one, my Citizenship Package.
Make yourself 2 or three so you can sell at least one you see.
Woodstock Nation was about making a nation from having a concert and a movie instead of a war. The Drug War is a real war all a part of the advertising of it.
I hate Heroin adventure movies because anything people see done they will do and every ten years Heroin is back!
Enough, Enough for now.

Fighting for my Experience of Civilization

The New York Times is doing a series on inequality. James Atlas is the writer and I read this Sunday New York Times as I was born to do, on Sunday.
A young man that I worked with and regarded as a friend told me he had heard I was a “fighter”, looking at me with his head turned just so while still maintaining eye contact.
I’d not grasped my Class for a long time. I really had wanted to be a pilot and can’t stand to repeat the story of my life around that in the memoir way.
I could steal your airplane and fly it away.
Anyway there came a day and I went to change my life out at he airport discovering civilization.
Letting poor people in on civilization in the meritocracy makes life safer for the upper classes really.
The US is getting close to losing all civilization. We all feel it even in the Blue States. I wrote and read some poem about it ten years ago probably.
-All about the fracture, and fractures and there it is on the maps just the Southern States of the Confederacy with South Carolina there at the lead.
We used to call it “Sub Carolina”, but who cares now? The right to abortion was something touchy and fought about decades ago. Frankly I don’t care if it is murder. It is a woman’s right to do or not do.
There are other issues and wars and laws that affect civilization. it is there at its height on the ramps of the Fixed Base Operators. I’ve worked at on three. Someone could leave a jacket in a closet of the Pilots Lounge and come back 3 months later and it would be there.
Ramp Rats like me didn’t get paid much but were on their way to becoming pilots. Still I feel I got the best of the lot. I mean I want to just buy that place and hang out there even though it is for flying there is more to it. All of it is just still left attained as Civilization. There are some stories about the Silk Road that cause me to feel there was a Civilization attained same before the airplane.
As I understand the history the Silk Road was destroyed as a trade route by the rise of Islam because Mohammad took to robbing with his band of women. He led about 200 in raids on merchants traveling the Silk Road. It was apparently a bad example for his followers. I read a book by John Loftin titled THE BIG STORY. I’m pretty sure I remember the jist of his stories of the religions and what they have done and caused.
Poor people and the working classes have to fight to enjoy some civilization before they get crushed and killed. Invited to go nowhere and back on a Learjet, I just did that and have seen the Sun rise from 35 thousand feet sitting in a leather couch chair.
I guess I fought for that? It is uncomfortable work fueling aircraft, though still greatly preferable to mucking out horse stalls or feeding pigs or picking cotton or getting tobacco into the tractor wagons. I could read a book standing by the fuel truck holding a dead man switch.
I’ve got the rich beat walking up and down inside an empty freighter DC6. The lives of the upperclasses when witnessed by the poor or savages create desire and envy in them if for nothing else in the men than that fire stick weapon more fun than a bow and arrow when the women want a cook pot and a steel spoon and a fork and some cutlery.
So we working men who become rich and powerful may well want our sons to experience what only the working man can. it is often then the reason for knights to be dressed in armor out of the classes of the aristocrats. Strong young men find ways to die everyday. Let the women watch at the jousts.
No wonder Ted Turner and then that Sir Richard Branson go sailing and floating around in balloons.
Ahh yeah, better than war it is that stuff, the stuff of Civilization. It is something to fight for.

Much To Know

The site went down. No money comes in. Who cares. oh well.
I have seen the TV.
Everyday the man makes a list of commercials that are too loud.
Everyday the old man makes a list of telephone calls.
Calls come against the law.
Commercials are against the law, but it doesn’t matter.
Nobody told them.
My wife is always afraid of what I either say, or might say.
“When the call center is full of dead bodies with blood all over the floor,
don’t come looking for me.”
Some snotty lady on the phone at the police department told me she just ignored
the calls, the scams in the mail.
“So since I avoided the fraud, that is alright?”
“No, it’s not the same.”
“So how about if they shoot at me and miss? it is all right
as long as they miss? It isn’t like attempted murder because “I”
don’t fall for it.”
She doesn’t see it that way the same way at the DOJ they don’t.
They don’t charge people with crimes simply because they’re so many,
or it is such an incredibly monstrous crime.
Oh well.
I myself compare my situation in a Red state to that of a Jew in Germany
When the Germans were voting away their rights.
What was it for the Black man to leave the Red state?
They went often to Chicago.
There they made laws against being Black.
I was changed very much in Chicago.
I want Black people in the Chicago gangs to stop it.
Transcendia needs an army.
Transcendian passports are for regular people 70 dollars.
For that dumbass Snowden the price is 28 thousand dollars.
Whomever of us can get a Transcenian Passport into his hands for his travel
Pass, we will let Captains know it is okay to carry him by us.
I have some ideas about all this.
For Jim Monhahan. – a Heavy Captain., a Freighter Captain.


