Working Class Corner/Tin Foil Hats

War and corruption keep the common man poor.

My mind needs protection from lies and mis-stories?

How come people get to print money anyway?  It is a great work of conceptual art.  Paper money is really interesting.

My solution to what Transcendia might print money from is Whole Life Insurance Policies for everybody from birth.

The problem seems to be that standard practice is to undervalue lives.  You may well be resented if you live too long.

At anyrate even without perfect numbers my policy is to create an insurance entity for Transcendians that the paper money is printed on.  My people will be worth at least as much as gold.

Yah know paper money does work well for travelers.  Surely enough we are seeing Gold as a de facto currency, medstore but you aint going to be sending gold over the wires yah know.

Legal tender is cash used for illegal work and products, and legal work and products, and you buy chips at the gambling casino with whatever money type you got.

We can work this art project out together.

Where we start from is true accounting of what everything really costs. 

Aliens/Working Class Corner

I have been wanting a big story other than constant news about economic collapse and dangers ahead.  I am semi satisfied with Osama Bin Laden's getting shot news as a big story illustrating touchstone emotions.  Still you have to admit this is not a completely positive sort of story.

Plus by now we've all seen pictures of murdered, store executed, ed shot in war fairly, medicine or whatever.  Not just posting the picture of this guy dead will seem like they want to drag the story out, more than be sensitive to Islamist who follow Bin Laden.  What reasons by now I ought to have to be sensitive to that sect of Islam is beyond me.

Years ago a Manager I worked under said, "I don't longer get too bothered by the tears of women and children."  Far as Islamic fundamentalists the "Sensitivity" is really simply fear, since they tend to flip out and stab even lonely movie makers in normally peaceful streets of Amsterdam.  Hell even the tolerant Dutch have about had it with this sort of thing.

Bin Laden's guys sure crossed the line far as I'm concerned, for if you kill travelers on Transcendian airports I'd do all I could I could to eliminate whatever threat you and yours were.   I myself really love civilization, and coming from sailors and priests I have a spiritual connection to travel, and all what it is about and for.

I have even traveled in airplanes recently when all the investigation was to ask my name after I was comfortably seated.  Next time I go to the airlines I think I'll just wear my bathrobe and some slippers.  My wife actually helps me get dressed these days so I'm not up for this dressing and undressing stuff.  It hurts me.

Maritime law is fascinating to me.  It's my suspicion it is the basis for International Law.  The real trend is a World Federal Government.

As the Slaves in the US were freed into Wage Slavery like everybody else, out the Civil War, this World War Spy era will lead to Human Rights for Women.

I am for arming women.

And so it is, I am done for today, writing.

P.S. Time to get a Tin Foil Hat.  Or Next Big Story:  Aliens are on the way.  They are bringing either War Or Peace.  A great Tin Foil Hat is really what you want now, either way.

Dead or Alive?

Dead Martyr, adiposity | or Live Threat?  What you want?

You would think that the US does have some powerful non lethal weapons.  Of course non lethal and lethal combinations in the toolbox must be applied in a total combat situation.

Mr. Obama, allergist President Obama is apparently, grudgingly given credit for not too much micro managing of the warriors.  I was fortunate enough to be instructed psychologically by a "retired" SEAL.  I think he was even a Major.  My Farr experience on scholarship ought to allow me to recommend them if they are of the caliber program they were.

Harvard is supposedly a pretty good school.

I don't think it is as good as it ought to be for Military History.

Still far as I can tell Obama gets respect because the operation succeeded, whereas Carter's operation failed.

I do think Ms. Clinton needs to speak up for the UN Declaration of Human Rights in any negotiations with the Taliban.  I can justify killing over women's rights as they have achieved in Western Nations.  I have become old and broken up, and can't even run anymore.  There may be little improvements from diet or drugs, or different foods, but I'm never going to be as strong as I used to be.  I'm no stronger than a child or woman anymore.

Still I've not gotten around to carrying a pistol, or even pepperspray.

It was Flight 93, the one that was supposed to hit the White House that somehow exemplifies winners over losers here.  We are in a present of no past like Faulkner said.  We want a past, but it doesn't exist.

Dumping the body at sea with the quick bury to Islamic custom spin, along with stated desire to obscure any location for a shrine is smart.  I wonder how much influence Mr. Obama had over this?  For my interests it makes sense partly since it was baldly stated as a motive for the action.

Now Obama and the Democrats can turn around and reinstate the Clinton era Taxes, and reform Corporate loophole inequities among the corporations.

As a lover of the US Post Office I want that Bureaucracy to be fixed up.  As an admirer of Ben Franklin I just can't let go of Libraries and the US Postal Service.

