Letter For Congressman David Price/Working Class Corner

This letter is basically being written for US Congressman David Price

        Congressman Price represents the 4th District of North Carolina, where I currently live.

Dear Honorable US Congressman David Price,

        I think that the US Congress would be more practical if it offered a plan for Iraq and asked the President to support it, instead of asking the President and his administration for a plan.

        I am offering a plan through you.

        The slogun that explains this plan is:   PEACE MEANS POLICE.

        In the case of the Iraq War, the war was declared won.   The American Objective of getting Saddam Hussain out of office, and making sure he did not have control of nuclear weapons was achieved.

        At that time all US Armed Forces, ought to have been pulled out and Police been charged with keeping the peace.

        It is unfortunate that there is not really an effective international professional Constabulary uniformed and equipped to provide police services in Iraq.    Such a police force really ought to be formed by the United Nations and the Security Council.

       I have heard good things about the Costa Rician Paramilitary Police, which is distinct and unique in the world since they have no other armed forces.   The Costa Ricians I have asked about their police services have answered that they were very satisfied with their police services, and this would indicate that they are professional and have some ideals they are led by that produce approval and support for them by the common people.

       I suspect that the situation in Iraq calls for a police force similar to the Costa Rician Paramilitary Police Force, and I would ask for their participation in forming a Constabulary that would keep the peace in Iraq.

      That is the plan I would like to see offered up to the Bush Administration from the Congress.

       I am sorry that this plan is not very complicated in principle.   It will be interesting to discover and solve the complications of implementation.


       The laws that the International Constabular Force would be charged with enforcing ought to be very bare and simple.   I’ve seen To Serve and Protect written on the sides of some police cars, and I like the simplicity of that set of goals for police.

      Police corruption comes from their being charged with enforcing laws that do not fall into those categories but actually represent agendas of politicians who use laws they pass or maintain to corrupt the general mission of the police.

      In the United States the War on Drugs is an example of laws that the Police are charged with enforcing that corrupt their basic mission.

       Is the War In Afganistan won?

       If it is, then civilian rights there ought to be protected by the police.

       There is a big drug business there.

       When I was a Security Guard for Rochdale College in Toronto, I became familiar with hashish from Afganistan.   I can see how the uneducated might be willing to do violent and passionate things under the influence.   I came from an Episcopal religious training and practice and consider myself lucky my theology is basically fair no matter how stoned I get.

     So as far as laws are concerned that the international constabulary police force ought to be proud to enforce I think they ought to protect all who are working and having good manners about it, period.

     I am certain that the War On Terror would be more likely to succeed if the weapons smuggling conduits were cut from the drug smuggling conduits.

       Afghani farmers grow poppy and make hashish.

       We would all be safer if drug smugglers and weapons smugglers did not have an incentive to work together.

       That is a practical fact and international security forces that work together ought to be in favor of legalization of drugs so that they could focus on the real threats to the peace.

       Finally as far as laws that ought to be applied to people and organizations that do things like fly passenger jets into buildings I am looking to Maritime Law and the laws that are applied to pirates on the seas as most likely to be of a standard acceptable internationally and domestically.

      The recent assault on a cruise ship where a non-lethal sonic weapon and speed applied to escape the pirates is interesting and inspiring in that a non- lethal weapon was used successfully and it would be good in my opinion if everyone got one for those surprise attacks on the street when there are no police around to help you.

      I am glad that the last time I was attacked I was able to run.

      In that incident I ran into the street traffic to keep the crack addict attacker at a distance while he went for his gun.   It was the second time in my life I had the fortune of taxi traffic looking for a fare.

      In fact I have twice been saved by taxi cab drivers, and the police have shown up time and time again after I was already beaten or robbed.

      Maybe the world would be a better place if all police cars were for hire.

      Inside a big L5 Zone Space Ship it would be strange if the taxis and the police cars were not the same.

      So still Peace Means Police is the plan for signifying that a war is over.

      In all cases the International Constabulary Force must protect Infrastructure Workers first at the declaration of the end of a war.