Horace Williams I’m Sure

I’d go out there and make it nice to be there. It’s not really. I found it unpleasant to visit that airport from the very first. Nearly all the times I didn’t like it going out there and I only went out there because I used to love airport life like a Technological Farm. All that open space with the owl sitting on the post watching for mice.
So it would be pleasant with better food instead of junk in metal boxes, or if that is best we can do, then good metal boxes and good food in there and good pictures on the walls.
ARt would be for sale out there at the airport of Chapel Hill because it is an attraction. Art and artists are what make a place part of a destination. All the time SoHo Intelligence.
Music is an export so show the posters of the singers like James Taylor from Chapel Hill see. You get the idea I am sure.
People who study these things say it is Women and Food make a town.
I’d have the trees trimmed or cut down with the right thing done with the wood. Tall trees on the airport don’t really make a lot of sense to me.
Then see we would be offering that new biofuel made from the NC State studies that created the Fuel Yam. It grows only to be mashed up into a bio fuel and most of NC flights can below 12 thousand feet in good weather. The French airplane the AHEC people use can run off lots of fuels. It is the wonder of the fine turbine engine the PT6 what it can burn. Big BTUs out of that Yam Mashed I think, read, heard about it.
We will offer hi tech tools and fuels out at our little airport see, as a little victory. see.
Anyway it has to make money for us all and be a place to work. Light Industry is what Chapel Hill wants. Chapel Hill people don’t like heavy industry because it old and dirty.
We can start building Modular Building Units out there by the old Hangar. Cutting torches and insulation and sleepers on the walls and double pane windows and good door and a fly roof and the Shipping Container Modules are sweet and functional and inexpensive.
We can sell them very inexpensively and then use some for class rooms.
The main component, a surplus shipping container at 40 foot long is 26 hundred dollars to start as a steel material there to work with.
We’d want to move on and make higher tech folding modular units on the way along in time but there you go start out with some of what is “mature”.
Okay I have some secrets and going fast and far isn’t really one. People of units in the army who go faster and further than others and have tools (weapons) that strike faster and farther, win.
Work is the spiritual and physical struggle for the material necessities.
We need work for more than just instructors out there at the airport. I am positive I could run that airport in ways that would make the kids excited and happy and give us some money in our pockets too see, see?
I wan my Airport Authority back.
The Idea of it in 2008 was awful big in staff out of the hospital, so we could cut that back. We could make it a 7 member institution to work. I am for that.
I want my seat though. I have a secret plan too.

