Anarchy & Conservatism are similar but full understanding and committment are needed for either to work for the greater good. Otherwise corruptions set in and there is no unity between the rhetoric and the reality.
I wish that they had had a law course for me to take when I was in High School.
Overall it would seem that universally there ought to be a course in international law in all of the schools since overall civilization depends on understood laws and manners and near about anyone may now end up traveling all over the world, medic if not into outerspace.
Somewhere in the work I have done in cyberspace, establishing the space of Transcendia I did attempt to write an Opinion as if I was a Judge on the Supreme Court.
I read the Geneva Conventions on the Yale Avalon Law Project and wrote my Opinion according to the law, as I understood it, in relation to “Detainees” imprisioned at Gantanamo on the island of Cuba.
In the end I determined according to the law as I understood it, it is a fiction that Gantanimo is not under the sovereign power and control of the United States, and that makes the operation of the prison and the treatment of the prisoners, illegial under both international law, and the laws of the United States.
In the case of a beautiful woman we will buy many a lie.
Power will do all it can to turn a lie into a truth when its existence is threatened.
The lesson of the movie The Battle of Algiers seems to have been taken by the Bush administration as the necessity of torture.
I thought that the lesson of the movie was that you are doomed to fail in fighting with that ideology in any way that is historically usual. Or in other words the power of the Theocracy of Islam will overcome weapons of any sort.
Now myself, as a Theologian coming from Priests and Sailors, and the experiences of a Working Class Man have offered to argue sermons from my point of view, with anyone, and most perfectly my greatest enemies, who are those who want to kill me because of where I live, and the citizenship I hold.
Of course I am aware that my citizenship is tenuous since I like to smoke pot, and do not consider it unethical for me to do so, and am likely to have enough to satisfy my needs for two weeks or so at a time.
I particularly like to smoke hashish which came from Lebanon, Afganistan, and Nepal when I was able to buy it when I lived in Canada.
If the International Community by the Laws of the United Nations was to reform International Drug Laws so as to allow Marijuana and all its derivatives, such as Hashish as Legal for international commerce, at least as far as the United Nations was concerned, it would do a lot to diminish any interest in narcotics such as cocaine and heroin, which are nearly as addictive as tobacco.
Ethically this would be a good thing which would also in gradient improve the general morality we attempt to share, and sometimes feel compelled to violently assert as a right worth dying for.
Let me say that I do recognize that smoking pot or cigarettes or drinking or gambling are adult vices. There have even been a couple of times in my life when I had sex that was paid for.
There have also been times when I have paid to talk to a Psychiatrist.
I am absolutely certain that I have paid more to talk to people than I have upfront paid for sex, though my first divorce may have worked out to cost more, which will be all right if my daughter ends up respecting the overall decisions and legacy I live with or leave.
The most simple thing that the United Nations could do to increase the prospects of its success would be to work to enforce with real power the equality of women internationally.
Some of my experience has been as a man who was a mother too.
Wherever women are denied education, or mutilated, subjugated, raped or murdered as part of the life that is supposedly right and a fate they ought to accept because of a morality, ethics must be recognized internationally as a trump over that morality.
This is why the Flag of the United Nations ought to become more common.
Frankly I think it needs more color.
Love -Russell
Why Does Mexico Compel Immigration to the US?
The Spanish decendent aristocracy of Mexico says that the worst thing about Mexico is the Mexicans.
The working class of the United States is geographically stuck between the Canadians and the Mexicans.
For the working class of US Citizens the best program independent of nations would be to pay for all illegial immigrants transit to Canada.
In fact it would be wise for Canada and the United States and Mexico to become one nation so that the economic power of China would be obviated as it would have been if Russia had become a State and gotten some contract law.
Transcendians who are investing in land would be wise and recognize the insights of their poor but humorous leader by buying port land in Equador.
Times are tough.
Treatment of labor in Mexico needs to be improved.
Mexicans are disarmed.
We need to get the NRA to help legalize weaponry in Mexico to expand the markets for gun makers at the same time we encourage the Mexican Government to pay for the education of their people who are living in our country.