      Please put forth this simple plan nationally and internationally.


                                                              Thanks, Russell Scott Day

301 Pleasant Dr.

Carrboro, NC transcendia.org 27510



Working Class Corner/Harlem

Harlem and the Bronx have infrastructure and all that I recommend, and I have been very uncomfortable there.

Why is it that a place could have all that government might provide, and still be terrible?

Of course some places have all that God might provide, and they are terrible.

When we are dead and know everything and are with God we don’t get to have sex and some of the things that make it really sad are that people think they will get virgins in heaven.

Now I admit that it might well be a very great thing to share the end of virginity with one person.

However it has been great to live as I have, and I did not marry and can barely remember the name of the girl I lost my virginity to.

In fact I can’t remember her name at all and can only remember the smell of her and picture her and the carpet on the floor of the bands van.

Now New York City is a place I have imagined cutting out of the planet and putting into outerspace.   Last time I was in Harlem the girl I went to see had to escort me out of the neighborhood explaining I would be robbed or killed etcetera if she did not help me get out of the neighborhood.

She lived on 116th Street.

It was on the West Side of Harlem, but she told me she lived on the Upper West Side before I got there.

My friend Anthony says that the Bronx is worse.

What is bad really is that with our private hells we can’t escape them on the streets in some neighborhoods because of our color.

I do happen to be White, but my life is the same as any working class person Black or White, but I am not so stupid as to not know that for me to be in Harlem or on the wrong end of Court St. in Brooklyn, it does not matter to the predators and my color is all the excuse they need to attack me.

The course of my life and the threats I have so far survived.

The Repulicans are certain that I have no control of the insurance companies which are going to make sure that they live longer than I do.

The Courts where I am subject might even recommend Courts in the Middle East run by people out to kill me.

At least over there it all ends up in one court, whereas where I live there are Courts after Court and then some Administrative entity that has secret laws ands secret numbers.

We could have 100 percent employment it someone answered the phone.

It would not matter if they actually knew anything.

Where I live I can easily pump my own gas.

However I cannot answer questions from a tape recorder with any result different from the questions of a rock.

Bill Clinton moved his office to Harlem.

He hired a Black Woman to answer the phone and say no about everything.

Bush is President and a Vatican Controlled Dry Drunk who is as dead as terrorists exploding in the expectation of physical rewards when they have no body.

God Bless the Morlocks!

I encourage young people to dig ditches for small subways.

                                                               Love, Russell  

Simple Sentences For Bush and Other Powerful People

Everyday is Trick or Treat!

       How will History see me is the question for powerful people.  Making laws is a mark of a powerful person.

       The Napoleanic Code is a legacy of Napolean that insures his rememberance, for instance, as an example for my definition of a powerful person.

        Napolean gave us war and laws.

        The Napoleanic Code is flawed because it is rigid.

        The wars Napolean fought seem to be wars for the sake of war.  He was a very good general and seems to have experimented with armies like a big time football coach.

       I say that it is not so important what decisions you make, as whether or not you can make them.   At least leaders make decisions when there are times that decisions are required.

      "It’s my plan, and I might change it!"   – Is what I say.

      In the current situation that the United States finds itself in due to the actions of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches that is another "Perfect Storm", there is some bit of hope since the United States has the option of asking for help for not even the UN is uncorrupted as far as Iraq is concerned, and the blunders of the United States are understandable in consideration of the corruption of the UN as far as the oil for food program.

       The Dutch won’t take me because I can’t talk Dutch, and the Canadians won’t take me because I don’t have 100 thousand dollars in the bank, so I am sort of stuck with my American citizenship at least till Transcendia has more than 8.75 in the Cafepress account.

      Andre` Lewin is undergoing Radiation treatments and I have asked him not to die.

      Therefore I have to say that I get no joy from the bad decisions of my President and the rest of the government that is both a burden and a blessing like a child.

      I have a lot in common with working people.   I am no aristocrat.   I drink beer and work from payday to payday and as much heavan on earth I expect to get is enough money to recover over the weekends so I can withstand doing it for another week.

