Thinking of Cuba

Thinking of Cuba.

I called up my longtime friend who has the perfect profile of academic cover and asked him about his take on Cuba. Seems about stupid for the United States to keep on with this madness in relation to Cuba. Ironic too that Bush would be telling Castro from Florida how to have democracy in light of recent history, well prior to the attack when we were wondering how votes were counted in Florida, and wondering again about the power brokers that run things like the electoral college.

My friend says it is pure pandering to a small group that swung the election. He said that in so many words that I’m not quoting. The point being that its not the right thing either practically or ethically, but he’s going to do it because he owes the election to those people and therefore they get what they want.

This is Bush at the surface. This is the way he is working and his party is working.

I myself like to think that there is something going on that is not as obvious as what was obvious to me otherwise about Bush. It really doesn’t take that much to fight your obvious enemies. Not that the current war is really directed at obvious enemies who are as powerful or culpable as your side, our side might be.

What side is our side, but the side of humanity? Civilians are humanity, but armies aren’t.

Well it’s a way of looking at it.

I told my friend that I saw the relationship between the Federal Government and the States, and the United Nations and the Nations, as called for as the same difference. He said it would take a long time for that. As Humanity we don’t have long to get some of these realities worked out.

So what else is there?


From my point of view the second coming will not be Jesus as one man, but his shared person, like communion actually working like all these prescription cumulative drugs like Prozac or Wellbutrin, which is what I am on, and hasn’t helped much except that we’ve had vivid dreams. Far as I can tell that is all it is good for since it was the same as cold turkey when I didn’t actually smoke any cigarettes.

I’ve never taken Prozac, but I know you are supposed to take it for awhile before it works.

Jesus was supposed to be a military leader and that is why Judas gave him up is a view of the story.

Kicking Judas out of your own heart is a Jihad I can understand like I would recommend an end to the Cuban embargo.

But what do I know? I don’t think I know the inside under the surface story for news about Cuba. I think there is something missing. Why is it news now in this time of war? It’s been going on forever.

There was a smuggler I knew that told me that the Cubans helped them move heroin on planes to Florida from Columbia back in the Eighties. Drugs are a better source of income for terrorists or revolutionaries than robbing banks.

Cut the Drug War to a one front war internationally and humanity will benefit. Cut the drug war to regulation of narcotics and legalization of hallucenigenics like pot, and humanity will benefit across the board.

Oil and Drugs. The Oilmen are at war with the Drug men. Us saps are just doing their bidding and they are all friends like Napoleon and the Czar in War and Peace.


Making things & Work/Places and their Uses

Making things & Work/Places and their Uses / From Chapel Hill North
Carolina, Transcendia, wherever I am our you with a passport or pilot
reading this or rocket launcher one way or another.

Jesus wasn’t very humble from what I can tell and humility hasn’t
worked for me so far. I’m large tempted to abandon humility and just say “Follow Me.”

It will feel like following yourself so much that to follow will be to
lead, if you do it.

What was it that Grant and Lincoln shared? Too bad that Kennedy was
killed for the world since Kennedy and Johnson would have done the Utopian Programs with skill.

Only so much is possible in the real world, and that is the facts.
Facts without science is what the human experience is. Magic overcomes confusion and then niggles along at the base of the infrastructure.

The perfect way to die, what is it? Nancy Alex is very upset about the
slaughter of little piglets in South Korea. The picture from the New York
Times is of all the piglets being thrown into a pit alive whereafter they
were covered with earth and smothered to death.

Somehow this does not seem like a great way to die.

Longtime ago I said that my perfect way to die would be to be hit by a
meteorite, and I’m sticking with that. It’s in the infrastructure of my
prayers along with Dear Lord Jesus Let me be a man and do my part.

Dear Lord Jesus Give Me Heart

To Be A Man An Do My Part.

Sometimes after communion when I can’t really think of any other goals I am reduced to that simple prayer.

My wife says I am a genius. I had to ask her how to spell it to make

Senator John Edwards was in Chapel Hill today. He didn’t call me.
Downtown Peter T was demonstrating against tests at school. I thought of how important Emotional Intelligence was and wonder what Class like language ought to be early in the per capita equality of perfect education which is the only responsibility after defense of the government. -Classes in emotional and ethical perfection ought to be taught early I supposed.

