International Government Theory for Judgement

Judging Systems for Working Class Corner

     Guess what!   Democracy is not always the best form of goverment just because it is called so.   This explains why I am a Godwin Anarchist.

       It actually angers me when what is Chaos, is called anarchy.   In fact a good number of "Conservative" precepts and true "Anarchist" precepts are shared exactly.

       The reality as far as what works, and what doesn’t work as a system of government in the end is better named "good manners", which cannot be legislated.

        Years ago when I first started my serious study of government and politics I wrote a little poem:   A good king,/Is a good thing./Tried and true,/And nothing new.

     In a true anarchy it is even alright to have someone in the nation called King from time to time, as long it is a visionary sort of king, and not the sort that comes from inheritance or murder.

     The reality of life for mankind is that though it is preferable to be individually responsible and equipped for all assaults either natural or unnatural, this is not ever anything but an illusion allowed by grace luck and work in a combination that is not fairly doled out, and never will be.

      Well, maybe we can fix that for the robots…

      I don’t want to be so pessimistic.

      At anyrate Democracy as a word, and name to describe the US government, and the harping on it as the one and only form to be encouraged, when in fact the US is more now an Oligarchy, drives me crazy as a word I am supposed to accept as some truth said to me by enemies to hold onto my heart when it is they who have betrayed the ideals and spirit, not to mention the laws of the nation I of course first loved.

      Frankly for me a bit of evidence for this sort of statement that if you Google John Bolton’s address, you don’t really find one, though I guess you could just send it care of the UN in mail that has to be XRayed.

      (Whenever I write people who don’t open mail, I send postcards.)

      They never answer anymore…

      The modern and classical requirement of governments is that they protect their people and borders, and educate their citizens so that they can take care of themselves first, and then others.

       I posit that the name or adjective used to describe a government is not always the one given in the mass media.   The US in its history has had States that were theocracies.   This is one of its powers for it is often enough that the US can say,  "My past, is your future."   – that it is not without honor and pride, despite its currently consistent history of failed morality and wasted courage.

      The nations now that keep war in the Middle East and Africa, going, as nations and cultures, do not protect the rights of women in general, and as far as I am concerned this makes their culture and civilization at odds with mine.

      There is a set of values I am ended with fighting for, as I am called, or able.

      Being a man though I do know how it might turn out like the warning,  "Give ’em and inch, and they’ll take a mile."

       My divorce with a daughter has been all the "Civil War" I need.

       My points in the end are all intended to be practical, idealistic, and fair at the same time.

       Forgive me if I will not give up my sense of humor, and am compeled to reveal it to you.   What truth would you believe really came out of my mouth if I did not try now and then to make you see the joke?

       In the end, we are all working class, whether we like it or not.

       Thieves and murders and criminals of all sorts seem to really want a job once they get in prison.

       Being a soldier is not the same to me as being a warrior.

       I feel that soldiers fight out of fear, and warriors fight for love.

       The greatest sort of armed forces I desire for my invented nation of Transcendia would be voluntary mercenaries.

        I figured out once that if I hired a core to invade Mexican Coke Airports and take them over for hashish and pot peasants, it would at least make a good movie.

      In the past I am on record as saying that hashish is as good or better a high than coke, but much less harmful, and in my experience of some value similar to deep breathing excersises.

       The place of hashish in the cultures of Iran and Iraq and the rest of the areas I don’t really understand except for that shared high intrigues me as a personal advantage if I was to attempt negotiations with them for peace and prosperity across religious tenets, and focused on the value of work to the people they love.

      I don’t think it is out of the question that even theocracies will eventually accept that protecting their working class requires both brains and balls.

      To be equal I ought to say both brains and a vagina, but in my mind it turns out to be that for me the equal statement would be brains and a clit since this is the sort of thing that ought not be taken from any human being, the capacity for pleasure on all three levels is distinct and part of humanity, though I have to admit I am glad I was circumsized, I just don’t think it is the same thing.

