Institutions and Ideals of the Modern Experience-or More Big Laws

STAB at Political Science

by Russell Scott Day on october 15th 2005

Peace among men and war among men are constant in times of peace and in times of war.   It is the degree to which one category or the other dominates that changes the name of the time.

Conflict is a constant either among men and men, denture or men and the weather.

The aim of the political scientist is to understand and use natural law so as to advance mankinds experience of life.

The individual and the society are at constant odds the same way individual nations are at constant odds with nations.

It is a legitmate role of governments to regulate the use of force.    Self defense in common law and international law is considered just and legitimate.

How is it that the laws of nations can be applied to the individual?   Such a construction requires transnational control of force and violence at a certain level that requires the use of force for individuals who are failed by their governments prima facia, anesthetist or obviously within and without borders.

Autocratic Dictatorships have their pros and their cons same as democracy its flaws.   In the area of political science, ed nothing much is completely what you call it since over time one thing passes into another and then back again over time.

How can political scientists create a human experience of complete satisfaction for all individuals in all nations?

One way to start is to determine where to make laws, and where not to make laws.

Same as though God does not change, but our understanding of God does, our understanding of laws natural and unnatural changes so that any given law only applies to the event to the extent that the event is both the same and different.

Domestic laws that govern divorce within nations and states or tribes and bands are probably the most universal laws of war.

An understanding of the natural laws inherent and long struggled with would go far in creating more enforceable international laws of war.

I would look at traditions of divorce throughout the history of mankind that resolved personal and private conflicts without violence that made life better, instead of worse for the participants, as likely to be the platten for laws that would internationally advance peace among nations.

The balance of power between men and women is best when their similarities and differences are accepted on the natural level, but made equal by tradition and law so that individual rights are independent of gender.

What is the equivalent of gender to a nation that exists in a particular geography?

In general the equivalent is hot or cold.

All laws to be true must work the same at the extremes as they do in moderation or scarcity.

In cold climates it has evolved that women have more rights than in warmer climates.

Urbanization and the end of hunter gatherer livelihood living anywhere on the planet dictate that cold weather laws domestically be general in all climates because they have been developed for urban life with general freedom and health and literacy as evidenced in the small nations protected by Denmark of Greenland and Iceland.

The fact that these nations are overall protected by Denmark is significant as far as the science of history, and political science laws natural, and manmade.



Big Laws of Political Science

History and Political Science

      As Jared Diamond said it would be unethical to conduct the experiments that justify through emphisism History as science, malady but all the experiments that a scientist might think up to prove causes and effects among human beings, have been done without forethought, or by the hand of God, whichever way you want to see it, and that now if we understand the results of the experiments, we have the power to use the knowledge that is a natural set of actions that produce a situation to produce a civilization in the image of heavan as much as one man might imagine he was produced in the image of God as an individual.

      The ultimate goal of the creators of civilization must be to create a heavan on Earth must it not, or what other worthy goal is there?

       If we do nothing and have no vision, we essentially have hell.

       So What Are the Essential Laws of Political Science come from the experiments of History?

       There is an old African Proverb that goes,  "It is better to have an intelligent enemy, than a stupid friend."

       The first law of political science would seem to be that you must help your friends and destroy your enemies.

       The creation of the European Union is very interesting in that now I cannot imagine a European War in the near term.

      Who would you be able to convince the Netherlands to declare war on in the European Union?

       Now it is true that whomever you do the most business with you are most likely to go to war with.

       The Science of History and Political Science in my mind ought to supply understandings of both man made law, and natural law which simply exists whether we like it or not.

       God loves me, but I know the Devil loves me too.   They both want me.   What am I to do?

       Value your life is the first law of human science since it leads to value life  life co-currently.

       In outerspace life will be similar to what it has been on the open seas in the past and actually too much in the present.

       Life on land, and life at sea are two categories of human experience that have produced laws and acknowledge both natural and man made laws.

       To bring the freedoms of the two sets of laws that come from the two environments of mankind together would seem to me to be the wisest action for mankind to take internationally these days.

       Sailors pay in the Maritimes may well be a key to determining the International Minimum Wage, which in my opinion would be a triumph of Econmics which is a part of Political Science in my Curriculium.

       Money, Ideology, Compromise and Ego are the individual motivating factors as well as the group factors.