I'd give the US Postal Service some work protecting rightly emails if I could.

Anyway I have much work to do to become focused and real tied up.  – Give me some questions to answer.  There is a lot going on. 

Carrboro Economic Development

Since I live in Carrboro, cough I have a strong interest in its economic development.  As an artist I have a strong interest in the health of the art business here.  I am aware that it is standard operating practice for many cities to tout the arts, and the artists as if they were zoo animals, and then price them out of the place after people came looking for them.

My mother travels and buys art on her trips.  I price my work at what she would pay.  One of her favorite paintings she paid 30 bucks for.  My last big sale was for 100 and 35.  Overall I feel like a zoo animal.  Greensboro shows off artists and art in a zoo atmosphere people seem to love.

In my travels and work life there was a time when I lived and worked in Manhattan where I did somehow make money enough to pay the rent either technically assisting the arts, or acting.  At this time I am inclined to tell artists to move away from here if they want to make a living at what they feel is their destiny.  Locally I am impressed with Jesse Kalisher's business operations as a photographic artist.  Phil Blank is another good one who I am proud to own two paintings by.

Still what would really across be board help, would be more of a Film and TV business.  Figure 8 is around and doing well, but more could be had.  More could be done.  To advance that business I have long suggested a Frisbee Golf, Golf Invitational Tournament, that was a TV event.  It would be a legitimate expense for tourism tax dollars paid to hotels and motels to spend on such a thing.  People like to visit places that have been in the movies and on TV.

Certainly making movies and tv is low impact environmentally and artist intensive which would fit with the economic development desires of the local "Greens".

Music is a big IGX area export, though hampered by paradigms arisen making recording careers lower profit than in the past.  Stu Cole of Squirrel Nut Zippers has to go to LA to work for right money, for instance.

We are all pretty much Freelancers, and Temp Labor is the real deal.  The closing of Tar Heel Temps at the time of the onset of the recession was emblematic of how academics don't get it.  I am reminded of how when business is down you are supposed to spend on advertising and research and development if you want to survive and grow.

So I have wonderment at what might ensue now that James Harris is gone, and Annette Stone is installed in his place.

I wonder if she understands that banks and investors are more important than committees?  I wonder if she will see that in this world our own little local community airport could be the key to a high tech low tech too, crew economic strength as around us there is collapse.

Another Speech Version

I wish I had a good rocket together now.  Last April Fools there were a series of failures.  I gave the rocket to the rocket staff and they left town.

Last couple of April Fools have not been very good.  I so want this one to be terrific.  I didn't give it on the day because there was no film crew lined up and I can't do this stuff over and over correctly for only the live audience because I feel the hand of death on my shoulder.

I don't live right, ambulance and at best have only about 20 years left.

Cheer up!  I think I will leave some integrity around.

I'm simple.  I'm essentially a Boy Scout.  Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Of course I am again a Boy Scout gone wrong.  I inhaled.

If I could today get some hashish, I'd smoke it.

There are high paid executives listening to the sound track of Last of the Mohicans, and breathing till their Medulla Oblongata is bathed in oxygen around lunchtime every day.  Most people don't have time for this sort of mental exercise and would prefer to smoke some hashish.  Glad I've breathed as much as I have.

Anyway we all know that this world we share is being beat to shit by us.  I heard that humans breed like rabbits and that rabbits function on a J curve.  Rabbits will breed and populate a neighborhood till they exhaust the food for that neighborhood, and then die off.

Rabbits don't build monuments or sculptures, but there is a reason madly that Easter is represented by Easter Eggs, and the Easter Bunny, that is sort of funny…

Oh anyway, everybody needs to be armed, and everybody needs a complete and superior education so that they help us all live together as a Big Time Species.

It turns out that our main struggle together is with a hostile environment and Mars is not a rescue destination for us.  We can make creatures with brains like ours that might have fun naked on Mars, but that would be playing God, wouldn't it? 

Last Resort

Food is the number one ingredient of peace.  Civilization is about 3 meals thick.  Food delivery by aircraft is typically an expensive way to do it.  It is done in battle, generic and emergency, viagra sale and also to extreme environments.  I put food on old freighter planes destined for Caribbean islands.  We hear often that there is enough food for the world population, arthritis but that distribution is the problem.  Since aircraft can get to most anywhere, they would represent a key to this distribution failure.

The favorite fuels for aircraft engines have temperature ranges and BTU supply that enable fast and far, and high.  There is all sorts of stuff we can do to get around on the ground, but up in the air there are fewer choices.  Speed and lifting potential are very important.  Low in weather is a recipe for disaster.  Still as in so many cases the perfect is the enemy of the good.  Most of the time 12 thousand feet is good enough.  Most of the time 200 miles an hour is good enough.