       So there you have it.

       My nation, either born to or invented, at its base, has a problem with nations that do not accept and protect womens rights the same as men, when men have the acknowledged rights that are known to be fair according to ethics.

      In the commons the theocracy is suspect in US history when we consider the Witch Hunts of Salem Massachetts.   The international corrilaries cannot be ignored.

       If I was to make a television show to be seen in the Middle East, a show about the Salem Witch Hunts would be one in a series for certain of worth.

      My Past Is Your Future…

      Mr. Diamond does make a wonderful case for Political Science as finished.

      – At least I think so by thinking that enough of the equavalent of experiments have happened, as well as have been documented that we can know the essentially valuable laws of Political Science.

       God knows we need to know them!

       And it is true that we actually do, starting with no matter the system of government in the world, there ought not be any corner of the world where women do not have the rights described by the Declaration of Human Rights, of the United Nations.

        What is fair is fair.

        We do need to remember that Rome fell as it devolved into a dictatorship.

        Theocracy is a challenge for all competing forms or systems of government because we all want to believe in the unseen that will answer our prayers, which we want to be sure to be delivered and heard.

        We want God to talk to us.

        It is good enough, really, that we invented languages for him to use.

        As far as the Oligarchy, I suppose the nation ought to take money from them at a higher tax level if they have not started, or funded a concern that makes good paying work for their fellow citizens.

        Good is the man who invests in the dreams and visions of others who have enabled the fullfilment of his own dreams and acknowledged the rightfulness of his destiny.


WMDC Art Show Proposal Progress Report

Weapons Of Mass Destruction Art Show Proposal Report

      It has been at least 6 months since I began my Atom Bomb Series of paintings and drawings.   I started with Bikini Bomb, and have made works under titles such as My Bomb and Your Bomb Sitting by the Fire, Dad Said The Atom Bomb Made Me, When TVs Were Made of Wood, My Bomb Loves Your Bomb, Channel Wars, and Drift.   In the series I intend another titled More Bombs to Come, but so far that painting has failed.

       After hearing Hans Blix talk about the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, and reading Paul Johnsons’ – A New History of Art, I determined that it was a good time for an art show event at the UN in support of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission and its goals.

        Obviously this sort of show is called to be a group show, though I would like to direct it under the Transcendian name and flag.

       What I envision as a total show is one in which at the opening a work of art was generated, and little model message rockets are launched as we did around Manhattan and in other places during the first Gulf War.

       Conceptually the point of this is to illustrate how a thing may be good and bad at the same time depending on how it is used, and for what purpose.

       In Transcendian Theory this is an example of the Pro-Active Civil Demonstration.

       Now some of my Bomb Series paintings are done on steel, and I am fond of painting on steel, and do so partly for this series mindful of the extinction facing us if these powers we have gained are not brought under control.

       At the opening reception, which is intended to be an important social event I want to mount horizontally on the wall a 3/6s 4’by8′ or longer sheet of steel to be etched, scratched, painted drawn and otherwise attacked by artists and guests creating an image, work of art, to be sold for the benefit of the work of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission.

      So then the concept is to have a Group Show thematically about Weapons of Mass Destruction during which time little paper message rockets are launched, and a work on steel is created.

       Why have such a show now, and why should it be at the UN?

       What is the difference between my putting on a show here in Carrboro, North Carolina, and at the UN?

        The Show here will not hurt, but it will not do all that it is intended to do if is only here, and must be installed at the UN to have the effect, in the time allowed by the grace of God, or whatever serves that position.

       It is without doubt that collectively we are threatened beyond acceptable limits.

      It simply is unacceptable for mankind to tolerate weapons that turn war into apocalyptic riot.

      The change in the times from an era of Bi Polar Power Balance to an era of Multi Polar Power Balance in the geo politics of our current world now call for the elimanation of weapons too much a temptation to use for nations, or the equivalent of barbarians when we consider Hezbollah and the like.

