More of the Police Type Stories/RSD/Working Class Corner

We Caught a Guy Who beat another guy over the head with a pipe and stole three hundred and fifty dollars worth of mescaline.    Hallucinogenic drugs were legal in Rochdale College.   Narcotics were not legal in Rochdale College.

In either case it was not legal to beat people and steal from them.

Now we did catch the guy dead to rights hiding behind a couch in a hallway by an elevator and he was identified by the guy who was bleeding from his head.

We hauled him down to our offices and asked him some questions.

We asked him what made him think he could come in our building and steal from us.

He said someone told him he could and he got punched a few times.

I really do not think it qualifies as torture.

It might have been a bit of torture when we discussed infront of him what we wanted to do with him.

One guy put up 200 dollars for the right to cut off his finger, because he had always wanted to cut off someones finger.

Another guy wanted to give him thirty tabs of bad acid and let him out on the street.

I wanted to make sure that this guy told others that it was not a good idea to come in our building and beat or rob any of our people, but thought it was a bit much to cut off his finger, or destroy his brain.

At the time I needed a car.

I was supposed to become a Landed Immigrant and I suspected that the suspect had a car.

Turned out he did have a car.

A deal was made and we had this guy sign his car over to us at the Motor Vehicle Bureau.

The deal was that I got to use the car to become Landed, but that the guy that put the 200 up to get to cut off the guys finger could get the car after I was Landed.

What happened was that I and a friend of mine took a tour of Northern Canada in the car and then the guy that was supposed to get the car after I was done with it threatened seriously to beat me to a pulp, if I didn’t give him the car.

It was a Chevy Impala.

I liked that car.

Really I ought to have become Canadian, but my number came up 346 and the guy that wanted the car was my boss and was stealing cocaine from the other cocaine guys and kicking them out of the building and selling their cocaine and had developed an interest in throwing me out a window.

I’ve done some detective work and some police work, and really I do believe in evidence, and really I believe in certain limits.

I am particularly against Crack and heroin unless you are in great pain and dying.

The reason I am so much more against Crack than even heroin is that Crack seems to make people into so much less than people that it is obviously in no way useful at all to anything I want to use a drug for.

Hashish is one of my favorite drugs.

I was good at confusing people when I was high on hashish, and I used it when I was guarding the door.

One time a guy came to the door waving a pistol and asking where someone I knew was.

I told him his target wasn’t home and to come back later.

Soon as he left I called the Toronto Police.

If I called the Toronto Police for help I suspect that they took it seriously and understood our common interests that transcended the differences in our laws.

I’ve been in the position of trying to protect my people, and I have to tell you that I have retreated and hidden and protected myself.

I have to also tell you that I am certain that we would all be safer if the War on Drugs was ended and pot and hashish were legal.

It is odd that it is as important a war to win, as the war on terror.

Deep breathing and swimming and sauna will produce the same state of mind that you might get from smoking hashish by the way.

And real deep breathing with heroic soundtrack does produce a state of mind similar to very good Sandoz LSD.

It is time to get real about what is good or bad or inbetween.

In Iraq it is time that the emphasis is on civilian police protecting infrastructure workers from harm at work.

In Afganistan it is time civilian police protect infrastructure workers and women and hashish was legalized cutting it out of weapons smuggling conduits and exposing weapons smuggling operations.

It is nice that Hitler lost, and one of the reasons he lost was that he had war on too many fronts.

My great Polish friend said, "It’s not how drunk you get that matters, but what you do when you’re drunk."

The only people I’ve had call to punch out were drunk or full of speed.

I am lucky that I did most of my fighting in Canada.

                                                           Love, Scott Day


Working Class Corner/My Police Experience and Style

My Police Experience/Working Class Corner

by Russell Scott Day/ 12/18/2005

The Six Months that I lived and Worked in and for Rochdale College in Toronto after I graduated from High School gave me a unique education that I would put up against any other schools political science courses.

I made some real enemies in my job there as a Security Guard.