      Gephardt made a speech endorsing the International Minimum Wage.

      If we want work more than war all leaders of the world need to get the World Bank to issue a formula that sustains the income that facilates what we know as Peace.

       We are all little leaders in our own right and we ought to know what is required physically and intellectually to make what we want and need.

       "Work is the spiritual quest for the material necessities." – Is what I say.

       I have a lot in common with the working classes of Iraq.

       or Iran for that matter, and in China, or in England.

       Here where I live I work with so many Mexicans that I resent the Spainish Aristocracy that sells out its citizens to depress wages for people like me so much so that peasantry will soon be the North American norm.

      I am an anarchist, but I still believe in Roberts Rules of Order for business meetings and I find no conflict with my anarchy there because real anarchy is practical and eclectic.

      It was obvious that without the support of the international community that the War in Iraq would turn out as it has.

      It does not do the world of workers any good now to let the war there go on as it is going on.

      Workers in Iraq who are skilled in maintainace and creation of infrastructure need protection more than politicians, and I suppose that they would do more good as protected by the armed forces of the world, than as politicians, and be grateful for the protection.

      What would Confuscious say?

       I think that Confuscious and Jesus would make the same recommendations.

       Whatever you do publicly and privately must come from love for yourself and others to be a good idea.

       Iraq is the major war going on now, though there are a number of other wars going on.

       I imagine that there are warriors in Iraq that would rather fight in Sudan than where they are as a simple change of scenery and a chance to do something clearly helpful.

       For some the work of their destiny and God given soul is to be soldiers and warriors but at its height it comes to be simple police work that is constant.

      In all past wars those who have fought each other have later been allies and the war ineviably a mystery for those who actually fought it.

      This is what Tolsoy meant in War and Peace.

      There are leaders in the world who have power and do need to come together to protect their people out of love and respect for their mothers and fathers irrespective of any national boundaries.

      All weapons need to be taxed to create an international constabulary that protects workers from those that want to steal from them the integrity of their lives.

      Over the next 20 months the United Nations and the EU must stand up and get China and the US to come to economic agreements that protect workers from explotations unseemly for civilizations.

      The international community must build a Great Wall made of nanotubes run on light to protect workers from rocks from heavan.

      As far as Iraq is concerned the international community needs to recognize that the destruction of the United States has happened and it is a threat to them that requires more than condemnation and self satisfied drift.

       The fact is that without a transnational peacekeeping force as all on the planet are interdependent and no one really has privacy humanity will insure its doom because its focus on itself will insure it will be hit by a big rock while it squabbles over beliefs that are not facts.

      The fact is that humanity does not have to be stupid and brutal.

                                                         Love- Russell  




Working Class Corner/More About Transportation Infrastructure

What Places Are Most Practical to Link with Public Transportation Systems?

        I live in Carrboro North Carolina and drive around in it a great deal in the course of my work as a carpenter.   The local attempt to close the Public Community Airport has caused me to work on a generic plan for building and maintaining a "mature" transportation infrastructure.

        I have lived in Chicago and New York City and Rochester New York and Fort Lauderdale Florida, Toronto Ontario, Greensboro, North Carolina, and some other places not worth mentioning, like Jersey City, New Jersey.

        Of the cities I have lived in I would have to say that New York City possessed the most "mature" transportation infrastructure.   The puzzle to work out for a place like Carrboro North Carolina is how to build the same sort of mature infrastructure within the natural strictures that exist simply due to geographic realities.

        This is not to mention that there is a powerful political segment of people who look at a mature transportation infrastructure as destructive to the way of life they live here for.  A mature transportation infrastructure is to that segment of the citizenry, "too urban".

       The local conflict over the airport pivots often over how noisy airplanes are.

       Noise is part of the price you pay for an urban lifestyle.

       The opportunities afforded to modern people by a complete and mature transportation infrastructure outweigh a rejection of it if all classes are to be able to live and work together.   Simply as an obvious fact the lack of a mature transportation infrastructure gives the more well off a general advantage and diminishes the prospects of creating and maintaining a meritocracy.