      Now the UN must change its thinking from wiping out all wars, to at least enforcing the rules of war.

      Art does play a role in affecting thinking, and ideas, and the way things are done, and what beliefs are most commonly held in the minds of mankind.

     These works of art about Weapons of Mass Destruction, in a Show, at the UN, as part of a strategy, are intended to open minds to the real possiblity of elimanating these weapons that violate inherently a more proper conduct of armed conflicts.

      These things have been done in the past by nations, and in this respect we ought to accept the wisdom of more civilized times demonstrated as possible by a history which does give mankind some reasons for pride.

     One instance I know of where a weapon was put down and elimanated for two centuries was the instance where the Japanese gave up firearms.

     So the purpose of the show at its moment, and in its time is to open minds to the possiblity of getting rid of these weapons, which infact have lost their utility which was for a unique era of a power balance for which they did their job, but when that distinct era, no longer exists, and therefore insures eventual horror if these weapons are not gotten out of arsenals public or private.

     Art is something mankind can be more proud of than war.

     Now for a complete strategy when fighting for a actionable idea one must campaign on the radio, on the tv, in the movies, and in the papers.

      Then this show ought to be covered by each medium with as international distribution as possible.

      It truly is unfortunate that the UN does not have presence in more commonly available television so that more understanding of shared issues was advanced.

      However regardless of that failure, a complete strategy is the same, though coverage and distribution more complicated.

      This art show I propose and am seeking support for cannot but be a part of an overall and ongoing strategy if success is to be achieved.

      So far my progress has been to discover that at the UN Transcendia needs support from a Government such as Sweden.   I have reason to believe that due to the nature of the canon of my own art, which I have discovered to be more Chinese than I had known before I read Paul Johnsons’ excellent book of art history, and therefore think they might want to at least buy some of my art, and at best support the show.

      It is good that they foreswear first use of Nuclear weapons, whereas the US does not.

       Also I have discovered that the Department of Disarmament Affairs of the United Nations need support and may well be important as party to the show.

       It would be sensible and correct to solicit the support of all organizations public and private with the same goals so as to bring them together and amplify their power for those shared and specific goals.

      My correspondence on this issue has been with two members of the Department of Disarmament, one of whom was formerly on the Secretariat of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission.

      I have not heard from the Secretariat Mr. Salander in Sweden, or Hans Blix, though I have today put an international call into those offices as prompt to the emails sent over this period.

      The Gallery Pace MacGill in Manhattan is considering involvement in the show in one capacity or another.   I recognize I need help in the City, and have reached out to them because they are to show some work by David Byrne who I want individual support and involvement from, which recommends Pace MacGill.

      Otherwise I am working at putting the show together here locally where I live since I am more able to do that face to face, for it is always recommended that one do what one can regardless of what may be ideal.

      I hope I can get my painting, More Bombs to Come, properly done, to add to the show.

                                                                    Best- Russell Day









Instructions after the Operation

My Guts Got Wrapped Shut by their Covering

      –And I had to go to the doctor and the hospital and be cut open and the stuff that wrapped up my guts cut out of the way, stomach and then sewn back together.

       During my stay in the hospital I was not able to do much about world affairs, or even local affairs.

        When I was finally able to get out of the hospital a great number of rockets were being fired by either North Korea, or Hezzbolla, or Israel, I guess.

        As the Morphine wore off I visualized a ball of Portland Cement in a ball with rockets sticking out of it.

       I started to work on the Weapons of Mass Destruction Art Show Event.

       I looked at my rocket kit.

       Apparently people like rockets quite a bit.   I and my comrades have had some great times launching rockets, and again I encourage you to launch a rocket as an experience that is apparently very powerful.

       If Estes Rocket Company had any sense they would give away their rockets to everyone in Beruit and Jerusalem.

       It really is a good thing to do, launching rockets, if you do it by the rules.