The enemies I made as editor of my paper Ghetto News were not exactly real enemies since I never felt like I was going to get thrown out a window due to something I wrote, but I did suspect I was going to be thrown out a window because of my work opposing corruption within the Security Force.

I have discovered that typically what happens when you make enemies is they inhibit your ablity to make money.   In cases where I have made enemies my income was diminished and I was forced to flee.

Money is a powerful weapon and though it is true that in the end it really isn’t how much money you have, but what you do with it, criminals with too much money are more dangerous than criminals that don’t have much.

In this case my definition of a criminal is someone that disturbs the peace.

I get the distinct impression that there are way too many people in the world that really don’t have a clear idea of what peace is.   Either that or they just don’t like it.

It is true enough that some are destined to be warriors, and some are destined to be doctors, and some destined to be workers.

One may well be destined to be all of these things in the course of one life.

Now when you want to take the money of a nation or a movement away you can do it in a fair fight, which is like sports with laws and courts and tax collectors, or you can steal it.

In the streets it is a mugging, and between nations it is war.

It is commonly legal to defend yourself from others with no more rights than you, and illegial to defend yourself against others who have more rights than you.

In reality people who have more money than you have more rights since they have more money.   Aristocrats who feel that they have more responsiblity because they have more money do have a better place in the world than the rich that feel no responsiblity to others for what they do with their power.

The working classes are too much at the mercy of the rich, and the aristocrats and theocrats.   If I had my way I would have a Workers Speaker who articulated to the UN and the Security Council the interests of peace shared by all workers across all borders who deserve fair pay for their work and also deserve defense of the peace on the streets or at work.

Of the police I have had to deal with or depend on I am partial to the New York City Police, and especially the 14th Precient.  Still I didn’t go past Ave. B.   Really New York City is a great place and has a terrific mature transportation infrastructure and when it fails it fails on certain blocks because of the absolute imperfection of humanity which fears those that do not look like them or live as they do, or have what they have.

Say it was that the mission of the United Nations was completed, and war was elimanated.    The fact is that we would still need police.

It may very well be the case that a transnational police force uniform that was sold from my website and desirable for men and women in any nation, is the most important thing for Transendia to sell today.

I am influenced by my experience and Paul Fussell on these scores.

When I was a Security Guard for Rochdale College, I never wore a uniform, but was only in the position and had keys to every apartment in the building.

                                                                Best for today,

                                                                    Scott Day

God and Science/Scott Day

If you do not have a body, you do not get to have sex.

Spirits without bodies thirst to have bodies to have sex with.

Souls understand this and are awed about the whole thing.

Science is satisfying and a transcendent thing of the mind of its own that justifies not actually being interested in sex as the only way of creating life.

Actually it is God as a Creator that is the most ambitious sentiment that God and Man ethically share.

I am flawed since I will die.

The harddrive will be the same as a computer at the landfill run over by a crusher.

In fact this whole planet is on the way to being destroyed if only by stupidy and the accidents that either add up or are topped by the limits of real time.

My vision called Transend-O-Ray is called up in my mind and memory whenever I must work to, from, or around the reality of life as I know it.

To know what is and what has been, and what could be is human.

To know what is and what has been and what will be is godlike, or what we might universally expect from God.

We expect to know the future if we are God.

But the thing that turns out to be true is that God does not care to know the future since that is not very interesting, and then actually God is a Spirit we share that can withstand destruction easily, is actually so strong as to not be other than surprised with a present of understanding about what came from what it created.

This is why God gave us free will.

What really is sin?

I am shamed sometimes when I think I ought to have known better than to do, or think what I did.

I haven’t read every word of the Bible or the I Ching or the Koran.

Being a writer I know some great works get lost, and there are stories and pictures and poems and that most of what we know is a gift if it is right, and a curse if it is wrong.

The United States is temporarily powerful and Bush and his friends imagine themselves the awakened sleeping giant as a good thing.

Saul became Paul and this is a story Bush ought to pay attention to.

St. Paul is the reason we have Christianity.

The Canaanities had women ritualists and Chrisitianity had Jewish ritualists.