What are the submarine stories? They are the silent monks of madness and sanity smiling on rubber souls, what frowns happened, what wonder?

Tom Waits is singing from the NAD and ADVENTS. The upstairs neighbors are gone to graduation and we can listen to the radio.

“Everything you can think of is true.” -Tom Waits.

“Just as good as it ever was.” -David Byrne

Oh you Greeks, You Romans, you respected Citizens, did you put your
thumb down? Why did you say “Kill Him?”

This is what a vote does. Every Senator and Congressman that will not
touch the right power of the third rail kills peace in the world from all I
can tell.

What do the Dutch Pilots keep to themselves?

Submariners Monks Nuns Pilots and Priest is Holland, tell us what is
going on. Let me hear from the girls in Reklavic….

Russell Scott Day

Anger at the Spins of the Propagandist

Anger at the Spins of the Propagandist

Mostly this day, I was fine with my work, my workmates, the weather, and
all of that that just is about the best working people get in their little

The car didn’t breakdown and since I got a new tag I’ve not been
automatically subject to a stop if a cop gets on my tail. For a long time
it was prudent for me to take evasive action when seeing a cop. Once I
just pulled over after one had taken a turn after me when I was making an
evasive turn. He pulled over and asked me why I had stopped. I said
because he was following me, and he said he was just on his way home and
took off.

So I have a car and a job and a fine bunch of guys to work with and the
weather is good and my bride and I get along very well.
But I listened to the news and it, combined with the lack of it, or the
nature of it as propaganda, the managed agenda of disinformation and
manipulations comparable to the Gulf of Tonkin affair caused me to desire to
feel my anger.

A good number of people in North Carolina have recently lost both their
good paying jobs and even their jobs that really didn’t pay all that well at
all. In the meantime the radio announcers keep saying that the government
figures for the consumer buying that is supposed to drive the economy is
going up.

Now my impression of the Bush Administration is that they will lie
through their teeth if it creates the mental landscape that benifits their
control and keeps them in power. It is my impression that the Federal
Powers that be, do not want to certify the possiblity that the United States
is in any way weakened by either stupidity, greed, or foreign assault.
One guy said Enron and Authur Anderson made Capitalism look bad.
Capitalism for working people in the United States makes Capitalism look bad
when you look at educational operations and healthcare along with laws that
keep the poor poor, and the rich richer. I had a teacher years ago who
said, “This isn’t Capitalism, its Socialism for the rich.”

Tabacco and Textiles have been the engines of economy for workers in
North Carolina. The State is real big in pigs these days. There have
been periods when Motion Picture Production was talked up as a industry, but
the “Above the Line” infrastructure of investors, banking co-ordination and
distribution that is the stuff of a mature industry hasn’t been created.
More and more Mexicans live in this area. This proves only that it is
worse in Mexico, or really that the rich in the United States intend to make
working people in the United States as expendable as working people are in
Mexico. By rich I am saying greed driven corporate leaders who are in
international collusion with each other.

International drug laws are a piviot for prisons that are a more and
more often private profit center. Any administration that views corporate
interest in putting people in jail as conscionable is inherently and
completely corrupt and compromised in my book. A nation inwhich jails are
owned and run by corporations has no legitimate claim to my alleigance.
Especially when a great number of people are in jail for victumless crimes
like smoking pot.

Are our leaders as evil as the leaders who desire to kill us?
Some of them are. We are only the receipients of some grace by
oversight and fairy tales and numbers. There are Senators and Congressmen
in conflict over power that is no matter what more and more reserved
for the rich.

Now it is the Oil Rich who have a specific agenda. The weapons
companies and the oil companies are obvious, but there is more. I’m just
not certain what all of it is.

I can tell you that it doesn’t have to be this bad. If pot was legal
working people in Mexico and North Carolina would be better off I can tell
you as a certainty, not to mention Canada. I might even like NAFTA if it
was moderated by less need of the Mexicans to run across the border. The
war on drugs could be easily named a war on Mexicans and Jamacians if you
trace the history over the past 30 years.