       It is wonderful to get a call from someone who finds your message rocket and asks you if you want it back.

       Then you may have dinner, or a popscicle together.

       Otherwise if you want to encourage peace in the Middle East, think in terms of a good menu.

      Think in terms of the real food and the mental equivalent of food and put that all on the table, when you take Atomic bombs and the like out of the arsenals of public or private organizations.

                                                                 Later, Russell

How The Working Class Could Save The World

The Things in Some Order, ailment

of how the Working Class can Save the World, vialis 40mg maybe.

by Russell Scott Day

Neccessary for longer human survival, prescription and short term Peace, If nothing Else.

by Russell Scott Day

        Food is the number one ingredient for peace, and that means that if you want peace either in your immediate neighborhood, or somewhere far away, you or your group, tribe, nation or organization are wise to give food to people and nations you want to be friends with, or want to resolve a conflict with.

       In the case of North Korea I must reverse myself and say that now I accept that food may be used as a weapon.

       In the case of North Korea, whose rocket may not fly particularly well, if it is launched, and if I was charged to defend my people, I would be very inclined to blow their rocket off its pad as soon as I knew it might be launched.

       It would not particularly matter to me if it was armed.

       I have had some rocket launch failures.

       Launching rockets is fun.

       I encourage people to launch rockets for Transcendia with messages on them that encourage peace.

       So then I think it is okay if North Korea gets to launch rockets, but know that the rocket needs to be inspected and properly aimed.

       The rockets I launched all over Manhattan were made of cardboard and balsa wood, but I did have two failures.   One of the message rockets blew up on the pad with NYPD witnesses, and the other went out of control in Prospect Park.

      The top speed for my Message Rockets was only about 450 miles an hour.

       South Korea has indicated that they might not give North Korea food if North Korea launches the interesting rocket they have set up for launch.

        As I have said, launching rockets is fun, and a worthy thing to do, and I encourage Transcendians to launch Message Rockets.

        Now the smartest thing I can think to do as concerns North Korea, South Korea, Japan, China, Russia and the United States is to applaud North Korea for making a rocket, which is a fun thing to do, and get them to accept some inspectors and advice about how to fly it so that it has a good and fun flight which we can watch, and how doing that will get them the food they need.

         I actually own a Kia which is a car made in South Korea.

         Therefore I have a unique understanding of some of the technological issues involved.

        The South Korean car I have is reputed to be the worst car ever made.

         Now this does not reccommend the North Korean Rocket.

         Of course the reality is that unless the Russians and the United Statesians had merged their space programs more Cosmonauts and Astronauts would have died than have so far.

         One of my Pilot heros told me that Korean women were the most generally beautiful.

         So then I would suggest that a North Korean Woman be put into the Space Station Program that the Russians and the USians control if the North Koreans let us Working Classes control their rocket launch.

       As an immediate action I suggest throwing food at North Korea to get them to the table of negotiation.

       I admit that this is a weird skew of sanity that I am assaulting you with.

        I could go on explaining it but it is time for dinner.




Menu for Peace

Menu for Peace

     There are things that are ingredients of peace and basically they are food and mannered rituals of feeding.

       Conflicts about interest charges between the culture of Islam and Judisim are more significant than commonly addressed.

       As I say and will say and have said, cheap it would be better to have a menu for peace in the Middle East than a Road Map, medicine since no one is really going anywhere.

      As a fine reality tv show I would direct the perfect meal.

      A fine meal for enemies and friends since the elite need to eat with the working classes for chaos to end.

       This is all I am going to write on this right now.

       My other work now is to put a good art show happening in the UN Lobby about Weapons of Mass Destruction, and their obsolesence, as things have turned out.

       I did declare war on Weapons of Mass Destruction about 4 months ago, but no one noticed.

      A good Art Show at the UN would hopefully get my declaration of war on Weapons of Mass Destruction Financed.



