Tom Little,Poet Died
The poems in the poetry section of this website are by Tom Little. He died this morning around 9:50 Am in the UNC Hospital. I have been proud that some of his poems have been available on this website and hope that if you haven’t read them before, you will.
Local Airport IGX
Around here in Chapel Hill and Carrboro where I actually live the University is attempting to take over the airport and change it into a satellite campus reasearch thing.
I have worked to find a win win solution to their project, and keep an airport of an appropriate size here. It would be a terrible transcendian failure if I cannot save the airport in the community that I live in.
What I am charged with doing is making these academics accept the bald and practical facts regarding infrastructure.
It is certain that an airport is of practical value to all of the people. It is also certain that a school and universities and colleges are of practical value to all of the people.
The architects and builders who seek to destroy the airport must be ashamed of themselves for they ought to have been educated well enough to know that eternal cities are ports, and a port provides more security than a school.
In fact it is very disturbing for Academics to undertake destruction of any of the commonly shared infrastructure. The University would obviously not be given the intersection of 54 and Manning Drive to expand their campus since the intersection is vital for both them, and everyone else who lives in the area.
What makes the airport different?
It would appear that the image of the impractical Ivory Tower stereotype has more validity than I would prefer. What the hell do they teach over there?
Isn’t it obvious that though it is wonderful to have the time to read books and look at pictures go to parties or watch and play games, there are things that enable that are in increasingly shorter and shorter supply.
The armies of Rome where successful because of their engineers and road builders. We’d all be speaking French if Napolean had had a Navy and done as well with that as he did with land warfare. My point is that what is useful and necessary for sucess in war, is necessary in peace as well.
Every community large and small needs to suceed as a port to the extent that its land will allow.
In this time of changing climate, powers, and engines of economy, quick response is required, and aircraft are quick. The movie Spirit of St. Louis has a scene in it that I feel the town, and the University need to watch before they destroy the airport.
The win win resolution for all concerned must include an airport if it is to be practical, which is all I want from my government.
Love, Russell
General Report of Scholarship
The course of my study has been to determine how humanity can avoid apocalyptic riot, and see or see and meet people from outerspace.
It is certain that as a general species those people will have eyes.
I have always thought that the Radio Telescope searching for pi was a bit stupid in light of the development of television.
If the Vatican had a Space Program I would think better of it for it is certain that crowded people without enough food kill each other and then eat each other.
If infact the Vatican is a nation, a country, independent and singular, when it unites with the Anglicans and ends the propulsion toward pedophilia inherent in its disrespect of the equality of women, and then implied desirablity of young boys coupled with the subservience of Nuns who become wives for the normal men, a more practical theological position will emerge that acknowledges that a quality of life for the soul in the physical body enables the heroism of the soul and the light of the soul as a gift from the understanding ancestors who have felt the light of God.
The implication of passionate theology is that there is a possiblity of heavan on earth, at least among my passions.
I am not interested in making a theology that has no hope of providing at least moments of heaven in the life that is finite by all common evidence.
I have shared the joy of God in public and in private, and it has been a blessing and an education and an inspiration and ruined my atheism.
In public it was when I was dancing that I shared the joy of God, and in private it was when I was having sex with certain women.
So, what is it that I know?
Oddly enough I know what I knew, which was that in science is salvation.
Because Transcendia did not gain adherents as soon as I wanted it to, I begged off and tried to rewrite it, but I have come back to understanding that for the most part I was correct before the rewrites because they were blunt.
Now Jared Diamond has written as important a work of science as Einstien.
I of course say that because I had put on my first dollar bills that I drew for paper money the words where on the US Dollar you might find “In God We Trust”, “Though Science Salvation”.
Jared Diamond tells the stories of human experiments.
I get the feeling that everytime the Catholic Church shows up more people on the island are born, but more of them suffer or cause suffering than would have if they had not been convinced to make their decisions without basis on the realities of where they lived, and the food available.
The spirit world is infinite.
The Earth is not.
Now I myself do not like abortion or infanticide. I have broken up with women I loved and liked over abortions, but always accepted it as their right.
I do not think that I could do infanticide and am glad that I have been spared from such decisions. On some islands that have apparently survived in the South Pacific for very long periods, such decisions were made.
The spirits who desire to have identity knock at the door of this life and more of them will get this life they want for the marking of their souls and the creation of their identity for eternity, if we do not destroy ourselves.
This is why the Catholic Church ought to endorse contraception.
It is ethical and moral in my view not to create a problem, when you don’t have to.
I like myself when I am pro-actively ethical and moral and though I have been assaulted verbally as odd for indentifying myself as a Boy Scout at this late stage in my life, I know that character is learned and I am proud to attempt to always Be Prepared.