Lost City

I’ve actually lived in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Elon College, North Carolina, Greensboro, NC, Chicago, Illionis
back to Greensboro after a 6 weeks of young summer in Michigan at an exclusive school for young artist. Then
because of the war I went to Toronto in case I was going to have to live in Canada depending on how my number
came up.
There and That was and adventure.
Back in Greensboro I went to work with dreams. Foolishly I worked at what I was offered and could drift into.
You have friends who help you get at cash.
I did hold away from crime so far in my life. That’s been good. The laws have been real slow to change.
I know how medical marijuana really would help as a replacement for Viagra, but they get to take my blood
all the time and I am in a lot of pain and have to have significantly powerful pain medications which have
the side effect of sapping desire.
The state of NC is run by the mean and powerful. Making a list of my enemies is something I really need to get
around to doing. I need a Friends list, and an Enemies List.
So I fell in love with a girl who didn’t talk much about emancipation, or a woman’s rights that I remember.
Mostly strong sex was one of her big interests.
She liked being pretty and dancing and was something to watch because she was graceful.
Paying out of State tuition became a problem for her parents so I drove her back to
Binghamton where we stayed in her parents basement for awhile and then we went to
Rochester New York where we lived together for 3 and a half years or so.
I got my heart broke and went close to suicide and ended up back in Greensboro. I am
real aware of the importance of having family and a place to go.
My government needs to care for the unlucky.
That does mean schools where people are comfortable living. People need some space around
Rochester has an important story as a medium sized town with a long history of touchstone events
for an American town.
They say it was the first Boom Town because of being at the end of the Erie Canal for a long time.
That had a lot to do with it. Buffalo gets more snow than God in his heaven. Eventually Buffalo got
lots of power for it’s position as a border town during prohibition, as well as the wonders of
cheap hydro electric power which to this day matter a great deal if you are running a company
that needs electricity.
But Rochester is not to far from the power source of that falls.
I’ve spent a lot of my life: 8 years. There is a great deal of struggle about my life there. Maybe
I sas build to be melancholy. I am regretful at my depressions. I did laugh and make jokes.
I learned how to do stand-up comedy.
Comedy I learned in Fort Lauderdale the first time I lived there. I learned stand-up because I had
hecklers honor.
In Rochester we performed poetry. My friend and friend performs his poems and his wife sells her
paintings. They are real iconoclastic artists and have yelled at me about my recommendation that they
get Poetry, the Poetry Foundation to help support their work.
But it makes sense about how Rochester is to look at even since I have seen so many of my photographs
of Rochester’s buildings and the way the city has ended up with its universities and rust stains.
RIT is still a futuristic movie set. Electric cars look right at home there. Little cars that were
red and quiet amazed me whenever I went over there to buy books.
It is an impressive brick pile more than the littler brick pile that we went to: That being Monroe
Community College.
You can bet your ass I am sorry I didn’t go to Harvard.
You do not want to go to a Community College maybe only. Guilford Technical Institute over in
Greensboro is a great Community College. I worked as the gaffer on a commercial
for that place.
It has a fantastic Aviation school as part of its offerings. If you can’t first go to
Embry Riddle the Aerospace University, go to Guilford Technical Institute, not to be confused with
the Quaker College Guilford College.
There is plenty of culture in Rochester and its population is small for its designed population making
getting around easy and fast.
When I worked as a Taxi Driver driving fast like a maniac in the zone system 90 miles an hour at night
was a possibility if you wanted that and were willing to pay for it, or otherwise I needed to be
in the right zone to be first in line and I was eventually pushed out because of being maybe a little
too good.
I drove fast.
Driving fast is no fun anymore in North Carolina. People like driving too much in North Carolina, and
there are too many of them, so it is simply not much fun at all anymore.
It is still fun in Rochester from what I hear.
Like Chapel Hill North Carolina, the University is now the major employer now that Xerox
and Kodak have been either pushed out, or destroyed.
The trend of power for the university is like a return to medieval times.
Rochester was not the first to have a university with Ivory tower power. Chapel Hill
is the oldest and most powerful University in the nation, if not the world, and there
are things you need to know about how that turns out.
Academics with power look down on the working class and the self educated auto polymath
had better watch out because Frank Zappa was a redneck jazz playing sex fiend.
I know now what I did.
I loved music by Bryan Ferry, but that wasn’t enough. I didn’t know I was really
working class for a long time.
I often identified as a poet.
But you see Rochester is a poetry town of suffering and isolation and melancholy and
scientific achievement. Business people at the top were doing their duty building
great businesses well housed and in the right engineer trends like how early you did
not much need to go outside.
That is about Midtown Plaza. They used to say it was the first indoor Mall. I saw
it in Architectural books identified as the first indoor mall. It gets good and cold
in Rochester. There is a long tradition of managing the cold. Indians didn’t want
to be there because of Hay Fever.
I was a sufferer from Hay Fever for a long time.
I can see why it was a place to be avoided if you had that with no cure.
But this is my fear for Rochester about how it is part of the Medieval trend.
Temporary Labor and big towns with Universities as the major powers; the number One
employers want things quiet. The Port Town model isn’t quite what they have in mind.
Leastways from all I see. NYU wasn’t a bother, though there when I lived in New York,
but since Bloomberg has been in power all the scruffy working artists of the East Side
have been run out of town and across the river to Williamsburg. That was happening
around the time when my business was failing and I was coming apart in the early 90s.
The I retreated back to Fort Lauderdale.
When there was the economic collapse one of the first things done counter to the needs
of the people for alternate types of freelance life and work, was that the Temporary
labor service was shut down.
I’d have turned it into a full service Freelance employer. These organizations,
Companies do not work without clear missions. I grant that.
Work for you as you are is a hard sell. Somehow I fit into the filmmaking world of
hard competition. But you test people and get an idea of what they can do and draw
a 50 mile circle.
Then there are the more trained you can send out fast and far on the airplanes for
big problems in a world of scientific needs.
Finally it is not possible or advisable anymore to move for a job.
That is part of the story of the modern age.
You are a working warrior.
I am a librarian of work.