If the Mexican government was to make having a gun legal if you are a regular person and then tax that and use the money for education of their citizens who they seem to want to leave for greater access to money and work and guns it would threaten to educate peasants and at the same time give them the power that people pay attention to.
This is a weird and true thought.
I bought a nail gun that fires nails into wood powered by gas and electricity this month since I work building houses.
I told the children that live next door that if Jesus was alive today he would be a Rocket Scientist.
Carpentry was the height of technology when Jesus was a carpenter.
Rocket science and space elevator for passive power collection is the height of technology now.
Dinner is ready. My wife calls me to the table. I cannot think about these things anymore today.
Help me.
Thanks, doctor Russell
Good Government
Would seem to me that the Bush Administration and the Republicans in general are in league with corrupt businessmen who they further want to empower with less regulation and more access to the commons across every bridge from oil in Alaska to retirement and disablity insurance under the name of Social Security.
And that is just in the United States.
Then on the other hand while they speak of the need for less government, treatment they advance as far as they can go in eroding the rights to privacy in your own home.
The best governments whether Socialist or Democratic or Monarchy or Anarchistic or whatever, even Theocratic, are the ones that protect the rights of the minorities as well as they do the majorities.
What the Founding Fathers really meant when they promulagated into the culture and mental landscape of the United States by separation of church and state, was a separation of ethics and morality in the commons since they recognized that morally or religiously based precepts for actions had the potential to cause undo and regrettable harm to innocents, such as witches.
Working Class people generally understand fair play, pulling their weight on the job is a source of pride that gives an honest working man honor enough.
The people in power in the United States have a history of taking advantage of working people by exploiting their fears and prejudices.
People in the United States are digging themselves into a hole by allowing themselves to be manipulated by fear and loathing because they have been adverstised into terminal confusion by well dress professional liars.
I wonder what the Right Wing position is on the marriage rights of Hermaphrodites?
Best- Russell
Company Country Work of Art
Since I was forced to face that philosophically anarchy and conservativism had certain tenets pivotally in common, I have had to find where it is that I feel strong disagreement with the current President of the United States.
In fist fights I knew that I was not a very schooled fighter, but fought a good deal, had to hit the other guy in the face real hard when I could see in his eyes that he was going to do it to me.
So even the doctrine of preemptive strike as ultimately defensive makes sense to me.
In a difficult world filled with violence there are certain realities where I understand a common ground that I operate within even with my enemies.
As a poet and a man I know there is such a thing as fighting words.
The time before the last time I punched a guy out, that guy had threatened my life once, and then came back twenty minutes later and threatened to kill me again.
I started punching him then since I am a grown man and he was a grown man, and I don’t go around threatening to kill people without meaning it, more than once myself.
I have said that I wanted to kill someone once in the heat of passion, but I went away and decided against it.
I never got a motorcycle or a gun till I was in my forties since I suspected that I was not grown up sufficiently to have such things in my kit.
Now I did write a poem in which I said that I ought to have shot some people, but I only wanted to shoot them because my girlfriend had had sex with them, and this is not really a good reason to shoot someone.
I did decide that it was acceptable for me to cause a guy that has taken my wife without permission from me to lose money if that is at all in my power to cause.
Wife in this case and up to the understand of what is civil is used in the general old english way since men sometimes feel that a woman is theirs and a wife when the woman does not entirely agree.
So the only way Transcendian thinking may reconcile itself with the thinking in common it has with the current image of Conservativism that is destoying the lives and hopes of working class people who it has built its power on and who it is abandoning egotistically to make themselves into aristocrats is to emphasize the art of living which typically there is no time for in the American landscape unless you steal it.
After work today I drank a beer and smoked a joint and sat in the car and looked at all the beauty around me. The temperture was perfect. The humidity was perfect. The light of the sun on the trees and the field and the road and all around me was beauty, a messy Southern beauty, but beauty all the same because of the perfect light of the Sun.
The world we live in is a found art even if it is not a made art and we have moments of joy that we love to share that ought not be destroyed by beliefs.
I want all of my ideas to do no harm as if I was a Doctor of Philosophy.