       Food God and Tools refine the motives more simply.

       Strength, Wisdom, Beauty and Humor are what we want in our mind experience, and it is only achievable if we have a life of working for peace, which is the same as working for shelter.

       Shelter is defense.

       The Earth has been shelter, but it may not always be so.

       So the first law is Defend, and the second law is, Escape, or evacuate.

       Now the trick about Human Beings is that they may know a destiny that is individual in a category, but end up working for the wrong employer so that their destiny is preverted.

       How to inspire all spirits to cleave to the most perfect ideals is the goal of the science of history, which are defined by civilization in an environment that is not possible without artificial means.

      So Atlantis must be created if we are to have some hopeful real life on this planet entertainment come from Political Science with volunteers.

       Well, we know that Machievelli said that a struggle with nature was not enough to make a nation.

       Then we know that we must start a war for people if we are to suceed and take the naming of wars from being on, to for, and redefine the parameters of war so that it can go on, but be useful, and become a servant of peace, as has always been the investment of the soul by the loving soldier, or tribal warrior.






More Platform/Working Class Corner

Generic Mayorial Platform in the History as Science Collection

      In a prior essay I speculated that Roman Emperors mostly functioned as Mayors, sickness though I conceded that I have not done any rigorous research and if there were mayors or their equvalents it would be interesting to know about them.

      However on the Macro, discount or Big level, buy which would be the entire Roman Empire the importance of plain infrastructure maintainance and advancement holds up as a legacy of success illustrating that at some point policies and politics were successful for what they provided the overall populace.

      The availablity of clean drinking water in Rome recommends it on a basic level.

      As a Defensive move clean drinking water qualifies as much as Army actions equavalent because the overall populace is stronger simply because they will suffer less disease.

       Defense is the universal First Responsiblity of a Nation or a Government and the forms defense takes are both prosaic and dramatic.

       Police work is generally considered more dramatic, or exciting than plumbing.   Plumbing failures are more commonly a source of humor, than failures of the police for instance.

       Of course the laws that govern plumbing are not man made, whereas the laws that direct police work are man made and may as a result become equivalent to something truly unnatural.

        I myself took it to heart when I heard in Sociology class that you could not legislate folkways.   Therefore as a practical matter as far as laws are concerned I would not make a law that prevented folkways, but only endorse laws that set parameters that basically were intended to keep the peace.

       Or in otherwords drug use is a folkway and it is not practical to attempt to stop it.   It is practical to regulate it, and tax it, and there are some recreational drugs such as Crack that not even an old potsmoking pilot poet believe ought to be available.

       As a Science Pragmatic Thinking is my goal here and I take responsiblity for my honesty on these issues which do said and signed according the to current rules prevent me from a pilot license issuance.

      As an issue I do feel that there is enough evidence about the effects of marijuana as as to not have the same regulation in Part 121 as alcohol use.

       -or in otherwords the doctors of the FAA ought to determine how long between joint and joystick is as safe as between "bottle and throttle", and that be the end of it as far as that.

      I only bring this up and go on about it because it represents and infrastructure of thought that ought to conform to the same sorts of laws that plumbing does, but too often does not for us to daily live without the threat of assault by either thugs or cops if we are so moderate of income as to have to live daily with both sets.

      In a good government only the real criminals are afraid to ask for the protection or aid of the police.

      As a base line working people need to feel comfortable asking for the protection and aide of the police.

      Stealing is not acceptable work.

      Much corruption results from laws that are counter to natural law which is represented by folkways.   Since people who deal in drugs are vulnerable without recourse to the Police, or the law, in defense of their stock, a steady level of violence is assured in the society that is evidence of something I would call impractical at the least and at some point evil when it is understood as producing greater harm than good.

       The Police are to be Peace Keepers, and laws that they are to enforce must be alined with that mission and all realities of human nature.

       So then on the Macro and Micro scales it is from the Micro that the Macro is led same as one mans voice and a speech determines the tide of history.

       It is fine to dream.   It is fine to believe that you are unique and that you know something that no-one else will ever know, and it may even be something practical.

       To share a fine life is "practical" and one must test your ideals and inspirations against whether they work or not.

      If one has a good platform it is one that first is concerned with providing from the government safe transportation corridors.