        The realities of this are most clear when we reduce the sets of people who most need public transportation to the old and the young.

        Once we do that we can determine most practically where public transportation must go.

        For the young, who have not had time to accumulate wealth on their own then it follows public transportation must first link together all of the educational institutions.

       This naturally would link public transportion to the hospitals because they are dual institutions being both necessary to public health, and educational institutions.

        So in the case of this relatively small area I live in, I would call for first determination of "Rights of Way" that connect all of the educational institutions.

        Second I would determine what transportation technology was most appropriate for that Right of Way.

         In one Right of Way, a Subway is most efficient, and in another an elevated train is the most efficient, and in another a bus is most practical.

        For a small place like Carrboro, it may seem insane to propose a subway, but infact the concept of a subway is entirely practical if made small.

        I would determine where monorail was most appropriate, and where a subway was most appropriate, and make a subway car that fit both the ditch and hung off the elevated rail or cable between the institutions identified as part of the common public infrastructure, such as schools.

        For a place like Carrboro I would build a subway that was a small ditch compared to the ditches for subway trains the sizes of subway trains in Manhattan or other places.

        In Carrboro I would put the subway to the University under the bike paths with a glass ceiling so that the small underground always got natural light.

        If for practical reasons the cars had to be designed to allow passengers to stand up throughout a trip, I would make them much thinner than traditional train cars and make sure that where the car could be elevated above intersections and other interference with the Right of Way, it would be compatible with both above and below ground travel.

        Obviously a mature transportation infrastructure represents a longterm sort of planning and committment.

        It also represents an acceptance that the world has become an urban experience for most of humanity.

        Those communities and governments that commit to longterm solutions for the solutions to the problems of their citizens will thrive more than those that do not.

       You might be going to live somewhere else, but the town you live in now is not going anywhere else.   Everywhere you are, you will need the same things.

       The world has become an urban place and governments that most perfectly integrate their transportation infrastuctures will be better places to live for the most people across socioeconomic lines than places where people don’t.

      Since educated people are more able to adapt to both institutional or private forces that may be for or against them it is vital in the long run that public transportation most efficiently link first all of the educational institutions in any particular area.

       Of course I think public transportation must be linked to the airports as well since no place makes it in the long term if it does not function as a port, and there is a good need for some people to learn to fly and an airplane is as much a school as a boat.

                                                                   Love, Russell


Working Class Corner/Constabulary Force Uniform Needed

Iraq and War.

     When a war is over the police are the accepted armed forces in the streets, drugs and they are liked for keeping the peace.

      In the future when a war is declared won, erectile it ought to be taken for granted that the Army that won the war, vialis 40mg gets out, and is replaced with police who are indigenous, or professional at keeping the peace.

      Over the years I have come to accept that fashions and uniforms are important, and in the case of Iraq right now I know that a uniform for peacekeepers is called for.

      There is no effective international Constabulary, which is really a long name for a large police force.

       The working classes need protection from the robbers and the murderers, and need courts to settle property disputes.

      I am impressed that in Iraq there is an attempt to establish courts and a rule of law.   The police are important as far as enforcing laws are concerned.

      The United States really ought to ask for help in getting its army out of Iraq.

      If I had gotten the United States Army into Iraq, fought a war, and declared it won, I would now be asking that professional police take up the job of keeping the peace.

      Some people are destined to be warriors and killers and they really ought to join the army.   Others are destined to be police officers who keep the peace with a combination of skills that may well call for killing, but are not intended to do only that.

     If I had control of armed persons I would ask those under my command who of them wanted to be police in Iraq, give them another uniform, and put the rest left to work at a very specific job, which is to kill whomever they see.

                                                             Love, Russell         




Holidays interupt my cash flow.

I ought to be grateful,

and I am.

I get an excuse to recover from working.

In New York I got to dread the holidays since work fell off.

All the Producers take the holidays off to spend with their families and go on vacations so work doesn’t pick up again till after the holidays when you work in New York on commercials.

I liked working on commercials actually.