Transport Notes/Carrboro

        In Carrboro North Carolina there are a good number of bicyclists and there is a bike lane on North Greensboro Street.  Of Course the Bicyclists and the Buses are in competition for this space, order but there is not but so much to do about this.   Maybe it would be possible to just dig ditches so that bicyclists could ride out of the way underground in town.

      Bicycles are a great way to get around.

      In Carrboro the bike lane actually stops too soon on North Greensboro Street, and ought to be extended out Old Fayettville Road to at least the intersection of Old Airport.

      Overall as far as bicycles are concerned, on all town roads they ought to have a lane, even if it is a small one.   If nothing else can be done to safely integrate the bike lane with the bus and auto lane, pass points ought to be painted on the road, and it would be good on some roads that irregular expansions of the road be accomplished so as to create auto pass points.

      In my study of transportation infrastructure I have come to some understanding of the vital need for designated and integrated "Rights Of Way".

      In a mature transportation infrastructure all traffic has the appropriate Right of Way so a pedesteran or a jet has a place to be, rightfully, no matter their speed.

      Transportation infrastructure system planning ought to test its plans to this need for all to have their rightful place and right of way.

                                                                 Russell Scott Day

ProActive Civil Demonstration Rocket Launching you can Do!

Rocket Launches You can Do!

     Rocket launches have been the Transcendian Pro Active Civil Demonstration invention and it is obviously time for another series.   I especially thought so after I got out of the hospital yesterday after a week there due to the breakdown of my digestive system and the emergency surgery.

      Some of the last week was agony and I am glad I didn’t die as I certainly would have if it had not been for the surgery.

      I really felt bad for the pig that I knew that died from what I had.   The death would have been agony up there in any torture range and if you blame god for such pain he would be more the devil.

      Leading up to this time I was making all the bomb pictures and paintings, and then now I am caused to remember message rocket launches of the past, which would be good to cause to happen again from what I understood as I came off the week of operation hospital and rocket launch news as I return to my desk.

       The main lesson and recommendation here is that the concept of Pro Active Civil Demonstration, such as little balsa wood and cardboardtube rocket launches with messages in the goal of achieving peace through understanding and deal making internalized law is a possiblity for the political action tool box.

       Imagine dropping to Gaza Estes Rocket Kits with message compartments they could send instead of the exploding rockets.

       To do something odd in a battle is sometimes the distraction that changes the course of the battle, and enables a proper resolution.

       For instance in this day and age it would be possible to televise rocket wars with models or to scale instead of the real war, and call it good by the lights of HG Wells and Orson Welles and War of the Worlds.

       Anyway I hope some people over there where they are launching so many rockets go ahead and launch more of the sort approved for scientific and hobby purposes, like the Estes and custom we built and launched during the last Gulf War in the interests of peace.


Appointments With Bombs

Appointments With Bombs

      A Speech:

                                                 Your life, and the lives of your lovers and chidren are threatened.   We, humanity have made so much progress that some have experienced perfect lives.

       What is the perfect life?

       The perfect life is one with God and one with man in which in all moments one is an individual, and one with all.

       It is both feast and famine survived and love given and received to a point of peace and understanding.

       Now, really right now, humanity is in the bottleneck.   People with great wealth and power blunder or triumph.   Blunders are more expensive than ever before because we are so many.   There are more of us around at one time than ever before on this planet.

       Workers are not defended enough.

       Us workers get in lines to get work and are blown up in Iraq.

       Iraq is a metaphor for workers who believe in God and have to work, like to work, and accept comfort from honest work.

       During my work life when I lived in Manhattan, I never had a real schedule, and since my paths were unpredictable, my criminal neighbors did not really know when to wait to ambush me.

       I rarely stood in lines.

       In church I would line up in the aisle for communion.

       Quakers don’t do that.

       Peace is better than war.

       We can create a time of peace if we concentrate on work for and with each other.