Love, Russell
Lets Test All the Nuclear Bombs
Lets Test the Bombs
There are a good deal of nuclear weapons that are getting old and then there are some new ones and we need to test them to see if they work.
What we will get after these tests will be a good deal of ruined land.
The US and China and Russia have ruined land that is suitable for nuclear bomb tests and if we are going to resume nuclear bomb tests the test would best be done on land that has already been ruined forever already.
Therefore I suggest that the North Korean Nuclear Bomb test be done in the United States outside Las Vegas somewhere where the United States had a long term testing place for such bombs.
As poor as North Korea is in terms of agriculture, clinic and in light of the destruction that is wrought by nuclear bombs on the land, it is absolutely counter productive for North Korea to set off a nuclear bomb on their own soil.
The declaration of the need to test the nuclear weapon on their own soil is really nothing more than a declaration of war since bombing yourself is more stupid than suicide.
Well- bombing yourself is suicide and the statements of North Korea are like agressive suicide and might call for something similar to what is called suicide by cop.
Working Class Corner
The great General Ulysees S. Grant reacted to bad news with a new order that was directed to the problem, erectile and not at who or what had caused it.
The Vatican policies that have influenced the policies of the US and Spain have created the problems we have that we must not blame them for since we are them and they are us and all of us are on the same bus.
The sensible thing for us to do is to accept and identify the problems of over population and pragmatically react to the problems regardless of who or what is to blame.
The major threat to humanity is actually atomic bombs and asteroids.
We can get rid of nuclear weapons, viagra but we must steer or get out of the way of asteroids.
My point is that we have control of only so much and it is an impossiblity for humanity to elimanate the asteroids, pills whereas it is a possiblity for mankind to eliminate nuclear weapons.
Best overall plan for humanity is to build down Space Elevators that Bridge to the Moon and Mars and Venus as if all of Humanity was Holland under Sea Level.
I imagine Spain and The Netherlands leading from the EU on this agendia.
Love, Russell
Article 99 And Secret Negotiations
Article 99 and Secret Negotiations
French UN Association Points for Reinvention of the United Nations includes the recommendation that the Secretary General more often and systmatically present before the Security Council, threats to International Peace.
This is Article 99.
From what I have read of Andre` Lewin’s Points this Article 99 and the subsequent Point I have named them Blacked Out Security Council Consensus Meetings, these suggestions touch on Presidential Executive Powers and a virtual Cabinet for the World.
For this system to be most effective and acceptable to the entire World Community there must be a strong component of International Law represented in any secret meetings, for which the strong point is made that in such Blacked Out meetings, the representatives of the nations may feel a touch more free to pusue the common goal of International Peace, instead of a National Agenda, that desired war.
In such a Blacked Out meeting with far reaching implications for so many people I would want to know that the greatest minds of International Law where in the room and at the table to advise all parties on the legality of what they are privately contemplating.
The Civil Society Consultant Group composed of Nobel Prize Winners, Leading Academics, Labor Leaders, Poets, Pilots, Philosopers and actually anyone who for one reason or another is somehow recognizable as worthy to be listened to due simply to the power of their vision independent of general status or wealth would present the prospect of advancing interest and loyality towards the UN by offering a more fully palpable feeling of International Citizenship transcendant of National Origins.
Of course I am very interested in being a member of the Civil Society Consultant Group of the United Nations and strongly endorse this Point without any reservations since it is clearly a move towards what I consider true Anarchy and would be a good balance for any secretive systems such as the previously discussed Blacked Out Security Council Situation Sessions.
For such a group within the UN to have a vote equal to Security Council Members would make the United Nations more truely representative of all peoples and constitute a sort of Senate.
So what really is the best order for the implementation and use of these points, which are basically orientated towards Crisis Management?
As the population grows, or contracts due to disease, war, or acts of God, there will be constant predictable trends alongside of surprises both good and bad.
What we as Internationists want to encourge are positive trends and a system for Crisis Management that insures and elevates the human experience. Free Speech and a Free Press have a piviotal role in the prospect of sucess for they are the basis for common understanding of problems and crises.
Fairness and justice for all is not an impossiblity, but it is dependent to a very great degree on objective truth. This is why I have pushed hard for a more universally available United Nations Television Network.
The role of television as a powerful tool of governments either officially operated or unoffically operating obviously has the power to stop or start wars. It is one thing to undertake a war of domination, and another to undertake a war of defense. What we are moving slowly towards are wars that are entirely defensive.
According to International Law, aggressive wars are illegial. The characterization in the Media of a War as defensive may be successful even if the war is in actuality aggressive.
Without a base of objective truth abroad in the World, it will continue to be the case that more wars than are necessary to secure justice for all will occur.