Thats why some of the fashions look as they do.

I am going to get my wife some Red Cross Shoes.

I am going to be what I know and feel and have experienced and hope to share the best of with my ancestors and antecendents.

                                                           Love, Scott Day

Working Class Corner/Where There Is no Infrastructure

This Has Been a Year of Major Earthquakes and Hurricanes

       Helicopters are best used for rescue and ought not be relied on for supply in times of major disasters.  There is a point where the utility of helicopters becomes overwhelmed.

       The tunsami and the earthquake in Pakistan not to mention the hurricane that hit New Orleans in the United States illustrate limits to what helicopters can do.

      When infrastructure is wiped out aircraft have the needed speed and range to supply the people in trouble and helicopters are just one other aircraft.

      Now the US Armed Forces and a number of other armed forces are able to move massive quantities of materials and people, but their primary job is war, and there is no equivalent force with the strict and limited mission of fighting with the elements for people simply because they are people.

      If I was head of a mercenary organization like Blackwater I would direct some of my people to make a list of things that would fit into freight aircraft like the C-130 that would specifically be useful in disaster events and essentially make a disaster relief arm of the business.

      I would market my services to labor unions that represented workers in more than three countries.

      Ideally I would have fast ships and boats and contracts with railroads as well as truckers along with aircraft.

      I’d hire doctors who were also skydivers.

      Parachutes are much better than they used to be and in emergency situations some people are to be rescued, and others are to be supported.

      I myself was flabbergasted that in the case of Katrina in the US inflatable boats like the Zodiac were not dropped into the city.   I wonder how many people died waiting for helicopters.

      For my mercenary company I would have an earthquake response team and a hurricane response team with the appropriate equipment for the two different events.

      Both would incorporate skydivers and I would direct that the systems and packages be so constructed as to reduce the reliance on helicopters to rescue as  exclusively as practical.

                                                                        Scott Day


Wish I Knew/RSD Working Class Corner

Sometimes I Wish I knew

And other times I wish I didn’t.

I’d like to really know what John Bolton and the Bush Adminstration consider reform of the UN.   It is one thing to claim you are for reform, and another to define what that reform really is.

As far as the UN is concerned I am more for using the term Reinvention, than Reform.

I myself would certainly rather reinvent myself than reform.

Bush people certainly seem comfortable with finding something wrong with everyone else but themselves and their idea of reform is suspect as of any help to the world community.

Maybe they have a good idea, but I do not yet know really what it is other than the word reform which I think is an incorrect thought path from the get go.

I am for Andre` Lewins Reinvention Plan which is Expansion of Permanent Member Status, An Exile Island, An Army, the right of Individuals to speak to the Security Council, A generally available Television Channel, (The Transcendian addition to his plan.)   Closed and Secret meetings to advance consensus, and some other point I can’t recollect this minute.

I am pushing for a Constabulary, and I may have gotten that idea as important now from Mr. Lewin as well.

I have wanted Transcendia to be taken over as useful to the UN in the past, but so far am not sucessful enough to be even attacked.

My mail from China did dry up so I wonder if it is still possible to get my writings there.

It would be important for us to know what exactly John Bolton means by "Reform", and if he does not support the sensible plan for reinvention of the UN by Andre` Lewin, I hope his agenda will be unsuccessful.

                                                     Scott Day

CondensedRewrite of Peace Is Police

In a time of general war

The people need to protect themselves on the roads and sidewalks and in the subways.

Working Class people need to speak out for themselves individually and en masse at the UN.

The Security Council needs to Create a Constabulary.

Police are on the streets in peacetime, look which is not always peaceful.

Infrastructure workers need protection by the Constabulary wherever there is a vacum.

This is part of the moral imperative of passionless violence.

Maritime law is old and tested and terrorists and pirates are similar enough to suffer or benefit from those old laws.

I do come from sailors and priests and am blessed to have a practical view similar to the view of William James.

Work is the great spiritual quest for the material necessities.

Workers are to be defended by the police and the armies and the laws and the lawyers.