    When the police are trusted and looked on as protectors and not persecutors by the working people general domestic peace is raised to a great level that helps in the overall strength of the people and inspires loyality to the government and a greater willingness to help defend it.

      No moral issues will keep or ought to keep one in an office such as Mayor.

      A good Mayor makes sure the trash gets picked up and the lights are on, and the water is clean, and the cops keep the peace, and generally maintains and advances the infrastructure so well as to work for the Working Classes whose "Great Cause" is nothing but a chance to do the work they were born in their souls to do.

      Everything in the world rides on the backs of those that really do something to get their daily bread and a home.

       In a small town and a town the size of New York City, the same principles of correct governance and government apply.

       In both sorts of places infrastructure is vital.

       The infrastructure as real is plumbing and roads, but just as real in the rules of the road, that at their best do not concern themselves with private issues.



Local Issue of IGX/Horace Williams & Carolina North

Carolina North & Horace Williams Airport & Growth Anti Growth Plans of the Haves Have Nots & the Academics of the Universtity Planners

     The Universtity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill wants to build some sort of Satellite Campus Research Place on the land that is the local community airport.   There is a sign out at Horace Williams that says that the airport is a "Private" airport, medic when in fact it is a "Public" airport.

        The plans for the proposed project called Carolina North keep illustrating a lack of maturity in the overall shared transportation infrastructure that the opponents and proponents of the project cannot seem to wrap their heads around and face.

       If Carolina North is to succeed it needs air access that is not equivalent unless there is rail or monorail connection between it and RDU.

       In fact what Carolina North Planning makes clear is that a mature transportation infrastructure for the maintainence of the quaility of life that opponents of the airport are attempting to preserve by destroying the airport is called for, viagra order and that infrastructure realistically and practically calls for integration of rail or and monorail construction throughout the region.

       "Wise" Growth is what all governments large and small are charged with facilitating.   Governments are charged with plain prosaic responsiblities, ed like road building and maintainence.

       What helps in times of war, also helps in times of peace when governments look at their transportation infrastructure.

       Good practical planners do not put all their eggs in one basket, and plan for both the rich and the temporarily poor.

       Public money and Public Land are best used for all of the people all of the time, and not just the rich, or just the poor.

       What was good about the past, and is good about the present, and will be good for the future is an infrastructure that facilitates the bedrock needs of working people which do include safe roads, water and air equivalents.

       This is true on both the large and the small scale.

       The recent evacuations in the United States illustrate the overall lack of maturity of the transportation infrastructure and call for a great deal of railroad, or its equivalent construction.

       Segregation of freight and passenger rail transportation is called for in some areas of the country that I live in.   Passenger rail sorts of machinery can be made lighter and go both under and over rights of way that are not practical when freight of great weight is concerned.

       In North Carolina the Rights of Way issues have held back Passenger rail even when North Carolina bought out the North Carolina Rail Road Company in order to get control of the tracks from the NC Rail Road Company which since it was part privately owned, and therefore beholden to stockholders more than citizens, made more money for its stockholders if it deferred track maintainence and just moved freight slowly.

       You do not have to feed freight, and therefore slow is still fast enough for coal.

       The further reality as far as roads and rail are concerned is that right of ways have not been integrated for so long as to call for new technology such as monorails because of the way the roads have been built and need to be allowed to exist in populated areas which even North Carolina has become.

        Finally the truth as far as transportation infrastructure is concerned, is that people who do not have a fully integrated and mature transportation infrastructure have been, and will be, at a disadvantage in times of peace, or times of war, or times of natural disasters, and that those places that do build and protect their transportation infrastructure will have greater chances for preserving their successes, at the least.        


CIA/Working Class Corner Letter

CIA Letter/Working Class Corner

       I wrote a letter to the CIA on their site that I ended up on because I clicked it thinking I might see if they’d pay me as a consultant.

       I ended up thinking it would be nice if they would support UNTV as I have envisioned it.

       In the end I suggested that they let Ambassador Bolton know about what I have written about the Reinvention Points written by Andre` Lewin, that I have rewritten providing department names to execute the reforms he has wisely created.

       Other than that I pointed out that General War hurts the Working Classes regardless of their religious beliefs and practices and that if the United States really wants to win hearts and minds it needs to champion an International Minimum Wage.

       The letter I wrote was not possible for some reason for me to transmit over the CIA site, so I erased it and posted one sentence that said,  read    Then I wrote this short summation of what I wrote.