It is obvious that the United Nations has a baseline of value that runs as a bureacracy independent, and powerfully working to the benefit of many defenseless peoples.
The leadership of this bureacracy is in disarray, and needs repair if the overall mechanism is to succeed.
In all great law, it is the spirit of the law that is more valuable than the law, as it is written, for there are always flaws in what is written down, but never a flaw in the right spirit.
Working Class Corner/Off Book To On Book
There is a conflict between shared property and private property that must be resolved not only to level the playing field for the working classes, but to also simply save the field for all classes.
Air and Water are the basis of the commons.
An inventory, and accounting, and determination of what the full value of any service or manufactured good is required recognizing the private enterprise draw on the commons so that all will have clean water and air.
Hope for mankind rests on an end to off book accounting.
Where nations are cursed with corrupt and weak governments that do not secure even private rights for their citizens, the commons are exploited so much so that a terrible end for all is insured.
The trend that is assaulting the island where coexist Hatiti and the Dominican Republic that Jared Diamond points to as an allegory of the international community as a whole would seem to call for evacuation of Hatiti.
Some lands may be so damaged that they must be allowed to heal and the healing may factually dictate evacuation of the humanity which has innate needs the same as a light or a motor that in order to run pulls a fixed amount of current that will overload and overheat and blow the circuit if it is not pulled off the circuit.
My working class intuition is that it is the responsiblity of The World Bank to make loans and policies based on the full accounting of both the public and private property.
The innate individual draws on the international circuit would seem to me to be possible to calculate against the public sphere and a pro-rated international minimum wage to therefore be possible to determine.
The repeated pledges of compassionate capitalism by American Republican administrations are not compassionate in reality as long as so many American Workers are without health insurance that enables preventative healthcare.
Will the US become the same as Mexico for workers, or like Canada?
Workers are harmed by degrees and worn down and thrown away by the empowered aristocrats who manipulate the self hatred of the working classes who buy hope that is a chimera in the hands of the self interested who change the rules and the laws as benefits themselves and their families regardless of the eventual outcome for all.
In essense the rich say to themselves,
"At least I’ll be among the last to die."
Apparently that is the story of Iceland.
Trends of Genocidal war, confirm for me the Apocalyptic Riot as more and more general.
To reverse this trend calls for Pragmatism that has as its goal, at the minimum, maintainace of the commons.
The Spiritual and Scientific approach to our unique time in history when we have transformed our planet into an island in the sea of the Universe must face and then love our knowledge of our prediciment as some love death in order to love life.
In science is salvation if the science of history is included in the basis for the experiment that has a goal.
There is the found and the invented, and though they are really the same on one level, the inventions that are found are needed and found most perfectly at the same time.
This would be syncronicity, which was an interesting song by The Police and Sting.
The prospect of Space Elevators does seem to me to be a very pragmatic approach to the needs of humanity for clean energy, as well as a bridge to the prospecting of the Solar System.
I believe that this is the only pragmatic way to face the flaws of the situation for humanity in a capitalist system that needs to offer the potential of 100 percent employment and 100 percent supply of the minimum needs of a First World Citizen and Soul.
I think now of Tom Builder in Pillars of the Earth by Ludlum, and wish that the world would be a Cathedral.
Ending Corporate mechanizations of nations and laws that enable thieft of the required natural infrastructure will take some work that I will need help in accomplishing, both and thrice in means, thought, and actions.
Please think and act with the goal of causing a reform and reinvention of the institutions and the international laws so that neither national capitalism, or corporate, or private is allowed to diminish the commons without at the least an accounting of the true cost and its meaning.
I feel the spirits out there that want to live in a body like mine, and it is my duty to work to maintain the prospect, which depends on true thought and actions in sync.
Postcard of Bleakness
Used to be that you could find all of the Transcendian writings that were written for, and then republished on by doing an advanced search of Transcendian War Commentary.
I unfortunately didn’t transfer all of the writings that were there to, and now it may be lost, or only on one paper copy here in the house we rent.
In the meantime I have read two books by Jared Diamond in the past month and things are bleak.
I listened to the radio as well.
Things are bleak.
I wrote a postcard to President Bush because he has a good deal of power, and postcards are most sensible in the age of envelope murderous microbe assaults.
My postcard said that if John Bolton would endorse the French UN Association points for re- invention of the UN all reasonable objections to his confirmation would be removed.
I reccommended that Jared Diamond be asked if according to the Science of History, he would agree, as a second opinion.
In the meantime I am sad that my work that used to be available has disappeared.
It would be interesting to me if one of my readers would through the I Ching and read the Reading of the day, and write a condensation of the readings for inclusion in the website,