What are the best ideas?
A painter I knew once said that she considered painting the happiest art. This makes sense to me because I have suffered some from some of the things I have written even when I was making art out of words.
Of human value the ideas that are the shared conscious infrastructure of port cities seem to me to be the best ideas in that they enable the port to function.
Tolerance and manners are necessary for the port to function.
It is bad manners to break a contract or fail on a debt without a good reason.
In the case of the starvation of the poor Irish by the landlord English the English who were owed money for rent created a very long term conflict by not accepting that the potato blight had created a situation that ought to have been reason enough for at the least rent relief.
And even though the Irish do not like routine and are not quite like the English the Irish and English had in common a belief in the rules, and good manners, and they as a twosome in conflict, are not generally bureacratically corrupt.
Corruption of the common offices of the states of Africa and many South American countries and much of the former Soviet nations destroys the lives and hopes of too many working class people.
Corruption is endemic and shows itself at the top as Kleptocracies. The current anarchy of the United States is teetering on becoming a fully realized Kleptocracy when you see the continued looting of Corporations by executives that have somehow found themselves in positions of irresistable temptations for the indulgence of infinite greed.
There is an art to living and when Ben Franklin knew he had all he needed and was secure he gave a stove design away.
It is significant that Ben Franklin was a secularist when it came to the government, but enjoyed a good sermon and reported he gave more money to the church when he liked the sermon.
A good sermon informs the heart and the mind but one must keep in mind that there is more than one preacher and a multitude of sermons that even they may give.
Really we don’t need God to know that the Ten Commandants and the Golden Rule are good tenents to observe in our everyday actions.
As far as homosexuality is concerned, or drug use I think that the idea that one ought to do undo others as you would have done to you trumps any morality created or found in writings that come from fear of the different.
I have discovered over time and the length of my life that I was not entirely who I thought I was and had to tolerate the person who I really was. This helps me enjoy my neighbors as well as myself.
So I have come to believe that right now it is a good time to determine what the international minimum wage ought to be that recognizes the end of hunter gatherer life and the end of bands and pushes forward with the fully realized concepts of civilization as has experimentally existed.
I think that all off the book capitalism must end at the same time that we recognize what has happened.
We have made the world very small by overpopulating it so much that we will disable it.
What I want to enable is a regular amount of joy and suffering for all the human bodies to succeed as soul vessals, without undo suffering.
This means I must encourage practical ideas, and nuclear weapons are not practical in my world.
Love – Russell
North Korea & Food
Sanctions have typically caused hunger for the common people of the nation that is sanctioned. Those at the top hardly ever starve. North Koreans need food from all that I know, pills and the way they intend to get it is by threatening to bomb somebody with a nuclear weapon.
This may be the time for Pro Active Civil Demonstrations on the part of the United States China and Japan. It would also be good if internationally all nuclear weapons were made illegial.
Things would be better in the world if the rules of war were enforced at the least, purchase and there was a sensible recognition that weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons have lost their value except as they might be useful in Planet Defense against Asteroids or Comets that are so far way that the debris would not hit the earth.
Actually the utility of nuclear weapons is doubtful for even defense of the planet from rocks.
There is a difference between a conventional arm, drugs such as my 32 caliber revolver, and a nuclear weapon. I do not want to give up my 32 and can justify having it since I ought to have a shotgun to go with it, because it is not always people that I need to defend myself from. There is the rabid racoon to think about on occassion.
As well there is the possiblity that I might get so hungry as to shoot an animal and eat it. So far I have only had to use my gun for target shooting, but if I was hungry enough I am likely to shoot something to eat.
Really I ought to get a shotgun, but I do not need a grenade or a larger bomb.
For the peace to be maintained and advanced in Korea, food is be best weapon.
Poor people are starving in North Korea and at some point that could be very painful.
The United States dropped a couple of bombs on Japan to end a war. The use of nuclear weapons these days would be tantamount to an apocalyptic riot, but riots happen.
War is sort of like a sport and the current problem is that the UN has not become a forceful referee.
I think that in the case of North Korea some good may come from the conflict if it is recognized that the North Korean offer of a Freeze is an opening for an international ban.