Whoever is individual and part of a fighting organization will have no status with me if they do not defend and serve, unhealthy protect and serve, the workers.

In college I was paid to be a Library Assistant and a Security Guard and I published and was the editor for a newspaper called Ghetto News.

My editor friend says that we are doomed because the truth is not to be used to defend us.

I feel and think that the truth is all that we have to found our hopes on.

If you are armed your mission is to protect workers who give you homes and power and food.

All armed people need to use their arms to protect workers to gain respect for their work with weapons.

                                                                    Scott Day

Psychiatrists Love Insanity

                             Psychiatrists Love Insanity


Psychiatrists love insanity

And doctors love disease.

The firemen love the fire

And the sailors love the breeze.


I grab the phone to see you

And beg or just say please.

I'm a mercenary man

King of all he sees.


One day I'll be a hero.

One day I'll walk the dog.

One day I'll break the law

All then facts and forms and figures

Locked behind a door.

One day I'll love myself

and not love you anymore.


Psychiatrists love insanity

Doctors love disease.

Oh Jesus come round to see me

With the nympho nun Oh please, ed

Oh Jesus come round to see me

I know they can be fun.

It's the priest that loves the sinner

And the dark that loves the sun.


Psychiatrists love insanity

And doctors love disease.

The firemen love the fire

And the sailors love the breeze.


Oh Jesus come round to see me

And bring the nympho nun.

It will be our party

And I swear I will not run.

Letter For Congressman David Price/Working Class Corner

This letter is basically being written for US Congressman David Price

        Congressman Price represents the 4th District of North Carolina, where I currently live.

Dear Honorable US Congressman David Price,

        I think that the US Congress would be more practical if it offered a plan for Iraq and asked the President to support it, instead of asking the President and his administration for a plan.

        I am offering a plan through you.

        The slogun that explains this plan is:   PEACE MEANS POLICE.

        In the case of the Iraq War, the war was declared won.   The American Objective of getting Saddam Hussain out of office, and making sure he did not have control of nuclear weapons was achieved.

        At that time all US Armed Forces, ought to have been pulled out and Police been charged with keeping the peace.

        It is unfortunate that there is not really an effective international professional Constabulary uniformed and equipped to provide police services in Iraq.    Such a police force really ought to be formed by the United Nations and the Security Council.

       I have heard good things about the Costa Rician Paramilitary Police, which is distinct and unique in the world since they have no other armed forces.   The Costa Ricians I have asked about their police services have answered that they were very satisfied with their police services, and this would indicate that they are professional and have some ideals they are led by that produce approval and support for them by the common people.

       I suspect that the situation in Iraq calls for a police force similar to the Costa Rician Paramilitary Police Force, and I would ask for their participation in forming a Constabulary that would keep the peace in Iraq.

      That is the plan I would like to see offered up to the Bush Administration from the Congress.

       I am sorry that this plan is not very complicated in principle.   It will be interesting to discover and solve the complications of implementation.


       The laws that the International Constabular Force would be charged with enforcing ought to be very bare and simple.   I’ve seen To Serve and Protect written on the sides of some police cars, and I like the simplicity of that set of goals for police.

      Police corruption comes from their being charged with enforcing laws that do not fall into those categories but actually represent agendas of politicians who use laws they pass or maintain to corrupt the general mission of the police.

      In the United States the War on Drugs is an example of laws that the Police are charged with enforcing that corrupt their basic mission.

       Is the War In Afganistan won?

       If it is, then civilian rights there ought to be protected by the police.

       There is a big drug business there.

       When I was a Security Guard for Rochdale College in Toronto, I became familiar with hashish from Afganistan.   I can see how the uneducated might be willing to do violent and passionate things under the influence.   I came from an Episcopal religious training and practice and consider myself lucky my theology is basically fair no matter how stoned I get.

     So as far as laws are concerned that the international constabulary police force ought to be proud to enforce I think they ought to protect all who are working and having good manners about it, period.

     I am certain that the War On Terror would be more likely to succeed if the weapons smuggling conduits were cut from the drug smuggling conduits.