Treating everyone like children only causes suffering for everybody but
more for the women and children is was I said last time I was writing. I
say it again because I want you to get it so clearly that you can defend
your vices.

Could be I have people like John Edwards in mind. I’m trying to get
people in power to learn that the Third Rail is where the train gets power.
I think I’m coming out of my lull.

The sermon this last Sunday was inspired to identify the time as a time
of not Mother’s Day, or 7th Sunday, but a time of Lull.

Now a Lull is an incredible machine on a construction site. It is a
self leveling boom armed fork lift that makes commercial construction more
efficiently possible than would otherwise be remotely possible. How this
machine got the name Lull, is not what I have found out fully yet, but there
is an irony there that insures that my priest get a picture of one.

Russell Scott Day

Dear Beni,

Dear Beni,

I’ve thought about it and think that the United Nations is responsible
for control of all these churches and holy mythic places of reality and
dreams and conflicting beliefs.

This becomes practical for me. I feel this practically. It is not
practical for Israel to not answer to the United Nations like North Carolina answers to the Federal government that is called The United States.

So what if you think the same thing? I know you fought for your
nation. I got nothing but reality and confusion hopeful and puzzled out
of your article. That combination has no full hope since it is attached to

To convince you that Israel ought to have the same relationship to the
United Nations as North Carolina has to the Federal government is my wonder, for as a friend knowing your concerns and philosophy moderated by insight and experience, it would mean it was more right in the long run.

Hence, Hence then my concerns about the reality of the United Nations.

You are the only guy I know who knows any secrets there. What would it take for you as a veteran of the war, burned and partly disabled in that
tank to recommend a relationship between the United Nations and Israel that was similar to the relations hip between States of the United States and the Federal Government?

For what else is the solution to this conflict?

Somewhere in the Koran there might be a blessing for change, but
apparently after 1,373 years there has not been discovered within this book enough avenue of tolerance and evolution for a common cultural acceptance of women as equal, as has happened in the Episcopal Church, or actually striven for in what we call Western Civilization.

Maybe not enough people can read there, and I haven’t read the Koran
but I was impressed by my friend’s disdain. Ed Napier the playwright who wrote Reconstructing the Sun which partly caused me not to drink for a good deal of time had a wonderfully incisive rant on tongue about the failures of the Korean’s thinking. I depend on him for the thinking about it and hope he is alive and doing well.

Listening to Tom Waits now by the way.

Food Drugs and Tools was the redeemable imprint for early Transcendian printings. Work is not what Tom Waits is about. I like to listen to him on recording when I am working.


Hi Russel, After all these years, we tracked down Lucia’s

Hi Russel, After all these years, we tracked down Lucia’s – just like we pictured it.

Click on the “Olean” link on this page

First update to the Refrigerator in eight months or so. Feels good.

Paul and Peggi

I’ll go to these places as soon as possible. There are imperfections like the souls assembled in boxes like phone calls. Teleportation is a preview here. Bad information and interferance change what we would rather not.

Transcendians in China will be buying land at the Equator before good investors from what I can tell of my readership. Rocket launching is a real business and at the equator it is cheaper since the world spins.

If the United Nations made Israel then it seems they ought to be strong enough to take over the whole area for all concerned. PanTheistic site specific conflict needs a wise demonstration. If peace is not to be achieved in this region the cause of athiesim is recommended.

I end up praising “Damascus Gate” by Robert Stone and hate it that I haven’t seen him or William James on C-Span.


Dear Peggy and Paul,

Dear Peggy and Paul,

Much of the writing I have done over the past year, 305 days, has been
done online with the surity of a mental audience that part enabled some
nature of it. You certainly are not expected to file as you have in the
past dealing with a program that makes it harder, and when now exists. I think that it does help me though to focus when I go ahead and cc because of an image of you intellectually, combined some with Skip Battaglia, and others there that know me in a certain way.

So forgive me and feel not obligated if you get a cc filing. If you
have or have not done so, I do not entirely know. I did get great
satisfaction seeing your links to and my address on all
pages. My reasearch into Docutech Xerox machines finds that for me to copy out a complete well done paper copy of my writings would be difficult and expensive.

It is a technology that needs some sheparding and however it exists in
White Plains and Rochester is of interest to me.