       If you are with the CIA, this letter is for you.

                                                             Best- Russell Scott Day

Friday/Working Class Corner

Stength Wisdom Beauty and Humor

         are what a nice day at all places throughout are about.

These modern times with spaceships and toilets and everything inbetween are awefully amazing.

The equivalent is a soul filled robot to an atom bomb.

Making a human out of nothing is possible for humans so that it is now possible for humans to pretend to be God and make a thinking robot.

So what you want to make is the ethical robot who is working to defeat the cooling of the universe by a combination of wormhole and time travel physically enabled blackhole submarines.

The carbon nanotube space elevator crawl ribbon powered by the laser to the solar cell panel attached to the lift is something Transcendia would spend a good deal of money on since infrastructure is everything.

It is obviously a workable thing if we can get the nanotubes longer than 4 inches in a timeframe that wins the war, shop which is about 21 months as far as I can tell.

The international working class conglomerate really does need to have a platform that makes all workers equal and recognizes that they can all be moved to where they are needed within 37 hours.

Corporations and Workers need to come to an International agreement that is based on a real inventory of the time tools and materials available for the common use that would maybe get humanity through the 21 months.

       A serious determination of an international minimum wage for honest work, shop ed from cleaning toilets to building rocket ships needs to be determined and endorsed by stockmarkets and the World Trade Organization and the World Bank and the UN and some other economies if the Working Classes are to get some respect for working and wondering, prostate which is what life is about more than actually being absolutely certain of knowing something except what was replicatible in an experiment which death as a certain end for all but one of us means that since the world is for us known to be finite and infinite only if we are willing to become round balls without bones over an infinity that cannot, or does not want to bother with gravity will our common soul survive in bodies.

      It is a weird goal, but a worthy goal to advance the physical life as a goal to confirm the spiritual life.

      The life of submarines and spaceships is a fundable edict for our destiny that would be better if there was a tv station on the Moon.

       Overall tv and radio and the movies do represent the potential of the pen, which is rumoured to be more powerful than the sword.

       Evidence in history would be the times that the pen has pushed the sword as greater than the times the sword has pushed the pen.

       I do suspect that it is 1 percent of the minds and hands that are the deciding factor at this and all times.

       Therefore I want the Electoral College to be abolished in the US, or the US to take up Parlimentary Democracy.

        The French and the Russians and the Chinese really ought to hire some Americans for there Rocket Program, and us Transcendians will put our money into Equador and Space Elevator Otis Company.

                                              Love- Russell

War/Working Class Corner

The rich people and the poor people rob and hurt and kill the working class people.

The meritocracy is about lost.

It is the result of hypocrisy and the drug war.

North Carolina is poor because they have laws people like Senator Helms passed or maintained, or worked for.

North Carolina is composed of some of the best real estate in the world.

It fails because it is xenophophic and racist and the evidence is the homage to Helms.

Jesse Helms is admired  for the same reasons Hitler is admired.

They used the media well.

They ran their offices well.

They made sure their supporters got laid and had better food than the opposition.

The other thing that Hitler did was compromise the dreams of the dreamers.

(Werner Von Braun ought really have spent the same time in prison as Albert Speer from what I know of the story of the V2.)

When I fell through the floor and landed on the concrete slab I was glad that I had cleaned it off and moved the compressor since if I had landed on the compressor as well as the concrete slab, if I had lived, it is very likely I would be very paralized.

Far as I am concerned work is dangerous enough.

I am agast that there were inventors that did not invent airplanes because they knew they would be used in warfare.

Albert Speer and Cheny remind me of symiotic relationships between Bush and Cheny and Speer and Hitler.

I spent some time with Fred Hampton the Black Panther who started what has turned into Head Start.

In this world at this time the workers need to unite across all artificial borders and the Workers Party really does need to be recreated internationally.

I am very diminished since Fred Hampton was murdered, and Lionel Douglas wrecked the motorcycle he was trying out.

The barbarians on the streets are a per capita reality no matter where you are anywhere in the world that is recreating the band jungle well dressed by Bush appointess to the Court.

Odd as hell that it all revolves around pot in Mexico and Afganistan.

Really it is odd as hell that getting high matters and makes such a difference.