Music videos were very stressful for less money.

When I was doing that sort of work in Manhattan  

there was a Thanksgiving that I and my girlfriend spent all to ourselves not seeing any family.

We were living in a rent control apartment that she had some arrangement about on Madison Ave not far from the UN.

It was a beautiful day and we took a good walk in the neighborhood.

She was very pretty and happy and I was excited and comfortable.   We got into look at the Security Council Theater apparently, since I have a photograph.

The year after that, or the year after that we had a fine Thanksgiving with her parents in Mt. Kisco.

She and I had a fine love affair in the end of it all.

I reccommend two lovers take the holiday in reverse every now and then.

It was an experience for me to spend a couple of Christmases all by myself.

I found it tougher than I thought it would be and have avoided it since.

There was a unique Christmas at Ratsos that was a combination of being alone and getting up with someone for a memorable evening.

I had gotten so hurt from not seeing my daughter for too long that I wrote a hurt and angry poem.

I got to see her yesterday.

I am grateful to have the family I have and would want no other.

It would not have been that horrible if I had had a fatal car crash on the way back from my sister’s.

My mother sang for us.

She has a new career as an actress, and I am tempted to suggest she try Stand Up.

I used to do that.

Now I want to be a politician, and make a speech at the UN.

It is a thing I pay taxes to and it is part of the Reinvention Point List of Andre` Lewin that little guys like me get to speak to the Security Council now and then.

His other points for reinvention of the UN, like taxes on arms for peaceful purposes, and an army dispatched by the Secretary General in obvious cases of genocide, as well as the option for closed and secret sessions as recently called for by the Democratic Party, all make practical sense, from my working class point of view.

Chairman Ambassador Lewin did add to his points my concept of UNTV which is a standard on this site.

It has so far been a bit much for him to add Transcendia to the points, but I have argued for it.

War and show business are bought fraught with bad hours.

Filmmakers might not work much during holidays, but stage hands sure do.

Every weekend is a mini holiday for the working classes.   Over the years when I drifted into stagehand work out of film work I got sick of the schedules after awhile.

One Christmas I spent alone in a hotel room with the flu.

That was a bad one.

The last 5 or 6 years I’ve been on a regular schedule with weekends and holidays off, though for two of those years I was recovering from falling through the floor and landing on concrete and breaking my hip and hand and pelvis.

I would really like to try my hand at speaking to the representatives and ambassadors and leaders of the United Nations from a purely Working Class Point of View.

I’d like to hear others of my class be allowed to speak in acknowlegment that individuals pay for the UN.

One of the other points of Chairman Lewin is that the flag of the UN be more ubiquitious and I want it flown here in Carrboro along with the flag of the town and the State and the Nation.

Of course I want the Transcendian Flag flown more commonly as well and it touched my heart that my daughter bought a Transcendian Mouse Pad.

I am glad I spent the holiday with my family.

                                                          Love, Russell

Gun & Weapons Tax Local Government Revenue Uses.

I noted in The Week, that Chapel Hill was listed with other Muncipalities that had come out against the War in Iraq.

I am reminded of the story of Judith from the Apocrapha.   In the end of that story Judith cuts off the head of the Roman General that was attacking the Jewish town for not going to war.

There are governments that direct revenues from taxes on specific items for specific purposes, and in the United States it has long been traditional to use gas taxes for highways.

Around here and in transcendia if it gets control of some place in reality, I agree that taxes on weapons ought to be used to advance less need of them.   I would like it if some of the County Money collected from weapons sales in Orange County were given to the United Nations, which though flawed, does advance some prospects for peace.

Certainly there is some truth to "Money Talks, and Bullshit Walks."

Leadership for the important issues to be decided, of these times, is destined to come from the small places and the small people, instead of the big people.

The statement of "Against", or "For" the War in Iraq does not really do it because it is too simplistic.

    The World Community simply lacks a Constabulary Force of size capable of being installed in Iraq.   Police recruitment of locals must be a piority and the Costa Rician’s ought to be playing a significant role because of their unique experience of general satisfaction with their paramilitary police force, and no other armed force.