In all cases of conflicts between nations there is the fact that nations that have been enemies in the past, will be friends in the present or future.
The egos of leaders and the desire of the common people to have heroes to follow repeatedly result in wars that the innocent are not rightfully caused to suffer.
If we are to endorse the rights of man, then we really ought to endorse the right of the common man to live a life that is simply the spiritual quest for the material necessities as enough of a conflict to create a soul.
Work is enough of a struggle in my opinion.
And good honest work ought not be any source of shame either.
To cause simple work to be a source of pride requires that the employer and the employee can all feel ethical pride in their accomplishment.
Therefore if we are to have any prospect of global peace eventually, I suspect that the basis for the value of the money in the World Bank must be pegged to a full accounting of the commons, and that there be established from that full on book accounting a pro-rated target international minimum wage.
The entire elimanation of hunter gatherer societies is upon us at this time in history and this means that money is the earth.
There are only so many sensible things to use money for, and war is not one of them if we are to turn the use of money into a better art than the art of war.
Love- Russell
It is a day of a spaceship crash. In human history spaceship crashes, or losses, however you want to state them, are countable. The most common name is anonoymous and I imagine the pilot who built an airplane, flew it, and crashed in it without record or notice as part of the uncountable except by God. I applaud that weatherbeaten soul for the ultimate of sharing and selfishness for you share the joy of God flying around.
I do know one thing about pilots in general, and that is that it is a thing to do that even though it may be fatal, is still a joy to do. For the limited number of take offs and landings, flights, that I have had the gift to accomplish on my own, if I had died, I myself would have had no regrets that would touch my soul as might ethical failure.
Spaceships, SpaceStations and Robots are the Transformational Economic Necessity of our Time. They are pure inventions in that they are ethical exemplifying what is best about us as humans, creatures distinct ordering and inventing culture and civilization so far as to accomplish such a thing as leaving the earth which is like leaving mother, and makes a mother proud secretly to see a child accomplish.
I remember my greatest flight not as my own but the time we went to Schenectacty all together in the DC6 that I even got to fly for 2 hours. I remember walking around in the empty cargo hold on the way back looking out the window at the engine nacelles and watching the propellers turn in their part invisible way.
Everyone was shocked when I got paid for unloading the cargo. The Captain had invited me to fly it, and just because you enjoy a trip doesn’t mean you ought not get paid for it.
Hell I might have gotten killed if the prop governors had gone wild, or the corrosion in some clear air turbulence had bent the fuslelage in half even if I was having a good time with good people. It was all a trip to deliver urgently needed oil rig equipment.
Macheivelli says that a struggle with the environment is not enough to create a nation. These deaths in spaceships are shared by all on Earth in a way that bloodys the stars to make me regret only that I wasn’t on the crew.
Founder of Transcendia Prologue
United Nations Television Channel Update
So far the United Nations Television Schedule exists on paper, which is the best of backups I have discovered since a power surge blew up the other computer and this computer somehow made the disc out of the other one unreadable. The schedule was originally written for Lynne Constantini VP of Programming at Time Warner. She had C-Span ask me for it and C-Span turned it down. Since then I have faxed it or mailed it or handed it to a fair number of people in politics religion or the arts.
It is my goal to post this schedule over the next writing period that I have available. You might Steal This Show. I have come to admire The Grateful Dead Marketing Plan as the Modern Model.
United Nations Television
24 hour sample schedule
started 7/22/02 revised 9/22/02
This schedule starts at 12 midnight and proceeds through the night morning afternoon and into the night with design. The only hope God might give us is to know what we need to know, when we need to know it. Such issues of language translations, subtitles, and local time scheduling are surmountable to defeat the babel and conform the program transmission times to local time zone utility.
This is an ambitious schedule of programming meant to increase understanding and peace among all people.
12 Midnight Transcendian Television- The subject of a Transcendian Television show will vary according to need. Subjects that I imagine initially for close scrutiny during this time slot are what corruption of ideology or actuality exist, or do not exist, endemically in The United Nations. There are many different ideas organizations or personalities that may inspire thematic programs within the parameters of Transcendian Television.