       Defense of the planet from Asteroid strikes is the big practical thing that a world government ought to be created and charged with doing.

       As a group, we really know that defending ourselves from the weather is the most idealistic and practical work for soldiers and scientists.

       Really us workers know in our hearts that we are an army.

       My mother told me that there is no shame in honest work, and I believe in honest work and want to protect other workers.

       We pay the bills.   Us workers pay the bills.

       The assholes raise prices on us and kill us with bills and bombs.

       Time is running out.

       In fact it is time for an International Minimum Wage, and the elimantion from goverment arsenals Weapons of Mass Destruction, like the Atom Bomb.

        As founder of Transcendia I do declare war on Weapons of Mass destruction and you can volunteer to kill to prevent them being available to kill you.

         This is a practical war for workers to fund or kill about since really we keep the rich and the poor with us regardless of what they contribute or steal.

         (I’ll finish this speech if you clap.)


Can I Sleep With You?

Can I Sleep With You

      Is a great name for a movie, unhealthy worth millions of dollars since great movies are a quest and getting people to sleep with you is a quest.

      Really, prescription Make Love Not War, does stand-up better over the years than Kill for Your Car.

      Value Your Life, is a good bumper sticker.

      I have been lucky to get the people who have slept with me to sleep with me.

      I can imagine more incidents than possible in the time I have left at this point.   It would be fun to write about them.


Carolina North Transit Study

Carolina North Transit Study

       Finally the University and the Town have come to an understanding that will move all forward as far as Transportation issues and Carolina North are concerned.

       As a "consultant" that the "officials" are eager to find, click  what follows are my recommendations:

       First all concerned must get on the same page as far as the philosphy that most correctly practically is the basis for making decisions.

      I say that the building of Carolina North forces the acceptance of the need for a "Mature Transportation Infrastructure".

      Now the philosophical basis from which the design of this infrastructure is to flow comes from understanding who is to benefit most ideally.

      The institutions and the governments involved need to ask, check who really needs and consitantly uses public transportation, medicine mass transit.

       Infrastructure planning of the "Mature Transportation Infrastructure" ought to flow from how the population of those in the society who cannot drive, which are the young and the old most simply.

      Therefore as the "Consultant" I say link all of the Educational Institutions with a "Mature Transportation Infrastructure" first.

      On the Island of Manhattan I was able to get most anywhere within 20 to 40 minutes and of the places I have lived I consider its transportation infrastructure "Mature".

      Certainly it serves the young and old and rich and poor.

      One must recognize when planning public transportation that how long it takes to get from A to B competes with cars which too often win for citizens to abandon them.

       Trains have long been the most efficient way of getting people around.   Far as I am concerned Subways are Trains, and I also include Monorails in that mix.

       A total and fully "Mature Transportation Infrastucture" is composed of "Rights of Way" that have in them all transportation machinery appropriate to those "Rights of Way".

      So Second:   To Create a Plan that is appropriate to the Transportation Goal of serving all transportation needs based on the touchstone realities of who in the society is most fully dependent on that infrastructure get your map and overlay on it all existing publicly controlled and clearly owned by all of the people, the "Rights of Way".

       Then draw lines in those "Rights of Way" connections to all Educational institutions in your Vicinity and beyond.

       It is important to recognize that life itself is an educational experience and that that means that though I say, that the place to start in planning a "Mature Transportation Infrastructure" is to determine what "Rights of Way" exist that will link all of the local educational institutions, from that flows the need to link to educational institutions that are far away, and demands that the transportation infrastructure is complete as regards timely connections to the overall global transportation infrastructure which includes airways and seaways.

      The key to planning a "Mature Transportation Infrastructure", required locally for the realization of Carolina North as more than a boondoggle for builders is finding out from a study what the existing "Rights of Way" are, then what will fit in and on them, and then determining how fast they would be.

      After discovering these facts a sensible and practical plan could be made, and ought to be the point of the study.