Planes that can carry 10 tons and burn bio fuels, or propane, or whatever the scientists can get out of algae are desirable far as Transcendia is concerned.

I am aware that the Centrifugal Fuel Controller applied to the Ivchenko A!-TL 25/55 offers some fuel security for world wide freighter operations.  I am aware this technology has not been applied to freighter aircraft.

It is significant that 25 airline companies have gone out of business directly due to fuel costs.  I suspect that there will come a time in the future when it will be calculated how many aircraft will be allowed for the fuel available.  It would be a hoot for me locally here in failing IGX to limit Med Air Flight operations to local fuel supplies.  Their new French TBM is powered by one of the greatest engines of all time, the Pratt and Whitney PT6.  I'll bet we could get it to run on bio fuels made from the genetically engineered NC State University yams, that are inedible.

Far as NC and Southern land problems with Kudzu, would be nice to be able to turn that into turbine fuel.

Anyway Food Distribution is said to be the big problem for mankind, and Aircraft can get food to places other transport can't.  Blimps don't carry much, and are too slow.

Wing in Ground Effect Craft offer further efficiencies for heavy stuffs.   In this life there is Salvation through Science.

True poverty is when one cannot give anything away to others.  In Tunisia Mr. Sidi Bouazizi set fire to himself because cops stole his food.  Mr. Bouaizizi sold food from a street cart.  Mr. Bouaizizi was known to give away food to the most poor of his customers.

I suggest NATO bomb Libya with Food and Candy and Flowers all over the place at least for one day, as an experiment.   

Achieving Passport Support

There are only about 250 Transcendian Passports officially issued and signed by me.  I have hesitated to issue more passports because Transcendia does not really have the means to support them.

While I of course want a Transcendian Airport that functions under the Transcendian Flag, buy cialis I see now that my goal ought to be to at least establish Transcendian Passport Support Offices, prostate on as many, generic or all, International Airports.  Of course it is right that one ought to be given rights of passage everywhere in the world.  However I aim to do what is more realistically possible by focusing on airports.

I understand that there is in the world common cleavage to the nation of ones birth.  These borders are typically consecrated by blood.  Machiavelli faced it when he wrote:  "The struggle with nature is not enough to make a nation."  – I quote from memory.

Hence it is I declare a war now and then.  Actually spies and gangsters know war is a constant.  What you really want to do is keep its intensity low.  The Military Industrial Complex has a commercial interest in the use of expensive weapons.  I postulate that all Transcendians shall be appropriately armed according to their individual personalities.  We shall assume they are all of good character.  It is a lot of work to carry a firearm, and some ought not be bothered with that extra work walking around.  However I may require all Transcendians to carry personal protection stuff, like pepperspray, since defense of the "nation" is a national responsibility.

The network of companies that make their profits from war materials, and instruments of war can find profits from other builds.  For instance Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carriers would make for fun destinations for some Commercial Planes, as well as having the power available for desalinization of water at port.  The sad facts of water war in Haiti did not have to result in Cholera.  It was obvious that water was a corrupted business hobbling Haiti recovery.

In Haiti the issues are about as compete a recipe for weakness and vulnerability to disaster as they come, and much of my work last year was focused on producing solutions.  It is significant that I could not recommend buying or leasing an airport for Transcendia there.  I could not afford to lose the investments required at this early time in Transcendian history.  However I could justify a Transcendian Passport Office.

Transcendia is not a joke, though I do regard April Fools as a good holiday to observe.  Sometimes we all feel that life is fraught with practical jokes on us.  We seem to be intent on making life harder than it really has to be.

I myself am really a nobody so joke about how I am, what position I am in, how I am working class, but I have a vision, and from a vision, one can become a King.  I shy from wanting to be known as King, and prefer to be as I am, only Founder.  It shall be up to others to fill in some of the details.

However, due to the communications networks maturity of our times, along with realities of the global economy, possibilities of individual travel freedoms where we even see Space Tourism, the times are right for a nation of airports, as Transcendia is in my mind.

The Flag is a very nice flag.  You can help me out by buying clothes and hats with the flag on it.

 Goal is to install Transcendian Passport Offices in as many airports as possible, and support world citizen individual rights. 

I Misspelled Lightening

But Lightening is Lighting.

So I let it go.

Otherwise my nephew has got a job as a photographer, order ed which has been a lifetime artistic pursuit of mine one way or another.  I really made more money lighting for other people.  I am very fond of some particular lights.  The LTM Cinepar, see Ianaro 2K Blonde, find Tweenie and Inky a Kinoflows are favorites.  Lots of times I watch movies and guess which instruments of lighting they are using, and where they put them.