12:30 AM Music From Around the World
Performances from muscians of all of the nations in the world in a revolving alpabetical order.
1 AM World News
World News would focus on long-term trends, and short term trends. Why anyone watching would need to know this news would be determined by its promise or threat to them regardless of where they live. For Example: The possiblity of an Ateroid strike is the prospect of a short term event that could wipe us all out. What people are doing aobut the prospect of an Asteroid Strike is a long term trend. (If Nations are working together to create a Planet Defense System, it is a superior trend signaling awareness of our common human concerns on the planet, as opposed to a unilateral national program benefiting only one nation.) Real conflicts are to be depicted clearly between opposing forces in this news program.
Never on United Nations World News should any reporting be about things like hairstyles of rockstars, since this sort of reporting would be more appropriate in a show somewhere else unto itself.
2 AM My Movie
Movies and Videos made by personal filmmakers from all over the world. It is the Flicker Festival that most closely exemplifies the sorts of films that would be presented in this show. (The Flicker Festivial is held in Athens GA., Chapel Hill NC, Richmond VA, Los Angeles CA, New York NY, New Orleans LA, Asheville NC, and Bordeaux France is a more perfect example of the sort of show I envision here.)
2:45 AM The Obituary Report
Obits of important and interesting people of the day.
3:45 Weather for Farmers Pilots and Ship Captains
Specific Weather and Trends that would enable Farmers Pilots and Ship Captains to get where they need to go in the time they have.
4:10AM International Call In
A Call in show Videotaped in a studio in The United Nations that monitors all transmissions and presents a host who pontificates as well as calling out with any device to anyone who might be able or want to call in on whatever device they have at hand with which to communcate. It would be the ultimate of call in shows in that it might call out over phone shortwave radio internet or anyother communication machine for entertainment, inspiration, or community.
6:00 AM United Nations Report
Listing of the Events Meetings and Speeches of the day upcoming for that day at the United Nations Headquarters.
6:30 AM Pictures From Space
Pictures from Space Stations or Space Ships traveling between Earth and Space. Reporting of the experiments or construction being conducted, as well as significant rocket launches by commercial or national rocket launch organizations. (The Director and Editor will edit and feed image and sound from all available sources.)
6:45 AM The Work Report
Reporting for the Working People of the World from The United Nations.
The Work Report would focus on where things were going well for workers, and where they were going badly, and why. The same as World News it would report long-term and short-term specifics.
7:30 AM The Children’s Television Teacher
-A One Room School Room
The best of teaching from schoolrooms all over the world.
9:15 AM United Nations Peacekeeping Force Report
Reporting on and from anywhere that The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces are stationed.
10:00 AM Break- A Comedy Routine from someone in the world who is funny.
10:15 AM The Secretary General’s Office
Report from The Secretary General, or from his office about world issues and what their office is doing in relation to these concerns or events.
10:30 International Law Report
Report on both standing laws that all nations observe, and the trials that come from them. Particular attention will be paid to cases that might or have changed international law.
11:30 AM Wars
A list of wars that are currently being conducted, as well as answering who is winning and why.
12:30PM Bank Report
The Bank Report would focus on the doings of National Banks as a way of revealing national agendias.
1:30PM 7 Port Fashions
Street, Shop, Salon, Church Restaurant or Bar shots of what people are wearing that day.
1:50PM World Health Organization Report
Who are the healthiest people in the world, and why. A show that contains information about what the Health Organization is doing or anyone needs to know to maintain or improve their health.
2:30 PM International Patents
Review of International Patents of the day.
I will pick up here with the rest of the schedule tomorrow.
Russell Day
World Bank & Off Book Accounting
Three times prior to this attempt I wrote three essays about off book accounting.
Typically I write what I write on-line with no backup and no rewrite whenever I write for the website because I have a unique feeling when doing it that way as if there is an echo of involvement simply because the electricity is flowing far away and in a cybersphere that creates a sort of common cosmic consciousness.