     Mandatory taxes on weapons to be funding for peace initiatives by the United Nations would release the United Nations from the dependence on "dues" for its mission.

     Small places like Orange County in North Carolina would get a bigger voice in international issues if they independently put their money where their mouth was.

     I am for flying the United Nations Flag next to the town and the state and the federal US flag around here, and particularly at the airport.

     This is one of Chairman Lewin’s Points for Reinvention of the UN, along with his point that taxes on weapons ought sensibly be given to the UN.

      Today I got up thinking that it would be good if my little neighborhood bought some voice at the UN by donating money from taxes on the weapons sold in the County, directly to the UN.

      I hope that all the extra eating and a visit to a resturant and visiting with the family helped me think clearly for otherwise what good is a holiday.

      What is the most sensible secular international holiday?

       The only Transcendian Holiday is April Fools so far, which is really a Holiday honoring love lost and the broken heart.

       It is sort of a reverse Valentines Day.

       I believe there was a period when May Day, was vying for international status as an international holiday for workers.

        I wonder what great holiday there is because of the EU?

        Really there is only so much time for holidays and it would be a terriffic victory to add one.

        Maybe we could have a Gun Tax Holiday, but really I don’t think it would catch on all that well.

        On April Fools Day maybe we ought to all feel free to call up ex-wives, old girlfriends or boyfriends and find out how they are doing.

        Every holiday needs some ritual.

        Thanksgiving and Christmas are characterized by food surplus confirming the place of food as the number one ingredient for peace.

         Therefore since food surplus is the number one ingredient for peace, taxes on weapons ought most sensibly be directed number one at insuring all people live with a surplus of food.

         Food comes from water and light and dirt.

         So taxes on weapons that are used to buy weapons for use by warriors may end up legitimate if the weapons are used to protect water workers.

        The lives of the Untouchables in India who work in the sewers need our concern.   Those people need some defense if anyone does in my opinion.

       I’d give some money to the police in India from my tax revenue from weapons if they would protect the Untouchables from abuse.

        You got to draw the line somewhere.

        Now I’ve got all this money from taxes on weapons.    Turns out that the best thing to spend it on is clean water for everyone.

                                                                       Love from a convoluted mind.

Russell Scott Day  


Working Class Corner/Virus Bombs and Leadership

Working Class Corner/Bombs

As far as threats it was reported today over the radio that it was only a matter of time before a biological weapon would be unleashed on the world by Al Kada.   Really it is spelled different and the other news is that Bird Flu is coming up as a problem pandemically so much that Al Queda, whatever, really just has to take credit.

It might be possible that it was not wise for information on how to make smallpox was published on the web.

The Moral Imperative of Passionless Violence is put in our faces now.

We want to save the world for our children, and ourselves.

Might be called for that all killers have to stand around and cook and eat whomever they kill.   Considering the threats it is insane for men of mankind and women to spend time killing each other by the formal name war, or the informal name murder.

Of course it is not entirely insane to kill someone who you know is intent on killing you.

I say to all "Value your Life!"

My fights have been crimes of passion and defensive and I do not recollect an offensive fight.

Now an offense and defense are required for winning the game in football which is most like war and gladiator contests of the Roman times, which are what we mostly get at the best, which could be dramatically better, these days, but would still have to be like it if it is what we call civilization, which is better than barbarism, since it is based on work, as better than theivery, even if you don’t believe in a need for God to tell you such a simple thing.

In the case of germs, viruses, cancers, and the like, we have no problem with pro-active conflict with them.

For Transcendia it makes great sense to endorse proactive defense of the perimeters.

Nuclear weapons and biological weapons are beyond the defensive capacity of any individual nation.

The case of North Korea that needs food and can’t get it without threatening to use a nuclear bomb to protect its leadership at the expense of its people must be solved for the benefit of all, and particularly the working classes of North and South Korea, who are related, and have the potential to lead the world in resolving their conflict.

The US loves Civil War and imports it and exports it at its worst point of passion and love.