Really I ought to do deep breathing excersises for an hour a day, but it would really be worse for the powers that be, than if they left me alone to smoke some pot.

The Canadian and Mexican Pot Growers are an interesting migration and illustrate the actual truth of what I am positing about the hypocrisies and stupidities and reality of what is raising up barbarism and helping to insure the failure of humanity.

It is very odd that little vices and pleasures are the pivots for the destruction of human hope.

Really tobacco is the worse thing I have gotten addicted to and I am sure that Jesse Helms is glad I got addicted to tobacco.

I am getting so I don’t like to eat pig meat though.

I am really getting so I don’t like the smell of North Carolina from Raleigh to the beach.

North Carolina has too many pigs.

There are a lot of places that suffer and support too many pigs.

                                                          Love- Russell

Microsoft Outlook Express contact address for site not working

I Have not been reliably receiving email through the address for about a week and a half.   My other independent address is   Messages sent to me through the site come through Microsoft Outlook Express, rx and the failures and freezing of the downloads started to happen about the same time as the most recently announced Worm problem.   I cannot explain or be sure of what is causing our problem, but it is disturbing.   Best- Russell

Time Travel


                                    Time Travel


It is true as far as physics, pills

That time travel is possible, bronchi

But you never come back, look

and just go around creating parallel universes.


I once said, and sometimes still do,

All the women, temporary partnerships

virtual or actually married,

05 as well have been one.


Any life is traveling in time.

Physics and romance come to be the same things,

Not that possible to manipulate,

Or even needing more than understanding.


Categories of the Universe are

The Practical, and the Impractical.

– I tell my daughter that what is practical for her,

05 not be practical for anyone else.

I tell her she has a right to her secrets.


– We all do…


I told her that just because you think someone is your soulmate,

They 05 well not think or feel the same thing.

She is making a universe, traveling in time, and none of us can go back.

 The point is,

 Time travel is dangerous.





Working Class Corner/Evacuations

This is Really a Test

      I’ve listened to much of the radio reporting of the current weather disasters in the US, and watched some of the TV, and read some of the papers and work from precepts of Sociology and Political Science and Military Strategies and Tactics that I know of and have used successfully when making films.

       I am highly influenced by Edward Hallet Carr, Napolean, Machievelli, Confuscious, Jesus, William James and William Godwin, as well as my own experiences working and traveling.

       I remember when my brother had a pack packed up and ready in case of a Nuclear War.   I remember when I knew I was supposed to put a door against the side of the house and cover it with dirt to stop some of the expected radiation.   (After that everyone was supposed to come out and hose everything off.)

       When I was hearing about the evacuations I thought about how hard it would be for me and my wife to evacuate in the middle of the week before payday.

       Americans don’t get stock in America because they are simply Americans.   They have to pay for everything and everybody and give away their jobs inventions and art to all of the disadvantaged all over the world because they are so rich and strong.

       New Orleans is America like Brooklyn, only it is below sea level.

       I could go on about how New Orleans is like Brooklyn, but I don’t have the time to explain Red Hook, and Rockaway and Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights and it amounts to Brooklyn is bigger.

        The relationship between Manhattan and Brooklyn is similar to the relationship between New Orleans and the Federal Government might work.

        One firm lesson to learn about evacuations is that poor people cannot evacuate in the middle of the week unless they are paid early one way or another.  Possibly they might have to be paid before they have done some work.

         The difference between Brooklyn and New Orleans and Texas is that from Brooklyn you can get on the Subway and get to another train.   New York City would be easier to evacuate because of the train rails and an overall integrated transportation system.

       Since we have proliferated so much overall we do need to diversify and integrate our overall transport system.

       As far as the first responders are concerned in a fully capable anarchistic society all would be able to take care of themselves and whomever they encountered in trouble.

       Finally I do end up feeling and thinking that all citizens must have Civil Defense stations and tools.   Further I agree that the modern society needs to stop off book accounting and give all citizens stock in their country that pays dividends for their particpation and taxation that does not mean that they have to wait for payday to get out of harms way.

       For the US and Canada and Mexico to thrive as China and the EU and Russia take advantage of it, Mexico must pay for services to Mexicans provided by the US, and adopt Canadian relationships with Corporations.

        Otherwise Mexico, the US and Canada will all fall down together and become like London when it was really horrible.

                                                                 Love- Russell       