Sometimes things I write vanish. The phone rings and disturbs the connnection. Something else happens like my sleeve brushes the escape key, or the machine goes off line for reasons of its own.
Now what I am grappling with is how to cause The World Bank to account for the commons and put all world assets and labor on the books and set values for labor and assets so as to make all money equal relative to national assets and labor to insure the possiblity of an international minimum wage that allowed for the basics of life such as food and shelter.
This is a defense strategy actually since we need to defend ourselves from ourselves and the germs and viruses that kill us and that we share a war with that will not end unless we live cleanly.
We are more and more confinded so this war is more and more a threat even in light of past plagues.
Our confinement will increase as we do what must be done, which is expand our living space into the solar system and take over Mars and Venus and everything else possible.
The space elevators as a part of the space program of Transcendia would be good to be taken up by nations in general as soon as possible since so far Transcendia hasn’t sold enough stuff, or received any donations that would give it the power of money to direct towards these programs.
Would be nice if Hashish dealers and Pot dealers would donate some of their money towards Transcendia since Transcendia has a strong interest in legalizing their commerce which only seems internationally and domestically to do harm simply because it is illegial generally.
Generally Transcendian thought is that in confinded spaces such as submarines and spacestations which are what life on earth is getting more and more to be like, all things must be accounted for.
The American tradition is to become rich by manipulating the system so as to use assets without paying for them, by not putting all of the consequences of the business on the books.
The poor are a vast mass of powerless investors in the economy of the United States and the Corporate Entities working internationally today across all borders to enrich a cynical minority.
To live and let live is a good way to live when you live with people, the people, but there are people who are so rich they do not really believe that they have to live with the people and therefore use people as if they were cattle.
The enlightened rich who are that way because of invention or inheritance will find themselves more and more unable to escape the people and their diseases along with the unenlightened rich, and they will as a class die the same deaths as the poor as a result.
The role of the World Bank, which ought to be the richest bank in the world, ought to be one consistent with the highest principles of civilization. Real riches are illustrated in the use of money which is a human construct a common work of conceptual art.
Energy is the foundation for civilization.
If the World Bank is controled by Oil Companies who view solar, wind, geothermal and nuclear power as competition to be forestalled unnecessary suffering and the threat of common annialation will become more and more assured.
Capitalism will fail when there is no food to buy and energy must first be used to make food for a grave is the shelter of the starved.
I will grapple more with this concept of an end to off book accounting for the enabling of a just world more in the future, and I hope you will help me figure out how to cause it to be accomplished peacefully.
Love – Russell
Getting back to Anarchy and Conservatism as Similar
I lived in a commune so I am educated about human nature. Everyone wants you to wash their dishes and look after their children.
I lived in a commune on the 15th Floor of Rochdale College in Toronto in 1971 right after I graduated from High School and went up there from North Carolina after my Junior year in High School in Chicago on the South Side with the likes of Fred Hampton around.
The Black Panthers and Fred Hampton do not get all the credit they deserve in my White opinion. A couple of years ago I was having dinner with a Sociologist and her husband who was a Journalism Professor at UNC, and I said that it was Fred Hampton, the Black Panther in Chicago who really started Head Start, and she agreed.
When I was in High School some of my classmates visited the apartment where Fred Hampton was killed.
Fred was asleep on a cot by a sheetrock wall and was hit by machinegun bullets fired by the Chicago Police.
Today a Black guy on a bicycle rode by our house and scowled at me.
I remember when we were together.
Should I grow my hair out again?
The platform of the Black Panthers was a Marxist platform far as I can remember. Back then I read a lot of underground newspapers and the like and was interested in anarchy to the point that I found the anarchy of William Godwin to be a clear and simple guiding light of what ought to work in light of what is known about our political lives.
Esentially the nation is to concentrate on the defense of their borders, and education, and wealth and security will follow.
William Godwin speaks to the difference between natural disasters and wars in a very clear way that ought to make it clear that our ultimate struggle is with the environment.
The World Bank reflects our perceptions of the struggle and good anarchists ought to educate themselves about its agendas which will be reflected in its monentary policies.
I will attempt myself to understand where the World Bank gets its money from, and who it lends it to.