More later: Copyright Russell Scott Day

Barrel of Monkeys

Barrel of Fun is the real name of the place the story is about.

For some reason we went to a strip club that was just around back of the building where the office was. I’ve long liked
strip joints.
This one is pretty classic with a long dark wood bar with mirrors up back of the bartenders
and tables around then that stage where the girls strip.
Discussion of the strip joint have been going around in what I’ve been reading.
I’m old now for this and haven’t got even much domestic interest which isn’t much to talk about.
Maybe we ought to move but I have the habit of visiting places before I really move there.
Well we might not be able to afford that.

Seattle here we come?

The lighting in this strip joint is good for a strip joint with the right levels of tungsten and red.
The girls were professionals and danced and got their money and we were just there smiling and getting our
first relax after the work day beer.
I was looking around and saw that there were a good number of bikers in the place.
Bikers and Russians by now have ruined the Strip Joint business by muscling in with their girls
and otherwise beating you out of your money if you want to go into it honestly.
Maybe things are still nice and family like as they were when I worked on Brain Twisters in Scranton, PA
back in 1990 or so. That was a fun town with pretty girls and the family there playing pool.
Only places to buy beer were at the bars for our hours anyway.
But I was looking around and my danger ears got up and then a school bus went by the door and a bunch of
big strong guys came in the saloon and attacked the bikers.
I looked down to see and feel the wind of a fist pounding this bikers face into the marble of the
foot rest and jumped over the bar to watch from then on back there with them.
They said it was alright.
I don’t know exactly where Dan was riding it out.
We stayed around after the fight was over and the beaten staggered out, or were hauled away.
We stayed around and I saw the winners leave and get back on their bus and ride away.
Turned out they were cops from Buffalo.
I don’t know exactly why the Rochester cops had called them to come over and beat these bikers,
but that is the story, and it looked like that. The men of the police force from Buffalo
weren’t in uniform.
The guy whose face was getting pounded down by my leg was going to be permanently damaged,
already misshapen and blood pressing out of the corners of his eyes.
You might have seen that sort of look in the TV series The Sopranos, which does a good
job of making the beatings go realistically.
We were of course excited and drank some more and then got in the car and headed out
of town for the 45 minute drive to Dan’s homestead in an old house on the top ridge of o
We were in the Subaru.
Dan was good and drunk which was apparent because he was doing what they stop you for
if they get behind you: Weaving.
I asked him to let me drive but he refused and kept weaving and driving and we were on a typical
country road out there in the country of Monroe County around Bristol and he lost control
of the car and it flipped off the road landing on my side of the roof before landing on a little
swale down about 15 feet off the road.
I’d seen my feet up in the air there for awhile. It is a striking image, a striking memory and
feeling with a memory too.
The front window as pretty well smashed and bent out but overall we were in good shape. Down
off the ledge where we had ended up looking down was a real far down treed valley that would have
been hell to survive without bad hurts and a long way up and out.
We were able infact incredibly able to drive up and out. The Subaru was like most of them
4 wheel drive which is what they called it then in 1983 like when it was.
Dan’s wife spoke to him three days later saying she was glad I’d not been hurt.
So that was like how one thing leads to another and one night gets on with lots more
happening than just one big thing and you can watch and then get into it all yourself.
I can see how cops up that way know from years on how to work with each other and it was
comforting to see the cops beat the shit out of guys who tend to terrorize little people
like myself whenever they feel like showing off or have some sort of reason.
Course people like myself are better off staying in the viewing section. Watch life happen
and stay out of trouble and try not to get hurt.
Since then Subaru has been my dream car.