Light Comes From Above!

Remember a DP asking me to do this and that till finally I asked her what she was trying to do, and she said, "Get rid of that shadow."

I told my guys to raise the lights.

Really good lights are addictive.  Course it is the difference between taking a picture, and making one.

I used to not crop photographs due to Bresson influence, but changed my mind about it and will cut a photo with a knife now to make it better.

The business of wedding photographs wasn't my thing really.  I liked taking photos for the newspaper, or just as I thought was important.  A lot of my best work is somehow gone, either sold, stolen or lost.  It's too bad I couldn't keep thing to this time of scanners and all like that.  Those coming up now are lucky in my opinion for digital photography is right mature now and will be around for a long time.

I'd love to shoot some with a digital Panavision.

We used to have to light differently for video cameras, as opposed to film cameras.

I imagine the digital Panavisions to be right to light for, as they are great cameras.

Otherwise notes like, balancing of key, and fill and backlighting to achieve depth of image in portraits, or for actor story drama shots are going to apply.  Eye moves to brightest spot in the frame, is going to apply.

Every place in the world has unique light due to sun angles, air density, temperature, humidity, and other factors.  I thought it was a good idea to always shoot with Daylight balanced film for that is the way the eye is balanced.  I mostly shoot with my digital with the flash cut off on a landscape setting which is like a daylight balance and 35 mm lenses setting.  For the stark of straight on flash I'd rather turn the image to Black and White.

I turn many of mine to Sepia cause it creates a distance from the present, and I like that.  I want the picture to be historical right away. -but that's just me. 

Reinventing the Wheel

Actually it seems to me that the US culture was long a semi fun anarchy of half controlled chaos.  I like Ayn Rand stories up to a point.  I'll tell you any day "Never believe in anything too much."  Strange how Ayn Rand philosophy isn't much countered by John Dos Passos, clinic or Upton Sinclair, treatment or Sinclair Lewis or even Larry McMurty stories.

I mean The Big Money ought to be as desired a movie as Atlas Shrugged.

Some of these truthful fiction stories are still just that: good stories.  Children have favorite stories they want to hear over and over.  We are all continually childlike in some regards so I guess this favorite story thing goes on throughout life and the culture regardless of its proper application in the present of real lives, mind stories in the making.

I and my editor put a little book I wrote out a couple of weeks ago.  Hey, it's fiction.  Stories like it happened, but it really isn't journalism.  I think I know what it is about and what it means, but I just wrote it in an attempt to write a story worth a read.  Glad I wrote it since I couldn't write it now.  It wouldn't capture the times and places now dim in my memory.  I love anarchy up to a point.  I don't like how it leads to loneliness if you take it too far.

The need for a strongman, executive leader, hero exists as a reality counter to idealism when time is short.  Somebody does in fact have to make some decisions as Captain of the Ship of State.  They do not always get good advice.  I am a vision holder who has made decisions, though most of them were simply about how I lived my life.  I've declared a Holiday, and two wars, and nobody seems to have noticed much, so I guess I'm semi OK.

April Fools is the national Holiday, and I declared war a few years ago on Asteroids, and proposed a Transcendian take over of Disneyland.  Once I take over Disneyland I'll get a Transcendian seat at the UN, like the Vatican has.

It does appear to me that it is now more realistic to make another nation than try to fix the US.  Transcendia is for the UN Specialized Agencies as good working bureaucracies.  The UN in Afghanistan is failing to fight for the core ideals of the Declaration of Human Rights regarding Women's Rights, which are rightfully the same as for men.  Frankly all the UN member nations ought to be as powerful as their treatment of women confirms their commitment to the ideal of women's rights.

This stance of mine as nation measurements, and value judgements is divorced from whether or not a nation is a so called Democracy, Monarchy, or Communist, Socialist or whatever State.

And Slavery is wrong too.  Wage Slavery is still slavery.  It's not right, and doesn't help us all be at peace getting food and entertainments.

I can't figure out why Reagan era economics are still being flogged when Clinton tax deals had the US in better shape?

This nostalgia for the Housing Industry goes right past me too, since I was looking forward to prices going down so I might buy a place at a correct price.  It's bad Japan econ class.  Overall round my neck of the woods I'd say the bankers and the buyers colluded in the greed game, so I'm not so forgiving with those that scream that their house isn't really worth what they committed to pay for it.

Skew now is that land will concentrate and rents go up so as to maintain and advance wage slavery which is really what the Oligarchies, Kleptocracies, and Corporations seem to prefer.

And damn, turns out it is one world.  Doctors know one sick guy and next thing yah know yah got a damn plague.

Hey, do I think weird or what!