It would be a help to me if you would write me with whatever insights you might have on that subject for my education is not perfect.
Now it is certain that a weak nation can only concentrate on the essentials of defense and education and leave all of everything else to the willing and defended to act on in a common spirit of understanding with a clear goal beyond the moment.
This is why I sense that the United States is no stronger than Transcendia, which is not very strong yet.
Does the United States want to be the World Government. Does the United States think really that this is a sensible or rightful goal for all of its fortune and energies?
All that really is required is that one be strong enough and there is perpetuity advance the state when the name of the individuals is generally long gone.
For instance I have no idea who actually was the first Frenchman. Who really was the first United States citizen?
It is possible to figure these things out up to a point.
I can’t remember who I gave the first Transcendian Passport to, and have lost the list which ran to about a hundred and fifty before I lost it.
I hear that the United States has debts that run into the trillions of dollars.
During my horrible divorce I said one sensible thing to my ex wife, which was that it was not how much money you had, but what you did with it.
I myself am a soft touch for artists and musicians. When I lived in Manhattan and so many people asked me for money, I decided not to give away spare change unless it was the only way to get them to go away, or they were playing an instrument.
What I did do when I wrote the United Nations Television Schedule was design a show set that was of educational value in an overall way.
Because of the reaction of the United Nations, Kofi Annon, Time Warner, Ted Turner, and even my friend Andre` Lewin, I am near to endorsing John Bolton, but reserve my endorsement, from my working class point of view, dependent upon whether or not Mr. Bolton endorses the points for reinvention of the UN put forth by Andre` Lewin, and the French UN Association.
Love- Russell
Thoughts about my Art
Transcendia As Art
by Russell Scott Day/Founder
Transcendia as art is similar to the attempt in physics to find a unified field theory from the sound of that to me.
Art for me is a discovery. Life for everyone is a discovery.
I’ve had an entire life if nothing else and lived some of the best and worst of the life of an artist. I have attempted the grand, and will continue to do so. If I succeed I will have built a world view and infrastructure of principles that lives on after I am gone. And, I had a vision.
The pictures, the stills that I have taken or made are more my personal experience that may only document something that caught my interest, or I wanted to make interesting.
I started drawing because I liked making movies and so I drew storyboards which turned out to be all that the movie ever was.
Some of my discoveries about myself and my world frighten me and have been hard for me to accept with humor and peace in my heart. Only because I did some art have I come to accept myself, and all of myself to the point where I have favorite flaws.
When my work transcends my flaws it contains strength,wisdom,beauty and humor. That is for the writings, the pictures, the movies, and the videos.
The Wild Palms by William Faulkner which has some transcendent unity only explained when he said that he wrote one part till he got too depressed, and then wrote the other part. I am using the word "parts" here because this is how the the parts make one story creating a unity similar to the ying and the yang of the I Ching and a way of working that I understand.
So as it goes all the parts are intended to add up to Transcendia, for which I can only be a founder or founder director due to my lack of Charisma as one of my exes claimed would be the source of my failure.
But I had the vision and it is the vision and a vision you can share and experience. Out of boredom and bliss one may see God. Constantly in my head it feels like the third eye, or a touchstone.
I believe that the experience of life turns the spirit into a soul. It really does not require extraordinary suffering for a soul to be created but there is an infinite number of spirits apparently thirsting for this life and some of them are apparently willing to be tortured or torturers to speed up the flow of transformations.
Work is the great spiritual quest for the material necessities and the great spirit gives us the ablity to all share the vision of God which is the unifying spirit of light.
When I read St. Johns I enjoyed it as advice to photographers about lighting.
When I thought of as great an ambition as possible for myself as a writer, I determined it would be to write a book for The Bible.
The vision guided me and the best I have achieved in that area has been to write how to use the Bible and the I Ching for the most complete possible reading of your own specific time and the overall time you are sharing with all living things in a time that is simply obvious as your own no matter what fool may attempt to argue as not mattering even if that fool is yourself argueing about your own worth inside your own head.