These Korean Scientists seem to be pretty good actually and I remember that the US Space Program was greatly benefitted from its pardon and hiring of German Rocket Scientists.

I would like to put a Transcendian Airport in the DMZ of Korea for the purpose of Silk Road Trade.

I would like it if there was a Sister City agreement between all concerned with a good space elevator site in Ecuador.

My hero couldn’t spell either.

                                                               Love, Russell

Working Class Corner/Fun Etc.

Garage Sales are fun because they are like being a hunter gatherer for the urban dweller, who needs that experience.

I was an urban woodsman.

I would pick up wood on my way from my apartment at 66 Madison Ave. to my girlfriends apartment on the corner of 7th Ave. South and Leroy St.

I always found enough wood on the way for a fine fire in her fireplace.

When I go to garage sales I always look for radios, and if I had room for collecting things I would be a radio collector.

I used to have a Zenith.   I miss it like I miss my 54 Pontiac Star Chief.

My heart lept when I saw my radio in Howard Huges hangar in that movie The Aviator.

I thought the crash scene was flawed and wondered what difference the manifold pressure would make when feathering of the props would be my typical concern flying that thing.

When the wing hit the structures and carried through without slamming the nose of the plane into the building the physics involved seemed right violated from what I know and need more explaination for me to suspend disbelief.

My favorite scene in the movie was when Howard Huges said "No, I don’t think I will." when asked to ask one of his employees to return for questioning.

For the rich and the pour there is always a limit that makes sense to all.

Enough is enough.

Obviously though it was a movie about a guy who stopped having fun.

Damn things here in Carrboro allow for some regular measures of fun.

The weather is great and there is a managable number of people around.

I remember Raul who too often intruded into our lives when we lived on East 11th.   Carrboro these days for me is okay since I am generally left alone as I want to be on the weekends.

Sometimes I have too much fun, but I get left alone enough to recover by monday.

How to maintain and advance the Carrboro infrastructure so as to grow at the same time a level of fun availablity is maintained and advanced is my current puzzle work.

Having once lived in a commune I am for separate living quarters for people.

Still again I am for high density living since it enables efficient public transportation.

Efficient public transportation enables real estate parities for different sorts of people.

Dirigibles and Submarines that never land anywhere are what we need to create as experimental cities to complete our knowledge of the perfect society.

Would this be fun to do?

                                                            Love, Russell


Working Class Corner/REWRITE

Ideals Morals and Technology

Bits of my mind rearrange themselves during the day.

I wear a radio on my head that looks ridiculious.

I’m in my own little world.

I wish I had a walkie talkie connection to NPR.

Ideally food ought not be used as a weapon, but in the case of North Korea

Apparently they will trade nuclear weapons for food.

Trains are the backbone of nations and the carbon nano tube that is pivotal for the actuality of the space elevator offers trains that go everywhere.

I thought of that because one day I got through to Dick Gordon when he was talking to people about North Korea and its announcement that it had "The Bomb."

Really it is not much good to have a nuclear weapon and not tell everyone.

Apparently you get more food if you have one.


Nuclear Power is free from the Sun except for the infrastructure it requires.

I’d like to get my little town and county to build a Solar Power Infrastructure with my taxes.

Free buses are great, but I can’t wait around for them.

I want to see people moving.

I think buses are too big, and trains too heavy and think lightening everything is a good start.

Steel cable, wire rope, is a machine.

Rigging is great fun and I really enjoyed doing it in conjunction to working on movies and commercials when I lived in Wilmington.

One of my favorite things in the world is a boom truck.

Pulleys and steel rope and electricity move things around and remind me of flying the baby around the house.

When I am driving around back and forth from the hardware store and the job sites delivering lumber and disposing of the trash I see students waiting for the bus.

I want to string up steel cables and eliminate the buses entirely with equvalents.

(Sometimes my wife isn’t around and my spelling is a guide to my pronunciation of a word.)

My wife has been called the human dictionary and I will bet 50 dollars on her in a Crossword Competition any day.

I wish I had been as well educated.