Xerox ought to hire me to help them get the thing going right with
Kinkos, but they can get the reasearch for free as it is posted. The fact
is that if I had a complete paper copy I and Nancy Alex could more perfectly organize and edit it. When Ed gets back from Miami he might talk me through the whole thing, but if you print out a copy and send it to me I will send you a t shirt for sure, or even money.

Designs of Transcendian money would be cool for the citizenship
package. I once designed a dollar that had space men on it. I can’t find

Since my marriage I have had some desire to live a bit longer to
accomplish my goals.

Today I got made the first of T Shirts with the Transcendian flag on the
back. 2 were made, plus Girl Dog Truck, – Success.

Nancy Alex is out shopping for shoes wearing one of the T Shirts in
public, and I can’t wait for her to return and tell me about her adventure.
I’ve got some shows on Public Access, and one of them stands up damn well, could be an HBO sort of thing like the show about Vinyl I watched last night. A truly disturbing piece I made about my adventures living in motels.


Hi Russ, how are you guys doing?

Hi Russ, how are you guys doing? Hope you are healthy and enjoying the brief cool spell. Nothing new down here, same old stuff, no macho police stories; however, a little inside stuff;an ex-probation officer who went to the High Point PD recently accidentally shot his LT. in the butt with a shotgun…… really happened.

They were on a call, the Lt was in front, for some reason the wanna be rambo ex-probation officer (kinda reminds me of a dweebie elmer j fudd) had a shotgun in his hands, this same officer spent his own money to go to one of these “TACTICAL” seminars that teach you real macho swat tactics with weapons etc….. ohhhh can I wear my black ninja outfit now???? , this guy supposedly ‘accidentally’ has his shotgun go off; the slug hits the concrete pavement in front of him showering the LT in the back with lead slivers and concrete; in the butt that is…… apparently the Lt is also a real macho type.

Ah yes , our highly trained police in action…… geeez, people wonder why I never asked for assistance in the field…..Have any other interesting stories to tell? Real transcendental eh? The goofy ninja cop ‘ I don’t know how the gun went off…’ I ran into him afterwards, no investigation and he is still on the force along with his wife. She is another interesting story.

Hugs to all , still working too much, still hanging out in the woods with
the dogs enjoying the passage of time and all that it entails……..
aloha Ed Oh, I did get your message, but, I thought it expeditious
to email you asap.

Dear Ed,

I was prompted to call because I had picked up the bargin bin book The
Anatomy of Motive and so far in my reading think you would appreciate it.
So far the writing is clear and sometimes its good to read of things you
know to be reminded you know them. Reading non fiction is good for my
fiction whenever I do get around to writing fiction. My boss and mother
say it is a waste of time for me to even write fiction since my life as it
is is beyond what I can make up.

I’m posting your letter to Ed Hettig the webmaster and Peggy and Paul of
The Refrigerator along with this. I’d appreciate it if they can post your
letter. I need other writers for since I want their
stories and insights along with mine. Writing can get you in trouble and
fame without money sucks. Your sentence saying such foolishness with guns
caused you to hesitate to call for help I sense as akin to professionally
heartbreaking within your carreer.

I’m real sorry you haven’t undertaken the pursuit of a Leadership role
in the State Senate at least.

I’m mostly interested in International Politics, and called a Human
Reasources person at Time Warner asking them to connect me to who I would pitch a United Nations Channel to within their Corporate Culture. I
imagine that as not hardly profitable to me personally like how Buddy
Hackett would apply for jobs all day and at night use his interviews for his
stand up routines.

The March issue of Vanity Fair has a fine journalistic piece about
Afganistan’s Drug Trade. Holland which seems as close to Utopia as I know
of even fails internationally maintaining its United Nations agreement to
the illegality of drugs.

Corruption and flat out weakness at the United Nations obviate hopes
for World Peace in my opinion. International Human Rights have been an
example considering the recent history of the Human Rights Commission.
I’m supposed to be writing about Banks and Oil Companies today. I’ve
got the April Issue of Fortune here to think about. I wish Russia was a
State so we’d get their Space Program, and they’d get our contract laws.
-And I like the Dutch Constitution.