       Afghani farmers grow poppy and make hashish.

       We would all be safer if drug smugglers and weapons smugglers did not have an incentive to work together.

       That is a practical fact and international security forces that work together ought to be in favor of legalization of drugs so that they could focus on the real threats to the peace.

       Finally as far as laws that ought to be applied to people and organizations that do things like fly passenger jets into buildings I am looking to Maritime Law and the laws that are applied to pirates on the seas as most likely to be of a standard acceptable internationally and domestically.

      The recent assault on a cruise ship where a non-lethal sonic weapon and speed applied to escape the pirates is interesting and inspiring in that a non- lethal weapon was used successfully and it would be good in my opinion if everyone got one for those surprise attacks on the street when there are no police around to help you.

      I am glad that the last time I was attacked I was able to run.

      In that incident I ran into the street traffic to keep the crack addict attacker at a distance while he went for his gun.   It was the second time in my life I had the fortune of taxi traffic looking for a fare.

      In fact I have twice been saved by taxi cab drivers, and the police have shown up time and time again after I was already beaten or robbed.

      Maybe the world would be a better place if all police cars were for hire.

      Inside a big L5 Zone Space Ship it would be strange if the taxis and the police cars were not the same.

      So still Peace Means Police is the plan for signifying that a war is over.

      In all cases the International Constabulary Force must protect Infrastructure Workers first at the declaration of the end of a war.

      Please put forth this simple plan nationally and internationally.


                                                              Thanks, Russell Scott Day

301 Pleasant Dr.

Carrboro, NC 27510



Working Class Corner/Harlem

Harlem and the Bronx have infrastructure and all that I recommend, and I have been very uncomfortable there.

Why is it that a place could have all that government might provide, and still be terrible?

Of course some places have all that God might provide, and they are terrible.

When we are dead and know everything and are with God we don’t get to have sex and some of the things that make it really sad are that people think they will get virgins in heaven.

Now I admit that it might well be a very great thing to share the end of virginity with one person.

However it has been great to live as I have, and I did not marry and can barely remember the name of the girl I lost my virginity to.

In fact I can’t remember her name at all and can only remember the smell of her and picture her and the carpet on the floor of the bands van.

Now New York City is a place I have imagined cutting out of the planet and putting into outerspace.   Last time I was in Harlem the girl I went to see had to escort me out of the neighborhood explaining I would be robbed or killed etcetera if she did not help me get out of the neighborhood.

She lived on 116th Street.

It was on the West Side of Harlem, but she told me she lived on the Upper West Side before I got there.

My friend Anthony says that the Bronx is worse.

What is bad really is that with our private hells we can’t escape them on the streets in some neighborhoods because of our color.

I do happen to be White, but my life is the same as any working class person Black or White, but I am not so stupid as to not know that for me to be in Harlem or on the wrong end of Court St. in Brooklyn, it does not matter to the predators and my color is all the excuse they need to attack me.

The course of my life and the threats I have so far survived.

The Repulicans are certain that I have no control of the insurance companies which are going to make sure that they live longer than I do.

The Courts where I am subject might even recommend Courts in the Middle East run by people out to kill me.

At least over there it all ends up in one court, whereas where I live there are Courts after Court and then some Administrative entity that has secret laws ands secret numbers.

We could have 100 percent employment it someone answered the phone.

It would not matter if they actually knew anything.

Where I live I can easily pump my own gas.

However I cannot answer questions from a tape recorder with any result different from the questions of a rock.

Bill Clinton moved his office to Harlem.

He hired a Black Woman to answer the phone and say no about everything.

Bush is President and a Vatican Controlled Dry Drunk who is as dead as terrorists exploding in the expectation of physical rewards when they have no body.

God Bless the Morlocks!

I encourage young people to dig ditches for small subways.

                                                               Love, Russell  

Simple Sentences For Bush and Other Powerful People

Everyday is Trick or Treat!

       How will History see me is the question for powerful people.  Making laws is a mark of a powerful person.

       The Napoleanic Code is a legacy of Napolean that insures his rememberance, for instance, as an example for my definition of a powerful person.