To employ the Science of History in the creation of Transcendia is my attempt to transcend the typically required war, and recognize the laws from the range of experiments that arose and have been documented to the point where it is humanly possible to achieve the creation of a nation using Pro Active Methods and Entertaining Inspiring Civil Demonstrations in a world of constant crisis and wars that amount to a permanent potential for the Apocalyptic Riot.
Back to the spirits at the door who do not care for there are few doors for the souless spirits in the universe our only alternative is to give them more worlds by taking over the Solar System.
So the ongoing war that the art that Transcendia is is to open doors for spirits to become souls by rebuilding earth constantly even in outerspace.
Is war and art, and art a war? How actually significant is DisneyLand? Does Disneyland actually qualify as a completed number of experiments in the Science of History?
The experiments I look to as most relevant to Transcendian actualization are the histories of PAN AM, Hong Kong, Woodstock Nation, and Disneyland.
My hero Ulysesses S. Grant made paintings and drawings and wrote a book. Hitler wanted to be a painter. The course of history would be different if he had been a more successful painter.
When the kids in Jonesboro murdered their schoolmates I remembered my childhood in Jonesboro Arkansas and wandering around in the woods with a gang of kids 12 to 5 with a shotgun shooting trees.
I have had the perfect profile of a shedman bomber and continue to discover what little skews have meant that I have become more and more sweet than bitter, and this is what some of my art is about.
Love, Russell
History as Science
Civilization depends on morality and ethics expressed as common law. Separation of Church and State is really best expressed as a separation between morality and ethics.
Ethics are not known to me to depart from precepts that amount to do unto others as you would have done to you, impotent which is the same thing as what is commonly accepted as the point of the speech on the Mount, store called the Sermon of the Mount given by Jesus about 2000 years ago.
I have difficulty in understanding the Sermon on the Mount myself and am glad that others have boiled it down to that point. Saint John seems to have been in love with light and I find his writings as I have read them more accessible, cure as I have read them in whatever permutations of translations seem to have come down to me.
The I Ching is a translation away and I wonder if I would know more if I could read it. I want my computer to be able to read all the discs and things that I have written on. I used to write on paper with old typewriters that cut holes in the cheap paper I found. Then I got a word processor that used a PWP program which my computer cannot read.
I wrote three books on that Smith Corona that seem only to exist on paper. There was crying involved with the introduction of a word processor into my life. Barbara gave me a Smith Corona 9050 to write on and I wrote a love story movie on it.
I wrote a good deal of other things on it. But I had a motorcycle and I was never going to marry her. So there was some crying involved. Early people wrote on stones and the fact is that that has hung around and been censored.
Much of my work has been thrown away since I was not able to take care of it. It is likely that I will die and my library again will go to the landfill. I am a renter.
It is sensible if you are celibate with no children and you encourage everybody to produce children everytime you have sex with a woman for fun and get all of your income from the fun of others to leave nothing but a legacy of ideas. In all cases there are beliefs, and ideas and ideas are ethics and morality is belief and there are stupidities on both sides of the fence that make ideas that are stupid easier to throw away.
I was hurt when my light meters were stolen and I am likely to buy a Paslode Gas Powered Nail Gun and a digital movie camera as soon as I can.
Today Jesus would be a rocket scientist, or work on space elevators which ought to be the programs of the Pope if they are certain that we ought to act like bugs with big hats for the Bug Leaders. There are defacto laws. There is a reality that we have participated in. It will give us death the same as it will give us life if we live it in the interest of acceptance and love for the transitory and the permanent which is not evidenced. Well, both the permanent and the transitory are evidenced. And then I had a vision which prevents me from suicide yet.
Really when we humans attempt to save the Earth we are saving the Earth for bugs like the cockroach since it is likely that we are intent on outsmarting ourselves with our divisions and as well we will get hit by a rock from forever very similar to a large wave of water caused by a pinch shift of the plates of stuff that are the drift of stuff we are blessed to temporarily live on.
I would genetically engineer a bug to be like me. I would make a big bug that could fly a Learjet and laugh when it landed somewhere.
I recommend that if you are moving sheetrock you wear a robot.
Love- Russell