Certainly this guy John Edwards ticks me off with his position on drugs
like pot, especially when the economy of North Carolina would benifit so
greatly from a turn from Tobacco to Pot as our schools continue to spiral
downward. When all down the line government policies are allowed to treat
all citizens as if they are all children, it is the children who actually
suffer the most.

These Harvard thinkers down the line make me sorry I didn’t go to
school there, but at least I’ve read some of their books and William James
ought to be a more famous American thinker. He is one a politician could
touch to get off the Third Rail where Drugs are concerned. Anyone going
into politics ought to have read Classic Readings in International Relations
and Selected Papers on Philosophy by William James.

Impressive that Holland being so small is so important in the world and
on the world stage. What a display of conscience and integrity when the
government resigns to illustrate that they failed to protect others in their
role as agents of the United Nations. It would be worth it to pay the
taxes they do to live with people that take care of each other somuch as to
sometimes display shared shame.

Obviously the fact that they will not go without shelter, or food or a
home because of their acts of conscience is not the case in this country.
The Corporate links between the banks insurance agencies oil companies
and the healthcare industry in this country now conspire to leave working
people with nothing for their families when they die.
Stocks no longer are bought to pay dividends, but to be traded around
on fantasys and fashions. Fads divorced from heroes of creation, industry
and imagination will doom us and our children if things go on with the
people in power this year, in power next year.

I’ve been reading about Rome and think Iccarus, the inventor of
carpentry, actually fell off a roof, but was such a hero of building that
they said he was trying to fly. Then again every great builder builds
something that doesn’t quite work, is beyond them to fully achieve,but is in
the right direction.

Hope you will think about coming over to Chapel Hill. This coming
Friday night we will be at Go filming some youngsters playing music, but
often the Friday Night Club continues at the Tractor Shed, and you and Patty
would be welcome along with your children for that matter.
Otherwise Patty and Nancy Alex ought to determine when we could have
dinner together. Their is the germ of a party plan for June 29th, but that
is not confirmed.

I’d love you to see the little 32 I got. Patent numbers on the barrel
say l906 and l914. I wish I knew its history actually. What do you think
of Pilots being armed? I think it is crazy not to arm them incase the sky
marshall is crazy. Every Captain of a ship has a gun locker as far as I
know of Maritime Law.

The book that I reccommended is significant as far as legislation
concerning arms is concerned because profiling prior to gun permit issuance
might be practical as far as safety on Transcendian airports. Transcendian
issuance of gun permits, passports, and pilot licenses is serious, and I
have got to create bureaucratic questionaires on occassion. Possibly you
would want to write the applications for guns questionaire from what you
know about the dangerous people that are still citizens, free to walk

I wrote the passport application and if you would write the
questionaire for a Transcendian Gun permit, it might be better than one I
might write.


Transcendian Letters/Short Headlines

Transcendian Letters/Short Headlines

The computer and phone have been down and we know what that means. I think I lost a job because of it. When the satellite went bad from bad rays and my pager went out I lost a job. My horoscope said I should write and publish the day I came home to find out nothing would work right. Bad cosmic rays made me say “there is no hell but just the Devil causing trouble in heaven.”

I like it when my memory is working.

Otherwise I have to keep notes and use the tape recorder.

My notes are:

These the things I would be writing about now if I didn’t have to go out. Banks and Oil Companies. Two front wars that can never be won for the greater collection of world citizens. Drugs the hypocrisy of self interest and denial.

Where women are treated badly, I don’t want to be.


The Universe is like Movies
Dependent on Persistence of Vision
in the mind a screen that might function without a mind
like the Alzheimer’s patient
wandering in the past on some battlefield
a mindless memory that only we make into stories.


All the truth like religion
if it changes or doesn’t
And What Doesn’t Change
What Can’t?
I’ll finish it later

Russell “honey we really need to go.”


Critique of Myself

Critique of Myself:

No great turn of phrase, not the poetry or fiction. Bland seeming not
to soar these days.

I myself want to see it in print all from somewhere else, someone else.
I’d shuffle the pages around so they are organized for the audience.
If you are around one of the Xerox Docutech machines, see if they can
actually print The Transcendian Letters out from both The, and

Xerox representatives haven’t been calling me back. I asked them to
tell me where all these machines are as the last question. The main use of them seems to be the printing of Chapters assigned by University professors, instead of the entire textbook.