        Napolean gave us war and laws.

        The Napoleanic Code is flawed because it is rigid.

        The wars Napolean fought seem to be wars for the sake of war.  He was a very good general and seems to have experimented with armies like a big time football coach.

       I say that it is not so important what decisions you make, as whether or not you can make them.   At least leaders make decisions when there are times that decisions are required.

      "It’s my plan, and I might change it!"   – Is what I say.

      In the current situation that the United States finds itself in due to the actions of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches that is another "Perfect Storm", there is some bit of hope since the United States has the option of asking for help for not even the UN is uncorrupted as far as Iraq is concerned, and the blunders of the United States are understandable in consideration of the corruption of the UN as far as the oil for food program.

       The Dutch won’t take me because I can’t talk Dutch, and the Canadians won’t take me because I don’t have 100 thousand dollars in the bank, so I am sort of stuck with my American citizenship at least till Transcendia has more than 8.75 in the Cafepress account.

      Andre` Lewin is undergoing Radiation treatments and I have asked him not to die.

      Therefore I have to say that I get no joy from the bad decisions of my President and the rest of the government that is both a burden and a blessing like a child.

      I have a lot in common with working people.   I am no aristocrat.   I drink beer and work from payday to payday and as much heavan on earth I expect to get is enough money to recover over the weekends so I can withstand doing it for another week.

      Gephardt made a speech endorsing the International Minimum Wage.

      If we want work more than war all leaders of the world need to get the World Bank to issue a formula that sustains the income that facilates what we know as Peace.

       We are all little leaders in our own right and we ought to know what is required physically and intellectually to make what we want and need.

       "Work is the spiritual quest for the material necessities." – Is what I say.

       I have a lot in common with the working classes of Iraq.

       or Iran for that matter, and in China, or in England.

       Here where I live I work with so many Mexicans that I resent the Spainish Aristocracy that sells out its citizens to depress wages for people like me so much so that peasantry will soon be the North American norm.

      I am an anarchist, but I still believe in Roberts Rules of Order for business meetings and I find no conflict with my anarchy there because real anarchy is practical and eclectic.

      It was obvious that without the support of the international community that the War in Iraq would turn out as it has.

      It does not do the world of workers any good now to let the war there go on as it is going on.

      Workers in Iraq who are skilled in maintainace and creation of infrastructure need protection more than politicians, and I suppose that they would do more good as protected by the armed forces of the world, than as politicians, and be grateful for the protection.

      What would Confuscious say?

       I think that Confuscious and Jesus would make the same recommendations.

       Whatever you do publicly and privately must come from love for yourself and others to be a good idea.

       Iraq is the major war going on now, though there are a number of other wars going on.

       I imagine that there are warriors in Iraq that would rather fight in Sudan than where they are as a simple change of scenery and a chance to do something clearly helpful.

       For some the work of their destiny and God given soul is to be soldiers and warriors but at its height it comes to be simple police work that is constant.

      In all past wars those who have fought each other have later been allies and the war ineviably a mystery for those who actually fought it.

      This is what Tolsoy meant in War and Peace.

      There are leaders in the world who have power and do need to come together to protect their people out of love and respect for their mothers and fathers irrespective of any national boundaries.

      All weapons need to be taxed to create an international constabulary that protects workers from those that want to steal from them the integrity of their lives.

      Over the next 20 months the United Nations and the EU must stand up and get China and the US to come to economic agreements that protect workers from explotations unseemly for civilizations.

      The international community must build a Great Wall made of nanotubes run on light to protect workers from rocks from heavan.

      As far as Iraq is concerned the international community needs to recognize that the destruction of the United States has happened and it is a threat to them that requires more than condemnation and self satisfied drift.

       The fact is that without a transnational peacekeeping force as all on the planet are interdependent and no one really has privacy humanity will insure its doom because its focus on itself will insure it will be hit by a big rock while it squabbles over beliefs that are not facts.

      The fact is that humanity does not have to be stupid and brutal.

                                                         Love- Russell