But at anyrate, as a return to deep thought.

I say unto you INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE Give Us New Infrastructure!


In my head for years and years I have a movie of a little black boy in Africa wearing one of those two cloth flap fashions looking up at a bulldozer making an airport in his jungle.

In my story he would eventually become a Shuttle Pilot.

There is the vertical and horizontal elevator to be implaced.

At all times and places wait times need to be reduced.

The world is changing and changing fast.

Some people would look forward as a blessing a flu pandemic since it would reduce the population without the ugliness of faulty ideas like war and would not be really our responsiblity of will to cause and only something alien to our individual interests.

Infact in general it would appear that the flu is a yearly culling of us.

Really we do not have to look to aliens from outerspace for an alien to fight with that ought to bring us together and the story of our fight with the flu is probably all the science fiction we need to understand how we really work together.

The Moral Imperative of passionless violence illustrated by quarentine is sort of like how in Brazil they cut off the water when there isn’t enough.

Plastic drip tents will take drinking water out of the air on a raft in the ocean.

We are down to a need to harvesting the dew.

I imagine the complete solar and water generating plant running wire rope conveyances everywhere there is a road and on every power line right of way everywhere all the time.

We need these things on space ship earth since now we need to put things in places.


Now adays everywhere is supposed to be like a park, called a park, or a campus.

Like on Mars, all life like us needs to submerge like fish in a well run ocean.

The dolphins stayed in the water since they knew writing would be burned or washed away.

We wanted bigger life on Mars.

We want someone to talk to about our radio.

Now it is a time when your destiny is actually important to chose.

The National identity may as well get in line.

If I was forming an army I would direct them to protect civilians and infrastructure workers in particular.

I imagine making a public case for all armies or armed warriors to judge the worthiness of their life sacrifice for any idea on the basis of whether or not it protects the natural and mature infrastructure for working classes.

I would direct that in Iraq soldiers be replaced with policemen.

This I would do by identifying who in the ocupying army was good at being a policeman, and giving them another uniform regardless of their national affiliation and getting the soldiers to where they ought to be, which is hanging around practicing killing people, or actually killing people, and really nothing else.

Really the solution to the problem in Iraq for the entire world is that a constabulary be created that protects infrastructure workers indiginous to the nation from bombers suicidial or sneaky.

Let us think of the world as a First Class Cruise Ship, with a Captain who has the clear cut responsiblity of maintaining the seaworthiness of the ship.

Now, as far as laws concerning terrorists are concerned, and I mean actual terrorists defined by what they do, and not particularly what they wear.

I think laws of maritime law used to justify violent defense of ships and their crews and passengers ought to be applied as they are by practical tradition to pirates on the seas.

Let us look to old laws applied to keeping the rights of way safe for commerce for guidance on what laws to use in relation to capture and imprisonment of detainees caught in the current war called a war on terrorism.

It is interesting that the Coast Guard of the US seems to be the institution most competent during the time of the Katrina Hurricane assault by weather.

As far as the War in Iraq is concerned, if I was in charge of it now, I would unite the soldiers under my charge with the international professional police by putting together a police equipment kit, and transferring from the army to the police those of my own with that unique talent for keeping the peace with others from other nations who are destined to be police more than they are destined to be soldiers or "warriors".

The ideal thing to have happened at the end of the war in Iraq, that would have actually signified an end to the war, would have been that all of the soldiers involved would have been brought home as is a fine signal that a war has ended.

When a war is over traditionally, the armed forces in both nations revert to the police.

Now it is oddly true that in this new urban world that the importance of clothing and fashions is greater than we really want to recognize.

I would give to my soldiers a defection uniform that was a universally recognizable police uniform, and not the uniform of a soldier.

These French disaffected who have been burning cars are good candidates for such uniforms.

The French have long been struggling with the same issues as the United States.

During the Second World War it was not unusual for juvenal delenquents to be offered jail or service in the army.

Some people are just born to fight and it is the wise who let them do it.

I’d like it if the French deported their rioters to the police force of Iraq.

                                                                         Love, Russell