The plan for my operation, a system of airport bookstores with no stock
but the ablity to on demand print anything in any language is new to Xerox, but will probably be done eventually by Kinkos which has the most experience with the Docutech machines. If I was advising Kinkos I’d tell them to bring the technology to the notice of the public.

Maybe the desktop printer someday will be able to do what the Docutech machines can do, print 135 pages a minute correctly from a computer feed, but right now I hardly know anyone with a printer hooked up to their printer that can do anything like that.

Full proof of the concept is the history of the Wall Street Journal
printing operation. Used to be The Wall Street Journal was flown up and down and all around on a fleet of freighter aircraft. As soon as it was feasable The Wall Street Journal fed to Localized printers by Satellite elimanating the need for these airplanes.

New technologys over and over gobble the technologies that preceeded them. Movies are on TV, records are on the radio. Books will come out of the computer.

Well more correctly I ought to say that newspapers, magazines and then books will come out of the computer.

By the end of this year the Xerox Docutech will be able to not only
print at a competitive speed, but bind. If I had about 3 million dollars
for the project I would buy five of these machines, which cost about 200 thousand dollars apiece, and put them in airports like Paris, Rome, New York, Bejing, Hong Kong, and Melborne, or at least one per continent in major ports.

I would require of Xerox an upgrade agreement so that my investment in their machines would not become obsolete as the technology improves.

Something similar as the way the Grumman and Lear upgraded aircraft with the winglet technology for example.

There will always be a desperate need for books. For example some
information is so important such as Spacecraft manuals that they cannot be trusted to electronic storage entirely. Even the manuals for computers are some the same.

I do not have 3 million dollars for such an endeavor, so go with it if
you get it. Say you got the idea from Transcendian Letters, hope you’ll
send some money when you get some.


Coming up next Thursday some of the videos I made in Greensboro for
the Public Access Channel there will be on in Chapel Hill over the Channel here. One of the productions is very disturbing. That being the
Contractors Creed. Thursday is the 28th.

We were very impressed with the constitution of Holland. We think it
is good to approve of it in the context of Transcendian Anarchy as written in the passport.

The cultural causes of the Dutch failure in Serbia are of interest.
I am reminded of the lesson in War and Peace. When we come from good honest families, cultures, societies, it is shocking to find that there are people, tribes culture, that do not operate as we do. I feel that this
was the case for the Dutch.

It is time that the Dutch broke more fully with the International
United Nations agreement that Drugs are illegial. Their defacto
legalization of them in conflict with their signature to the cause of real
State Sponsored Terrorism Internationally is a Hypocrisy that I would prefer they abandon. Transcendia would never sign such an agreement because it is so continuously counterproductive. I myself live with more fear from the Police and Army my taxes pay for, day in and day out, than I do from the Taliban.

Dutch pilots in a culture where pot is legal for everyone else
interest me. Doctors who give pilot physicals in Holland must have some sort of standard. I wish I knew exactly how it worked. The Dutch pilots I knew when I was younger were good companions and I took a flight to Kitty Hawk with one that I’ll never forget for its successes.

The Flight Instructors did have to explain to their Dutch students
that in the confines of a Cessna 152 deoderant was called for. Apparently the Dutch at that time were not offended by body odors.


The International Airlines ought to understand that expansion of safety
and security that Transcendia would provide, especially if it was protected by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force, would allow for their growth, and not their contraction.



I am being Russell’s secretary tonight

Dear Ed,

How are you?

I am being Russell’s secretary tonight:

1) “Don’t get married because of a movie – there is a lot of pro-marriage propaganda stuff going on right now”

2) ” It is obvious that the US cannot generate peace in the Middle East. Or Peace period. The UN must become stronger and the US must turn to the UN as a Greater power.”

3) ” Airports are civilian territories. The distinction between the police
and Army is significant. Military uniforms have no place in the civilian
environment. The Army is always to be deployed against enemies and never to have a place in the civilian environment.”

4) “Transcendia has a great admiration for the Constitution of the Dutch although it recognizes their hypocrisy in relation to international drug law agreements.”

That is all for now.

Nancy Alexander Day